The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 4
The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume IV (Data Express)(1994).ISO
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it's possible that I was taken advantage o
-> perhaps to the extent that I was sold "a bill of goods." To wit:
-> * Does your Panasonic have the brand name Panasonic plastered
-> somewhere on it? Mine only has Matsushita on it. (I know that's
-> the parent company, but Matsushita makes several brands of CD-ROM, in
-> Reveal and Creative.) I would think that the name Panasonic would
-> be on the front of the drive for all the world to see.
-> * Is your manual a flimsy little booklet that does not even have
-> a manufacturer name on it, much less the Panasonic brand name? Does
-> your manual have technical support phone number and address? Mine doe
-> I find that incredible!
-> * What software did your CD-ROM come with? Mine came with Soundblas
-> CD-ROM Installation software. However, when I was unable to get my
-> start-up files to load the software, I took the drive to shop. They i
-> entirely different software -- Lasermate, which created a directory c
-> CDROMDRV, with the driver CDMKE.SYS as the one that did the trick. Wo
-> they didn't even give me a disk of that software!
-> * I think I have every reason to be mad as heck. Opinions?
-> --- PPoint 1.71
-> * Origin: Mom's On The Computer Again BBS (1:161/911.7)
Your Right I have the Same Drive and I am looking for the Drivers now,
by chance can I get the peremters in your config and autoexec.bat?
--- GOMail v1.2 [DEMO] 02-16-94
* Origin: (1:216/301)
From: DAVID BASILE Number: 12464
To: ALL Date: 01/20/94 6:15p
Subj: Netware 3.12 And Pioneer Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
@SUBJECT:Netware 3.12 and Pioneer DRM600 N
We are thinking of putting our BBS on a true network (Netware 3.12) but
we have run into a small problem. We have 2 of the DRM 600 six packs.
They work fine on the Adaptec 1452 but we are wondering if anyone has
these drives running with Novell. We called Novell and they said that
the Pioneer is not Novell certified. Called Pioneer and got a
....uh...don't know. Any help or suggestions will be greatly
appreciated. Thanks in advance.
--- QScan v1.05b
* Origin: GALAXY BBS 12+ Gigabyte on line 205-598-9509 FREE BBS (1:18/9)
From: WEE YUNG Number: 12465
To: KYLE MACHULIS Date: 01/18/94 1:18a
Subj: Re: Mitsumi double-spin Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
KM>Do you know if SB16 ASP will run with a double speed?
Yes, it would but only with Panasonic CDROM
* OLX 2.1 TD * voice 310-602-2076.8am-12pm,6pm-9pm PST. Fax 310-402-7240
--- Maximus 2.00
* Origin: Long_Island RB 310/370-4113 VAX EC (HST 21.6K/v.32b) (1:102/138)
From: WEE YUNG Number: 12466
To: JACK WIGGINS Date: 01/19/94 1:19a
Subj: Battlechess Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JW>I'm sure that I saw (at one time before I had a CD)
JW>Battlechess on a CD-ROM disk version. Unfortunately, I
Yes, it is available on CD and it cost $29 for Dos version
and $59 for MPC version. There is $3 for shipping
* OLX 2.1 TD * voice 310-602-2076.8am-12pm,6pm-9pm PST. Fax 310-402-7240
--- Maximus 2.00
* Origin: Long_Island RB 310/370-4113 VAX EC (HST 21.6K/v.32b) (1:102/138)
From: DEREK STUTSMAN Number: 12467
To: BOB BREED Date: 01/20/94 1:13p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
DS> Since you guys are talking about Photo CD's, can you tell me how m
DS> it costs to have one made? I asked the guy at the local drugstor
DS> and got the expected dumb look.
BB> Fox Photo, which I understand is a national chain, quoted me
BB>the following: (From negatives or slides -- doesn't include
BB>developing the film.)
(prices deleted)
Thank you for the info, Bob! Those prices are pretty darned cheap, if you
think about it. Now to go take some photos...
Derek Stutsman
* Wave Rider 1.05 Beta # 153 *
... Doom Modem Play.....Hehehhee..I hope noone needs to call me....:>
--- Blue Wave/Maximus
* Origin: Code 3 BBS *Lewisville,TX* 214-221-7139/436-8753 (1:124/6106)
From: DEREK STUTSMAN Number: 12468
To: CARLOS FUENZALIDA Date: 01/20/94 1:31p
Subj: What do I need? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
CF>I would like to get a CD ROM drive, mostly for the purpose to listen to
CF>good quality sound while I work with my computer.
CF>With the little I know about CD technology, I believe I need a good sou
CF>card and a single speed CD drive. Would a Soundblaster Pro do the job o
CF>should I get something better?
You definately want a double speed drive, minimum. And as far as sound
cards go, I lean towards compatibility, so I would suggest the SB16. This
one connects directly to the Creative Labs double speed drive, and should
fir your current (and future) needs nicely.
Derek Stutsman
* Wave Rider 1.05 Beta # 153 *
... When there was no meat, we ate flour.
--- Blue Wave/Maximus
* Origin: Code 3 BBS *Lewisville,TX* 214-221-7139/436-8753 (1:124/6106)
From: THOMAS EGGER Number: 12469
To: JASON WILLIAMS Date: 01/19/94 9:48a
Subj: Pioneer 6-Disc Cd-rom Refer: NONE
Read: NO Private: No
Well, i can send this product for $1700
JW>For the prices we've been quoted you can buy FIVE triple speed single disc
>players... $2500 ex tax... There has to be someone sellin' them cheaper...
Greetings from Thomas Egger
* 1st 1.11 #1256s * Living positively one day at a time
--- QScan v1.05b
* Origin: Freeline-Box * Dream-House of CDROM`s * +41 62 84 10 85 (2:301/524)
From: RICHARD KELLER Number: 12470
To: STEVE MANN Date: 01/19/94 11:29a
Subj: New CDROMS's Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SM>**** JUST RELEASED **** **** SOON (JANUARY) ****
SM>Aesthetic Software P/L PO Box 459 Gosford NSW, 2250 Australia
Are these any less in US dollars ? Am asking as your prices are double
to triple the US mail order prices. I can buy direct from the store
anything you mentioned in any of your ad's for under $50.
Richard Keller
* QMPro 1.51 * Anything you say WILL be misquoted against you
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'f'
* Origin: RESY - Centipede Host - +609-896-3256 - (1:266/56.0)
From: ANDY ROFF Number: 12471
To: ALL Date: 01/19/94 10:06p
Subj: night owl 10 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have Night Owl 10. Can anyone give me a list of virus infected files.
That way I could delete them from the database. Or is the producer
offering refunds.
--- WM v2.07/92-0068
* Origin: (1:124/6010)
From: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, JR. Number: 12472
To: DEBORAH HAESELER Date: 01/20/94 9:47a
Subj: CD-ROM Driver Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
DH> * Does your Panasonic have the brand name Panasonic plastered
DH>somewhere on it?
DH> * Is your manual a flimsy little booklet that does not even have
DH>a manufacturer name on it, much less the Panasonic brand name? Does
DH>your manual have technical support phone number and address? Mine
DH>doesn't! I find that incredible!
Yeah, this sucks! If you have a problem down the road, who do you call?
DH> * What software did your CD-ROM come with? Mine came with
DH>Soundblaster CD-ROM Installation software. However, when I was unable
DH>to get my start-up files to load the software, I took the drive to
DH>shop. They installed entirely different software -- Lasermate, which
DH>created a directory called CDROMDRV, with the driver CDMKE.SYS as the
DH>one that did the trick. Worse, they didn't even give me a disk of
DH>that software!
Mine came with the "GOLDEN1" drivers. You might want to call up the
Creative Labs BBS and try to get the drivers for the Omni CD, it's the
same drive. If all else fails, I'm sure someone on this conference
wouldn't mind sending you a copy of their drivers. If you want to do
something like OS/2, you have to get the Sound Blaster driver,
* I think I have every reason to be mad as heck.
Yes, you would think that someone wouldn't want the Panasonic name to
shine in this bad light. I think that most of these 'Panasonic' drives
were sold as OEM (just the drive) to distributers, so there are
different drivers from different places. But, look at it this way, if
Panasonic sold this drive with their name on it, and with tech support,
you'd probably pay alot more than you did.
--- WM v2.09/93-0349
* Origin: The Night Creature BBS _ 510-481-9774 _ FIDO (1:215/60)
From: TERRY BLOUNT Number: 12473
To: ALL Date: 01/20/94 9:53p
Subj: $99 cd rom drives Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hitachi cd rom drives model 3600 (that's right model 3600) $99 each.
Access time 350 ms. Transfer rate 150 kb/s. These EXCELLENT drives
can be daisy-chained up to 8 on each propitiatory controller card.
They can use the same controller cards that are used with the
model 3500's. If you don't already have an interface card I
have them NEW for $60. I also have:
Caddies $ 5 each.
External cases for 4 drives $ 20 for 8 drives $ 30
Cables for 4 or 8 drives $ 10 Power supplies. $ 25
Shipping aprox. $ 4 each drive.
30 day warranty. All domestic orders are shipped c.o.d.
Call voice 205-824-2552 or "crash" netmail your order to 3625/441.
--- timEd-A10c
* Origin: Center of the Cosmos 205-824-2611 (1:3625/441)
From: ALEXANDER MAIER Number: 12474
To: JASON NEW Date: 01/19/94 7:11a
Subj: Re: Rebel Assault Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hallo Jason,
have you tried the bugfixes form Lucas Arts, perhaps they can help you!
--- CrossPoint v2.92
* Origin: Iceman (2:245/6606.3)
From: JOE SITKO Number: 12475
To: ASHWIN BIHARI Date: 01/19/94 9:33a
Subj: Re: 7Th Guest & SVGA ques Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Quoting Ashwin Bihari to Joe Sitko concerning Re: 7Th Guest & SVGA ques:
▒▄▌ JS> All I want to do is use my VGA monitor as a VGA monitor, but feed it
▒▄▌ JS> video through a SVGA card. I'm told that is quite possible to do.
▒▄▌Ok Joe, then it will most probably work, cuz I also use a TRIDENT 1 meg
▒▄▌SVGA card with a SVGA monitor and get quite good resoulution, well have
▒▄▌fun playing the game, and TTYL.
Thanks for the reply!
Written by Joe Sitko on Wednesday, January 19 at 09:33:05
■ TLXv3.30 ■ Nobody can be just like me. Even I have trouble.
--- WM v3.10/93-0158
* Origin: The Glass Menagerie II (610) 376-1819 V32.Bis (1:2607/401.0)
From: JOE SITKO Number: 12476
To: G CRONE Date: 01/19/94 9:45a
Subj: No Audio play Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Quoting G Crone to All concerning No Audio play:
▓▌▄HELP !
▓▌▄Can anyone figure out why my CD-ROM will not play audio CD's.
▓▌▄The disc spins and the programs say music is being played, but no
I had a similar problem. What it was was the audio cable connecting the
sound card to the Cd-Rom had to be rewired. Rewiring it was a very
simple thing to do and only took about 2 minutes. All I needed was a
pin to release the plastic tabs on the plastic connector, which enabled
me to remove and then reseat the wires in their proper positions.
What you need to do is look at the wiring diagrams for both the CD-Rom
audio output, and the input to the soundcard, repin the cable, reconnect
it, and you should be OK!
Hope this helps, let me know how you make out.........
Written by All on Wednesday, January 19 at 09:45:21
■ TLXv3.30 ■ Message contents may settle during mailing \:...:/
--- WM v3.10/93-0158
* Origin: The Glass Menagerie II (610) 376-1819 V32.Bis (1:2607/401.0)
From: NORM HILL Number: 12477
To: RAPHAEL VANNEY Date: 01/18/94 12:15p
Subj: Sb Pro and panasonic 562b Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
RV>_Good_ news ;-)
RV>Are you able to play audio CDs through the SoundBlaster's line
RV>out with OS/2's CD player ? If so, I'd be interrested in the details.
RV> NH> Anyway,
RV> NH> the Omni CD/Creative Labs file called SBCD2.ADD dated 11/19/93
RV> NH> support IBM ISA CD-ROM's, the Panasonic 521,523,562,563, etc, both
RV> NH> SCSI Adapter configurations.
RV>Where do I find this one ? Do you know of a place where I can
RV>f'req it ?
RV>Thanks, and
RV>Sala kahle,
I've uploaded it to Intercity BBS in Richmond, Virginia. The Number is
(804) 353-4160 and the file name is call 1193SBCD.ZIP.
Norm Hill.
■ OLX 2.1 TD ■ MSI - Bringing it all together in '92
--- MsgToss 2.0c! (r)
* Origin: Intercity RBBS, Richmond VA.(21.6DS) (1:264/152)
From: NORM HILL Number: 12478
To: VIC HLUSHAK Date: 01/18/94 12:24p
Subj: T7g Hint Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
VH>I need a hint on the spider puzzle in Seventh Guest. If anyone has
VH>it please give me a clue, (hint only) as I would like to finish it
Hint: Every 3rd corner.
Norm Hill.
■ OLX 2.1 TD ■ --T-A+G-L-I+N-E--+M-E-A+S-U-R+I-N-G+--G-A+U-G-E--
--- MsgToss 2.0c! (r)
* Origin: Intercity RBBS, Richmond VA.(21.6DS) (1:264/152)
From: NORM HILL Number: 12479
To: JIM RICHARDS Date: 01/18/94 12:43p
Subj: What's Wrong with echo Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JR>What is wrong with this echo. On S&G BBS most messages are
JR>repeated multi times and many have the header but no text
JR>in the body.
JR>Are others having the same problems?
JR>Regards: jr
JR> * OFFLINE 1.56 * Jim Richards Agincourt Ontario S&G 1:250/102
must be your BBS.
■ OLX 2.1 TD ■ If this were an actual tagline, it would be funny.
--- MsgToss 2.0c! (r)
* Origin: Intercity RBBS, Richmond VA.(21.6DS) (1:264/152)
From: NORM HILL Number: 12480
To: BOB WERNER Date: 01/18/94 12:48p
Subj: Cd Rom & playing music Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BW>I need a program to play regular music CD's with my CD ROM. I know
BW>there out there. If someone could provide me with some program names,
BW>can look them up in my local BBSes.
BW>Thanks, Bob
BW>Wanting to ROCK!
If you have windows, the player is included in the accessories window.
If you bought a Soundblaster, its included on the installation disks.
Norm Hill.
■ OLX 2.1 TD ■ Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted!
--- MsgToss 2.0c! (r)
* Origin: Intercity RBBS, Richmond VA.(21.6DS) (1:264/152)
From: THE LAWMAN Number: 12481
To: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, JR. Date: 01/20/94 1:38p
Subj: Multi-disk cdroms Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> ML>Hi, I Hadn't seen that one, Sounds really cool. If You Don't mind,
-> ML>when you see it again, can you give me an issue and page number.
-> ML>They're wanting to get a couple of multidisks for the library wher
-> ML>work, and 1 of them might just be simpiler than 3 of the older one
-> ML>You said they are triple speed, any idea of the load time for each
-> ML>disk, before the seek starts in? Thanks.
-> Hi Mike, that story was on pages 60-61 in the January '94 issue of PC
-> Computing. I was mistaken, it's not a triple speed drive, it's qaudru
-> speed drive! That's 600 kilobits per second, or 105% faster than MPC
-> requirements. The article states that it takes 6 to 10 seconds for
-> changing discs. The drive uses three 6-pack cartridges, the same as
-> Pioneer home and car changers. ONLY $2,995! Gee, I got that much pock
-> change right now! But, 18 double speed drives will cost you $9,000, p
-> the cost of extra SCSI adapters, according to the article. The model
-> number is DRM-1804X from Pioneer New Media Technologies.
-> -William
-> --- WM v2.09/93-0349
-> * Origin: The Night Creature BBS _ 510-481-9774 _ FIDO (1:215/60)
That drive will cost just under $2000 if you look just right, not $2995
unless you was quoting regular retail price. Most good computer stores
can order you one way under that price.
--- WM v3.01/93-0705
* Origin: Emerald City (615) 754-4351 7 gigs, 5 nodes (1:116/39.0)
From: GARY HUFF Number: 12482
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/20/94 6:56p
Subj: Re: PANASONIC 562/AT BUS Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>BF> Nope. The Matsushita AKA Panasonic drives are a PROPRIATARY interface
>40 pin cables do NOT "IDE" make, by a LONG shot.
>Brice, Matsushita drive are IDE. Don't be argumentative over everything.
BF> I'm not - I simply can NOT stand misinformation.
Then you'd better stop putting out misinformation.
BF> Matsushita drive interface is NOT IDE - and your saying it IS could l
BF> some
BF> ignorant person to FRY their hardware by trying to hook a Panasonic/Ma
BF> drive to an IDE interface.
Only if they were complete idiots, like yourself, who would think up
such a ridiculous idea. I never said to hook a Panasonic drive into an
IDE interface. Why are you lying and saying that I did?
> They are not SCSI drives.
BF> True.
>Why must you try to prove your lack of knowledge at every turn? Sit back
>and learn something for a change.
BF> You should take your own advice, preferably BEFORE you hurt someone E
BF> with
BF> your ignorance.
Poor, poor Brice... now sit down and take a deep breath before you
pass out. Next, go back and re-read my message (or, should I say, READ
my message. Obviously you didn't read it the first time.). In not one
single message of mine did I suggest that anybody should plug their
Panasonic/Matsushita drive into an IDE interface card. That foolish
advice came from you, not me. I specifically stated in more than one
message that the Panasonic/Matsushita must be plugged into either the
ATBUS card, or the SoundBlaster card. When I said that it was an
IDE-type of interface, any fool should have understood that I was
referring to the category of interface that Panasonic uses. I said
they had a proprietary interface using IDE-type circuitry. I most
specifically DID NOT say ANYWHERE to go plug your drive into an IDE
card. That idiotic suggestion came from you, and only from you.
By the way, when I say that a B-29 bomber had gasoline-powered engines,
and lawnmowers also have gasoline-powered engines, would you interpret
that as a recommendation to install a Pratt & Whitney R4350 engine on
your lawnmower? You really do like to twist things around to try to
make yourself look like you know what you're talking about, don't you?
Too bad you really don't.
--- QM v1.00
* Origin: Capitol City BBS (909)931-0533 HST14.4DS : (1:218/201.0)
From: GARY HUFF Number: 12483
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/20/94 7:30p
Subj: Re: PANASONIC 562 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> Phil, at what frequency does a "current" cease to be Direct Current (DC),
BF> and
>become Alternating Current (AC)? (Answer: 1 cycle per second).
BF> Wrong. IT becomes AC as soon as it starts varying significantly. AC c
It can't just "vary" .... it has to complete a cycle (360 degrees).
BF> have been exibited at 1/100 hz often.
Yeah, and I suppose you could cut it even finer than that... you could
say that it becomes AC at 1/1000000000000000000.... into infinity...
cycle. But then, we'd be splitting hairs, and we'd be deflecting
attention away from the fact that you're just trying to come off as
someone who knows something, when in fact you don't. 1 cycle serves
adequately as demonstrating alternating current... in fact, if it
didn't cycle 360 degrees, it wouldn't be an alternating current because
it has to wind up back where it started to be "alternating."
Otherwise, it's just "varying." You might have a life expectancy of a
few billion years to see it cycle 360 degrees in 1 billion years, but
the rest of us mortals will settle for once a second as being adequate
to demonstrate a point. By your definition of "varying" the current as
being "alternating" current, then we could simply raise the amplitude
from zero to infinity, and you would think you had alternating current.
The rest of us could see that it's not alternating at all; it's just
increasing in value forever.
>Don't let the
>term "current" throw you here. A "current" is normally used to designate
>energy that moves through wire, but it can be moving through anything.
BF> Error. If it's not Electical in nature (in the context of THIS discus
BF> it
BF> is NOT a current.
So electrons can move only through a wire, is that what you're saying?
How about if they moved through two metal plates, separated by air?
(That's a Capacitor, in case you didn't recognize it.) Thus, as I
stated, a current can be moving through wire, but it can also move
through anything... air... wood... mica... ceramic... paper... So,
let's see how your argument holds up with the judges?
Bzzzz. Wrong again, Brice. A current for the purposes of this
discussion obviously starts out as electrons, which are converted to
Audio by a speaker.
Oh, and be sure to explain to me how those electrons could move through
a capacitor if they WEREN'T alternating current? Or do you hold a
patent on a new kind of capacitor that passes DC as well as AC? Audio
being carried on an electric current couldn't pass through a capacitor
if it weren't alternating current. So does it pass through the
capacitor? Of course! How could it do so if it weren't alternating
current? Who knows? Not Brice, obviously.
>Yes, we normally don't think of audio as Alternating
>Current, but what else would you call it?
BF> You call it by what it IS - Audio, or SOUND.
What do you call it before it gets to the speaker, Brice dear? Chopped
liver? It's AC current, electrons marching to the speaker, where
they are converted to audio. But the current that flows to that
speaker is alternating at an audio rate. (Light bulb lights over
Brice's head....) An Alternating Current!
>The ONLY thing our ears CAN hear is AC.
BF> The only thing our ears can hear is SOUND, within "audio frequencies"
BF> do
BF> NOT hear currents.
You hear currents every day of the week, CONVERTED to sound. If the
currents didn't exist, you wouldn't hear anything at all. I know you
believe radios are magic boxes with little people sitting in there with
musical instruments, but trust me... electronic AC currents are flowing
in there, which get converted to audio, which you can hear. Unplug the
radio, and you don't hear it any more. What's missing? The electronic
current, which you say you can't hear. But, then, it's obvious that
you don't hear a lot of other things, either.
>By the way, you can detect other "AC" as well... if you move
>high enough in frequency, you'll eventually feel the alternating current in
BF> the
>form of heat
BF> Nope. Infrared is an electromagnetic RADIATION, not a "current". It o
BF> RESULTS from the flow of an electrical current, but is NOT the same.
BF> Ditto Light.
BF> Ditto Gamma Rays.
BF> Ditto X-Rays.
Wrong. A nice try, but wrong. The only difference between a radio
wave or an X-ray or a light wave or a heat wave is the frequency at
which the energy is alternating. If it alternates slowly, we hear it
as sound. Alternate it a little faster, and it's radio. Alternate it
faster still, and we feel heat. Keep speeding up the rate of
alternation, and we get light. Ditto Gamma Rays. Ditto X-rays. Want
simple proof of this statement? Go back to your high school (if you
ever attended one), go to the library, and study the Doppler Effect.
It's a simple enough theory, but basically it says if you cram more
alternations into a given time period, you get a higher frequency.
Stretch out those alternations over a longer time period, and you get a
lower frequency. If they weren't alternating, it wouldn't work. But
Doppler does work... it works at audio frequencies, and it works at
Microwave frequencies, where we call it Radar. Ever ask yourself how
Doppler Effect can work on audio (e.g., a train whistle) and Microwave
(Radar) if they're not basically the same alternating currents, only
alternating at vastly different rates?
Now go do your homework before you bother me again with your braying
about how much you know and how wrong I am. You're getting very
boring. Come back when you want to learn something.
--- QM v1.00
* Origin: Capitol City BBS (909)931-0533 HST14.4DS : (1:218/201.0)
From: GARY HUFF Number: 12484
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/20/94 7:32p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BF> Messages to the InterNet from a FidoNet site MUST be sent in "Net Mai
BF> THey
BF> can NOT be sent via Echo Mail (unless the FidoNet site in question is
BF> UseNet site or tied into UseNet newsgroups via a FidoNet <-> UseNet ga
BF> site).
Obviously such messages CAN be sent via echomail, but they MAY not be
sent via echomail.
Slept through English class, too, I see.
--- QM v1.00
* Origin: Capitol City BBS (909)931-0533 HST14.4DS : (1:218/201.0)
From: BOB LOUDER Number: 12485
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 1:03p
Subj: Hitachi Drivers for OS/2 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Are there any OS/2 2.1 drivers available for the 3600 Proprietary cards. If
anyone knows where they might be had, please leave me a reply here or netmail
me at 1:363/542. Thanks.
--- ProBoard v1.31 [Reg]
* Origin: LCRE @ Leesburg FL @ (904)742-1253 (1:363/542)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12486
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 2:44a
Subj: !discounted Fedex shippin Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
It pleases us to announce that due to our growing shipping volume,
FedEXpress has become our preferred courier. USPS Priority was our
preferred method, however, recent performance such as week-long delays
and damaged jewel cases made us look elsewhere. We contacted all the
other couriers to see who would offer our customers the best deal.
FedEX won the bid by allowing us to offer their economy service, which
is as close to guaranteed two-day service as anyone will offer, for only
$3.00 additional over USPS priorty rates. Of course, we will continue
to offer your preferred shipper, as we have accounts with all of the
major couriers. config.sys, Inc./ voice: 216.296.9831 data:216.296.2244
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12487
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 2:44a
Subj: Cd-rom Drives+ Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
********* Refurbished Hitachi Model 3600 CD-ROM DRIVES $130 *********
Hitachi model 3500 & NEC model 36 are available needing work @50% off
Catalog of 1,200+ CD-Titles and hardware products available-CDLIST.ZIP
Internet: joe.rinehart@p0.f479.n157.z1.fidonet.org
Fido 1:157/479 - RBBS 8:965/13 - Kesher 18:711/176 - WWIV 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc. Voice: (216) 296-9831 - 24 hours
P.O. Box 27 Data/Fax: (216) 296-2244
Kent, Ohio 44240-0001 >>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12488
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 2:44a
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
For 1,500+ CD-Titles & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip, descript.zip (or) MAJIC word CONFIG gets both
The Blue Parrot CD-ROM SUPPORT RBBS offers non-backboned echo config
for daily cdlist updates, news, game reviews, & more.
All config.sys cd-rom support files are available to all NEW users!
Fido: 1:157/479 - RBBS: 8:965/13 - Kesher: 18:711/176 - WWIV: 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc.|Voice: (216) 296.9831 or 296.4446 24hrs
P.O. Box 27, Kent, Ohio 44240 |BBS/Fax: 216.296.2244 - 23hrs 16.8k ZYX
Internet: joe@config.wariat.org|>>>>>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: CYNTHIA FRAGA Number: 12489
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/18/94 7:38p
Subj: Re: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JR>*********** FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories CATALOG!*************
JR>For the largest selection & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
JR>If you'd like a printed copy, send your mailing information to us.
JR>We offer CDLIST file attach's upon request.
JR>CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip (over 1,100 cd-rom disc titles available)
Could you please send me your catalog? If there are any expenses with the
shipping, I would be glad to pay for it.
Cynthia Fraga
Dr. Rubens Azevedo Marques, 406
S╞o Paulo, SP 04646-071
... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: ■ SP Online ■ +55-11-253-1688 ■ 6 nodes; 14.4k ■ (4:801/64.0)
From: CYNTHIA FRAGA Number: 12490
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/18/94 7:56p
Subj: Re: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: ■ SP Online ■ +55-11-253-1688 ■ 6 nodes; 14.4k ■ (4:801/64.0)
From: DANIEL LAFRAIA Number: 12491
To: ALL Date: 01/18/94 4:06p
Subj: Converting CD's allfiles to FILES.BBS format. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello everybody!
Does anybody had the problem to converts CD's allfiles to FILES.BBS format
to import in FileBase... If you had this problem, the answer is here, you can
make a FREQ in 4:801/51 24 hours a day as CD2BBS.ARJ... It has 40k..
See ya,
Daniel Lafraia
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: << IRON BBS >> +55-132-48758 - Santos/SP/Brazil - 14.4k (4:801/51)
From: RICK NAY Number: 12492
To: DENNIS HOENICH Date: 01/21/94 12:00a
Subj: Re: sound board Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Well as far compatibility creative labs has compatibility problems with there
own boards..And yes the Pro Audio spectrum 16 and the Logitech soundman are
basically the same..the Soundman is based on the media vision chipset..As for
the Gravis, it is a nice board for midi and sb compatible, but your going to
find more compatibility problems with SB emulation..Midi on it is very good and
is becoming more and more accepted..Now myself, I have the Card from Cardinal,
and an mt-32..The cardinal card is nice since it is based on a DSP chip from
Analog Devices..the same chip that Orchid uses in there Soundwave32..And the
Cardinal has an Optional on-board Wave-table socket that gives the board
gen.midi for $59.00 retail..Basically I can not tell you what to buy because
there is so many cards out there..I have had no problems with the Cardinal
board and am very happy with it..There is M-peg Audio Compression available for
it..Cardinal will be releasing another version with the wavetable on-board
called the DSP16wave..it should be available within 2 mos for $169.00
retail..But if your looking for a basic fm-syn board go with the Pro-Audio
basic..Cheap but less capable..Want to upgrade to basic wave-table in the
future and have audio upgrades like surround sound go with the Cardinal
board..it lists for $159.00 with a street price of $129.00..and comes with a
3 year warranty and of course is American Made..Good Luck and Happy Shopping..
* Origin: Ground Zero 813-849-4034 New Port Richey, FL NEC (1:3619/25)
From: SAM BECKWITH Number: 12493
To: ALL Date: 01/19/94 6:54p
Subj: Cd-roms For Sale Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
DFW Discount Electronics CD-ROM Price List Orders: 800-829-0331
Ship to USA ONLY. 01/19/94 BBS: 214-259-4188 Local : 214-254-0331
CD PowerBox v2.0 11/93..................................... $18.00
CD WinBox 9/93............................................. $18.00
Cream of the Crop II 10/93................................. $20.00
Monster Media 93 Volume #3 1/94 (pre-release orders)....... $25.00
Night Owl 11 1/94 (pre-release orders).................... $29.99
PC-SIG #13 1/94............................................ $24.00
Pier 4 Shareware 2/94 (pre-release orders)................. $25.00
Software Vault Platinum Collection 1/94.................... $25.00
Call me for a complete price list. Thanks, Sam
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: Briefcase BBS 214-753-4069 v.32bis (1:124/4222)
From: MARK SKIKUS Number: 12494
To: JASON NEW Date: 01/17/94 9:17p
Subj: Re: Rebel Assault Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Well what version of dos are you running? give me a commplete run down on
your system cpu memory drives, etc
--- CNet XFIDO 2.63
* Origin: Powerstation BBS* Grand Prairie,Tx. 214-606-0327 (1:124/6302)
From: THOMAS TRAN Number: 12495
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/20/94 7:35p
Subj: Cd-rom Drives+ Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Are these refurbished drives double-spin or triple-spin? Do they come with a
warranty of any sort? also, those unrefurbished drives, how much by chance and
do u have any that are beyond repair you would sell cheap? thanx and l8r dude!
RDI \/\/hiz
--- T.A.G. 2.6f2a Beta
* Origin: The Music Connection (1:106/1000)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12496
To: CHRIS ANSELL Date: 01/21/94 1:30a
Subj: Who has Hotstuff2? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
CA:>Hi all, i was just wandering if anyone out there has a copy of hotstuff2.
CA:>supposed to quite wicked in the animation and sound department.
If you're referring to Danger, Hot Stuff! vol 2, we have it in stock.
Price is $23.40. Call anytime to order!
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * Is it '96 yet???
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12497
To: ERIC BOUTIN Date: 01/21/94 1:30a
Subj: CD Power Box 2 Order Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
EB:> Does AnyOne knows where I can buy the CD POWER BOX 2 Cd-Rom. I have
EB:> a 1-800 number in USA but it's not valid from Canada. Adress, Phone #?
We have them in stock at $25.60. Our hottest-selling shareware CD! Info
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * I've told you a million times not to exaggerate.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12498
To: STEVE FAIRBAIRN Date: 01/21/94 1:30a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> OS/2 or Macintosh shareware CDROMs suitable
> for posting on a BBS?
We carry Otherware I, which has 300mb of Mac and 300mb of Amiga shareware
suitable for use on an MS-DOS BBS. We also carry the OS/2Box at $20 and
OS/2 Companion at $17.40, both of which are great for BBS use. Ordering
info below if you're interested.
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * I think my data transmission is low on fluid.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12499
To: JERRY CUPPLES Date: 01/21/94 1:30a
Subj: caddy shortage in Dallas Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JC> the cost of the darn CD's. Any suggestions on where to get a box of
JC> the things reasonably?
We carry the Japanese-made caddies which are slightly better quality in
my opinion. Price for 1-9 is $4.99. $4.79 for 10+, and $4.59 for 25+.
Call # below to order.
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * If it's British, it leaks.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12500
To: GARY COLMAN Date: 01/21/94 1:30a
Subj: Best bundle deal Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
GC:>I would like to please know what the best bundle deal is for:
GC:>Pier 3 or NightOwl 10.1
GC:>Hacker Chronicles
Can let you have that package for $75. Would highly recommend Pier 3 over
Night Owl 10.1, but both are in stock. Add $4 for Night Owl 10.1.
GC:>Also, I have someone in USA who would be willing to pay in $$ and
GC:>mail it to me. Please quote for shipping to Washington
Shipping would be $4. Where in Washington state is he? We're located in
Yakima, which is south central Washington. Maybe he's close enough to
pick them up in person!
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * It's Ensign Pillsbury....he's bread Jim.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12501
To: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Date: 01/21/94 1:30a
Subj: Dupe Chart? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
LB:> GMJ> Day of the Tentacle seems good as a game, but for the
LB:> GMJ> shareware I don't know what to buy. I have Night Owl 10,
LB:> GMJ> and would like to buy a new CD (1993) which contains few
LB:> GMJ> files which NO10 also contains. I'm looking for
LB:> GMJ> suggestions for games, shareware and any other CDs. I'd
LB:>Try Cream of the Crop II . I dont have a copy but from what I have read it
LB:>would be a good choice.
Cream 2 is an excellent choice. We stock them at $25. Also good are
Powerbox 2 at $25.60, and Pier 3 at $24.
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * I've told you a million times not to exaggerate.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12502
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 1:31a
Subj: 3 NEW WAYS TO PAY! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
For the added convenience of our CD-ROM customers, Starvector will soon be
adding three new payment methods. In addition to accepting Visa, Discover,
Mastercard, American Express, COD, wire transfer, personal checks, and
money orders, we will offer the following beginning around Feb. 1st. Choose
the one that works best for you................
1. PhoneCheck - With this new and exciting payment option, you may use
your personal or business checking account just like a credit card.
Simply provide us with your name as it appears on your check, the
checking account number, and the check number you would like to use.
It's that simple! We can then process your order over the phone, by
fax, or through our BBS online order door, and your checking account
will be debited AUTOMATICALLY 24 hours after the order has shipped.
This option is especially nice for those who don't have credit cards,
or who have been ordering by COD. Save those $5 and $6 COD fees and
eliminate the hassle of cash/money order COD's! Plus, the service
carries NO additional surcharge or fee! Even if you have a credit
card, you may want to try this method on occasion to minimize your
monthly VISA/MASTERCARD interest charges.
2. Diner's Club - For those who prefer to pay with their Diner's Club
credit card.
3. Carte Blanche - For those who prefer to pay with their Carte Blanche
credit card.
In addition to these new services, Starvector is in the process of
establishing a relationship with Federal Express to begin using 2-Day
Economy service as our default shipping method. Shipping charges will be
only slightly higher than UPS ground, with a dramatic decrease in delivery
time to 85% of the U.S. Our growing base of international customers will
also benefit from this new economy service.
We're constantly looking for ways to improve our service, pricing, and
selection. We look forward to serving you!
Mike Shannon
Starvector Software
* SLMR 2.1a * It's Ensign Pillsbury....he's bread Jim.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12503
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 1:31a
Subj: TOP 5 NEW CD TITLES.... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Starvector Sales Bulletin #2: TOP 5 NEW CD TITLES |
CD POWERBOX 2 * The newest of the new! Current shareware hits. BBS..$25.60
DIGITAL DREAMS 2 * Newest all-original "R" CD. No dupes to 1! BBS...$25.30
NIGHT OWL 11 * Yes, it's here. BBS-ready...........................$29.90
HAM RADIO/SCANNER COMPANION * Lots of essential utilities for Hams..$18.90
VIRTUAL REALITY STARTER KIT * The "next dimension" for your PC......$49.00
509-457-2892 (VOICE) * 509-457-2966 (FAX) **** VISA * MC * AMEX * DISCOVER
* SLMR 2.1a * ... A fool and his money soon become a Sysop!
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12504
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 1:31a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Starvector Sales Bulletin #5: CD-ROM PACKAGE DEALS |
1. CD Powerbox 1 2. Pier 2 3. MVP Game Jamboree
CD Powerbox 2 Pier 3 House of Games
Pier 3 Monster Media 93 Gameware Collection
------ ---------------- -------------------
$49 $59 $49
ORDERS: 509-457-2892 * FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS (14.4): 509-457-0206
* SLMR 2.1a * My computer's down. Can someone send it flowers?
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: JAMES POLLOCK Number: 12505
To: JOHN HART Date: 01/20/94 1:53p
Subj: Re: Cheap .GIF CD Roms Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JH> Their new 2 the Maxx CD-ROMs are under $10. Sights and Sounds and
JH> Swimsuits to the Maxx are two loaded with many 640x480+ GIF files.
JH> I bought the whole 2 the Maxx 6 disk set for $49 and they through in a
JH> demo disk for free. You can reach them at 602-577-9696 or find the
JH> 800 number in the Computer Shopper. Only thing I didn't like about the
JH> new disks is that they duplicate a lot of their old Mega series disks.
Last ad I saw, they had only "Shareware 2 the Maxx" and "T&A 2 the Maxx".
What are the others? I've bought all the Mega line so you'd think I'd be
notified of new discs...
... "Could you continue your petty bickering? I find it most intriguing."
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- WM v3.10/92-0662
* Origin: NWCS Online + 18 Nodes + 5 Gig + (503) 620-5910 + (1:105/362)
From: BOB BREED Number: 12506
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/21/94 3:05p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BF> I still have my original Audio CD - which is just shy of 11 years
BF> old. A CD-ROM should last JUST as long as a "normal" CD (likely won't
BF> last as long as the Mobile Fidelity "gold" CDs, though)....
BF> Basic problem is that Aluminum oxidises, and the plastic a CD is made
BF> out of (and the sealant used) isn't quite 100% impermiable to oxigen
BF> (very CLOSE, though)....
I agree. Most of the people that have replied to this say
about the same thing. It seems that of all the metals to use,
aluminum would be about the worst choice. (Nothing oxidizes quite
as fast!)
If Kodak is really trying to make something to archive your
pictures, you think they would use the gold plated disks. They
cost more, but if you're thinking of really long term storage,
they seem the way to go.
If nothing else, I think Kodak should offer them as an
option. If you want to pay the additional cost for long life,
that should be up to you. I know that I have SOME pictures that I
would pay the extra charge to have placed on gold.
... Japanese Pet Store: "Buy one, get one flea."
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- ProBoard v1.31 [EVALUATION]
* Origin: Alien Biker Kat BBS (619) 277-4140 (1:202/1010)
From: ROBERT BRITZ Number: 12507
To: JOSE VISBAL Date: 01/21/94 4:50p
Subj: Re: StarWars Rebel Assault Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JV> I`ll be out tomorrow will call you sat. or if i get in early
JV> tomorrow I`ll call you....
I haven't received your call yet, did you lose the #? Its 206-256-4987
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Taboo (1:105/105)
From: DOUG COUGHLER Number: 12508
To: CHIP SLATE Date: 01/20/94 11:14a
Subj: GAMES FOR TRADE.......... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> Spirit of Excalibur CD-with Box & Instructions
What's this one like?
Doug Coughler
-- SPEED 1.30 [NR]: .."You Klingon son,you killed my bastard!(Lemme try tha
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff238/x]
* Origin: OnLine Now Thunder Bay ON, Canada (807)-345-1531 (1:229/510)
From: DOUG COUGHLER Number: 12509
To: DEBORAH HAESELER Date: 01/20/94 11:27a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
DH> Does anyone out there have a Panasonic CR562B? I'm asking because
I do.
> * Does your Panasonic have the brand name Panasonic plastered
> somewhere on it? Mine only has Matsushita on it. (I know that's
My drive doesn't have ANY brand names on it, so you're one up on me.
> * Is your manual a flimsy little booklet that does not even have
> a manufacturer name on it, much less the Panasonic brand name? Does
> your manual have technical support phone number and address? Mine doesn't!
Mine's the same. The first half of the manual is in English, then
the second half is in German.
> * What software did your CD-ROM come with? Mine came with Soundblaster
> CD-ROM Installation software. However, when I was unable to get my
I really have no idea what software I have for mine, as I've
been unable to install it yet. I got it for a gift and there was some
confusion over what type of sound card I had. Sufficive to say, I've been
waiting for a month for an IDE controller card to come in so that I can
hook it up. Fun,fun,fun!
Doug Coughler
-- SPEED 1.30 [NR]: .."Remember! Only Forest fires can prevent bears."
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff238/x]
* Origin: OnLine Now Thunder Bay ON, Canada (807)-345-1531 (1:229/510)
From: GEORGE CUCCIA Number: 12510
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 4:19p
Subj: Toshiba problems Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Anyone have any Idea why this happens ?
I have 5 Toshiba CD-Roms XM-3201B, XM3101BME or similar types. Here is the
Problem I have with 3 that are now Dead..... At first, I notices the Access
Light Flashed on and off every 1.5 seconds or so....
On one drive it did it for over 3 months, the other 2 for less than a
month...but the drive still worked perfectly.
Then one day, after rebooting the computer, the light stayed on and the drive
will no longer work and I get a CDR101 "Drive not Ready Error"
The Drive is recognized by the Drivers.
If I keep Powering Down and Starting the computer ( not rebooting, but turning
the Power switch off then on) the CD-Rom works Briefly about 1 out of 10 times,
Going Back to the Flashing. Also when this Happens sometimes I can Read the
drive, and other times I get the CDR101 Error. As long as the light is
flashing, I can keep hitting Retry and sooner or later the drive again begins
to read, but after a while, the CDR101 error appears again. I have 3 Drives
that do this, but 2 others that always work perfectly on the same controller
and cable, I even tried switching the connectors around, and ID's.
I have been told many different stories... Optics Dirty (used a CD Cleaning
Disk about 10 times), Optics out of allignment, ect.
Anybody ever seen this problem, know what it might be, or know of a Fix ?
or this conference area
--- Squish v1.00
* Origin: Union Lakeside BBS - Millville, NJ - (609)825-6057 (1:266/47)
From: DOUG CARPENTER Number: 12511
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 7:39p
Subj: Pre-Order Nightowl 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
***** PRE-ORDER NIGHTOWL 11 *****
PCJ Computing is now accepting orders for the new
Nightowl 11 CDROM disc. 4,378 Files - 650 Meg.
OUR PRICE - $28.95
We should be shipping during the week of 1/24/94.
Orders - 615-339-0235 FAX 615-479-1047
We also have most of the latest shareware CDs.
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: MAXspeed/ISDN BBS * 3775 cps..and accelerating!! (1:362/119)
From: JOHN CARROLL Number: 12512
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 1:39p
Subj: BSR CD-ROMs Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have 2 BSR CD-ROM players model# 6800MX. Bought them from DAK and they work
fine for bbs files. Trouble is, I can't get them both to initialize. I use
MSCDEX and MSCD001 in my config.sys and autoexec.bat respectively, and have
the interface cards set identically. Maybe this is my problem.
Anyway, the DAK book that came with them doesn't tell you how to set the cards
or the driver to run two CDs at the same time. I have 1 running fine, but need
to know how to do 2, anyone have an answer?
Any help is appreciated! Thanks...John Carroll-Treasure Coast BBs
--- FastEcho V1.30
* Origin: Treasure Coast,Vero Bch.Fl.407-569-0569 RA-PRO 14.4 (1:374/569)
From: STEVE GOYER Number: 12513
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 8:30p
Subj: CD for sale Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Anybody want to buy the Toolworks Reference Library CD? I contains info
from . . .
Dictionary o Quotable Definitions, Webster's New World Dictionary, Guide
to Concise Writing, The New York Public Library Desk Reference,
Dictionary of 20th Century History, Webster's New World Thesaurus, The
National Directory of Address and Telephone Numbers, and J.K. Lasser's
Legal and Corporation Forms for the Smaller Business.
Comes with manual and registration card. It came with my CDROM drive,
thats why I'm selling it. First 10$CDN (plus shipping) takes it...
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: The Exchange OS/2 BBS Prince George V32bis (1:359/200)
From: STEVE GOYER Number: 12514
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 8:35p
Subj: Sneek Peeks CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Anybody have a Sierra Sneak Peeks CD they want to sell for 10 bucks or
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: The Exchange OS/2 BBS Prince George V32bis (1:359/200)
From: RAY MATTHEWS Number: 12515
To: JIM STANDING Date: 01/21/94 6:53p
Subj: T7G Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
* in a message to All <19 Jan 94 06:14> Jim Standing wrote:
JS> OK..I give up! What do you do with the Attic? Can you get out of their?
JS> Or get a Hint?
First off, have you solved the puzzle there? (The 'light the windows in the
skyscraper' one.) If so, then just walk past the puzzle toward the mirror, and
you should find another door at the rear of the attic.
* Origin: Oh no! My tagline is umop apisdn! 73 de N9LHF (RA 1:2270/233.30)
From: MICHAEL DAUM Number: 12516
To: FRANK HILLIARD Date: 01/21/94 2:03p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
FH>I'd like to hear from SoundBlaster Pro and other audio board owners on
FH>following questions. Did your sound board come with a "Mixer" function
FH>that allowed you to control your CD-ROM audio level on screen? Do you
FH>a "master" volume control, and/or individual control for CD-ROM, MIDI,
FH>Wav sources?
Yes, controls both left and right, can save. Adjust CD, Micophone and one
other (can't remember).
■ WinQwk 2.0 a#0 ■ Unregistered Evaluation Copy
--- FLAME v1.0
* Origin: Toledo's TBBS, 14+ gigs, 150,000 files 313-854-6001 (1:234/2)
From: MIKE MOFFITT Number: 12517
To: STEWART ROTHMAN Date: 01/21/94 7:48a
Subj: Re: CD-ROM Drive & Sound Card System Wanted Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Stewart Rothman to All <=-
SR> I'm looking for a good quality CD-ROM Drive
SR> Must come with a good Sound Card, Possibly Speakers, and some
SR> CD Disks. The most important thing is that I want to buy a COMPLETE
Stewart I recently purchased a CD-ROM drive kit it was packaged
by an outfit called HILITE USA it came complete. Sony drive
controller card cabbles etc. They have a toll free customer
assistance line and also a BBS for support. I was very satisfied
with the way it was packaged, and also the support they gave.
I ordered it from D.C. DRIVES in THE computer Shopper.
Hope this helps.
Mike Moffitt
... Of COURSE I'm on topic (Which echo is this?)
--- Fastecho 140 & RA 201+
* Origin: Lone Tree BBS * Gillette Wy.* HST V32B Line @ (1:316/23)
From: CHARLIE COFFMAN Number: 12518
To: DIANE PENCIL Date: 01/21/94 8:30p
Subj: Return To Zork Memor Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> I've got 634k free under OS/2 without doing anything special. ;-)
DP>Hows your Sound blaster work with that set up? I heard that
DP>OS/2 doesn't support most sound cards.
Great. Using the old 8 bit sound blaster here, and CL has written a driver
for it that will allow you to open any number of sessions at the same time
(midi or wav or both) and cycle between them. As soon as you click on
another window it starts playing and the first pauses. I've been told the
Soundblaster ASP 16 can support 2 different sessions playing at the same time,
but I don't have one to check it out with.
Games work fine too, I can run Doom, or KQ6 from CD. In fact I couldn't get
enough free memory under straight DOS to run KQ6 on CD, but when I booted
back to OS/2 all the drivers for the CD, sound card, etc., were handled by
OS/2, and I had more than enough memory since the DOS sessions didn't have
their memory limited by the drivers.
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Talkin' Ring Network - Nashville TN (1:116/71)
From: HOWARD MILLER Number: 12519
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 4:31p
Subj: Library of the Future Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
For Sale!
I have World Library's "library of the Future, Second Edition,"
version 4.0 CD-ROM disk. Over 900 works on one disk! Hundreds
of illustrations!
You must have an IBM-compatible and a CD-ROM drive.
My price for this fine disk collection is only $125.00!
Please e-mail me if you are interested.
--- Intermail+, Fmail+ & Ra+
* Origin: Running Wild -=Torrington, CT=- (203) 496-9942 (1:142/942)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 12520
To: LOUISE NORTON Date: 01/21/94 3:19p
Subj: Re: Ferrets. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Louise Norton to John Ullmer <=-
LN> Sorry had a computer BBS problema and did'nr know I was in
LN> wrong area. Mia Culpa.
Thank you. No offense was intended, and none was taken.
... Mr. Clinton, what's the speed limit on the information highway?
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 12521
To: KYLE MACHULIS Date: 01/21/94 3:33p
Subj: Re: Lots 'O Questions! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Kyle Machulis to John Ullmer <=-
KM> But you have to have Windows to run things like THE JOURNEYMAN
KM> PROJECT and Encarta.
Granted. And I'm glad most CD's that come out are not
limited to use under Windows, or offer DOS/Windows option.
I don't know what age group you are in, but I was working
with PC's when there was no such thing as a hard drive. Quite
a few people my age do not worship at the altar of Microsoft, or
have little statues of Bill Gates on the dashboards of our
So I thank the big powersupply in the sky that most CD's work
under DOS, and ignore the rest.
... A picture is worth a thousand words, but a painting is speechless.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 12522
To: DENNIS HOENICH Date: 01/21/94 3:51p
Subj: Re: questions Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Dennis Hoenich to All <=-
DH> I have a few questions on sound cards. I am looking at getting a
DH> CD-ROM drive in the very near future. I currently have an Adaptek 1542B
DH> SCSI controller (bus mastering) that I will connect it to. Because of
DH> this I do not care if my sound card has a SCSI interface or not. I
DH> would like some advive on what sound card to get. I am looking at a
DH> Sound Blaster 16 Basic, Logitec Soundman 16, Media Vision 16, and
DH> Gravis Ultrasound. They all seem to be in the $120 - $130 range. Is the
DH> Logitec and Media Vision card exactly the same? How is SB compatability
DH> on these cards? How do you rate these cards in order of preference? I
DH> realize that the SB card should be the best for compatability, but is
DH> it that important anymore? Is there anything else I should be looking
DH> at and why?
DH> Second subject: Is anyone out there using the Adaptek card and either
DH> a NEC 3xi drive or Toshiba 3401 drive? If so, how well is it
DH> performing? What drivers do you need to make it work?
DH> Thanks for any and all help. Dennis Hoenich
I ain't no expert, but I've been reading this conference for
a while, and in answer to your soundcard dilemma, there is NO
consensus. SB 16 ASP seems to be the measure for most of the
cards, though there are also vehement anti-SB proponents. I have
an original SB, and eventually will go to a SB16, cuz everything
I have works fine even with my primitive SB. Browse through this
conference, and you'll find opinions from all quarters, but, I don't
think, any single answer to your questions.
I have a NEC 3xE. It performs Excellently. It needs a board
from NEC, not included w/ the CD-Drive. Card is about $120.
All the drivers you need come with the SCSI card from NEC.
MSCDEX.SYS is the driver, I think about ver. 2.2 or 2.3 now.
I STRONGLY suggest browsing this conference for a few days if
you want to get opinions on all of the above.
... When I was your age, there were NO hard disks.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 12523
To: JIM STANDING Date: 01/21/94 3:57p
Subj: Re: T7G Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Jim Standing to All <=-
JS> Hi All , how are you
JS> OK..I give up! What do you do with the Attic? Can you get out of
JS> their? Or get a Hint?
JS> ---+
JS> +---> Greetings from Jim Standing
Hi Jim. Well, you're at the last puzzle in the game.
Put your hand on the house, and there's your puzzle.
You've got to turn on ALL the lights in the house.
Good luck. P.S. This puzzle is the ultimate bad joke,
7th Guest doing Windows.
... Play chess, NOT Seventh Guest.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 12524
To: KENSHIN SAKURA Date: 01/21/94 4:08p
Subj: Re: T7G maze Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
KS> *** Quoting Joey Sunday to Kenshin Sakura ***
KS> Nope, I was talking about the microscope puzzle. I
KS> solved the maze on my own. I just went thru it
KS> systematically. It took a while but I mapped it out so I
KS> won't have to do it again :)
Hi Joey. You won't have to go through the maze again once
you've solved it. So that's one stress element in your
life you be unburdened of.
The microscope is a b-t-h. I have seen comments in this
and other conferences that there is a bug in it that does
not allow YOU to beat the puzzle. Idea is to get the blue
globs to eat the green ones, by moving a blue glob to a new
destination (next to it, or overleap). I've also seen a
message from someone who claimed to have beaten the puzzle.
The "clue" exit is to your left, but the clues are next to
useless. The whole objective is to fill the checkerboard
w/ blue globs. Of course, going to the clue 3 X's will by-pass
the puzzle.
May the great powersupply in the sky smile on your efforts.
... Play chess, NOT Seventh Guest.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: JUDITH NELSON Number: 12525
To: TOM HUNDLEY Date: 01/21/94 4:30p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
hmmmmmm games you gotta have? I guess none so far. 7th guest was real pretty
and so was critical path, but nothing earth shatteringg so far. good luck with
the mitsumi! oh, btw you will have to reverse the cable that comes with it to
hear the cd player through the windows player. it's the little 4 wire one.
just swap the wires and it'l work fine! t'care
--- Ezycom V1.05 03fa0044
* Origin: The X-Factor BBS (210) 648-3874 - 2.6 GIG - 14.4 (1:387/618)
From: JOHN ALEXANDER Number: 12526
To: BARON SCHWING Date: 01/21/94 6:30p
Subj: Driver Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Baron Schwing to Andrew Bishop <=-
BS> on (11 Jan 94) Andrew Bishop wrote to Laurie Batt...
AB> c:\dos\qemm\loadhi /RF C:\DOS\mscdex /d:laser /m:8 /E /V
BS> The /d: tells the CDrom what to name the drive should be /d:f for
BS> instance you are nameing the drive Laser. Didn't realize that would
BS> work huh ?
Accualy, the /D: tells MSCDEX the driver name to look for in memmory. /L:
is for the drive.
... I am become Death, the Destroyer of worlds Oppenheimer
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: Isle of the Avatar, 918-455-8399, Tulsa, OK, 14.4k (1:170/604.0)
From: JOHN ALEXANDER Number: 12527
To: DARREN CLOUTIER Date: 01/21/94 7:56p
Subj: King's Quest V Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting DARREN CLOUTIER to ALL <=-
DC> HELP! I am stuck! I have the amulet from Madame Mushka and can get to
DC> the bridge in the dark forest (that crosses over to her house) but I
DC> don't know how to get over to her house! Leave any syggestions in my
DC> mailbox PLEASE!
You need a genie's lamp.
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: Isle of the Avatar, 918-455-8399, Tulsa, OK, 14.4k (1:170/604.0)
From: PEPE GOMEZ Number: 12528
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/21/94 6:23p
Subj: Free CD Catalog Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
--- AEdit 0.94beta
Please send a catalog to:
Pepe Gomez
930 Bayou Parkway
Houston Tx 77077
... Back up my hard disk? I can't find the reverse switch!
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12
* Origin: Latino BBS - Houston, Texas (1:106/9555)
From: ERNIE BUELL Number: 12529
To: STEVE GOYER Date: 01/20/94 1:05p
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
EB>Please forward your Catalog to me,,,Thanks
EB>Ernie Buell
EB>7312 Wexford Ct
EB>N. Richland Hills, TX 76180-2109
SG>JR>*********** FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories CATALOG!*************
SG>JR>For the largest selection & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
SG>JR>If you'd like a printed copy, send your mailing information to us.
SG>Steve Goyer
SG>1265 Babine Crescent
SG>Prince George, BC
SG>V2M 3X7
SG>--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
SG> * Origin: The Exchange OS/2 BBS Prince George V32bis (1:359/200)
* OLX 2.1 TD * Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
--- WM v3.10/92-0602
* Origin: The Blues Cafe (214) 638-1186 8 Nodes Dallas Tx (1:124/8014)
From: RICK MEIGS Number: 12530
To: DIANE PENCIL Date: 01/21/94 6:14p
Subj: Sound Blaster & OS/2 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> Hows your Sound blaster work with that set up?
> I heard that OS/2 doesn't support most sound
> cards.
Diane...I'm not using a Sound Blaster, but my
ProAudio 16 works extremely well under OS/2. I
fact, I have my CD-ROM playing a audio CD through it
as I type this and I'm only using 15% of my CPU.
Most of the people I know with a Sound Blaster are
not having any problems with it under OS/2. The
only board I know of which does not have drivers yet
is the Gravis.
Rick In Oregon....<><
* KWQ/2 1.2a * Politics defined: Poli=many tics=blood suckers
--- WM v3.10/92-0662
* Origin: NWCS Online + 18 Nodes + 5 Gig + (503) 620-5910 + (1:105/362)
From: BORIS OSADCIW Number: 12531
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 3:12a
Subj: NIGHT OWL 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
N E W N I G H T O W L 11. R E L E A S E
* Over 640 Meg's * No Dupes * No Dupes To Previous Versions
* All Zipped Files * New Viewer * 60% Files Released last 90 days
"Night Owl 11. " offer's over 5,000 all new files and supports for areas
such as Windows, OS/2, Games, Fonts, Ham Radio, Lan, Business and more !
Call Now And Get Your Copy ! - PRICE - $30.00
Best Of The Best - Night Owl 11. + Cream Of The Crop II - $50.00
ORDERS ONLY! US/CAN 800-243-0517 TEC/QUES 216-225-3263 FAX 216-225-6759
Boris Osadciw
... CAUTION! Silver Xpress roaring through here!
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: Buggie Works Via Satellite (216)225-6130 (1:157/46)
From: PERRY WHITNEY Number: 12532
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/19/94 9:24p
Subj: Re: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Please send me a catalog. Thanks.
Perry Whitney
PSC 473 BOX 30
FPO AP 96349-1109
... Sorry, the Dog ate my Blue Wave packet.
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: BillBoard Sagamihara Ja 81-427-77-0847 V32Bis [CDROM] (6:731/16)
From: MITCH NORTON Number: 12533
To: DAVE REED Date: 01/21/94 10:03a
Subj: sick Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
well dave you you must be a vary "sick" little boy??
to go around an give little old lady's a bad time.....
well i feel for all the little old lady's out there ..
dont you like lady.s or is it somthing more?????
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: NCRL Electronic Library HST/Dual 21,600 (1:344/17)
From: DAVE REED Number: 12534
To: LOUISE NORTON Date: 01/21/94 6:07p
Subj: Ferrets Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Louise!
Wednesday January 19 1994 19:21, Louise Norton wrote to Dave Reed:
LN> Dave. One..... I was not educated in your school system..
No need to explain... it's rather obvious. You would probably have problems
gaining entrance to Pacific Lutheran University. :-)
LN> Thank You God..
That's something I haven't seen before: Someone thanking God for letting them
be an idiot. :-)
LN> Three....I have talked to several computer people
What are "computer people?" Are they human or computers? Are they robotic?
LN> who can still read this old ladies message
Uh... that should be "lady's," not "ladies."
LN> , one a nephew with a P.H.D.
What's a "P.H.D.?" Is it anything like a PhD?
LN> and has written several tecnical
That's "technical."
LN> if they can get these messages and red them
"Red" them? How do you "red" something? Inquiring minds want to know.
LN> all that is important.. not pis ants
There's two S's in piss.
LN> get the heck off this bbs.
I'm on my own BBS, thank you. Ask your SysOp to explain EchoMail to you, and
if you understand what he's telling you, you'll see that I don't have to access
his BBS to send mail in the CDROM conference.
If you ever get down to Ephrata, look me up. I'll help pull some of those
ferrets out of your ass so your head has more room to breathe.
... Support Whitehouse job cuts: Impeach Clinton!
--- GoldED/2 2.42.G1219+
* Origin: The CrossRoads BBS * Ephrata, WA * v32b/H16 (1:344/79)
From: DAVE REED Number: 12535
To: VINCE SORENSEN Date: 01/21/94 6:18p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Vince!
Wednesday January 19 1994 12:21, Vince Sorensen wrote to Hayden Bradshaw:
->> "Electronic Catalogue" version. (There's that crazy Canadian
->> spelling
VS> What's "crazy" about it?
Well... it's mispelled, of course! :-)
Isn't the english language great? We Americans can find ways to destroy just
about anything, even the English language. <g>
... Janet Reno: Re-inventing the Bill of Rights.
--- GoldED/2 2.42.G1219+
* Origin: The CrossRoads BBS * Ephrata, WA * v32b/H16 (1:344/79)
From: BENJAMIN SMITH Number: 12536
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 10:21p
Subj: Nightowl 10 virues Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
The following files on Nightowl v.10 are the ones with viruses:
I hope this helps someone out!
--- WM v3.10/93-0953
* Origin: Processed at Racer-X Systems 515-280-8403 (1:290/17)
From: STEPHEN WESTOVER Number: 12537
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 10:36p
Subj: Gateway CD and OS/2 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello all...
Does anyone know if the Gateway 2000 CD-ROM will work with OS/2?
I just read an article that only certain brands of CD-ROMs will
work with OS/2. I'm considering the purchase of a Gateway 2000
and want to get OS/2.
Stephen Westover - Shippensburg, PA
* OLX 2.2 * Taking collection to give Barney a one way ticket to Jail
--- QM v1.31
* Origin: The Idiot Box RBBS-PC =+> 1-800-295-2943 (1:207/703.0)
From: CHRIS SNYDER Number: 12538
To: CHIP SLATE Date: 01/21/94 2:26a
Subj: Games for trade......................... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
CS> Sherlock Holmes Cons. Det. Vol.2&3..Both include Box & Instructions
I'll give you $40 for these.
SMRead 3.3 #?
--- FreeMail 1.10 alpha-3
* Origin: The Outer-Limits/Planet Connect System (618)439-9629 (1:2290/70)
From: JOSE MARTINEZ Number: 12539
To: RICHARD KELLER Date: 01/21/94 11:36p
Subj: RE: Journeyman Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I hate to butt-in, but Journeyman must be run from within Windows using
Apple's Quicktime.
--- Tabby 3.0
* Origin: The Mountain Air BBS, Cedar Glen, CA 909/336-6080 (1:207/226)
From: BENNET KELLY Number: 12540
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 12:41a
Subj: Triple Speed CD Roms Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I would like some information on the availability or the planned
availability of tripple speed and quadruple speed CD Roms from companies other
than NEC as I am already aware of thier products. Does Panasonic plan to
release models or anyone else. I am seriously considering the purchase of one
but I would like to compare models even though I know that the NEC is A great
Thanks! :)
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Arcane BBS -- Don't Look at me. I didn't write it! (1:167/116)
From: HERMAN WIGGINS Number: 12541
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 8:48a
Subj: cd Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello All!
shareware online cd-rom disk recently purchase...will depart from it for
$25.00 you pay shipping if interested in this rom give me a yell here...
also cd powerbox v-1.00 will depart from it for $20.00....
* WCE 1.5/2094 * Become a programmer and never see the world!!
--- WM v3.10/92-0403
* Origin: International Computers (813)823-4364 (1:3603/300)
From: HOWARD RICE Number: 12542
To: KYLE MACHULIS Date: 01/15/94 12:15a
Subj: Re: Journeyman Project Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| I currently writeing the walkthrough for it, and it should
| be out by the end of the month.
I can't wait to read your writeings!
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [f0f92/b]
* Origin: NezulD's DomaiN - 9 Lines 13.5 GIG (1:115/300)
From: KEN MATTHEWS Number: 12543
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 9:59a
Subj: comptons Enyclapedia Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Anyone using the New Comptons Encylapedia, Was wondering how it compares over
the older one?
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.00P SW11054
* Origin: SoundingBoard, Pittsburgh PA (1:129/26)
From: DEREK STUTSMAN Number: 12544
To: JOHN ULLMER Date: 01/22/94 12:35p
Subj: Re: The 7th Guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JU> My PROBLEM is repetitive puzzles that have no relation to
JU> the plot or story line. The difficulty level of the puzzles
JU> is NOT the point. They have all been VERY easy.
Story line?? WHAT story line? I played the whole game to completion
without getting an adequate grasp of what the story was about! Sure, I
picked up the general idea, but I feel it was far underdeveloped.
Derek Stutsman
* Wave Rider 1.05 Beta # 153 *
... Large fries, pie, large coffee. PRONTO!
--- Blue Wave/Maximus
* Origin: Code 3 BBS *Lewisville,TX* 214-221-7139/436-8753 (1:124/6106)
From: ED DUCHEK Number: 12545
To: DAVID BASILE Date: 01/22/94 10:37a
Subj: Netware 3.12 And Pioneer Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
You will have a few headaches with it, but you can probably get it up and
running pretty simply. Being true SCSI will help you out more then not. Being
novell certified is not needed, just something that people look for to make
100% sure. I have seen them working with novell, but do not know exctally what
setup was being used for the configuration.
Ed Duchek
--- GoldED 2.41
* Origin: ----> From The Back Door at 1:387/635.1 <---- (1:387/635.1)
From: ED DUCHEK Number: 12546
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 11:00a
Subj: Compton's Int Ency Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have compton's Interactive Encyclopedia for sale on CD.
This is version 1.01VW for thos interested in version numbers...
I have not opened the wrapping of it yet, but am very tempted to at
least try it out.... I will part with this for say $40 if you pre-pay.
If not, you pick up all P&H and COD charges in excess of $40.....
Ed Duchek
--- GoldED 2.41
* Origin: ----> From The Back Door at 1:387/635.1 <---- (1:387/635.1)
From: CHRIS ANSELL Number: 12547
To: ALL PEOPLE Date: 01/20/94 12:16a
Subj: critical path Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
hi, i want to know who out there has got critical path for the ibm, and if so,
what is it like.
the box looks very attractive but what is the actual game like?
chris ansell
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Heaven's Door * 61-2-440-8937 * 2 lines * T.PEP V32bis (3:711/927)
From: ANDRE QUEREE Number: 12548
To: NICK ALLAN Date: 01/21/94 12:09a
Subj: infocom game cd's Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Nick Allan to All <=-
NA> Hello All!
NA> I'm looking for a cd that has the Infocom games on it. I remember
NA> reading somewhere that all the infocom games were put on to a cd or
NA> two. If you know anything about this cd let me know.
NA> Do you get the hint booklets etc with it?
Hi Nick!
You are looking for THE LOST TREASURES OF INFOCOM vol.'s 1 and 2 (2 separate
packs). The first one contains about twenty of the original text adventures
(including all the original Zorks, Hitch-hikers, the Enchanter series, etc).
The second volume has 12 of the later games.
Yes, you get the complete original packaging material (documentation and
photo's of the gadgets they used to include), you also get a hint book
which contains complete solutions (in hint form - not walk through) for all
the games which don't have online help (which was in some of the later games).
You also get maps for all the games - which saves you having to map them
out yourself (it's not really cheating - just time saving).
Both packs have been available for some time - have a look around in the
games stores. Alternatively, my copy of Return to Zork had a catalogue
which includes the packages for $59.95 (vol. 1) and $39.95 (vol. 2) - call
Activision on (02) 809 4444 to order (remember to specify CD-ROM). They
are also offerring the original LEATHER GODDESSES OF PHOBOS (which isn't
on either CD-ROM) for $14.95.
Catch ya' later!
... Wave to your neighbor, Word to your mother.
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.10 [NR]
* Origin: Heaven's Door * 61-2-440-8937 * 2 lines * T.PEP V32bis (3:711/927)
From: FRANK BUCKLE Number: 12549
To: ALL Date: 01/18/94 5:26p
Subj: CR-562-B & SBPRO2 DRV'S (HELP) Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Computer Connection - Australia - +618 326 2388 (3:800/838)
From: RODDY STRACHAN Number: 12550
To: JIM FREDERICK Date: 01/18/94 10:42p
Subj: Re: 7th guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Jim Frederick to All <=-
JF> I'm still having problems getting this to run. Any suggestions?
What type of Graphics Card have you got. Check to see if you have enough memory
... The OFFICIAL tagline of the 1996 Olympics!
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: The Software Works - Mail by the Bay..... (3:632/998)
From: RODDY STRACHAN Number: 12551
To: DANIEL PRINCE Date: 01/18/94 10:42p
Subj: Re: 7th Guest with Sony SS proprietary CDROM DRIVE Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Daniel Prince to All <=-
DP> My brother can't get 7th Guest to run on his system which has a
DP> Sony single speed proprietary CDROM drive. I think I have seen a
DP> message from someone else that couldn't get it to run on a
DP> proprietary Sony SS CDROM.
DP> Has anyone else tried to run 7th Guest on one of these Sony
DP> drives? What were the results? Did you get past the
DP> introduction? Thank you in advance for all replies.
I think you need atleast a Multispin CD-ROM drive to play the 7th guest
my friend has one and it works fine.. Because of the life like actors and
animation thats why ya need the multi-spin.
... My hard disk is full! Maybe I'll try this message section thing.
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: The Software Works - Mail by the Bay..... (3:632/998)
From: DENIS COLEMAN Number: 12552
To: NICK ALLAN Date: 01/19/94 10:14p
Subj: encarta 1994 how much Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> Can someone give me a price for the Encarta 1994 cd in
> Aust Dollars.
Regards Denis
--- FMail 0.92+
* Origin: (3:633/253)
From: DENIS COLEMAN Number: 12553
To: NICK ALLAN Date: 01/19/94 10:14p
Subj: infocom game cd's Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> I'm looking for a cd that has the Infocom games on it.
> I remember reading somewhere that all the infocom
> games were put on to a cd or two. If you know anything
> about this cd let me know.
lost treasures of infocom 1 &2.
as for hint books, i don't know but i would assume they are seperate.
--- FMail 0.92+
* Origin: (3:633/253)
From: GLENN BRADY Number: 12554
To: ARTHUR MARSH Date: 01/19/94 1:19a
Subj: V.Fast Or Whatever! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Once upon a midnight dreary,
Arthur Marsh pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of V.Fast Or Whatever!.
AM> Yes, but what speed will V.34 modems be able to operate at
AM> over the Australian PSTN?
From what I've read, it's supposed to be more line condition tolerant than
V.32bis and should work well, even on a SxS exchange.
GB> Personally, I'll believe it when I see it.
Again. :-)
Hooroo for now
?Glenn B.?
* WR 1.03 B # 49 * A moderator's work is never dung.
--- Maximus 2.00
* Origin: 4-DOS BBS Geelong (3:635/513)
From: JOHN FOX Number: 12555
To: ALL Date: 01/19/94 2:44p
Subj: win nt Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Can anyone help - once WIN nT is installed I lose my CD-ROM
I'd be pleased if anyone knows the solution
Regards John
--- GoldED 2.41+
* Origin: Atropos Australia (3:632/334)
From: MARCUS LEE Number: 12556
To: ALL Date: 01/19/94 4:09p
Subj: Gus Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SD>it from DOS no network though. The advantage of the SB16 over the GUS is
SD>that EVERYTHING will work with it, no patches, work arounds/SB emulators
SD>required. The only bummer is the price and that the SB16 has a propriety CD
SD>interface (not SCSI) although there is a SCSI one available for a price...
Just to clear up the confusion that, that might create (while trying not
to be a gus evangalist!). As a GUS by itself, everything will work with
it native mode (obviously), which since just recently purchasing a gus,
I've found alot of support from games (which I found suprising).
But the flexiblity is that the GUS can actually emulate other standards
by software... which I find really neat. I don't use the SB emulation
(I use a PAS16 also, with it's dedicated SB circuitry), and it also
emulates the Roland, both MT32 LAPC-1, and SCC-1. Which I also haven't
found any probs with, even tho Gravis have forewarned against... So
altogether its a great little card. Which incidently I've found alot
easier to install/setup/use than the PAS16....
X SLMR 2.0 X --T-A+G-L-I+N-E--+M-E-A+S-U-R+I-N-G+--G-A+U-G-E--
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Maestro Support BBS, QLD (3:640/301)
From: SCOTT BLENCOWE Number: 12557
To: STEVE MANN Date: 01/16/94 1:21p
Subj: Mechwarrior II Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SM> Hi Andrew,
SM> You asked about the game "Mechwarrior II The Clan" advertised on your
SM> Return To Zork CD. This is scheduled for release in about 4 weeks. I
SM> should have it in stock a couple of days after release. I have been
SM> given no indication from Activision about pricing as yet.
AB> Thanks, could you send me a message when you do get an idea of the
AB> price, and the cost of shipping to S.A.? If so thanks.
AB> Andrew Bishop.
AB> ... "Virtual" means never knowing where your next byte is coming from.
AB> -!- Blue Wave/Opus v2.12 [NR]
AB> ! Origin: SA Country CLUB [Line 1] | South Australia | 08 2
AB> (3:800/853.0)
Sorry to Butt in (yet again) I was just wondering if you could tell me when
Mechwarrior II comes in, If you could just give me a message when you get it
I am interested in buying a few..
... This tagline is SHAREWARE! To register, send me $10
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: Caught in the ACT BBS - Canberra ACT - (06) 292-8288 (3:620/252)
From: MARK BRACKEN Number: 12558
To: ERIC JAN Date: 01/21/94 9:28p
Subj: Rebel Assault Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Eric,
I have capoy of rebel assault. And Have found that The sound and
graphice are fantastic. The playability is not to bad. However the game tends
to crach on a regualr basis, this makes it most frusrating. If you have a
double speed cd-rom and a 486dx33 and 4mb of mem. I think you should give it
ago. You should be able to buy it for approx $89.95. Or If you want you can
rent my copy for a while.
* Origin: Tesseract CAS - v.32bis - 61-2-476-4313 (3:711/451)
From: DAVE REED Number: 12559
To: ANDY ROFF Date: 01/22/94 10:24a
Subj: night owl 10 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Andy!
Wednesday January 19 1994 22:06, Andy Roff wrote to All:
AR> I have Night Owl 10. Can anyone give me a list of virus infected files.
AR> That way I could delete them from the database. Or is the producer
AR> offering refunds.
Look for their address. Someone here should be able to post it for you. Or
give Starvector Software a call at (509) 457-2892. Ask for Mike, and he can
give you their address. Return it and demand the "fixed" version. They
repressed the disc, ommitting the virsuses found so far.
... Lawyer: The Larval Form of Politician.
--- GoldED/2 2.42.G1219+
* Origin: The CrossRoads BBS * Ephrata, WA * v32b/H16 (1:344/79)
From: DAVE REED Number: 12560
To: JOS CHRISPIJN Date: 01/22/94 10:26a
Subj: OS/2 CD-ROMs Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Jos!
Tuesday January 18 1994 22:05, Jos Chrispijn wrote to Dave Reed:
DR>> I know this looks like a smart-assed response, but it's not. I feel
DR>> I'm well qualified to comment on OS/2-related matters <g> and for
DR>> content, the OS/2 box is the best way to go. My only comlaint is that
DR>> the user interface is not PM based.
JC> Is it BBS-ready and most important question : where to obtain ?!
It is BBS-ready. I bought mine from Mike at Starvector Software. (509)
457-2892 is his number.
... It's the criminals stupid, not the guns!
--- GoldED/2 2.42.G1219+
* Origin: The CrossRoads BBS * Ephrata, WA * v32b/H16 (1:344/79)
From: RICHARD MONTOYA Number: 12561
To: KYLE BROWN Date: 01/19/94 7:09p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
KB> MPS Multimedia which advertises in Computer Shopper has the Panasonic
KB> dbl-speed for $200 now, SB16 $129, and CD cables & drivers for $10.
KB> That's what I have except I got the MultiCD model.
Sounds well and fine, but I,ll just have to wait till I get off of
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: Health Professions *ZyXEL* (915) 590-9798 (1:381/61)
From: KEVIN MARKOWITZ Number: 12562
To: ALL Date: 01/17/94 5:54a
Subj: CD-ROM Magazine Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi All,
Does anyone know of a CD-ROM magazine that is available, called
"Nautilus" <sp?>. It comes out monthly, and is like any normal magazine
you would buy at CNA, only it's on CD-ROM.
If anyone has any info please NetMail with the info.
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: Layout de Marillac, Roodepoort, RSA, +27-11-768-2435 (5:7107/1)
From: MIKE AVILA Number: 12563
To: VINCENT CAPALBO Date: 01/21/94 3:37p
Subj: Desert Storm CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> -=> Quoting Mike Avila to All <=-
-> MA> Has anybody seen the Time Desert Storm CD-ROM? Any opinions on
-> MA> Does it have a lot of good movies or is it just still pictures?
-> I got it when it first came out. It's all still pictures, no motion o
-> movies. It's all narrated though. Not what I thought it would be. The
-> part that I liked best was the section of all weapons used in the war
-> They show pictures of each with a brief narration of what it is, and
-> what it did. Even the tanks and planes are in there.
-> Not bad! Educational yes. But a bit boring too.
THANKS! That is what I wanted to know. I really want the moving
pictures. My son can get still pictures from an encyclopedia; this is a
special thing for him. THANKS for the low-down on it. I'll look for
another vendor or get him something else.
--- WM v3.11 [Beta]
* Origin: The Atari Advocate Wildcat 3.XX\D'Bridge\HST (1:120/102)
From: MIKE AVILA Number: 12564
To: VINCENT CAPALBO Date: 01/21/94 3:40p
Subj: Desert Storm CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> I got it when it first came out. It's all still pictures, no motion o
-> movies. It's all narrated though. Not what I thought it would be. The
Just a thought. Do you think there is a newer version that might have
movies? How long ago did you get it?
BTW, I see you tagline is Lodi. I grew up in Bergen County; lived there
over 20 years. Had friends in Lodi.
--- WM v3.11 [Beta]
* Origin: The Atari Advocate Wildcat 3.XX\D'Bridge\HST (1:120/102)
From: MIKE AVILA Number: 12565
To: KAY MONTES Date: 01/21/94 3:41p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> MA-=>Has anybody seen the Time Desert Storm CD-ROM? Any opinions on
-> MA-=>Does it have a lot of good movies or is it just still pictures?
-> MA-=>I appreciate any comments as I want to buy it for my son ASAP.
-> MA-=>best price I have seen is $19 + $5 shipping.
-> I've just seen a demo of that CD. It didn't have any movies, but som
-> good stills. I would assume that if the full CD had any movies they'
-> put at least one on the demo as a hook to sell it.
Oh well. I guess I buy something else for him. THANKS for the reply.
--- WM v3.11 [Beta]
* Origin: The Atari Advocate Wildcat 3.XX\D'Bridge\HST (1:120/102)
From: JEFF PATTEN Number: 12566
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/21/94 11:05a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>>ATI has been around for awhile.
BF> Close to 10 years, as I recall - got started in memory and
BF> multi-function products (their "Six Pack Plus", "Wonder", and
BF> "Rampage" boards set standards).
Weren't the "Six Pack" and "Rampage" produced by AST?
--- msgedsq/2 2.1a
* Origin: Quibbler's Say (1:2410/242)
From: STEVE BERRY Number: 12567
To: BENJAMIN SMITH Date: 01/20/94 1:17p
Subj: Nightowl 10 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
*** Quoting Benjamin Smith to All dated 01-15-94 ***
> Does anybody know if it's true about Nightowl 10 having viruses on it?
> If so...Does anybody know what the specfic files are? I heard there
> were
> 3 or 4 files infected on it...
> *!* WM v3.10/93-0953
> * Origin: PROCESSED AT Racer-X Systems (1:290/17)
it is true, but only in 2 files and ONE other file is Unconfirmed. .. I read it
in a few messages back.. on this echo..
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: The Falkland Islands BBS (1:2410/513)
From: RON PROVOST Number: 12568
To: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Date: 01/20/94 5:11p
Subj: Re: Canadian CD Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Greg Luther to Hayden Bradshaw <=-
-=> About Canadian CD Catalogue on 18 Jan 94 01:50:00 <=-
HB>If you would like a copy of our "Electronic Catalogue" please feel free
HB>to request it here, or by phone or fax at (905) 830-1615.
Ron Provost
307 Rondeau Court
Oshawa, Ontario
... If you want the rainbow, put up with the rain.
--- FastEcho 1.30/g
* Origin: The CONNECTION BBS 2.2Gigs Oshawa,Ont.(905)434-5833 (1:229/401)
From: JEFF WEISS Number: 12569
To: ALL Date: 01/16/94 6:52p
Subj: *& Custom CD-ROMs Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
We put YOUR DATA on a writable CD-ROM.
We accept almost any popular tape or removable media format.
Price for the first disc starts at $90. Additional discs are
as low as $30. Please CALL/WRITE/FAX for more info or read our
message in the Commercial For Sale echo.
Eternal ARCHIVE Solutions, Inc.
650 Cooke Street, #3
P.O. Box 4402
Waterbury, CT 06704-0402
(203) 759-0574 voice
(203) 759-0553 fax
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Gateway to Hell (1:141/1130)
From: JEFF WEISS Number: 12570
To: ALL Date: 01/16/94 6:53p
Subj: *& Writable CD-ROM Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
We now have the following writable CDs and hardware for sale.
Ricoh 74 min (660 MB) CD-R discs $19.75 each (any quantity)
Philips CD-ROM RECORDER and software from $4,995
Ricoh CD-ROM RECORDER and software from $3,895
Please CALL/WRITE/FAX for more info or read our message in the
CD-ROM For Sale echo.
Eternal ARCHIVE Solutions, Inc.
650 Cooke Street, #3
P.O. Box 4402
Waterbury, CT 06704-0402
(203) 759-0574 voice
(203) 759-0553 fax
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Gateway to Hell (1:141/1130)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12571
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 11:43a
Subj: !discounted Fedex shippin Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
It pleases us to announce that due to our growing shipping volume,
FedEXpress has become our preferred courier. USPS Priority was our
preferred method, however, recent performance such as week-long delays
and damaged jewel cases made us look elsewhere. We contacted all the
other couriers to see who would offer our customers the best deal.
FedEX won the bid by allowing us to offer their economy service, which
is as close to guaranteed two-day service as anyone will offer, for only
$3.00 additional over USPS priorty rates. Of course, we will continue
to offer your preferred shipper, as we have accounts with all of the
major couriers. config.sys, Inc./ voice: 216.296.9831 data:216.296.2244
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12572
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 11:43a
Subj: Cd-rom Drives+ Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
********* Refurbished Hitachi Model 3600 CD-ROM DRIVES $130 *********
Hitachi model 3500 & NEC model 36 are available needing work @50% off
Catalog of 1,200+ CD-Titles and hardware products available-CDLIST.ZIP
Internet: joe.rinehart@p0.f479.n157.z1.fidonet.org
Fido 1:157/479 - RBBS 8:965/13 - Kesher 18:711/176 - WWIV 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc. Voice: (216) 296-9831 - 24 hours
P.O. Box 27 Data/Fax: (216) 296-2244
Kent, Ohio 44240-0001 >>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12573
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 11:43a
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
For 1,500+ CD-Titles & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip, descript.zip (or) MAJIC word CONFIG gets both
The Blue Parrot CD-ROM SUPPORT RBBS offers non-backboned echo config
for daily cdlist updates, news, game reviews, & more.
All config.sys cd-rom support files are available to all NEW users!
Fido: 1:157/479 - RBBS: 8:965/13 - Kesher: 18:711/176 - WWIV: 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc.|Voice: (216) 296.9831 or 296.4446 24hrs
P.O. Box 27, Kent, Ohio 44240 |BBS/Fax: 216.296.2244 - 23hrs 16.8k ZYX
Internet: joe@config.wariat.org|>>>>>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: BOB BRYANT Number: 12574
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 3:55p
Subj: Phillips CD/Sound Blaster Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Probably an old question, but.... I have a Phillips CD with it's
proprietary card, along with a SoundBlaster Deluxe card.. I have a
Player Program that I use, but would like to use the soundblaster's line
input to play the CD, manipulate volume, etc.... I can use the line in
to record off the CD, so I ASS-U-ME that I could be able to play the
input coming in off the SB Card... Any success stories, suggestions out
there? The Blaster is an 8 BIt with no SCSII Interface..
Thanks * Bob *
* OLX 2.1 TD * Isn't That Like A Dumb Question, Or Something?
--- WM v3.10/91-0097
* Origin: Texas Open Forum! 903-534-1918 100,000+ (1:3801/1)
From: BOB BRYANT Number: 12575
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 11:39p
Subj: CD/Soundblaster Audio IN Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have a Phillips CD-ROM Drive, along with it's proprietary interface. I
have an 8 Bit Soundblaster Deluxe installed along with it. I have the CD
RCA Outputs connected to the audio input jack on the SoundBlaster card,
and can record off the input, but cannot get any program I have tried to
use the Input to Play through the SB Card's output. I have a program
(CDAUDIO.EXE) that controls the Drive ok, when the outputs are connected
to my stereo, but wish there was a program that would use the
SoundBlaster card for its volume, output, etc....
Any replies will be appreciated, even if it's to say that I'm HOSED!
* Bob *
* OLX 2.1 TD * Isn't That Like A Dumb Question, Or Something?
--- WM v3.10/91-0097
* Origin: Texas Open Forum! 903-534-1918 100,000+ (1:3801/1)
From: SAM FIGUEROA Number: 12576
To: BILL LAWRENCE Date: 01/22/94 10:32p
Subj: For Sale or Trade CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BL> For Trade or Sale one CD The Software Toolworks Illustrated Encyclopedi
BL> for IMB with user's Manual and Registration card. $13.00+$2.00 for
BL> shipping. Bill Lawrence
BL> 2437 Capitol ave
BL> Orlando Fl 32818
BL> 407-295-5813
BL>... File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N)
BL>___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
BL> * Origin: The DOOR BBS-FIDO GATEWAY-1:363/130 (1:363/130)
Is this CD dos or windows and what year is it? Is it opened or
sealed? I'll take it probably, just wanna make sure some
questions about it! Thanks VERY INTERESTED!!!!
In what shape is it in?
Sam Figueroa
Sam's Software
(615) 728-7383
* SLMR 2.1a * Polaroids: What Polar Bears Get From Sitting On Icecaps
--- GOMail v1.2 [92-0081]
* Origin: Net 3622 Echomail Corrdinator (1:3622/1000)
From: HALL STEVENSON Number: 12577
To: MICHAEL GUIDRY Date: 01/19/94 4:21p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
HS>I recently bought a Mitsumi FX001D cd-rom and have a few HS>questions. HS
First, the driver (mtmcdae.sys) is dated 7-14-93. I think HS>version
1.10, but I'm not sure. Question: Is this the latest drive
available? I'd like one that hopefully would be smaller when loade
into memory. The line in config.sys for this driver is: HS>
mtmcdae.sys /d:cdrom001 (?) /p:300 /a:0 /m:32 /t:5 HS>The problem
is that this takes up 78k of my hi memory. I know th HS>reducing
the /m switch would help, but that would also reduce
performance, right?
MG>I've got the LU005. My mtmcde.sys is dated 3/5/93 and is 19k. Works fine wi
MG>dos 6.2. Don't know how you take up so much memory. I use the /x switch tha
MG>puts the buffers into extended [expanded?] memory. Try that. FWIW here is mi
MG>DEVICEHIGH C:\DEV\MTMCDE.SYS /d:MSCD001 /P:300 /A:0 /M:32 /T:S /I:10 /X
Thanks for the reply, Mike. The /x switch did the trick! I
thought that loaded the driver into high memory which I was
already doing with the DEVICEHIGH command but using it reduced
the driver's size to 15k. I now have 620k free conv. memory.
Damn, I've already ordered QEMM, too. Oh well.
MG>HS> Second, this drive does not use an SCSI interface, right? HS>it u
MG>an AT bus interface? The reason is, I cannot use smartdrive HS>cache this
MG>drive, correct? If not, what caching program can I use? HS>I've read that
MG>Norton's Speedcache will work, but I'm not positive.
MG>It's not scsi, but proprietary. Don't think that matters as far as caching
MG>long as you have the latest smartdrive. You may need to set a swtich. I go
MG>it to cache, but don't remember how.
I've been able to cache the cd-rom with limited success. Main
problem is that I can't get smartdrive (dos 6.2 version) to
cache _only_ the cd drive. It also caches C: and H: which I
don't want. I have a vl-bus, caching controller to do that.
Adding any software cache, in my experience and testing, only
decreases the performance, let alone use of valuable memory!
HS>Finally, how do I connect the drive so that I can hear musi
HS>through the SB Pro? Right now, the line-out wire goes to the
cd-rom HS>drive's interface card's line-in connector. As it is, I
cannot hea HS>au disc's sound through the sound card and amplified
speakers. HS>that I'd necessarily want to, but I assume if a had a
game with mus HS>that I would n hear it then, right? Should I
connect this wire f HS>the cd-rom drive to th SBPro's cd-in plug?
MG>Sounds like you have it backwards. Run an audio cable from the audio outs o
MG>the drive to the line in on the sound card. I did it on my pas16 and a frie
MG>did it that way on his SB16.
I do have it running from the AUDIO-OUT on the cd to the LINE-IN
on the SBPro. From what I've heard, you have to connect it
backwards to the SBPro card, but I've been unable to.
It's connected "forward" (??) to the soundcard right now and I
can't even hear sound using the headphone jack on the front of
the drive. I will connect it back to the interface card to see
if I have any better luck.
■ SLMR 2.1a ■ On a clear disk you can seek forever
--- TMail v1.30.4
* Origin: WLIO TBBS * 419-228-8227 (1:234/16)
From: ROBERT KING Number: 12578
To: FRANKY WONG Date: 01/22/94 4:22a
Subj: Nec 3Xi Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Yes I also like to jump into conversations. The PAS Studio 16 has a SCSI
connection on it. I run my NEC off of it, it came with a SCSI connector as
well as an audio cable. It is a nice setup. There was no drivers shipped with
the NEC I just used what was with the PAS.
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Pandora's Box * Eugene OR * (503)343-4520 * HST/DS * (1:152/6)
From: ROBERT KING Number: 12579
To: JOHN BURTON Date: 01/22/94 4:24a
Subj: Carmen Sandiago Deluxe Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
If you see your message on the decoder but do not hear it, go into setup and
chose the Sound Blaster card in Carmen. You will also need to check if the PAS
card has the Sound Blaster option set to on. I had the same problem until I
adjusted the Carmen setup, since then it sounds great.
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Pandora's Box * Eugene OR * (503)343-4520 * HST/DS * (1:152/6)
From: BRIAN NASH Number: 12580
To: MIKE BURNS Date: 01/14/94 8:09p
Subj: Catalog Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Are there any in particular you're looking for? There's a Computer Fair
coming up in Feb. that should have some, and there's also a dealer here
in Omaha that sells CD-ROMs. Give me a call at 556-8793 for more info.
--- QScan v1.04b
* Origin: The Online Pitstop (1:285/34) 402-292-8924 (1:285/34)
From: CHAU PHAM Number: 12581
To: ADAM BRIAND Date: 01/14/94 8:38p
Subj: Coreldraw V3 Cd Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
┌─»>From:ADAM BRIAND<«── 1/09/1994────LaVista, NE ■ 01/14/1994──────────────┐
│ │
│Was it a defective drive or is it just because of inferior parts for the │
│drive? │
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ End Quote └─────────┘
I believe it was the defective one, as we have some locak folks who are
very happy with their drives. I took it to the tech to look at it but
can't get it to work, and he also owns the same drive.
* Qwkit 1.0b * It's Wise To Know Enough To Not Know Too Much.
--- QScan v1.04b
* Origin: The Online Pitstop (1:285/34) 402-292-8924 (1:285/34)
From: KELLY BOSWELL Number: 12582
To: BRYAN BURTON Date: 01/19/94 6:26p
Subj: Re: Carmen Sandiego Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Bryan Burton to All <=-
BB> I got Where in the world is Carmen...Deluxe
BB> The problem is when I get evidence on the answering machine,
BB> I hear nothing. I have a 486/50, 4meg ram, Dos 6.2.
BB> What could be the problem?:(
BB> I get the sound from everyting else.
I had the same problem. A friend helped me get it working. Call up
Carmen, go to the setup menu and select the appropriate Sound card.
(Mine uses the same set up as a SoundBlaster, even though it's something
else.) If that doesn't work, let me know. I'll pass your question on my
buddy. Maybe he'll know of an alternative.
Best of Luck
... Catch the Blue Wave!
--- GEcho 1.01+
* Origin: Conway PC User Group * Conway, Arkansas (1:399/4)
From: CHAD REID Number: 12583
To: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Date: 01/22/94 11:15a
Subj: cheap imitations Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
GMJ>Sorry to butt in, but have you ever heard of overquoting? :-)
Yes, I have. I'm just starting to get used to Fido-Net and am learning.
I've had a few people complain about it and I'm going to start doing it
right. Thank You for not biting my head off like some of the others.
* OLX 2.2 * My computer caught the Vivaldi virus. It's baroque now.
--- QM v1.31
* Origin: The Idiot Box RBBS-PC =+> 1-800-295-2943 (1:207/703.0)
From: TERRY WINSLOW Number: 12584
To: GARY HUFF Date: 01/22/94 2:16p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
GH>By the way, when I say that a B-29 bomber had gasoline-powered engines,
>and lawnmowers also have gasoline-powered engines, would you interpret
>that as a recommendation to install a Pratt & Whitney R4350 engine on
>your lawnmower? You really do like to twist things around to try to
>make yourself look like you know what you're talking about, don't you?
>Too bad you really don't.
I tried it!! And WOW!... did it mow.. Of course, I had to shovel a lot
of snow first!!! Zoweeeeeee!!!
Please, people, don't try this ... they use way to much fuel...
Terry Winslow | Warren, Pa | January 22nd
* SLMR 2.1a * All I need is a Wave and a board to surf it on.
--- QM v1.31
* Origin: The Idiot Box RBBS-PC =+> 1-800-295-2943 (1:207/703.0)
From: RICK PEDLEY Number: 12585
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/22/94 7:34p
Subj: National geo animal cd Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>My mother has become interested in National Geographic's Animals CD.
BF> Brand new - and I suspect that NG likely has learned a lot in the years
BF>"Mammals" came out (though Mammals is STILL a standard in the industry).
What's your impression of these two disks? Worth buying?
* DeLuxe2 1.26b #9691 *
--- Squish/386 v1.10.44 BETA
* Origin: CrossRoads * Kingston, Ont. Canada (1:249/1)
From: DON KULHA Number: 12586
To: JOHN BEACH Date: 01/21/94 6:05p
Subj: Rip me off! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JB> Please send a free copy of your CDRom catalog to:
JB> John A. Beach
JB> St. Petersburg, Fla.
JB> 33713
FYI John....
Excuse me for using your post as an example John but it really isn't a
good idea to post home or office addresses into echo conferences. I have heard
of people having their homes broken into and systems ripped off after having
posted their addresses into an echo conference. A thief may see your address
and figure where he could get a high end computer with a CDROM drive. Computers
are pretty marketable items ya know
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Sonoma Online (1:125/7)
From: ERNIE BUELL Number: 12587
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 12:35p
Subj: AZEROTH cd Titles Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
does anyone know what became of AZEROTH Inc. located in Issaquah, WA
I have written, no anwswer, all phones disconneted.
What I am looking for is their Interactive Old Testament CD and their
Mr. Gadget cd. any help would be appreciated. thanks
* OLX 2.1 TD * No Sue! being in a wheelchair is NOT like wearing glasses
--- WM v3.10/92-0602
* Origin: The Blues Cafe (214) 638-1186 8 Nodes Dallas Tx (1:124/8014)
From: RICKY BOOTH Number: 12588
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 2:53p
Subj: '94 CD's. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
What new CD's are coming out in '94? I hear that Night Owl 11 is out, anything
else planned from anyone else in the way of BBS type CD's? (NO, PIER, CoC)
Anyone have allfile lists for them?
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: KFS Programming -HQ- ...Mail Only... (1:170/359)
From: DAVID BASILE Number: 12589
To: ED DUCHEK Date: 01/23/94 12:30a
Subj: Netware 3.12 And Pioneer Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> You will have a few headaches with it, but you can probably get it up
-> and running pretty simply. Being true SCSI will help you out more
-> then not. Being novell certified is not needed, just something that
-> people look for to make 100% sure. I have seen them working with
-> novell, but do not know exctally what setup was being used for the
-> configuration.
Hey no problem. We are using Corel SCSI Pro Drivers now because the
Adaptec SCSI Express will only recognise the drives as 1 and not 6. But
if you should talk to one of the people running them or know of someone
we can contact it will make our life a whole lot simpler. This is one
of the things we are using as a deciding factor for purchasing Netware
3.12. Thanks for the info.
--- QScan v1.05b
* Origin: GALAXY BBS 12+ Gigabyte on line 205-598-9509 FREE BBS (1:18/9)
From: JAN HEEMSTRA Number: 12590
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/21/94 9:16p
Subj: Re: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Joe!
15 Jan 94 11:32, Joe Rinehart wrote to All:
JR> *********** FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories CATALOG!*************
Please send me one,to J.Heemstra
Zaanstraat 47
9673CA Winschoten
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: Ghost Buster ZyXEL\FAX 19k2 (2:512/58.2)
From: JAN HEEMSTRA Number: 12591
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/21/94 9:28p
Subj: Re: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Joe!
15 Jan 94 11:32, Joe Rinehart wrote to All:
JR> *********** FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories CATALOG!*************
Please send me one,to: J.Heemstra
Zaanstraat 47
9673CA Winschoten
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: Ghost Buster ZyXEL+\FAX 19k2 (2:512/58.2)
From: TIM HELTON Number: 12592
To: SHANNON BLACKBURN Date: 01/24/94 7:06a
Subj: Good ShareWare CD Refer: 12437
Read: NO Private: No
-> I am interested in ordering the Nature Graphics I disc and have run i
-> an apparent problem. I freq'ed STARCAT.ZIP, however, whomever put th
Nature Graphics I is available & most dealers (I hope) have it in stock.
-> order number and a full description of the disc so I may verify that
-> is the one I want.
Nature Graphics I contains 401 original, royalty free, BBS ready (no
licensing fee) images relating to nature. The images are available in
either 256 color .GIF or 16.7M color .TGA formats. The user interface
is Bubba Proof and the packaging is a boner.
Data Express, Inc.
Voice: 404-621-9210
Fax : 404-621-9122
From: ARNIE GROSS Number: 12593
To: TERRY GREENMAN Date: 01/21/94 11:05a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Terry -
17 Jan 94, Terry Greenman writes to Arnie Gross:
AG> Does YOUR copy of Mother Goose SAVE GAMES?
TG> Ummm...I didn't notice that. Since this is not "MY"
TG> CD-ROM disk, it's my friends CD. But I am shure it does.
Please check for me..... I was under the impression that this
particular title from Sierra doesn't have that feature at all.
If it does, I'm sending my disc back for an update!
- Arnie :+}
--- GoldED 2.40
* Origin: The Magnificent MIDI Machine (1:141/950.1)
From: JOE SITKO Number: 12594
To: HALL STEVENSON Date: 01/20/94 10:29a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Quoting Hall Stevenson to All concerning MITSUMI CD-ROM QUESTIONS:
░▄░ I recently bought a Mitsumi FX001D cd-rom and have a few
░▄░ Second, this drive does not use an SCSI interface, right? Does
░▄░it use an AT bus interface? The reason is, I cannot use smartdrive to
░▄░cache this drive, correct? If not, what caching program can I use?
░▄░I've read that Norton's Speedcache will work, but I'm not positive.
Its a proprietary interface, not SCSI! And YES, you can use the
Smartdrive program that comes with DOS 6.2, to cache CD Roms.
░▄░ Finally, how do I connect the drive so that I can hear music
░▄░through the SB Pro? Right now, the line-out wire goes to the cd-rom
░▄░drive's interface card's line-in connector. As it is, I cannot hear a
░▄░audio disc's sound through the sound card and amplified speakers. Not
░▄░that I'd necessarily want to, but I assume if a had a game with music
░▄░that I would not hear it then, right? Should I connect this wire from
░▄░the cd-rom drive to the SBPro's cd-in plug?
I had a problem EXACTLY like your with my Mitsumi LU005 drive and a
Soundblaster Pro clone. The problem was that I had to re-pin the
cable that attached to the soundcard, by reversing the positions of
the 4 wires. It was very simple to do. I suggest you check the
wiring diagrams of the CD rom sound output terminals and the sound
input terminals of the sound card. Then do the repin and it'll work
fine with audio CD's.
░▄░I appreciate anyone's help and look forward to your reply.
Hope this helps! Let me know how you make out!
Written by Joe Sitko on Thursday, January 20 at 10:28:44
■ TLXv3.30 ■ I'm not a programmer but I play one on TV...
--- WM v3.10/93-0158
* Origin: The Glass Menagerie II (610) 376-1819 V32.Bis (1:2607/401.0)
From: VIC HLUSHAK Number: 12595
To: MATT DELCO Date: 01/21/94 7:51a
Subj: T7G Hint Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On (17 Jan 94) Matt Delco wrote to Vic Hlushak...
MD> VH>I need a hint on the spider puzzle in Seventh Guest. If anyone has
MD> done
MD> >it please give me a clue, (hint only) as I would like to finish it
MD> >myself.
MD> Just start where you left off. (It's a weird hint, but a normal hint
MD> would give the answer.)
Thanks for the hint, this weekend I'm going to do it!
... Vic Hlushak..Fort McMurray..Alberta..Canada
--- PPoint 1.74
* Origin: A Professional Point System (1:3402/22.4)
From: VIC HLUSHAK Number: 12596
To: JOEY SUNDAY Date: 01/21/94 9:20a
Subj: T7G hint Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On (18 Jan 94) Joey Sunday wrote to Vic Hlushak...
JS> JU> -=> Quoting Vic Hlushak to All <=-
JS> JU> VH> I need a hint on the spider puzzle in Seventh Guest. If
JS> anyone
JS> JU> VH> has done it please give me a clue, (hint only) as I would
JS> like
JS> JU> VH> to finish it myself.
JS> JU> VH> Thanks
JS> JU> VH> Vic
JS> JU> Hi Vic. You have to use the points of the star to move the
JS> JU> seven spiders to a new destination. Each spider has two
JS> JU> possible destinations. Each of the seven spiders must be
JS> JU> destinationmoved to a new . There must be one open star
JS> JU> point when all 7 have been moved. May I suggest leaving
JS> the
JS> JU>top point of the star open.
JS> JU> Hope that qualifies as a hint. Good luck!
JS> Start somewhere, then fill up the one you just started at. Then fill
JS> the
JS> one you used to start the second move, and keep doing that.
Thanks for the hint, I'll try it!
... Vic Hlushak..Fort McMurray..Alberta..Canada
--- PPoint 1.74
* Origin: A Professional Point System (1:3402/22.4)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12597
To: JOHN MCCOMAS Date: 01/20/94 3:54p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>Can anybody tell me about parallel port portable CD ROM drives?
Micro Solution "Backpack"
$399 LIST, as I recall.
* SLMR 2.1a * Smile at a Klingon and realise you have challenged them.
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12598
To: SCOTT RENFRO Date: 01/20/94 4:06p
Subj: CDROMS Refer: NONE
Read: NO Private: No
>I am looking for Rebel Assault
>Tony LaRussa Baseball
TLB II at $55
>Hobbe's OS/2 (11-93)
Info-Magic LINUX $13
Info-Magic Unix $30
FreeBSD Unix/386 $20
Yssigdral Linux $27
>Also there is a Nasa/Space Disc put out by Walnut Creek.
Space and Astronomy $18
>Is Leisure Suit Larry due out any time soon??
I is out on CD-ROM, VI is just out or due "soon", I forget which.
* SLMR 2.1a * The 4 Dog Food Groups: Dry, Canned, Natural, Yours.
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12599
To: JOHN ULLMER Date: 01/20/94 4:29p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> Please provide information of the quadruple spin CD-ROM
> drive that you have had since March 1993
Would HAVE to be the Pioneer DRM-604X - it's STILL the only Quad Speed drive
on the market, 'till the DRM-1804X finally hits distribution.
SCSI, 6 disc changer, cost runs ballpark $1100 if you ask around.
* SLMR 2.1a * In the middle of the fight, a hockey game broke out....
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12600
To: MIKE AVILA Date: 01/20/94 5:29p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>I am looking to buy my son the Time Desert Storm CD.
>Cheapest price I saw was $19 + $5 shipping; is that a good price?
Not really - if you prepay, I sell it at $19 WITH shipping.
* SLMR 2.1a * Windows NT is the future? No WONDER the future is bleak!
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12601
To: RALPH LINDEMANN Date: 01/20/94 5:31p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>thanks for the offer, but thats not the problem. The newest Adaptec drivers
>EZ-SCSI are 3.0 as far as I know.
Adaptec EZ-SCSI is no more than a re-badged (and possibly CUT DOWN) version of
Corel SCSI.
* SLMR 2.1a * REALITY.SYS corrupted, format another (Y/N)?
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12602
To: JEFF DENNINGTON Date: 01/20/94 5:33p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> you would need a Video board Called RealMagic.
> Several new games will use this Tech. The only
> one I can thing of right now is The 7th Guest 11th Hour.
Dragon's Lair has a Reel Magic version, that I believe has already been
* SLMR 2.1a * Criminal lawyer? Isn't that redundant?
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12603
To: TODD BOWMAN Date: 01/20/94 5:36p
Subj: LOOKING FOR... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>First I'm looking for a good OS/2 shareware ROM
Hobbes OS/2 Archives ($13) or OS/2Box ($25) generally get the best reviews.
>and second, I'm looking for a ROM with info about automotive parts on it.
Don't know of one offhand, other than the stuff some auto dealerships get from
the manufacturers (and do NOT release otherwise).
* SLMR 2.1a * The bad thing about Political Jokes: if they get elected
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12604
To: PIETROPAOLO BIANCHI Date: 01/20/94 5:39p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>An amateur user. As far as I knew, fido used to a be an amateur network, not
>advertising jam.
Your information is badly outdated - commercial ads have been welcome in
several echoes for YEARS now (at least 8, as HDSALE permitted them back when I
first JOINED FidoNet).
>I am glad to spend my money to circulate infos and tricks
>among fellow users, why should I pay the bill for some shopholder?
As it happens, a LOT of the folks that pay the bills for passing mail ARE
shopholders - I'm ONE of them.
The InterNet used to be strictly commercial/research/educational - this year,
Commercial sites became the #1 catagory with Internet addresses....
* SLMR 2.1a * Another Red Dwarf Fan? It MUST be spreading as a disease!
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12605
To: MATT DELCO Date: 01/20/94 6:00p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> My mother has become interested in National Geographic's Animals CD.
Should be a good one. National Geographic has been picky about CD-ROM with
their name on it.
> if it is worth if for $60.
$35, shipping included IF prepaid to U.S.A. addresses.
(317) 726-1980 (Tu Th 11-8 We Fr 11-6 EST)
* SLMR 2.1a * Man made Booze. Gods made Grass. Which do YOU trust?
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12606
To: HUGH CRAIG Date: 01/20/94 6:34p
Subj: ADULT CD'S Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>Do you recall when CD audio disk players first were available?
Yes. My Hitachi happens to be their first-generation top-of-the-line drive.
List price was $995 or $999.
>Those puppies ran 1,500 and more dollars.
Nope. A very few of the AUDIOPHILE CD drives are over $1000, but none of the
"regular" hi-fi ones ran QUITE that high.
>It was several years before they dropped down to
>around $500 or so as I recall.
I paid $400 for mine, about 1 YEAR after CDs finally made it into the sale
channels. It WAS a "closeout" special, though.
(I saw a Phillips demo about 4 years earlier, BEFORE Phillips and
Sony got together to "merge" their standards into the current CD standard).
>Now we can buy suppiror CD audio disk players
>for what? $100 bucks or so..
Top-line stuff actually has gone UP - but so has the "performance". You CAN
equal the performance of my Hitachi for $150-$200 or so, and get more
"features" too.
>1x tech was to slow for me.
1X is still plenty for me right now - as I already have it and the "upgrade"
to 2X or faster is not in my current budget....
* SLMR 2.1a * A Cat is the Universe's way of showing up purrfection....
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12607
To: JERRY CUPPLES Date: 01/20/94 6:35p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>I have a new Apple CD300 which uses the Sony caddies. All the dealers in big D
>seem to be out of the caddies, and the price is pretty near the cost of the
>darn CD's. Any suggestions on where to get a box of the things reasonably?
Check the last part of my price list (should get posted tomorrow morning, or
scan back to find last weeks posting).
* SLMR 2.1a * Cats are PROOF there is a higher purpose to the Universe
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12608
To: KIERNAN HOLLAND Date: 01/20/94 6:37p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>PSS- Somebody needs to publish a CD-ROM full of the FAQ sheets
Info-Magic Usenet CD-ROM claims to have a bunch of them - I've not had the
chance to actually LOOK at the stuff on that one yet, though....
* SLMR 2.1a * Free the Indianapolis 500!!!!
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12609
To: KEN MATTHEWS Date: 01/20/94 6:56p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>> Library of Future (450 books)..26.95 Beacon & Chessmaster....28.95
>Doug I was wondering what the big diference of price of the latest Library of
>the Future 2 over this one. It is a 200 dollars more? Whats in it?
His LOTF I is the OEM version - LOTF 2 doesn't appear to have an OEM version
available (yet).
LOTF 2 IS about twice the cost of the non-OEM LOTF 1 - and includes almost
twice as many books (850 vs. 450, as I recall).
>Which Colored clipart CD would you recommend, High resolution?
Colormagic. I have seen exactly ONE bad review, and seen/heard a LOT of good
reviews of this one.
Corel Art Show III would be my other recomendation - hold out for a version
WITH the book, it's HANDY for finding what you are looking for (and PRETTY to
show off to your friends!)....
* SLMR 2.1a * Tresspassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again!
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Number: 12610
To: WHOEVER IT WAS Date: 01/20/94 6:58p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I forget who was looking for this - copied from a message in CFORSALE....
>Hayden Bradshaw HRB Computer Services 14 Hollis Crescent Holland Landing,
>Ontario Canada L9N 1E7 (905) 830-1615
* SLMR 2.1a * 2 Cats are a circus. 3 are a coup.
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12611
To: FRANK HICINBOTHEM Date: 01/21/94 12:39p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>I see an occasional message from somebody named Tim Helton, who claims to be
>co- moderator, but he is not listed as such in the current Elist.
Tim was appointed as co-moderator late last year.
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12612
To: AMANDA HARRIS Date: 01/21/94 12:41p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>since I've had my CD Rom. I have: A:\ (3.5" drive)
> B:\ (5.25" drive)
> C:\ (345MB hard drive)
> D:\ (245MB hard drive)
> E:\ (Ram Drive)
> F:\ (CD Rom)
>I want my CD Rom to be drive E and my Ram Drive to be drive F.
You would have to load your RAM Drive driver AFTER you load MSCDEX - which
means you have to go with a 3'd Party driver that runs as an .EXE or .COM file,
and can NOT use VDISK.SYS/RAMDRIVE.SYS with your setup.
>According to the
>MS Dos manual, the Ram Drive is suppose to become the drive letter after all
>physical devices. Why doesn't it treat the CD Rom as a physical device?
Because the CD-ROM isn't assigned a device letter 'till MSCDEX loads - LONG
after your Ramdrive driver has loaded.
* SLMR 2.1a * How will you know me? You'll see me cry....
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12613
To: JOHN ULLMER Date: 01/21/94 12:43p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> LR> The Pioneer DRM-604X is a 612KB/s drive that holds six CD-ROM
> Clearly there is/was a confusion here. The original message, I
> thought, was about SPEED (i.e., single, double, triple spin).
The Pioneer DRM-604X IS in fact a multi-spin drive - and THE fastest (DTR)
drive on the market, 'till the DRM-1804X and DRM-104X finally hit the streets.
* SLMR 2.1a * I threw caution to the wind. It threw it back. I ducked!
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12614
To: TERRY BLOUNT Date: 01/21/94 2:19p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>TM> Terry, have you seen Quickens CD yet?
>Haven't heard of it... why don't you buy a copy to put on this bbs so everyone
>can call and download from it?
Don't think that would be a good idea - Quicken is a commercial program....
* SLMR 2.1a * 1 Gig is 1,073,741,824 bytes - NOT 1,000,000,000 bytes!
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12615
To: MARTIN CLEAVER Date: 01/21/94 2:21p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>Also disappointed to note that there are apparently virtually no
>conditions on the nature of comercial advertising... Or checks on its honesty
Checks on the "honesty" of commercial advertising do not exist in virtually
ANY medium - though this one is better than most, as you can at least ASK the
folks here about any of us dealers that the other folks may have dealt with.
* SLMR 2.1a * Republics can withstand anything but Republicans.
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12616
To: CHRIS ANSELL Date: 01/21/94 2:26p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>Hi everyone, i was just wandering if ANYONE knew if a date has been mentioned
>when cd roms will become writable
By definition, CD-ROMs are not INTENDED to be writable.
The "write once" stuff is NOT mainstream CD-ROM technology and likely never
WILL be such, at the rate things are going.
>I know that cd rom developers are holding back and the software
>developers are holding mass prayers that this never develops
The software developers as a GENERAl rule could care less. The "cd rom
developers" have been trying to come up with an inexpensive but RELIABLE method
for years now (Tandy's "Thor" project) but have NOT been able to resolve the
problems inherent at a "reasonable" price.
* SLMR 2.1a * It's 11:00 PM - do YOU know what your Cats are shredding?
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12617
To: KEVIN RICH Date: 01/21/94 2:40p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>I just put a CD ROM on line for my users. I keep seeing things about a
Some drives require you to put your disc in a "caddy" before you put it in the
drive - the proported benifit is better protection for your ROM, but this is
outweighed in MOST cases by the fact that a caddy is HARDER to get a ROM into
safely than putting it into a caddyless drive.
The additional cost factor is also significant.
Multi-disc players, SO FAR, all require some sort of a carrier/caddy, but that
is another story (VERY FEW multi-disc players, even AUDIO ones, get by without
some sort of "caddy").
* SLMR 2.1a * Actually, Cats are QUITE good at domesticating People....
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12618
To: RICHARD MAY Date: 01/21/94 2:49p
Subj: SCSI VS. IDE Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> I think perhaps you are misled. First of all, you will not realize a
>significant speed increase with SCSI.
Not on a CD-ROM, anyway - except for the fact that ALL of the 3X or faster
drives are currently available ONLY in SCSI interface.
I expect this to change in time - buy by the time the first non-SCSI 4X drive
pops up, there will likely be 5X or faster SCSI CD-ROM(s) around.
>Second, SCSI utilizes DMA transfers for I/O to and from the motherboard.
Not in ALL cases - the Allways IN-2000, for example, uses Programmed I/O NOT
>While this is the fastest way to get information to and from system memory
DMA on the average 80386 or higher motherboard is SLOWER than programmed I/O
can be done. Many 80286's have slower DMA than PIO can do.
>SCSI-based computer systems become quite slow at foreground
>tasks when doing heavy disk access in the background.
This is true for ANY system.
> One more thing, where do you expect to find a hard drive that can maintain
>sustained throughput rate that is anywhere NEAR the numbers I mentioned above?
Fastest I've seen were somewhat in excess of 3 Megs/sec SUSTAINED speed - and
ALL of those were SCSI. Fastest IDE I have seen was a little less than 2
> Food for thought. I hate to sound arrogant but SCSI-for-the-end-user is
>aimed at people with more money than brains...
Nope - it's aimed at those of us unwilling to put up with the limitations of
the IDE interface - and while the Host Adapters are more expensive than IDE,
the DRIVES are not once you get up past the 512 Meg range (and sometimes are
the same even in the 200-500 Meg range).
SCSI is also nice in that you can run 7 drives from one controller, and you
are NOT limited to hard drives and (a VERY few) tape drives.
Last point - try finding a multi-disc CD-ROM drive with ANY non-SCSI interface
- you won't, they don't EXIST.
* SLMR 2.1a * Adam's Rib - the ORIGINAL Bone of Contention....
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12619
To: TONY DAVIS Date: 01/21/94 2:52p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>I sure wish the 'TONY DAVIS' from Oklahoma with the porn problem would
>himself as 'TD from OK' or something like that. I also ran a BBS but I had
>sense enough to maintain a CLEAN board.
Tony did NOT get busted for running an "adult" BBS - he got busted for selling
FAO 1, FAO 2, Busty Babes, and another such COMMON "adult" CD-ROM to an
undercover cop in a "sting" operation.
>If he gets burned for discrediting BBS'ing well - good.
His case is likely to set some FAVORABLE precidents for BBS Sysops everywhere,
ones that are LONG overdue. You should be SUPPORTING him, not badmouthing him
behind his back.
* SLMR 2.1a * Nuke the unborn black gay baby whale doctors for Christ!
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: JAYSON PAKULAK Number: 12620
To: JOE RINEHARDT, CNFIG.SYS Date: 01/19/94 9:23p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Please send me one!
Jayson Pakulak
4377 Kacey Circle NE
Salem, OR 97305
* 1st 1.11 #1698 * "I am Homer of Borg! Prepare to be...OOooooo! Donuts!!!"
--- WM v3.10/93-0024
* Origin: Chemeketa Online BBS (503) 393-5580 1:3406/15 (1:3406/15)
From: JEFFREY STEWART Number: 12621
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/21/94 5:23p
Subj: Free Catalog Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I would like a free CD Catalog. Please send it to
Attn: Jeffrey Stewart
9130 Jollyville Rd Suite 355
Austin, TX 78759
... ...The worst thing about censorship is .
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: ELECTRONIC HORIZONS BBS * Austin, TX. * (1:382/121)
From: CHIP SLATE Number: 12622
To: JIM STANDING Date: 01/21/94 7:51p
Subj: Re: T7G Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Jim Standing to All <=-
JS> Hi All , how are you
JS> OK..I give up! What do you do with the Attic? Can you get out of
JS> their? Or get a Hint?
JS> ───┐
JS> └───> Greetings from Jim Standing
Well, if you're talking about where you go up the winding stircase
and have to put in disk 2 then YOU'RE VERY CLOSE TO THE END......
Point the cursor at the model house once you figure this finall puzzle
out youve then beaten the game!!!!
If you're not talking about this area.....then explain more about where
you are!!!
C-Ya,Chip Slate
... Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PURE ENERGY * 910-786-5549 * Mount Airy, NC * 16.8 HST
From: CHIP SLATE Number: 12623
To: FRANK HILLIARD Date: 01/21/94 11:23p
Subj: Re: Sound Board Mixer Aps Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Frank Hilliard to All <=-
FH> I'd like to hear from SoundBlaster Pro and other audio board owners
FH> on the following questions. Did your sound board come with a "Mixer"
FH> function that allowed you to control your CD-ROM audio level on
FH> screen?
YES.IN Windows.
Do you have a "master" volume control, and/or individual
control for CD-ROM, MIDI, and Wav sources?
Yes.In windows.
FH> And for you technical whizzes. Does anyone know what the MPC "Mixer"
FH> specification is?
... Open mouth, insert foot, echo internationally.
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PURE ENERGY * 910-786-5549 * Mount Airy, NC * 16.8 HST
From: JONATHAN CHAU Number: 12624
To: CHIP SLATE Date: 01/21/94 7:24a
Subj: Games for trade.......... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
The date was 01-17-1994... CHIP SLATE mumbled something to ALL...
CS> Sherlock Holmes Cons. Det. Vol.2&3..Both include Box & Instructions
How much are ya askin' for those babies? I have a friend who wants to
check them out. (He was impressed with the first one, but didn't want
to pay for the other disks.)
Jonathan. [Team OS/2]
Internet - jonc@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
CompuServe - 72712,2232
* KWQ/2 1.2d * Hello, Operator?! I've been cut off! - John Bobbitt
--- WM v3.10/91-0090
* Origin: Networks Plaza BBS. Edmonton's Satellite Link. (1:3 (1:342/666)
From: JONATHAN CHAU Number: 12625
To: SAM LAMBROPOULOS Date: 01/21/94 7:29a
Subj: 7th Guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
The date was 01-15-1994... SAM LAMBROPOULOS mumbled something to
SL> I have a Creative CD drive 563 running off a SB16 card and was
SL> wondering whether my 386SX-16 would be able to run 7th Guest.
It will, but the animation will be a bit choppy.
SL> My video card is a Trident 8900 with 1 meg with plenty of hard
SL> disk space using doubleSpace.
Hard drive space isn't a problem.. T7G only installs about 4-5 MB
worth of files onto your hard drive.
Jonathan. [Team OS/2]
Internet - jonc@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
CompuServe - 72712,2232
* KWQ/2 1.2d * Lorena Bobbitt bobbed *it* and lobbed *it*. (Poor John!)
--- WM v3.10/91-0090
* Origin: Networks Plaza BBS. Edmonton's Satellite Link. (1:3 (1:342/666)
From: MIKE LEE Number: 12626
To: CHIP SLATE Date: 01/19/94 4:34p
Subj: Re: The 7th Guest. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
<==-== Overheard Chip Slate chatting with Mike Lee ==-==>
CS> Hmmmm,You Know that you can goto the MAP option on the Sphinx board
CS> and it'll show you the rooms you have been and the rooms you still
CS> have to do puzzles in(light brown)...the rooms you've finished(dark
CS> brown) rooms you still can't goto (no color)......Have you done the
CS> maze yet? Have you been in the room with the Piano?? Answering these
CS> questions will help me to better understand where you are at in the
CS> game...... Also,the only thing i saw as the punishment was that ,like
CS> you stated you miss out on how to solve the puzzle and the cinema or
CS> acting scenes are not in synqe with each other Who cares! These are
CS> minor flaws compared to the books' help!!!....
Well, I haven't used the book yet...It's my dad who had used it solve a few
of the puzzles, but we figured the ultimate punishment would be to punish all
saved games so that they weren't able to be completed...but, I finally did
figure out how to get outside...you had to go into the rug on the floor in
front of the stairs...remember? So what's the door in the kitchen for?!
Oh well, right now, I'm struggling with the Strauf painting...
... We now return to our scheduled messaging...
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: CD Rom - On-line - Serendipity BBS (604) 599-3820 (1:153/916)
From: MIKE LEE Number: 12627
To: ALL Date: 01/19/94 4:40p
Subj: CD-Speed Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Just curious, what is the reliability of CD-Speed, the CDRom caching program?
Does it speed up access time/data transfer rate much?
... We now return to our scheduled messaging...
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: CD Rom - On-line - Serendipity BBS (604) 599-3820 (1:153/916)
From: JEREMY FRASER Number: 12628
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 10:59a
Subj: BUSTEK TO NEC3XE (CDR-600) Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I've just purchased an NEC 3Xe TripleSpin CDROM player ( also known as the
CDR-600 ). I thought I could just hook it up to my SCSI card and let her rip.
HA! My MIS department bought a SCSI adapter made by a company called BusTek (
not many people I've talked to have heard of them ). I need to get the MSCDEX
drivers for the SCSI card to talk to the 3Xe. Can anybody help me with this?
Ideally I would like to get my hands on one of the following:
1) BBS # where I can logon and download the drivers
2) Address of BusTek so I can contact them about getting the drivers
3) Any other information that would help me get this CDROM player running.
Failing that, I'd grab at a LARGE bottle of Tylenol.
Thanks in advance to anybody who might be able to help me.
--- TMail v1.31.4
* Origin: Dial-A-File BBS - (604) 736-FILE (1:153/776)
From: SCOTT DAVIS Number: 12629
To: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Date: 01/22/94 3:02p
Subj: OS2/2.1 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
GJ>I may soon buy a copy of OS2/2.1 on CD-ROM, but I have a question to ask:
GJ>My hard drive is compressed with Stacker 3.1 (Excellent!) and I was wonderi
GJ>if I'd be able to install OS2/2.1 on it without having to reformat
GJ>everything. I have a 386/DX-40 with 4MB RAM (Planning to buy more) and a
GJ>120MB HD stacked to approx 233MB (Quite true, since I get an overall
GJ>compression ratio of 1.8!)
Stacker sells an OS/2 version.. you'll need that before you can use a stacked
drive under OS/2 (I know guys.. there are ways around this for certain
* MR/2 1.52 NR * The best way to accelerate Windows is at escape velocity.
--- Renegade v1-2 Exp
* Origin: The Domain (904)291-1883 (1:112/70)
From: BRUCE ARP Number: 12630
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/17/94 7:04a
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
│JR> *********** FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories CATALOG!************* │
│JR> For the largest selection & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog... │
│JR> If you'd like a printed copy, send your mailing information to us. │
│JR> We offer CDLIST file attach's upon request. │
Can you send me a copy
P.O. Box 4376
Lincoln, NE 68504-0376
Bruce Arp
■ MegaMail 2.10 #949:$CO UNiX - Expensive, but atleast it works!
--- WM v3.00/92-0084
* Origin: Flite-Line Lincoln, NE. 402-421-1171 (ZyXEL) (1:285/203.0)
From: BRUCE ARP Number: 12631
To: JIM LAMBERT Date: 01/17/94 7:08a
Subj: CD-Rom Catalog Available Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
│JL> For everybody interested in great prices on the latest CD-Roms, we have│
│JL> a catalog available for download from Computer Works that lists each │
│JL> title, price and description. You can download on the first call. │
│JL> We will mail a list of titles and prices to anyone requesting a copy an│
│JL> posting their address or calling us voice. │
Bruce Arp
P.O. Box 4376
Lincoln, NE 68504-0376
■ MegaMail 2.10 #949:$CO UNiX - Expensive, but atleast it works!
--- WM v3.00/92-0084
* Origin: Flite-Line Lincoln, NE. 402-421-1171 (ZyXEL) (1:285/203.0)
From: VIC HLUSHAK Number: 12632
To: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Date: 01/22/94 1:33p
Subj: Modems etc.... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On (14 Jan 94) Giuliano Maciocci Jr wrote to All...
GM> Hi All!
GM> I have a smallish slightly off-topic question for the sea of minds out
GM> there:
GM> I plan to buy a good, though reasonably priced 14.4 modem, and I was
GM> considering the most appealing SupraFAXModem 144LC ($179.95,
GM> external.)
GM> Is it any good? Does it have compatibility glitches? MNP? What
GM> protocols (V.42 etc...)
GM> My thanks to the few people who ever helped me before and tho those
GM> who'll give me a hand this time.
Over in the Windows forum the general concensus is that the USR Sportser
is the way to go. Seems to be very compatible.
and so as to stay on topic,
I have seen a few msg about playing music from a CDROM. I have a Texel
5024 and my specs on the music side are _not_ as good as my cheapie cd
in my stereo system. I really don't think that these things are really
desinged to play music.
... Vic Hlushak..Fort McMurray..Alberta..Canada
--- PPoint 1.74
* Origin: A Professional Point System (1:3402/22.4)
From: VIC HLUSHAK Number: 12633
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 1:59p
Subj: 7th Guest Hints Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Many thanks to everybody that gave me hints on 7th Guest (the spider
puzzle) . I am not sure that I got back to everyone so thanks to
anybody that I missed!
... Vic Hlushak..Fort McMurray..Alberta..Canada
--- PPoint 1.74
* Origin: A Professional Point System (1:3402/22.4)
From: JOSH STONE Number: 12634
To: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Date: 01/22/94 1:22a
Subj: Canadian cd catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
HB> If you would like a copy of our "Electronic Catalogue" please feel
HB> free to request it here, or by phone or fax at (905) 830-1615.
Please Send Me one:
Josh Stone
5 Main St.
Ivoryton Ct. 06442
Thanx... <=====[ Josh ]=====>
X SLMR 2.1a X
--- Maximus 2.00
* Origin: The Matrix BBS (1:141/111)
From: ROB BRADEN Number: 12635
To: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Date: 01/23/94 5:06a
Subj: Os2/2.1 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
GJ> I may soon buy a copy of OS2/2.1 on CD-ROM, but I have a question
GJ> to ask:
Ask away! :-)
GJ> My hard drive is compressed with Stacker 3.1 (Excellent!)
GJ> and I was wondering if I'd be able to install OS2/2.1 on it
GJ> without having to reformat everything.
OS/2 does not have support for compressed drives. You can, however, purchase
Stacker for OS/2 and DOS which will add Stacker support to OS/2 (for FAT
partitions). Stacker for OS/2 and DOS will install right over your current
Stacker config with no problems. The only drawback is that Stacker for OS/2 is
a bit pricey, like $140 or so. There may be an upgrade price for current
Stacker owners, but I'm not sure.
Just to keep this mesage on topic <g>, be sure your CD-ROM drive is supported
by OS/2 first. You can still install it and run it if it's not, but you'll only
be able to access your CD-ROM drive from a VDM (Virtual Dos Machine).
Hope this helps!
* KWQ/2 1.2b NR * MSDOS & Windows on a '486 is a waste of good silicon...
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Talkin' Ring Network - Nashville TN (1:116/71)
From: JOHN BARTA Number: 12636
To: DONALD WEN Date: 01/22/94 10:36a
Subj: Wanted beatles cd Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
DW>Oh, could you restate the problem you've had with the
DW>program? Could be your single speed drive not up to
DW>snuff...mine is a 330kB/sec Toshiba 3401.
No music, beyond the opening bar when the AHDN opening screen first
comes up, and a black frame with no movie. It does do an initial
read from the CD-ROM when it first books, beyond that nothing but
text and stills. Have yet to call the manufacturer of AHDN.
X DeLuxe2 1.26b #47 X
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Hartmann's 1-509-884-(7803)/{0639} HST DS {1:344/2} & (1:344/60)
From: DAVE REED Number: 12637
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/22/94 11:55p
Subj: !discounted Fedex shippin Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Joe!
Thursday January 20 1994 05:41, Joe Rinehart wrote to All:
JR> It pleases us to announce that due to our growing shipping volume,
JR> FedEXpress has become our preferred courier.
I'm really NOT trying to be a smart-ass, but how many times a week are
you going to post this? PLEASE... give us a break and have some consideration.
... Why be politically correct when you can be RIGHT?
--- GoldED/2 2.42.G1219+
* Origin: The CrossRoads BBS * Ephrata, WA * v32b/H16 (1:344/79)
From: PERRY WHITNEY Number: 12638
To: MIKE AVILA Date: 01/22/94 10:48a
Subj: Re: Desert Storm CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Mike Avila to All <=-
MA> Has anybody seen the Time Desert Storm CD-ROM? Any opinions on it?
MA> Does it have a lot of good movies or is it just still pictures?
I have one called "A line in the sand". I looked through it a bit
and found many documents on the war along with pictures. It was made
for the U.S. Marines. I was one of the first 10,000 troops there
(Navy) and I didn't see my picture in it!!! I never heard of the
Times one.
... Sorry, the Dog ate my Blue Wave packet.
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: BillBoard Sagamihara Ja 81-427-77-0847 V32Bis [CDROM] (6:731/16)
From: PERRY WHITNEY Number: 12639
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 10:48a
Subj: Photo Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Ok people, help me out here.......
Tell me about how I can transfer pictures to CD to few at my
pleasure. I want to take family photo's and make a CD photo
album. What is this I hear about a Kodak Photo CD?
Perry (I don't know) Whitney
... I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere!
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: BillBoard Sagamihara Ja 81-427-77-0847 V32Bis [CDROM] (6:731/16)
From: RICKIE DONKIN Number: 12640
To: STEPHEN WESTOVER Date: 01/22/94 9:49p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have a creative labs CD-ROM and bought OS-2 on CD. You will need to get a
driver for you CD from the manufacture. I was able to get the driver that I
needed from the IBM BBS. Tele # 919-517-0001. If you bought OS2 and have a s/n
you can call the support line and get good help.
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: The File Bank, Inc. (303) 534-4646 - Files, Files, Files (1:104/899)
From: RICKIE DONKIN Number: 12641
To: DOUG COUGHLER Date: 01/22/94 10:03p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I bought one for x-mas. It is a CR562 from Matsuitka. I bought the Multimedia
kit that came with soundblaster. This is the card that you connect the CD to.
I belive that all CD-ROM's are SCSI drives, not IDE. If you have OS-2 you will
also need a driver for it. If you need any help, leave me a note and I'll try
and help. I do have the mannuals.
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: The File Bank, Inc. (303) 534-4646 - Files, Files, Files (1:104/899)
From: RICKIE DONKIN Number: 12642
To: RICK MEIGS Date: 01/22/94 10:05p
Subj: Re: SOUND BLASTER & OS/2 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have soundblaster and OS-2, I also play CD,s and don't have any problems.
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: The File Bank, Inc. (303) 534-4646 - Files, Files, Files (1:104/899)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12643
To: JAMES PARKER Date: 01/22/94 3:07a
Subj: Re: Interactive adult Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Brice Fleckenstein to James Parker <=-
BF> $129 list. I suspect some of the dealers here can beat that somewhat
BF> - I could
BF> do so, if I carried "X" rated titles.
BF> There's also the "extra cost" associated with a "brand name"
BF> product....
We've got it here, and it definitely is not cheap. The Brice is Right--
Penthouse extracts some mighty rents. We've got it for $99, but make us an
offer reasonable enough and it's yours.
... "Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again." - L. Long
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12644
To: JOE LYDA Date: 01/22/94 3:23a
Subj: Re: Cd-list Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Joe Lyda to Joe Rinehart <=-
JL> Hello Joe!
JL> I freqed your list and was disipointed at the lack of
JL> information concerning BBS ready information. I did not
JL> see any info saying if a title was BBS ready (having a
JL> files list usable to setup on a BBS) I am looking to
JL> buy around 6 cd's but will not do guess work and get
JL> something useless for bbs use.
Sorry about the lack of info in the list-- we're just concerned about
FREQ'ers phone bills. There is a file available for FREQing called
"descript.zip" with more in-depth descriptions of about 800 titles.
As far as BBS readiness goes, Terry Blount's Cream of the Crop is the most
adaptable and compatible disc I've seen. We've gotten nothing but
compliments about its ease of conversion. Many shareware discs' BBS
readiness depends on the system you're running.
It'd take quite a long post to describe each one. If you didn't get
"descript.zip", you may want to try it. If you're still in the dark, feel
free to give us a voice call at (216) 296-4446.
By the way, if you do call, ask for Joe. He knows all the good stuff-- I'm
just the accountant (I'm learning, though!)
Thanks. Hope to hear from you.
Carl "R" Knorr
the "fig" of "config.sys"
... Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12645
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 2:45a
Subj: !discounted Fedex shippin Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
It pleases us to announce that due to our growing shipping volume,
FedEXpress has become our preferred courier. USPS Priority was our
preferred method, however, recent performance such as week-long delays
and damaged jewel cases made us look elsewhere. We contacted all the
other couriers to see who would offer our customers the best deal.
FedEX won the bid by allowing us to offer their economy service, which
is as close to guaranteed two-day service as anyone will offer, for only
$3.00 additional over USPS priorty rates. Of course, we will continue
to offer your preferred shipper, as we have accounts with all of the
major couriers. config.sys, Inc./ voice: 216.296.9831 data:216.296.2244
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12646
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 2:46a
Subj: Cd-rom Drives+ Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
********* Refurbished Hitachi Model 3600 CD-ROM DRIVES $130 *********
Hitachi model 3500 & NEC model 36 are available needing work @50% off
Catalog of 1,200+ CD-Titles and hardware products available-CDLIST.ZIP
Internet: joe.rinehart@p0.f479.n157.z1.fidonet.org
Fido 1:157/479 - RBBS 8:965/13 - Kesher 18:711/176 - WWIV 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc. Voice: (216) 296-9831 - 24 hours
P.O. Box 27 Data/Fax: (216) 296-2244
Kent, Ohio 44240-0001 >>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12647
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 2:46a
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
For 1,500+ CD-Titles & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip, descript.zip (or) MAJIC word CONFIG gets both
The Blue Parrot CD-ROM SUPPORT RBBS offers non-backboned echo config
for daily cdlist updates, news, game reviews, & more.
All config.sys cd-rom support files are available to all NEW users!
Fido: 1:157/479 - RBBS: 8:965/13 - Kesher: 18:711/176 - WWIV: 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc.|Voice: (216) 296.9831 or 296.4446 24hrs
P.O. Box 27, Kent, Ohio 44240 |BBS/Fax: 216.296.2244 - 23hrs 16.8k ZYX
Internet: joe@config.wariat.org|>>>>>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JIM SHARRER Number: 12648
To: PATRICK FITZGERALD Date: 01/23/94 7:31a
Subj: My first time doesn't wor Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> With my system files as follows (see below) the program (1.bat)
-> appears to work fine (Files are installed to my harddisc, Test tones
-> are heard from my Sound Card) & it tells me to type GO.BAT to
-> run the program. Alas all I get when I do type GO.BAT is the
-> END.TXT screen advising me to press any key to continue. When I
-> press a key all it does is return me to dos. By the way with
-> the below system settings mem/c shows 610 k free in the low
-> memory area. So what else could be wrong ? I've looked at
-> such things as Interupt conflicts (I've run similar Video CDs
I've also got a CD from this company, and am having troubles with it.
First of all, the install ASSUMES you're installing to the C: drive. If
this isn't the case, you need to edit the GO.BAT file. ALso on my CD
there is a file called TROUBLE.TXT, which mentions possible problems
with Local Bus machines, and specifically, Cirrus chipset cards. It
says to send back the card, telling them that you are using the Cirrus
chipset, and they will send you updated drivers.
Mine *appears* to be working OK, in that everything loads and does what
its supposed to do, but performance is not good. Its very jerky, and ANY
mouse movement interferes with the audio track. I know all of this
sounds like a possible setup problem with the sound card, but this is
the only title I'm having trouble with. My drive is a double speed
Creative Labs, using the SBPro, which benchmarks at around 304K transfer
rate (so it *should* be fine!).
Good luck with it!
--- Squish v1.01
* Origin: The Godfather BBS*Tampa FL*(813)286-7084*(813)289-3314 (1:377/54)
From: JIM SHARRER Number: 12649
To: JOHN CARROLL Date: 01/23/94 7:54a
Subj: Bsr cd-roms Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> I have 2 BSR CD-ROM players model# 6800MX. Bought them from DAK and
-> they work fine for bbs files. Trouble is, I can't get them
-> both to initialize. I use MSCDEX and MSCD001 in my config.sys
-> and autoexec.bat respectively, and have the interface cards
-> set identically. Maybe this is my problem.
-> Anyway, the DAK book that came with them doesn't tell you how to set
-> the cards or the driver to run two CDs at the same time. I
-> have 1 running fine, but need to know how to do 2, anyone have an
-> answer?
I'm not familiar with that exact model, but Dak/BSR was selling Sony
drives at one point, and you could run 4 off the same controller. If
this is the case, they should both work by daisy chaining them, so long
as you set the device number on each drive to something unique.
If you need to use 2 controllers, set them differently! Then, load 2
drivers in your config.sys, each reflecting the different addresses.
Then in your autoexec.bat, reference both in the MSCDEX:
MSCDEX /E /V /D:MSCD0001 /D:MSCD0002 (or whatever you referred to them
as in your config.sys file)
Hope this helps.
--- Squish v1.01
* Origin: The Godfather BBS*Tampa FL*(813)286-7084*(813)289-3314 (1:377/54)
From: DANIEL GRIFFIN Number: 12650
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 5:05p
Subj: Cd drive Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I am currently in the market for a CD-rom drive, and presently have an old
Sound Blaster 8 bit sound card. It has been suggested that I should buy a
Creative Labs Soundblaster Kit that has CD drive and 16 bit card for $499 or
so. This is Kinda out of my league as far as money goes. Does anyone have
any better ideas?
Does anyone have any good/bad info on the Panasonic cr562 drive. It looks good
to me.
--- ProBoard v2.00 Beta/8 [Reg]
* Origin: Business Connection 4.1+Gigs (912) 249-0090 (1:3645/10)
From: RICK PEDLEY Number: 12651
To: JOHN MCCOMA Date: 01/23/94 12:45p
Subj: Parallel port cd roms ? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>Can anybody tell me about parallel port portable CD ROM drives?
BF> Micro Solution "Backpack"
BF> $399 LIST, as I recall.
The major drawback to parallel port drives (I've just read) is speed. Data
throughput is a lot slower and is suitable only for reference material and
still images.
* DeLuxe2 1.26b #9691 *
--- Squish/386 v1.10.44 BETA
* Origin: CrossRoads * Kingston, Ont. Canada (1:249/1)
From: GARY HUFF Number: 12652
To: DEBORAH HAESELER Date: 01/23/94 8:51a
Subj: CD-ROM Driver Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
DH> * What software did your CD-ROM come with? Mine came with
DH>Soundblaster CD-ROM Installation software. However, when I was unable
DH>to get my start-up files to load the software, I took the drive to
DH>shop. They installed entirely different software -- Lasermate, which
DH>created a directory called CDROMDRV, with the driver CDMKE.SYS as the
DH>one that did the trick. Worse, they didn't even give me a disk of
DH>that software!
Deborah, I have the Panasonic/Matsushita 562B drive, which I purchased
from Egghead Software in their Lasermate kit. It came with a 3.5"
diskette with the software needed for the installation you describe.
If your Lasermate kit didn't come with that disk, then your kit is
If you still need the software, I can zip up the disk and make it
available for you to FREQ from me, if you have that capability. It
comes with an INSTALL program that makes installation a 30-second
--- QM v1.00
* Origin: Capitol City BBS (909)931-0533 HST14.4DS : (1:218/201.0)
From: TOM HUNDLEY Number: 12653
To: JUDITH NELSON Date: 01/23/94 8:39p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JN> --- Ezycom V1.05 03fa0044
Did your drive come with a 16 bit card or an 8 bit. Just want to know what
standerd with the douple speeds models. Thanks
--- ProBoard v2.00 Beta/8 [Reg]
* Origin: -=ROUTE 66 BBS=- 5.8 Gigs 2 Lines (1:370/510)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12654
To: SHANNON BLACKBURN Date: 01/22/94 12:00a
Subj: Good ShareWare CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SB:>Over a week ago, I crashed a netmail message to the above address.
SB:>I am interested in ordering the Nature Graphics I disc and have run into
SB:>an apparent problem. I freq'ed STARCAT.ZIP, however, whomever put that
SB:>together neglected several things: while the Nature Graphics disc
SB:>is listed and highlighted as new, it is not included in either the NEW file
SB:>or the MASTER.LST file. Furthermore, there is no order number listed. Is
SB:>disc still available, and if so, please respond with the correct
SB:>order number and a full description of the disc so I may verify that it
SB:>is the one I want.
The version of STARCAT you got may have been an older one. Nature Graphics
is in stock. Stock # is CA230. Here is a brief description:
CA230 NATURE GRAPHICS - Contains over 550mb of professional quality nature
graphics. All images are royalty-free and can be used in a variety of
multimedia presentations. Each image is an original work, and comes in
256-color GIF, and 16.7 million color Targa formats. FILES.BBS included.
Call anytime to order!
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * I used to have a life. Now I have Windows.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12655
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 12:00a
Subj: NEW CATALOG...LOWER $$$! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
To all CD users who would like to receive Starvector's catalog of the 400+
CD-ROM titles that we stock, you may either download our catalog file from
our BBS, or Freq (file request) it.
BBS: 509-457-0206 - Download STARCAT.EXE from <F>ile menu. (1st call)
FREQ: 1:3407/101 - File request STARCAT.ZIP
Our new BBS now has an online order door with all our current titles and
new lower prices! All callers may d/l our catalog and/or place an order
on the first call!
Please feel free to call our BBS at 509-457-0206. The system is using a
U.S.R. Sportster 14.4, so you should have no problem logging on at any
speed between 300bps and 14,400bps.
While online, you may want to download one or more of the CD-ROM file
listings that are available also.
The Starvector BBS is online, and waiting to serve you! Look for
continuous updates and improvements in the near future, with more CD
file listings, new online doors, and more!
* SLMR 2.1a * I still miss my ex-wife, but my aim is getting better.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12656
To: TOM MILLER Date: 01/22/94 12:00a
Subj: Night Owl 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
TM:> Are you shipping the Owl 11 if not can you post a note when thay
TM:> start going out.
We have them in stock at $29.90. Info below if interested.
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * ... A fool and his money soon become a Sysop!
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12657
To: JOS CHRISPIJN Date: 01/22/94 12:00a
Subj: OS/2Box Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JC:> DR> content, the OS/2 box is the best way to go.
JC:>Is it BBS-ready and most important question : where to obtain ?!
You can order them through us. Price is $20 + $4 s/h. Info below.
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * This tagline will self-destruct in 5-million nanoseconds.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12658
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 12:00a
Subj: A FEW CD-ROM TITLES..... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Arizona Images................18.90 Night Owl 7.0.................15.90
Art History Encyclopedia......17.40 Night Owl 8.0.................15.90
Arthur's Teacher Trouble......26.50 Night Owl 9.0.................23.40
Audubon's Birds...............15.50 Night Owl 10.1................29.00
Audubon's Mammals.............20.60 Night Owl 11.0 (NEW)..........29.90
Battle Chess..................23.40 Night Owl Business............20.40
Beauty and the Beast..........18.90 Night Owl Games...............23.50
Best of Microprose............23.40 Night Owl Graphics............26.40
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * The magic of Windoze: Turning a 486 into an XT.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12659
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 12:01a
Subj: POWERBOX 2: $25.60 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Title: CD POWERBOX 2 Price: $25.60 |
600+mb of only 1993 files! Features Universal Graphic User Interface!
1. CD Powerbox 2 + CD Powerbox 1.01 (no dupes!)........................$31
2. CD Powerbox 2 + CD Winbox 1.01......................................$42
3. CD Powerbox 2 + OS/2Box.............................................$45
SUPER SPECIAL: ALL FOUR DISCS (Powerbox 1 & 2, OS/2Box, and Winbox)....$55
509-457-2892 (VOICE) * 509-457-2966 (FAX) * 1-800-767-1284 (ORDERS ONLY!!)
* SLMR 2.1a * Dammit Jim! I'm a doctor, not a tagline!
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: HENRY HACHE Number: 12660
To: JEFF BUCKLAND Date: 01/14/94 4:24p
Subj: Re: The 7Th Guest. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JB>This game is awesome. The story is great, and while the actual gameplay is
JB>kind of unexpected (a puzzle game?), it is great. Just hope you have a
JB>monster system. This game is cool, and IT'S HARD. It's also pretty big. It
JB>took me a week to finish the 4 easiest puzzles, and that's with the help of
JB>walk-through (that didn't even help me much!), and I know that there are
JB>about 20 puzzles. Definitely worth it.
I felt the opposite! It took me a little over a week to finish them
all! No "auto-solves" with the clue book, either. In fact I used it
fore only 1 clue, the bottles, but figured it just ruined the game.
I spent maybe less than 20 playing hours, about 3 looking for the next
to last puzzle. I had solved the 2 floors & dungeon in 6 days, spent
2-3 days looking EVERYWHERE for something to do. Got lucky when I 3
went to the front door... After that, I was totally done in less than an
I was also very p/oed that the 2nd disk only has 1 puzzle! But a bunch
of credits!
■ QMPro 1.02 00-0000 ■ »∞√╘╘h╖ñ ÄC■hanks for hanging up, dear.
--- FastEcho/JAM beta
* Origin: PACIFIC COAST MICRO, So. Calif. HST-16.8k 805-494-9386 (1:102/1001)
From: HENRY HACHE Number: 12661
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/14/94 4:24p
Subj: !Free Cd Catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JR>*********** FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories CATALOG!*************
JR>For the largest selection & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
JR>If you'd like a printed copy, send your mailing information to us.
JR>We offer CDLIST file attach's upon request.
JR>CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip (over 1,100 cd-rom disc titles available)
JR> Internet: joe.rinehart@p0.f479.n157.z1.fidonet.org
JR> FidoNet: 1:157/479 - RBBSNet 8:965/13 - KesherNet 18:711/176
JR>Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc. Voice: (216) 296-9831 - 24 hours
JR>P.O. Box 27 Data/Fax: (216) 296-2244
JR>--- MsgToss 2.0c
JR> * Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
Please send me one too:
H. Hache
5865 E. Marlies Ave.
Simi Valley, CA 93063
■ QMPro 1.02 00-0000 ■ People say I'm indecisive. Am I? I don't know.
--- FastEcho/JAM beta
* Origin: PACIFIC COAST MICRO, So. Calif. HST-16.8k 805-494-9386 (1:102/1001)
From: HENRY HACHE Number: 12662
To: ALL Date: 01/14/94 4:24p
Subj: Other Than 7Th Guest... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
It definitely seems that 7th guest is the best cd-rom game out there by
the amount of letters about it.
Now that I finished it, what other cd do people recommend?
I liked puzzles, but can go for a text adventure game.
Kingsquest? Monkey's Island? Ultima?
■ QMPro 1.02 00-0000 ■ It's not hard to meet expenses, they're everywhere.
--- FastEcho/JAM beta
* Origin: PACIFIC COAST MICRO, So. Calif. HST-16.8k 805-494-9386 (1:102/1001)
From: ERIC ENGELMANN Number: 12663
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 11:23p
Subj: XBase CD-ROM File Counts Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Here are file counts for Dec'93 XBase Shareware CD-ROM from EMS Prof.
Shareware. Voice:301-924-3594. Lists for $59.50.
*** Types of PD/SW Files in the Current DBUTIL Directory ***
Achoice 20 Alert for Clipper 1 Anomaly Lists 4
App. Launch 1 Applic. Generator 56 Arrays 43
ASM Function 65 AT Technotes 27 Backup 17
Barcode 17 Benchmarking 6 Browse 67
Business Datafiles 1 Calendar 35 CASE 3
Clip4Win 1 Clipper Internals 3 Clipper Library 125
Clock 9 Clone 19 Code Compressor 7
Color Selection 44 Command Editor 4 Communication 52
Compiler 2 Compiler Extension 28 Converter 53
Cursor Control 15 Data Compression 18 Data Dictionary 17
Dates 61 dBASE II 5 DBEdit 2
DBF Viewer 10 dBIV Control Ctr. 4 Debugger 36
Dialog Box 3 Directory/Disk 85 Documentor 79
Duplicates 10 Editor 4 Editor Support 25
Error Handler 35 Faster 14 Financial 20
Force Library 7 Force Support 33 Form to PRG 2
Fox Library 2 Fox Template 2 FoxPro Library 5
FoxPro Objects 1 Function Key 3 Game 9
Genifer Template 1 Get System 12 Graphics 46
Handles 15 Help 36 Indexing 94
Information 55 Interface 58 Internationalize 2
Key Control 17 Key Status 27 LAN/Multiuser 69
Linker 17 Lister 19 Mail Merge 27
Make 50 Mathematics 46 MEM File 10
Memo Manager 58 Menu 74 Misc. 230
Mouse 34 MS-Windows 26 Nested Reads 4
Non-PC Use 6 OS/2 Support 2 Overlay Manager 1
Patch 82 Pick List 24 Printer Control 96
Printer Status 18 Procedure Mgr. 6 Progress Indicator 1
Progress Meter 2 Query Shell 18 Query Window 1
Reduced Memory 46 Repair 37 Reporting 51
Ruler 3 RunTimeInterpretor 1 Screen Control 169
Screen Generator 19 Searcher 27 Security 47
Sound 29 Soundex 6 Spreadsheet 3
SQL 10 States & Zipcodes 16 Statistics 8
String Function 78 Structure 70 Syntax Help 91
Tabulation 10 Template 1 Timer 14
Transaction Track 1 Translate 14 TSR 1
Tutorial 1 UI Template 26 Un/Runtime 2
Validation 16 Word Processor 7 Xbase Standards 2
Total Files in Library: 3307
--- GEcho 1.00/beta
* Origin: Infinite Perspectives (1:109/519)
From: RICHARD MAY Number: 12664
To: MARCUS LEE Date: 01/23/94 6:36p
Subj: Doom on a GUS? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
ML> What FOCAL POINT 3D sound for DOOM??? I've got a GUS running under DOOM
ML> (commercial), and the music is great, but the sfx are just sounds, not
ML> real sfx. Which I fix by running SB for sfx option.
Get your GUS to an IRQ other than 11. A think one under 10 is necessary...
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Binary Sixx (407) 679-3394-Supporting the Gravis! (1:363/238)
From: RICHARD MAY Number: 12665
To: GARY HUFF Date: 01/23/94 6:41p
Subj: Re: PANASONIC 562 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
GH> Wrong. A nice try, but wrong. The only difference between a radio
GH> wave or an X-ray or a light wave or a heat wave is the frequency at
GH> which the energy is alternating. If it alternates slowly, we hear it
GH> as sound. Alternate it a little faster, and it's radio. Alternate it
Wrong. A nice try, but wrong. Audio waves are compression waves that involve
the movement of molecules (air). This is kinetic motion and is different than
radio frequency energy which is ELECTROMAGNETIC in nature. Radio waves can be
60 Hz but they still aren't heard.....
GH> Now go do your homework before you bother me again with your braying
GH> about how much you know and how wrong I am. You're getting very
GH> boring. Come back when you want to learn something.
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Binary Sixx (407) 679-3394-Supporting the Gravis! (1:363/238)
From: TERRY BLOUNT Number: 12666
To: BOB LOUDER Date: 01/22/94 8:17p
Subj: Hitachi Drivers for OS/2 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Bob Louder wrote in a message to All:
BL> Are there any OS/2 2.1 drivers available for the 3600
BL> Proprietary cards.
Todd Enterprises has them for $45. 716-343-1040
They manufacture those cards.
--- timEd-A10c
* Origin: Center of the Cosmos 205-824-2611 (1:3625/441)
From: SIMON BRITNELL Number: 12667
To: ANDREW BARNHARDT Date: 01/16/94 10:23a
Subj: The 7th Guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>CW> I may be just plain stupid, but the puzzle with the bishops has>CW> got me
stumped. What's the objective???The objective is to swap all the bishops to
the opposite side of the board. I've done it, but I can't remember how.* UniQWK
v3.0 * The Windows Mail Reader--- WM v3.10/92-2178 * Origin: The Centre BBS
From: PETER SIM Number: 12668
To: BOB BAIN Date: 01/17/94 10:40p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BB> I am not so happy with the Window's Version. The video clips are BB>
identical but are:- BB> a) Lacking in brightness. BB> b) Full of
chunkiness in outlines. BB> c) Slow - stop/start/stop/start.Try making sure
that you have a 256 colour windows driver loaded. I had the same thing, but
when I tried to run "The Animals" it wouldn't go until I put the 256 colour
driver in. This markedly improved the Encyclopedia. You're probably running a
16 colour VGA driver in Windows.Regards,Peter.--- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: Opus
From: PAUL ARMISHAW Number: 12669
To: TERRY BLOUNT Date: 01/19/94 4:58p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
TB> Hitachi cd rom drives model 3600 (that's right model 3600) $99 each.TB>
Access time 350 ms. Transfer rate 150 kb/s. These EXCELLENT drivesTB> can be
daisy-chained up to 8 on each propitiatory controller card.TB> 30 day
warranty. All domestic orders are shipped c.o.d. Terry, This
price is obvious US $$ can you give me an idea of std airmail cost to New
Zealand and also the price of the controller card any any other info that
may be of Help....Cheers Paul Armishaw ■ SLMR 2.0 ■ All hope abandon, ye who
enter messages here.--- WM v3.10/92-7265 * Origin: The Citadel (649) 413-8381
From: PETER SIM Number: 12670
To: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Date: 01/19/94 10:35a
Subj: Canadian CD Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
HB> If you would like a copy of our "Electronic Catalogue" please feel free
HB> to request it here, or by phone or fax at (905) 830-1615.Yes I'd like the
catalogue please.Peter Sim5 Manuka PlaceWhangarei 0121NEW ZEALAND--- Maximus
2.01wb * Origin: Opus North * Whangarei NZ. Above the Rest
From: BEVAN HOWIE Number: 12671
To: ALL Date: 01/16/94 4:30p
Subj: Quick CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Via SLMAIL v3.0 (#1144)I have recently installed a Creative Labs CD-Rom drive,
connected to mySound Blaster Pro board.The drive was supplied with a Windows
App named Quick CD - for playingmusic CDs. There is a button on the Quick CD
window for accessing themixer application. However, when I click this button,
a windows dialoginforms me that the mixer application cannot be found - check
that it isinstalled, and in the path.The only mixer application I have is that
which was suppllied with mySound Blaster Pro two years ago - SBP-MIX.EXE (for
windows). Can anyonetell me the filename which QuickCD is expecting to load?
Is there a newmixer supplied by SB-16 sound cards?Cheers.Bevan-=- Blue Wave/QWK
v2.10--- SLMAIL v3.0 (#1144) * Origin: Southern Lights BBS, Dunedin NZ,
From: DAVID FROST Number: 12672
To: DAVID STROME Date: 01/20/94 4:08p
Subj: speed Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
--> on 01-13-94, David Strome raved to All about speed <-- DS>Hello All! DS>
DS>What is the standard speed today for CD-Rom drives? 320 ms? 300? DS>
DS>Hasta la Bye-Bye, DS>David. You are getting speed confused with seek time.
300ms is about standard for seek time (the time for the CD head to find the
correct place on the disk) but the sustained transfer rate is used to measure
the data transfer speed. This is measured in Kilobytes per second. A typical
double-speed CD-ROM transfers at about 300Kb/s. Older single-speed drives
transfer at 150Kb/s. DF --- WinQwk 2.0 #0 Unregistered Evaluation Copy
SFMail Qwk v3.0 --- SFScan v2.00 * Origin: The Edge, Auckland, New Zealand
From: DAVID FROST Number: 12673
To: ROSS FOCKE Date: 01/20/94 4:08p
Subj: Re: Journeyman Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
RF>ST> If anyone reads this and knows how to get The Journeyman Project t
RF>ST> Win-os2 session then please let me know.
RF>Scott, this probably won't help but it might help to eliminate some
RF>things. I run straight Windows 3.11 that has 32bit data access and a
RF>32bit cache and had no trouble what so ever loading and running The
RF>Journeyman. Not much help but there might be a hassle with the OS2 RF>base.
Might have to run in Windows Extended mode and if I remember RF>correctly
Windows only runs in Standard mode in OS2. Am I correct in RF>this? I have run
into a few programs that need to be in Extended mode RF>before and have a
feeling that this is the trouble. RF> RF>Good luck, it is a great game.
Ross Focke Sorry to butt in guys, but I've heard of the
Journeyman Project but never seen it running: I take it that it's a
Windows-only product? I understand it's a cross between a 3-D adventure and a
space shoot-em-up..is this true? David Frost --- WinQwk 2.0 #0
Unregistered Evaluation Copy SFMail Qwk v3.0 --- SFScan v2.00 * Origin: The
From: DAVID FROST Number: 12674
To: CHRIS ANSELL Date: 01/20/94 4:08p
Subj: Re: Rebel Assault PATCH ? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Stop shouting! Use lower case unless you need to emphasize something. ---
WinQwk 2.0 #0 Unregistered Evaluation Copy SFMail Qwk v3.0 --- SFScan
From: DAVID FROST Number: 12675
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/20/94 4:08p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
--> on 01-13-94, Brice Fleckenstein raved to James Summers about SMARTDRV AND
CD <-- BF>> I have but one question. Can DOS Smartdrv Cache a CD-rOm? BF>
BF>Yes, as of the SmartDrive included in MS-DOS 6.2 - but that version ap BF>to
BF> BF>be BUGGY.... BF> What bugs have you heard of? it seems to work OK with
my Phillips CD drive.. --- WinQwk 2.0 #0 Unregistered Evaluation Copy
SFMail Qwk v3.0 --- SFScan v2.00 * Origin: The Edge, Auckland, New Zealand
From: DAVID BURSELL Number: 12676
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 11:44a
Subj: Return to Zork Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I'm STILL in West Shambar. I think I've been and done I can, but I can't get
out. Boos just wont give me the keys. The only way down the trap door seems to
be to kill him first, which is not the best option. What do I have to do to get
out of this place???!!! Thanks kindly...___ WinQwk 2.0b#1201--- Maximus 2.01wb
From: DAVID FROST Number: 12677
To: ANDREW NELSON Date: 01/04/94 1:58a
Subj: philips cd-rom Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I don't know if this will help, but I have a philips CD-ROM ,
a SOundblaster Pro and Rebel Assault and I know for a fact that
this game has bugs in it. I have a patch which stops the game
"hanging" on you and may fix other bugs as well... If you're
interested leave a message.
--- SFScan v2.00
* Origin: The Edge, Auckland, New Zealand (3:772/295.0)
From: DAVID FROST Number: 12678
To: ANDREW NELSON Date: 01/04/94 2:00a
Subj: philips cd-rom Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
One other trick for the Phillips CD-ROM: try using the line
The /F:1 switch compensates for intereference between the
CD-ROM itself, and the sound card. I needed this switch to get the
CD to work with my Soundblaster Pro. Give it a go. (You will also
need the other switches as well but I haven't included those here)
--- SFScan v2.00
* Origin: The Edge, Auckland, New Zealand (3:772/295.0)
From: DAVID FROST Number: 12679
To: STEAN SNYMAN Date: 01/04/94 2:11a
Subj: t7G help needed (Again :)) Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
For the seventh guest puzzle with the blocks which fall, you must make sure
that every THIRD step is a purple block. The final red arrow must similarly be
step number three: count 1 2 purple 1 2 purple etc etc 1 2 end...gotit?
--- SFScan v2.00
* Origin: The Edge, Auckland, New Zealand (3:772/295.0)
From: SHAWN FULLER Number: 12680
To: BORIS OSADCIW Date: 01/06/94 7:32a
Subj: Re: NEW CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi, what would be the extra cost to send one of those Pioneer DMR604X to
New Zealand, and what sort of warrenty do you provide?
I am also after some CD's
1 OS2 CD
1 Windows CD
1 Dos CD
1 Sound Module CD
2 Amiga CD's
Which ones would best fit the above, and they have to be BBS Ready.
Cheers ... Shawn
--- Star-Net v1.02a
* Origin: Outerlimits BBS *** (03)3-889-021. CHCH, NZ (3:770/145.0)
From: RAYMOND DAVEY Number: 12681
To: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, JR. Date: 01/15/94 12:27p
Subj: Rebel Assult Cheat ! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
If you push to joystick up - down - left - right when the Lucas Arts logo
appears at the start of the game, you will activate the cheat.
The + key on the numeric keyboard will remove all damage and
the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F will jump you to the
start of the relevant chapters 1-15
This way you don't need the crack codes.
... Look Ma - No Modem !!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Infoboard BBS - Auckland - (09) 833-8788 - (3:772/140)
From: CURTIS BURISCH Number: 12682
To: NATHAN MCCARTHY Date: 01/19/94 11:20p
Subj: Re: cd-rom by dreative Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Nathan!
On Friday January 14 1994, Nathan Mccarthy spake thus:
NM> Ok here is my problem. I have a creative cd-rom double-spin
NM> with 6 megs of ram and I just got the game Cyber race but when I type
NM> the exe it says it can't run from protected mode. If anyone has any
NM> ideas please please respond/.
You have an extended memory manager loaded, no doubt. (e.g. emm386.) Take this
out and you'll be fine.
___/Curtis Burisch\___
Fidonet: 5:7211/1.107
--- GoldED 2.40.P0720
* Origin: -=≡ The SS Daylight Robbery ≡=- (Curtis Burisch 5:7211/1.107)
From: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Number: 12683
To: NATHAN MCCARTHY Date: 01/20/94 1:31p
Subj: Re: cd-rom by dreative Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Nathan!
On dark and windy Friday January 14 1994, Nathan Mccarthy bellowed:
NM> Ok here is my problem. I have a creative cd-rom double-spin
NM> with 6 megs of ram and I just got the game Cyber race but when I type
NM> the exe it says it can't run from protected mode. If anyone has any
NM> ideas please please respond/.
Simple, you're using either EMM386.EXE or QEMM386 (or similar mem managers)
which use protected mode to maximize availiable memory. Simply run a blank boot
without such devide drivers (you can still have HIMEM.SYS) and it should work.
Enjoy the spider webs! ;-)
TTYL......... Raver
Giuliano Maciocci Jr * FidoNet: 5:7211/1.78 * InterNet: Maciocci2@Mango.apc.org
- The Def. of Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in
--- GoldED 2.40.P0720
* Origin: DREAMLAND (The House Of RAVE 5:7211/1.78)
From: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Number: 12684
To: LAURIE BATT Date: 01/20/94 2:06p
Subj: Re: Dupe Chart? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Laurie!
On dark and windy Thursday January 13 1994, Laurie Batt bellowed:
LB> Try Cream of the Crop II . I dont have a copy but from what I have
LB> read it would be a good choice.
I was thinking about it, but I still don't know how many dupes I'd get between
my NO10 and COC2. Ideas anyone?
TTYL......... Raver
Giuliano Maciocci Jr * FidoNet: 5:7211/1.78 * InterNet: Maciocci2@Mango.apc.org
CP 2.00 [GM] ■ What is the avg. air speed of an un-laden swallow?
--- GoldED 2.40.P0720
* Origin: DREAMLAND (The House Of RAVE 5:7211/1.78)
From: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Number: 12685
To: DAVID SILVER Date: 01/20/94 1:39p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi David!
On dark and windy Tuesday January 11 1994, David Silver bellowed:
TD>> The following is a list of the available text files describing
TD>> the current status of the legal situation on :
DS> I'm not personally familiar with your situation Tony and I wish you no
DS> harm, but, if all this results in the outlawing of public access to
DS> "adult" (what a pathetic misnomer) BBS material, then I certainly hope
DS> it happens. That kind of crap - hiding behind the old "freedom of
DS> expression" - banner is clutting up far too many airwaves as it is.
Sorry to butt in, but in your most nice and polite way you're simply trying to
shove moralist crap down the guy's throat. There are many people out there who
have the same opinion as you, but at least they keep it to themselves. Freedom
of expression is a valuable right, don't kick it around. Once you start saying
"freedom yes but not for this and that," it is not freedom anymore. Your
freedom of expression only goes as far as not to limit someone else's freedom.
I respect your ideology, and I respect that of those who approve of adult
entertainment, but I try to keep neutral as far as I can. Do the same, I don't
think your comment made the guy's day, so if you want to moralize do it in
church or with people like you. This is a tech discussion group, we're not
talking morals nor do we want to. Thanks.
Please don't hang me moderator, I'll go back on topic!
TTYL......... Raver
Giuliano Maciocci Jr * FidoNet: 5:7211/1.78 * InterNet: Maciocci2@Mango.apc.org
CP 2.00 [GM] ■ * * * Now Showing * * * Three Men And Your Sister
--- GoldED 2.40.P0720
* Origin: DREAMLAND (The House Of RAVE 5:7211/1.78)
From: ONNO VRIJBURG Number: 12686
To: BORIS OSADCIW Date: 01/21/94 11:39p
Subj: New night owl Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi there Boris,
I've written to you before, but never received an answer. I need to know how I
can order from South Africa? Do you accept M/C? How long will deliveries take
BO> N E W N I G H T O W L 11. R E L E A S E
That's all for now...
*- Onno
* TLX v3.30 * ... Real programmers use "Copy Con Filename.exe"
--- QM v1.31
* Origin: THE CATALYST BBS - Port Elizabeth, RSA (5:7104/1.0)
From: ONNO VRIJBURG Number: 12687
To: DOUG CARPENTER Date: 01/21/94 11:30p
Subj: Pre-order nightowl 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi there Dough,
Please give more details about ordering, ie. how can I order using M/C, what
will the shipping be to South Africa??
Sorry I don't have Netmail, so please leave message in this echo as I am sure
that other people would also be interested....
DC> ***** PRE-ORDER NIGHTOWL 11 *****
*- Onno
* TLX v3.30 * All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.
--- QM v1.31
* Origin: THE CATALYST BBS - Port Elizabeth, RSA (5:7104/1.0)
From: DAVID JUBE Number: 12688
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 5:12p
Subj: CD-ROM encyclopedia on a BBS Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I want to start a text based BBS (ie. lots of messages...). One of the
options I want to add to my BBS is a CD-ROM encyclopedia. Is there anyone out
there who could tell me how hard it would be to do something like this, and, if
it's possible, how I could go about doing this.
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: The CompuNet BBS - (416)769-3401 & 0022 & 8288 (1:250/407)
From: JASON SMITH Number: 12689
To: ROBERT KING Date: 01/23/94 8:09p
Subj: Re: Nec 3Xi Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
*.> Quoting Robert King to Franky Wong <.*
RK> Yes I also like to jump into conversations. The PAS Studio 16 has
RK> a SCSI connection on it. I run my NEC off of it, it came with a SCSI
RK> connector as well as an audio cable. It is a nice setup. There was no
RK> drivers shipped with the NEC I just used what was with the PAS.
One more jump into a conversation.. I just got a NEC 3xi and was looking
for drivers.. I like how we spend the high $$ for a CD rom and they send
no drivers.... Has anyone heard where we can get drivers for them??? I
just found an old driver under the name of neccdr.sys even though it
doesn't have the letters NEC any where in it, but it seemed to work with my
cdrom fine.. However I was looking for updated drivers. I have a SB16
with a SCSI-2 on it and the drivers that came with it didn't support the
triple spin too well... On rebel assault it kept switching between 3x and
1x mode and it would lock up... :( Oh well.. I guess I'll talk to ya
Jason Smith
... Reformat Hard Drive! Are you SURE (Y/Y)?
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- WM v3.10/91-0097
* Origin: Texas Open Forum! 903-534-1918 100,000+ (1:3801/1)
From: MIKE MORE Number: 12690
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 8:58a
Subj: STW Encyclopedia Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello All!
Does anyone know if STW has an upgrade for their encyclopedia? I have
Multimedia version 1.5 which came with my CD. I've seen mention of v2.0 but I
haven't heard from STW. Thanks.
--- GoldED 2.42.G1219+ (Of course it's registered)
* Origin: ----> Expectations-Orleans, Ontario, Canada <---- (1:243/23.2)
From: MIKE GERVASI Number: 12691
To: JOHN KELLY Date: 01/22/94 4:03p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Then it happened......JK A while back in this echo there was mention of a
JFK CD-ROM, dealing wit
JKthe Warren Commision and containing the Zapruda film. Does anyone know
JKthe title of this ??
I just ordered it from C-3. It's called JFK: A Visual Investigation.
I can't wait to see it! With that and a book I picked up (Case Closed)
It should be great.
* Wave Rider 1.0 [NR] *
--- Blue Wave/Maximus
* Origin: -={ Christian Deliverance BBS, Devonshire BERMUDA }=- (1:3658/1)
From: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Number: 12692
To: ANDREW BARNHARDT Date: 01/24/94 12:08a
Subj: Canadian CD Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Andrew Barnhardt wrote *
***I think that you were the only one who replied to my request for a Canadia
***CD dealer a few weeks ago. You said that you had sent a catalogue out in
***the mail for me, but I haven't seen it yet. I know good old fashioned mai
***is slow, but 3 weeks from inside the same province? If you didn't get it
***down properly, here's the address again so you can send me your new
***Electronic Catalogue:
Sorry for the delay. I was about to ship one out to you, when we
received a couple of hundred new titles from our suppliers. So I wanted
you to have our most current catalogue. It will be sent to you shortly.
Hayden Bradshaw
HRB Computer Services
* TLX v3.30 * Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
* SLMR 2.1a *
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
* Origin: CRS Online, Toronto, Ontario (1:229/15)
From: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Number: 12693
To: GREG LUTHER Date: 01/24/94 12:09a
Subj: Canadian CD Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Greg Luther wrote *
***I would like one:
Thanks for asking. Our latest version HRBCD11.ZIP will be shipped to
you shortly.
Hayden Bradshaw
HRB Computer Services
* TLX v3.30 * Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
* SLMR 2.1a *
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
* Origin: CRS Online, Toronto, Ontario (1:229/15)
From: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Number: 12694
To: VINCE SORENSEN Date: 01/24/94 12:14a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Vince Sorensen wrote *
***-> "Electronic Catalogue" version. (There's that crazy Canadian
***-> spelling
*** What's "crazy" about it?
*** Vince
Absolutely nothing to us Canadians, Vince, however I've received so many
questions from Americans in particular, asking about MY "crazy"
spelling of catalogue. Actually, our Canadian spelling of this word,
and so many others, is rather eloquant (or is it eloquantue??) ;-)
* TLX v3.30 * OS/2: Windows with bullet-proof glass.
* SLMR 2.1a *
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
* Origin: CRS Online, Toronto, Ontario (1:229/15)
From: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Number: 12695
To: RAPHAEL VANNEY Date: 01/24/94 12:15a
Subj: Canadian cd catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Raphael Vanney wrote *
***Hayden Bradshaw, propos de CANADIAN CD CATALOGUE :
***(Le 01-1594 21:47, crivant All)
*** HB> If you would like a copy of our "Electronic Catalogue" please feel
*** HB> free to request it here, or by phone or fax at (905) 830-1615.
*** Please, sent me one :
***Raphal VANNEY
***5, terrasse des REFLETS
***Sala kahle, RVa
***... Quoi ?!? DOSSHELL n'est pas un canular ?
***___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
***--- GEcho 1.02+
*** * Origin: Li'LL BBS - Paris France - (33-1) (2:320/7)
* SLMR 2.1a *
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
* Origin: CRS Online, Toronto, Ontario (1:229/15)
From: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Number: 12696
To: RAPHAEL VANNEY Date: 01/24/94 12:16a
Subj: Canadian cd catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Raphael Vanney wrote *
*** Please, sent me one :
***Sala kahle, RVa
Merci, Raphael.
Thanks for asking. Our latest version HRBCD11.ZIP will be shipped to
you shortly.
A bientot,
Hayden Bradshaw
HRB Computer Services
* TLX v3.30 * On a clear disk you can seek forever
* SLMR 2.1a *
* TLX v3.30 * If this were an actual tagline, it would be funny.
* SLMR 2.1a *
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
* Origin: CRS Online, Toronto, Ontario (1:229/15)
From: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Number: 12697
To: BILL DEVRIES Date: 01/24/94 12:30a
Subj: Re: Canadian CD Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Bill Devries wrote *
*** Please send a catalog to:
*** Tx.
Thanks for asking. Our latest version HRBCD11.ZIP will be shipped to
you shortly.
Hayden Bradshaw
HRB Computer Services
* TLX v3.30 * My reality check just bounced.
* SLMR 2.1a *
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
* Origin: CRS Online, Toronto, Ontario (1:229/15)
From: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Number: 12698
To: RON PROVOST Date: 01/24/94 12:31a
Subj: Re: Canadian CD Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Thanks for asking. Our latest version HRBCD11.ZIP will be shipped to
you shortly.
Hayden Bradshaw
HRB Computer Services
* TLX v3.30 * I let my mind wander, and it didn't come back.
* SLMR 2.1a *
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
* Origin: CRS Online, Toronto, Ontario (1:229/15)
From: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Number: 12699
To: DAVE REED Date: 01/24/94 1:00a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Dave Reed wrote *
***Hello Vince!
***Wednesday January 19 1994 12:21, Vince Sorensen wrote to Hayden Bradshaw:
*** ->> "Electronic Catalogue" version. (There's that crazy Canadian
*** ->> spelling
*** VS> What's "crazy" about it?
***Well... it's mispelled, of course! :-)
***Isn't the english language great? We Americans can find ways to destroy j
***about anything, even the English language. <g>
Actually, Dave, it isn't mispelled at all. This is the Canadian way of
spelling it. We also spell some other words a little differently than
you do, for example: neighbour instead of neighbor, colour rather than
color, and there are plenty more. These words go back to our British
and French heritage, kind of adding a little spice to the English
Hayden Bradshaw
* TLX v3.30 * Press any key to continue or any other key to quit
* SLMR 2.1a *
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
* Origin: CRS Online, Toronto, Ontario (1:229/15)
From: BOB BREED Number: 12700
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/21/94 3:05p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BF> I still have my original Audio CD - which is just shy of 11 years
BF> old. A CD-ROM should last JUST as long as a "normal" CD (likely won't
BF> last as long as the Mobile Fidelity "gold" CDs, though)....
BF> Basic problem is that Aluminum oxidises, and the plastic a CD is made
BF> out of (and the sealant used) isn't quite 100% impermiable to oxigen
BF> (very CLOSE, though)....
I agree. Most of the people that have replied to this say
about the same thing. It seems that of all the metals to use,
aluminum would be about the worst choice. (Nothing oxidizes quite
as fast!)
If Kodak is really trying to make something to archive your
pictures, you think they would use the gold plated disks. They
cost more, but if you're thinking of really long term storage,
they seem the way to go.
If nothing else, I think Kodak should offer them as an
option. If you want to pay the additional cost for long life,
that should be up to you. I know that I have SOME pictures that I
would pay the extra charge to have placed on gold.
... Japanese Pet Store: "Buy one, get one flea."
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- ProBoard v1.31 [EVALUATION]
* Origin: Alien Biker Kat BBS (619) 277-4140 (1:202/1010)
From: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, JR. Number: 12701
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 6:24p
Subj: SlimSCSI Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello all. Has anybody have or seen this new PCMCIA SCSI card from
Adaptec? How fast of a data thoughtput can this thing pump into a
notebook? Which version of PCMCIA is the card? This is the same company
that makes the MiniSCSI that works on your parallel port, but that isn't
fast enough for a double speed CD-ROM. I'd like to someday have a real
external SCSI CD reader that I could use for both the desktop, and a
notebook. Until notebook makers start putting SCSI hard drives in their
systems (like a Powerbook), we'll have to put up with this kind of
--- WM v2.09/93-0349
* Origin: The Night Creature BBS _ 510-481-9774 _ FIDO (1:215/60)
From: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, JR. Number: 12702
To: PETER JANSSENS Date: 01/22/94 1:01p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
PJ>This may sound dumb... the maximum life of a cd disk is greatly
PJ>dependant on whether you smoke or not.
PJ>I used to smoke a lot and my cds wore out 'fairly fast' (12 months)
PJ>I even though regularly cleaned them. I quit smoking and my cds don't
PJ>even have to be cleaned at all...
PJ>It's a matter of pollution in your computer room, I'm afraid.
What?!? That sounds completely crazy! Where you smoking something legal?
The only thing that I've read about that will kill a CD within a year
long period is being in a salty air climate.
--- WM v2.09/93-0349
* Origin: The Night Creature BBS _ 510-481-9774 _ FIDO (1:215/60)
From: MATT DELCO Number: 12703
To: SCOTT BENNETT Date: 01/22/94 7:23p
Subj: Panasonic 562/563 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SB>MATT, Sorry for cutting in.
No problem. That's what echos are for.
SB>I to have a Panasonic-Matsushita, but I am having problems with it.
>I keep getting High Sierra, or ISO 9660 Format when I try to do a
>dir on the CD Rom.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean. I know that High Sierra is the
CD-ROM format which practically all CD-ROMs support. The impression I
get is when you type DIR, you get a "raw" list of the files, probably
what MSCDEX uses to show a "normal" directory list. No ideas YET.
SB>I tried three differt cards Sumo's AT Scsi, Futu Domain, and APTEC
Are these are SCSI cards? Panasonic's (at least all the one's I've
seen) are non-SCSI. They use the port on a sound card. I believe
the port on the cards is a perprietory-SCSI port, but lately some
people have said the port is an IDE port.
According to my box, the following sound cards work:
Sound Blaster Pro
Sound Blaster Pro 2 (what I use. The Pro 2 is a newer version)
Sound Blaster 16
Sound Blaster 16 ASP
Reveal's Sound FX Plus
Reveal's Studio 16
SB>All cards find the CD Rom fine, but can not read it.
Here's a blatant guess:
The panasonic CD-ROM probably requires a PERPRIETORY scsi port on a
sound card. Since it is somewhat SCSI, that might explain why the card
can find the CD-ROM, but can't use it.
SB>I used the FDCD.SYS from Future Domain, and used the APTEC APSICD.SYS
>on the APTEC. Is there a differnt Driver that I need or is the CD ROM
>bad itself. Its only a Year old. Can you shed some light.
Since IBMs vary so much, here's another SEMI-guess:
Most likely, you have been trying to use a SCSI card. Those drivers are
just for the interface card itself, not the CD-ROM. I believe that
normally you don't need additional drivers for the SCSI devices plugged
into the card.
Since your CD-ROM probably requires a sound card port, you'll probably
have to buy a sound card, if you don't have one yet. For my setup, I
load the driver SB563.SYS from my CONFIG.SYS. I then have to load
MSCDEX.EXE in my autoexec.bat.
If you have a driver similar to this, try it. My driver supports 56?
CD-ROM drives, and is version 4.0. My MSCDEX is version 2.23. MSCDEX
supports both High Sierra and ISO 9660. I thought I'd let you know,
that way if you do have them, you can find out now old (or new) the
drivers are.
I hope this helps. If you need more help, feel free to ask. Giving
more details can also help. (Like model # of your CD-ROM.) The ideas
I've listed are mentioned as guesses, so that if I'm slightly off on one
part of this letter, I get 2 corrections from other fido-people, instead
of 4. Because of the hundreds of brands of PCs, its hard to hit the
bull's eye for everyone.
Again, I hope this helps, and feel free to write back.
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: ET/PPCUG BBS 503-452-1988 CD ROMs! Portland, Or1 (1:105/201)
From: PHIL C Number: 12704
To: IAN BURRELL Date: 01/23/94 9:50a
Subj: Nat Geographic CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
IB>I have not been able to get the National Geographic Mammals CD to
IB>work. After typing GO (for the batch file), I get the opening
IB>screen but the mouse will not activate the "BEGIN" button. The
IB>mouse is working OK (checked after
IB>pressing F1 and using the mouse to cancel the inset menu that
IB>The inset menu has the message "Missing Reference File" but as it
IB>does not elaborate, and I have no idea which reference file it is
IB>referring to, I can't help it.
IB>The mouse arrow appears to be in lower resolution graphics (e.g.
IB>My CONFIG.SYS includes the following line
IB>Devicehigh c:\tscsi\tslcdr.sys /d:TSLCD (this is the driver I use
IB>for my NEC external CD ROM
IB>My AUTOEXEC.BAT file includes the following line
IB>LH /l:2,36224 c:\DOS\mscdex /d:tslco /m:10
IB>The MSCDEX is the latest one (direct from Microsoft)
IB>Do you have any clues on what I am doing wrong or what I am not
IB>I have tried various other files, including those in the MAMMALS
IB>sub-dir but have not been able to get it working.
IB>Regrads and please help
IB>--- SuperBBS 1.17-3 (Reg)
IB> * Origin: The Perversions of 999 Planes of Hell. (3:633/253)
A friend of mine had a very similar problem with the Software ToolWorks
(DOS) version encyclopedia. He would boot the CD and after seeing the
Title Screen of the encyclopedia it would lock up and display some error
message when he clicked the mouse to go on. After trying many things it
turned out it was his mouse driver causing the problem. Don't have any
idea what driver he was using or what new driver fixed the problem, but
if you can obtain another driver easily you might try that.
--- GEcho 1.00+
* Origin: The Underground (502)351-2728 (1:2450/100)
From: JIM SAHM Number: 12705
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 7:10p
Subj: SONY Drivers Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I bought a Sony drive about 3 years ago. I was wondering where I could get the
latest *.sys drivers for it. The unit is external and the nameplate on the
bottom says Sony CDU-6201-10. Any ideas would be appricated...
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: The Programmers Playhouse (1:128/60)
From: JOSH LONG Number: 12706
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 6:36p
Subj: Under A Killing Moon Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Has anyone out there seen or played the new ACCESS game "Under a Killing
Moon"? I just saw the review in Compute!, and was wondering if anyone's
had a first-eye look at it yet. If so, what do you think?
... How does Al Gore spell "potato"? "T-A-T-E-R"
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12
* Origin: DATAMAZE (1:203/100)
From: JOE HOWES Number: 12707
To: CHRIS ANSELL Date: 01/23/94 8:22a
Subj: Re: critical path Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Chris Ansell to ALL people <=-
CA> hi, i want to know who out there has got critical path for the ibm,
CA> and if so, what is it like. the box looks very attractive but what is
CA> the actual game like? regards
I got this game for Christmas and had to pretend I appreciated
it. I was like, "UGh...Windows game." I installed it on my
486DX33VLB/8RAM/24bitVID in it's 65536 color mode and I was absolutely
AMAZED. The video is groovy color and runs just as smooth in 256 color
as 65536 color (and I DO mean smooth) and it's a lot of fun. It's NOT a
VR game, it's an interactive movie.
My only complaint is that it was far too easy, but I still go
through and play it quite a bit...it just looks so GOOD!@
... Always remember you're unique - just like everyone else.
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: TechTalk; Calgary, Alberta, CANADA, HST 16.8/V.32bis (1:134/40)
From: WEE YUNG Number: 12708
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 1:22a
Subj: 3X CDROM drive forsale Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
All brand new with manufacture warranty.
CD-ROM Mitsumi CRMC LU-005S w/contlr 630MB, 350ms, Kodak comp. $169
CD-ROM Mitsumi FX001 Single spin 280ms 150k/s 32k cache Inter.$185
CD-ROM Mitsumi FX001D double spin.250ms 300k/s 32k cache Inter.$209
CD-ROM Panasonic 562B 320ms Double spin.300k/s 64k cache.Inter.$209
CD-ROM Sony 33A 2X speed 320ms w/controller....................$209
CD-ROM NEC 84J SCSI Double speed 280ms internal................$279
CD-ROM NEC CDR-500 SCSI 3X speed 195ms External.$589/Internal..$489
CD-ROM NEC CDR-510 SCSI 3X speed 195ms.........................$459.
CD-ROM NEC 3Xp SCSI Portable 250ms.............................$439
CD-ROM Toshiba 4101b SCSI 2X speed 320ms 256k cache..........$299
CD-ROM Toshiba MX3401b SCSI D spin,Kodak comp.200ms, 256k cache$369.
Price does not included shipping. Internet WEE%ghs.UUCP@USC.edu
Call 310-602-2076 8AM-12PM, 6PM-9PM PST or mail order payable to: TRUC
16429 Bixler ave. Paramount, CA 90723. Accept money order, COD $5extra
* OLX 2.1 TD * voice 310-602-2076.8am-12pm,6pm-9pm PST. Fax 310-402-7240
--- Maximus 2.00
* Origin: Long_Island RB 310/370-4113 VAX EC (HST 21.6K/v.32b) (1:102/138)
From: WEE YUNG Number: 12709
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 1:22a
Subj: Multimedia kit forsale Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
All brand new with manufacture warranty.
Multimedia kit. SB Pro+Pana 522B CDROM+4 CDs+Speakers..........$339.
Creative Lab Omni CDROM Double spin + softwares+ controller....$309.
Creative Lab Discovery 8. D spin CDROM+SB Pro+2CDs+Speakers....$359.
Creative Lab Discovery 16.D spin CDROM+SB 16 +2CDs+Speakers....$439.
Creative Lab Digitalege D spin CDROM+SB16 ASP+4CDs+Speakers/mic$649
Media Vision Pro 16 + NEC 55J D spin 350ms+speakers............$429.
Media Vision Fusion Double16. PAS16+NEC D spin 350ms+speakers..$599
Media Vision Pro 16 + Toshiba 3401B+speakers+6 titles..........$599
Mitsumi CDROM+Sound Galaxy NX Pro card free speakers...........$279
Price does not included shipping. Internet WEE%ghs.UUCP@USC.edu
Call 310-602-2076 8AM-12PM, 6PM-9PM PST or mail order payable to: TRUC
16429 Bixler ave. Paramount, CA 90723. Accept money order, COD $5extra
* OLX 2.1 TD * voice 310-602-2076.8am-12pm,6pm-9pm PST. Fax 310-402-7240
--- Maximus 2.00
* Origin: Long_Island RB 310/370-4113 VAX EC (HST 21.6K/v.32b) (1:102/138)
From: WEE YUNG Number: 12710
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 1:22a
Subj: CDROM title for $15 each Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
TRUC. 16429 Bixler ave. Paramount, CA 90723 fax 310-402-7240
Titles are $15 each. Call 310-602-2076 8am-12pm, 6pm-9pm PST ask Wee Yung.
Dictionaries & Language..Encyclopedia of sound...Garbo....................
Our Solar System.........PC SIG Home & Bus coll..Profile American colleges
QRZ Ham radio............Racer 1001 Utilities....Racer Game arena ........
Racer Jocks & Pranks.....Racer learning activity.Shareware overload.......
Significants Series......Simtel..................Sound sensations.........
Super CD 1 or 2 .........Super Clip art..........Super fonts..............
Super games for DOS......Super games Win 1 or 2..Super programer CDR.....
Super Space..............Tecnotools..............Tempra Acess.............
The Game Ware collection.Windoware...............Wiz pack.................
World traveler...........All titles are $15 each.CDROM caddy.....$5 each
Add $3 for shipping in USA. No exchange difference title. COD $5 extra.
* OLX 2.1 TD * voice 310-602-2076.8am-12pm,6pm-9pm PST. Fax 310-402-7240
--- Maximus 2.00
* Origin: Long_Island RB 310/370-4113 VAX EC (HST 21.6K/v.32b) (1:102/138)
From: JEFF WEISS Number: 12711
To: ALL Date: 01/16/94 5:32p
Subj: *& Custom CD-ROMs Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
We put YOUR DATA on a writable CD-ROM.
We will transfer up to 650 megabytes of data from your tape/removable
media to one CD-ROM.
Price for the first disc starts at $90. Additional copies are as low
as $30. We accept almost ALL major tape and removable media formats
as well as SCSI and IDE hard drives. Tape drive available for FREE
with advance deposit. Secure on-site service available in Northeast.
o FULL CONFIDENTIALITY is assured - we don't inspect your data.
o Quick turn around time is provided - same day service available.
o Data integrity is guaranteed - 30 day money back warranty.
o Guaranteed to work on any standard CD-ROM drive.
- Free up space on expensive magnetic media.
- Archive your software collection.
- Consolidate shareware/GIF CDs to eliminate dupes/old versions.
- Make copies for your friends.
- Software development alternative to "glass master"
- Save hundreds of $$$,
- Eliminate days of delay.
CALL for a FREE writable CD-ROM primer.
Eternal ARCHIVE Solutions, Inc.
650 Cooke Street, #3
P.O. Box 4402
Waterbury, CT 06704-0402
(203) 759-0574 voice
(203) 759-0553 fax
... The tagline from our lawyers:
Customer is responsible for compliance with all licenses, laws, and
regulations regarding his software or data. EASI shall not be held
liable for customer's failure to comply with these requirements.
... CD-ROMs Made EASI (sm)
--- WM v3.10/93-1091
* Origin: -< Crystal Palace BBS >- Fresno, CA (209)277-1059 (8:910/528)
From: JEFF WEISS Number: 12712
To: ALL Date: 01/16/94 5:33p
Subj: *& Writable CD-ROMs Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
We now have the following writable CDs and hardware for sale.
CD-R Discs:
Ricoh 74 min (660 MB) CD-R discs $19.75 each (any quantity)
CD-ROM Recorders:
Philips CD-ROM RECORDER $4,995
- Philips CDD521 Double Speed CD-ROM Recorder
- Adaptec 1540c SCSI Controller
- CD-Arch Premastering Software
Ricoh CD-ROM RECORDER $3,895
- Ricoh RS 9200CD Single Speed CD-ROM Recorder
- SCSI Cable
- CD-Gen Premastering Software (True XA Multisession)
We have a wide variety of other premastering software available.
Please call for details.
These recorders are ideal for archiving, and mass data storage.
The blank 650 meg CD-Rs are much cheaper than any other removable
media. Also, the CD-ROM readers are much cheaper than any Bernoulli,
Syquest, or WORM drive. They're even cheaper than tape drives.
If you want to transfer data to CD-ROM but don't want to purchase
a CD-ROM recorder at this time, we are pleased to offer you our
DATA CONVERSION SERVICES. We will transfer your data to CD-ROM for you.
Call for a FREE writable CD-ROM primer.
Eternal ARCHIVE Solutions, Inc.
650 Cooke Street, #3
P.O. Box 4402
Waterbury, CT 06704-0402
(203) 759-0574 voice
(203) 759-0553 fax
... CD-ROMs Made EASI (sm)
--- WM v3.10/93-1091
* Origin: -< Crystal Palace BBS >- Fresno, CA (209)277-1059 (8:910/528)
From: EDDIE PHILLIPS Number: 12713
To: JOHN FOX Date: 01/23/94 4:00p
Subj: Re: Win Nt Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting John Fox to All <=-
JF> Can anyone help - once WIN nT is installed I lose my CD-ROM
JF> I'd be pleased if anyone knows the solution
The solution is....get OS/2 2.1 <g>
... "One thing nuclear scientists fear-" "Oops."
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- QScan v1.05b
* Origin: Southern Pride BBS 5gig PcBoard 772-4143 772-4183 (1:151/151)
From: STEVE PRATT Number: 12714
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 5:42p
Subj: "popping" Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I am getting really frustrated. I have a Panasonic 562x CD-ROM and a
SB16 card hooked together. Everything works great except I get this annoying
popping sound when running some games (like Rebel Assault, 7th Guest, ect.). I
have a 386DX40 w/8 meg RAM.
I tried changing sound cards, smartdrv (Dos 6.2) on/off, /m:05-100, nothing
is working. Why does it do this, and what can I do to stop it?
* UniQWK v2.1 * The Solution for Multilingual Messages
* KMail 3.00k Knight Moves
--- TosScan 1.00
* Origin: Knight Moves BBS - Rochester,NY *USA* (1:2613/313)
To: ALLE Date: 01/19/94 3:27p
Subj: Personal Photo Viewer in USA ! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hallo !
Since many people asked me about where to get the Programm
_Personal Photo Viewer_ I called the company here in Germany,
and they gave me the address of their american sight !
Here it is :
1 Tower Lane, Suite 1700
Oakbrook Terrace, Il., 60181
Tel : 708-573-6050
Fax : 708-573-6052
It is planned to distribute the programm in the US soon.
How to get it you call and I guess they can help you !
Enjoy the Programm !
--- CrossPoint v2.93
* Origin: I know shit about absolutely nothing ! (2:242/401.10)
To: STEVE DASH Date: 01/19/94 11:08p
Subj: Re: ENCARTA - Get 'Microsoft Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Steve Dash@3:800/838 meinte am 16.01.94
zum Thema "ENCARTA - Get 'Microsoft":
SD>Interesting to read a number of messages describing ENCARTA as great value,
SD>one of the best, good on the multimedia etc...
SD>After buying it for $200 I got it up and running - pretty flashy, then I
SD>thought I might read up a bit about Australia. 2 hours later I took it back
SD>for a refund. Why? well how about looking up these references:
SD>(1994 edition)
SD>Picture of Devil's Marbles - gives me a great picture/text of the Olgas!
SD>Adelaide - described as on the Indian Ocean.
SD>Woodville - mentioned as if it is a real city (no other city councils are
SD>Parliment House Canberra picture - Well maybe 6 YEARS AGO!- the old one
SD>Population Growth Rate of Australia (I was told by someone else was 20%
SD>although the guy may have read this incorrectly)
Well that are of course huge mistakes if they're true, but pearhaps
for those informations a CD like _Global Explorer_ is much better !
--- CrossPoint v2.93
* Origin: I know shit about absolutely nothing ! (2:242/401.10)
From: REMCO TIELEMAN Number: 12717
To: EVERYBODY Date: 01/22/94 1:34a
Subj: The best CDROM ever, Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Everybody,
I'm bound to buy a new Cd-ROM because my Single-Speed-Session will not be good
Who can tell me which I can buy best?
Greetz Remco Tieleman
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: ! HELP, Er zit een Pinda in mijn Origin ! (2:285/401.3)
From: MARTIN CLEAVER Number: 12718
To: ANDRE QUEREE Date: 01/23/94 1:06p
Subj: Cd Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Andre,
In a message of <Tue 18 Jan 94 04:27> to David Watt (), you wrote:
AQ> Please read your mail more carefully and take note of who is sending the
AQ> messages and who is receiving them - then you'll be able to request
AQ> information (or catalogues) from the people who ARE sending them out.
If you had sent your message as netmail, where it should have been, then David
Watt would not also have been tempted to reply in the echo.
I have sent this message in the echo in the hope that others will also see it
and take not... ;-)
Bye, Martin.
--- The-Box Point 0.15+ PC
* Origin: Artnet Sysop Point (2:280/204.1)
From: NORM HILL Number: 12719
To: JASON NEW Date: 01/22/94 5:01p
Subj: Rebel Assault Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JN>HI everyone, I was wondering if anyone out there can help me get this
JN>game running.I've tried every combination I can think of, but all that
JN>happens when I try to run the Rebel config program is that the system
JN>crashes, or sometimes I get a divide error.I can't run the Assault
JN>program with any parameters either, things just crash on me.
JN> So, if anyone has got this to run could they please help me.I'm
JN>running mine on a Panasonic CR562Bdrive off a SoundBlaster 16.The
JN>driver is version 4.07 and I'm using MSCDEX V2.22. No matter what combo
JN>of memory managers (none, qemm 7.03) I still get the same probs...am I
JN>using the wrong drivers??
JN> If anyone could put up their config.sys and autoexec.bat for me
JN>here or netmail it to me I would appreciate it GREATLY.
JN> Best Regards,
JN> Jason
Sounds like one of your drivers has a problem and upgrading to mscdex
2.23 wouldn't hurt either.
Norm Hill.
■ OLX 2.1 TD ■ It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... only a
--- MsgToss 2.0c! (r)
* Origin: Intercity RBBS, Richmond VA.(21.6DS) (1:264/152)
From: TRACY MOLITOR Number: 12720
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 11:00a
Subj: Don't know it's name Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I'm looking for an Xrated CD that was on HBO a while back. Anyone
know where I can find it or what it's name is?
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Mission Funnhouse (203-374-9367 & 0101) (1:141/465)
From: GRANT DEASON Number: 12721
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/23/94 9:47a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BF>>You're kidding, right? When has MS EVER released the whole product, whe
>>can charge us full price for a major upgrade then another $10 for what t
>>left out?
BF> MS-DOS 5 (which WAS a rare exception, I'll grant!)
This was obviously a marketing foible on the part of MS, and they have since
mended their ways. :)
* QMPro 1.52 * Press "+" to see another tagline.
--- SLMAIL v3.1 (#2532)
* Origin: SICSSS BBS :: Tuscaloosa, AL :: 205/752-7646 :: (1:3606/6)
From: PEPE GOMEZ Number: 12722
To: BENJAMIN SMITH Date: 01/23/94 11:14a
Subj: Nightowl 10 virues Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Benjamin Smith to All <=-
BS> The following files on Nightowl v.10 are the ones with viruses:
Are you sure about FUTURE1.EXE? I scanned it with different
virus scanners, including McAfee's Scan version 111, and it does not appear to
be infected.
... I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere!
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12
* Origin: Latino BBS - Houston, Texas (1:106/9555)
From: SCOTT FISHER Number: 12723
To: STEVE GOYER Date: 01/23/94 11:52a
Subj: Re:Cd for sale Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SG|Anybody want to buy the Toolworks Reference Library CD? I contains info
SG|Comes with manual and registration card. It came with my CDROM drive,
|thats why I'm selling it. First 10$CDN (plus shipping) takes it...
I'd like this..... How does $12 US sound, and I'll prepay.
Leave me an address and I'll send you a cashier's check.
Scott E. Fisher
7720 Penn Ave S. #119
Richfield, MN 55423
(612) 798-4607
* OLX 2.1 * ....... Mpls/St Paul, MN.........
--- WM v3.11 [Beta]
* Origin: FidoNet: Riverside BBS, 612-241-9963, (1:282/1008)
From: NORMAN Number: 12724
To: HALL STEVENSON Date: 01/23/94 8:34p
Subj: MITSUMI CD-ROM questions Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
OK Hall I don't know if you've received an answer to all of your questions as
yet but I can help you with the sound card problem. I have the same drive and
sound card. The problem is that the soundblaster deluxe card and cd rom have
different pin connections so you must re-wire one end of th sound cable. Thi
can be done quite easily with a straight pin by pushing in on the small plastic
tabs on the cable connector and removing the wire from the connector. The
connections are as follows: cd rom: pin 1 rt channel, pin 2 ground, pin 3 lft
channel, pin 4 ground. Sound card: pin 1 ground, pin 2 lft channel, pin 3
ground, pin 4 rt channel. Insert one end of the cable into the female socket
on your sound card and "Bob's your uncle". Your Mitsumi FX001D and
Soundblaster deluxe should work just fine. Good luck!
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: - FRIENDLY BBS THE INSTANT ACCES BBS 819-778-6351 (1:243/47)
From: ALEX MOTTRAM Number: 12725
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 5:15a
Subj: Victor Vector & Vampire Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Can someone give me a hint for Victor Vector & Yondo and the Vampire's Coffin?
I'm stuck at the point where I find RamAxis in the coffin and I'm told to
pull something out of the pack to use on him. I've tried everything I can
find in the game, and I still get killed every time!
Also, is there something I can do with/to the zombies that I'm forced to
throw something at in the graveyard? I tried everything there also and
can't seem to get them to leave! (in case they are guarding the object
I need to get past above problem)..
Alex Mottram
##Mmr 2.46(beta).
--- GTMail 1.160
* Origin: The Twilight Phone -- Where else? (1:3803/6.0)
From: WAYNE DELISLE SR. Number: 12726
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/23/94 2:36p
Subj: PANASONIC 562 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
* Replying to a message originally to Gary Huff on Jan-18-94
BF> > Phil, at what frequency does a "current" cease to be Direct
BF> Current (DC), and
BF> >become Alternating Current (AC)? (Answer: 1 cycle per
BF> second).
BF> Wrong. IT becomes AC as soon as it starts varying
BF> significantly. AC currents
BF> have been exibited at 1/100 hz often.
Hi guys,
I'm gonna have to pick a nit here. It's a little one, but important.
AC (alternating current), by defination alternates between a + voltage level
and a - voltage level, in refference to ground.
In the context of the power we get from the wall plug, the voltage varies
in a sign wave from a 0 voltage point to a max + voltage point, back to 0 to
a max - voltage point and back to 0, 60 times per second.
IE: 60 cycle AC power.
The voltage can vary all over the place but if it doesn't cross the 0 point to
the other polarity, then it's just dirty, (unfiltered) Direct Current. Or maybe
a signal imposed on a DC carrier, that is if you did it on purpose. (;
This is an awfully simplistic answer and it can get very complicated, very
quickly. But that's another discussion.
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: The Matrix BBS 704-535-7361 SkyNet and now ICN-Net (1:379/33)
From: GARY HUFF Number: 12727
To: TERRY WINSLOW Date: 01/23/94 9:13p
Subj: Re: PANASONIC 562/AT BUS Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
GH>By the way, when I say that a B-29 bomber had gasoline-powered engines,
>and lawnmowers also have gasoline-powered engines, would you interpret
>that as a recommendation to install a Pratt & Whitney R4350 engine on
>your lawnmower? You really do like to twist things around to try to
>make yourself look like you know what you're talking about, don't you?
>Too bad you really don't.
TW> I tried it!! And WOW!... did it mow.. Of course, I had to shovel a lot
TW> of snow first!!! Zoweeeeeee!!!
TW> Please, people, don't try this ... they use way to much fuel...
Well, everyone knows that R4350 engines don't work well on Lawn
Mowers. You can't use anything bigger than the R3350! :-)
--- QM v1.00
* Origin: Capitol City BBS (909)931-0533 HST14.4DS : (1:218/201.0)
From: CHRIS COCOZZO Number: 12728
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 9:57a
Subj: want:mpc cdrpm Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Can anyone out there recommend a CDROM drive that is MPC compliant.
I would use it for movies, home use, etc. I would prefer one that is
compatible with a SB card. Also specify which is better, caddy-style or not.
Thanks a bundle!!
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: The Hard Drive Cafe - USR 16.8 D/S - (216)668-2572 - (1:157/619)
From: TOMMY HOWELL Number: 12729
To: AMANDA HARRIS Date: 01/23/94 5:07p
Subj: Re: Question Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting The Lawman to Amanda Harris <=-
-> E:\ (Ram Drive)
-> F:\ (CD Rom)
-> I want my CD Rom to be drive E and my Ram Drive to be drive F. I hav
I really don't think it is possible unless you can find a RamDrive that
loads in your Autoexec. Your CD-ROM doesn't get assigned a drive letter
until MSCDEX runs in the Autoexec.bat which is not related to your
DEVICE=CD.SYS in your Config.sys
... Can I upgrade my hard drive to a warp drive?
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: The Park - - It's a Zoo out there! (1:388/21.0)
From: MIKE MORE Number: 12730
To: DAVE REED Date: 01/24/94 9:30p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Dave!
In a msg of <Friday January 21 1994>, Dave Reed writes to Vince Sorensen:
DR> Wednesday January 19 1994 12:21, Vince Sorensen wrote to Hayden Bradshaw:
->>> "Electronic Catalogue" version. (There's that crazy Canadian
->>> spelling
VS>> What's "crazy" about it?
DR> Well... it's mispelled, of course! :-)
And it should be "Canadjen-eh". <grin>
--- GoldED 2.42.G1219+ (Of course it's registered)
* Origin: ----> Expectations-Orleans, Ontario, Canada <---- (1:243/23.2)
From: TERRY GREENMAN Number: 12731
To: ARNIE GROSS Date: 01/23/94 4:35p
Read: NO Private: No
Arnie Gross wrote
###Please check for me..... I was under the impression that this
###particular title from Sierra doesn't have that feature at all.
###If it does, I'm sending my disc back for an update!
* TLX v3.10 * "Scotty, beam me up another Blue Wave message."
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- WM v3.10/91-0237
* Origin: The Oratory BBS 12 Roms online 72,000+ Files! (1:2201/9.0)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12732
To: ALL Date: 01/24/94 9:02a
Subj: Cd-rom Drives+ Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
********* Refurbished Hitachi Model 3600 CD-ROM DRIVES $130 *********
Hitachi model 3500 & NEC model 36 are available needing work @50% off
Catalog of 1,200+ CD-Titles and hardware products available-CDLIST.ZIP
Internet: joe.rinehart@p0.f479.n157.z1.fidonet.org
Fido 1:157/479 - RBBS 8:965/13 - Kesher 18:711/176 - WWIV 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc. Voice: (216) 296-9831 - 24 hours
P.O. Box 27 Data/Fax: (216) 296-2244
Kent, Ohio 44240-0001 >>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12733
To: ALL Date: 01/24/94 9:02a
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
For 1,500+ CD-Titles & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip, descript.zip (or) MAJIC word CONFIG gets both
The Blue Parrot CD-ROM SUPPORT RBBS offers non-backboned echo config
for daily cdlist updates, news, game reviews, & more.
All config.sys cd-rom support files are available to all NEW users!
Fido: 1:157/479 - RBBS: 8:965/13 - Kesher: 18:711/176 - WWIV: 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc.|Voice: (216) 296.9831 or 296.4446 24hrs
P.O. Box 27, Kent, Ohio 44240 |BBS/Fax: 216.296.2244 - 23hrs 16.8k ZYX
Internet: joe@config.wariat.org|>>>>>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JASON SMITH Number: 12734
To: DREW FISCHER Date: 01/24/94 11:05p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
*.> Quoting Drew Fischer to Mike Mcmonagle <.*
DF> I just bought a nec3xi and am disappointed. There are no drivers that
DF> I know of that support it yet. Adaptec is supposed to have some out by
DF> april1. The corel scsi driver that I am using yields these speeds with
DF> scsi2 and adaptec1542b with > than gig bios: 40%cpu use=148 (should be
DF> 150), 60%=235, 100%=325 k/sec (450). hold off on buying it until
DF> drivers come out. When the time comes, contact me and I'll tell you
DF> where I got mine for a good deal.
Hello, I was kinda disappointed too when I got no drivers... I found an
older driver that seems to work, but the Adaptec drivers didn't support the
Triple spin in some of my programs... It would do a sort of lock up for
about a sec and switch between 3x and 1x... Hope they come out with the
drivers soon and if you get them leave me mail and tell me where to get
them so I can FREQ them...
Jason Smith
... Itsdifficulttobeverycreativewithonlyfiftysevenchar
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- WM v3.10/91-0097
* Origin: Texas Open Forum! 903-534-1918 100,000+ (1:3801/1)
From: MARK COPELAND Number: 12735
To: ALL Date: 01/24/94 8:21a
Subj: CD-ROM drivers Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I am looking for the hardware driver for the Reveal double spin CD-ROM. I have
the opportunity to purchase one for a really good price because he lost his
driver for it. If anyone knows or has a copy of this I would greatly
appreciate it. I believe that the Panasonic driver will also work. I am
willing to try any double spin driver. The driver must be for DOS.
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: Excalibur III *14.4,V32B,V42B*NOVELL*DOS6.2*4DOS5.0*3+gigs
From: MARK COPELAND Number: 12736
To: WALTER ANTHONY Date: 01/24/94 6:26p
Subj: Reveal cdrom Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> The Reveal software set it up I just added the Devicehigh and
> Loadhigh commands to put them in upper memory. I use DOS 5.0
> and have had no trouble with this setup.
I was wondering if I could get a copy of your CD-ROM driver? I do not know how
we would go about getting it to me. Do you have a BBS I can call, or maybe you
could upload it to the one you posted this message on, and leave me a message
here on what the name is. I would greatly appreciate it.
Here is the BBS you originally wrote the message on:
> * Origin: TSUNAMI - Catch the Wave! Ponte Vedra FL -
> 1:112/75 (1:112/75)
Thanks in advance.
Mark Copeland
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: Excalibur III *14.4,V32B,V42B*NOVELL*DOS6.2*4DOS5.0*3+gigs
From: JIM CLEMENTS Number: 12737
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/22/94 7:26a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>Question: Is the Software Toolworks Mutimedia Encyclopedia the same thing as
>the Grolier Encyclopedia?
BF> STW version 5 essentially IS the "Grolier's" version 5.
BF> The STW MPC version 1 appears to have been intermediary between STW5 and
BF>Grolier's 6.
BF> Software Toolworks did so MUCH with the package that Grolier's let STW take
BF>the credit for 5 and MPC1 (or so goes the story I have been told).
Brice, the story I've been told (by STW press release and conversations
with STW reps) is that Grolier does the encyclopedia, STW does the
world distribution including OEM -- which of course includes its
own version.
* DeLuxe* 1.12 #4703 *
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
* Origin: CRS Online, Toronto, Ontario (1:229/15)
From: SAM FIGUEROA Number: 12738
To: AMANDA HARRIS Date: 01/24/94 6:58a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BF>>since I've had my CD Rom. I have: A:\ (3.5" drive)
BF>> B:\ (5.25" drive)
BF>> C:\ (345MB hard drive)
BF>> D:\ (245MB hard drive)
BF>> E:\ (Ram Drive)
BF>> F:\ (CD Rom)
BF>>I want my CD Rom to be drive E and my Ram Drive to be drive F.
BF> You would have to load your RAM Drive driver AFTER you load MSCDEX - which
BF>means you have to go with a 3'd Party driver that runs as an .EXE or .COM
BF>and can NOT use VDISK.SYS/RAMDRIVE.SYS with your setup.
BF>>According to the
BF>>MS Dos manual, the Ram Drive is suppose to become the drive letter after al
BF>>physical devices. Why doesn't it treat the CD Rom as a physical device?
BF> Because the CD-ROM isn't assigned a device letter 'till MSCDEX loads - LONG
BF>after your Ramdrive driver has loaded.
BF> * SLMR 2.1a * How will you know me? You'll see me cry....
BF>--- TMail v1.31.3
BF> * Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
According to what he says, I think he is wrong because I had the same
deal! The only way you can fix this is if your CDrom drive uses a .SYS
type driver in the config.sys and something in the autoexec.bat, it
actually start assigning drive letters in the config.sys, so just put
ramdrive before or after the cdrom driver if thats were ya want it, Let
me know if this works, I know it works on mine and a few friends
machines! You shouldn't have that much problem?
Sam Figueroa
* SLMR 2.1a * C:\PEPSIC.OLA not found. (A)bort (R)etry (F)all asleep
--- GOMail v1.2 [92-0081]
* Origin: Net 3622 Echomail Corrdinator (1:3622/1000)
From: MIKE GERVASI Number: 12739
To: JOHN ULLMER Date: 01/23/94 1:00a
Subj: Re: NEC CDROMs Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Then it happened...... -=> Quoting Bayani Custodio to All <=-
BC> I've just been looking at the external NEC-CDROM drives, double spin
BC> variety. I was wondering how SCSI complilant their adapter is? Can I
BC> hook it up to my IN-2000 controller without any problems at all?
JU NEC drives are SCSI. They have their own board. If you buy a
JU party board, get 'em to guarantee or money back that it's
JU w/ the NEC.
Tell me about it. 8-bit Future Domain came with my 84. They neglected
to mention anywhere that you can't hook anything else up to it. it won't
work with Hard Disks. SO I bought An Adaptec controller (16 bit) and it
runs great.
P.S. I'm selling the Future DOmain if anyone needs a card for a CD-Rom
* Wave Rider 1.0 [NR] *
--- Blue Wave/Maximus
* Origin: -={ Christian Deliverance BBS, Devonshire BERMUDA }=- (1:3658/1)
From: GORDON IRELAND Number: 12740
To: MIKE SHANNON Date: 01/24/94 12:48p
Subj: CD Refer: NONE
Read: NO Private: No
Hi Mike, can you get Home Medical Advisor Pro on CDROM.
It's from Pixel Perfect Software. They can ship it to me in Canada for
--- PCBoard 15.1
* Origin: Logical Solutions, 25 Lines 299-9900. Region Hub Calgary (1:134/10)
From: DAVID HILL Number: 12741
To: ALL Date: 01/24/94 3:28p
Subj: HELP Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I am a little(?) confused about the differences between OEM,MPC,& Mac type
CD's. I have Mac and I have SoftPC, which will run PC software...
I guess what I wnat to know is what software CD's can I run and which ones
can I not run
--- QM v1.26/b
* Origin: Torii Station TBBS 150,000 Files @14Gig (1:147/20)
From: JASON DADSWELL Number: 12742
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 3:51p
Subj: iron helix Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I am having difficulty getting into the upper right side room on level
2 (the one with the most rooms) could some please tell me which dna
specimens are needed.
Thanks in advance.
X KWQ/2 1.2b X Notice how my hands never my mouse my wrists.
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Sound Stage BBS - Live Via Satellite - 604/944-6476 (1:153/7070)
From: JOE LYDA Number: 12743
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/24/94 3:29p
Subj: Re: Cd-list Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Joe!
In a message to Joe Lyda <01/22/94> Joe Rinehart wrote:
JR> It'd take quite a long post to describe each one. If you didn't get
JR> "descript.zip", you may want to try it. If you're still in the dark, fee
JR> free to give us a voice call at (216) 296-4446.
JR> By the way, if you do call, ask for Joe. He knows all the good stuff-- I
JR> just the accountant (I'm learning, though!)
Will get the file and go from there. What I mean by bbs ready is
a text file of descriptions for each file area, can be for
pcboard type description or single line will do as well.
* WCE 1.5/2107 * Yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dogs eye
--- GOMail v1.2 [92-0081]
* Origin: Net 3622 Echomail Corrdinator (1:3622/1000)
From: CARLOS FUENZALIDA Number: 12744
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 10:47a
Subj: Re: What do I need? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Thanks to all those that replied to my questions regarding sound cards
and CD drives.
--- PPoint 1.64
* Origin: Steep Point (1:153/916.1)
From: MIKE GILBERTSON Number: 12745
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/24/94 6:34a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> he got busted for selling
> FAO 1, FAO 2, Busty Babes, and another such COMMON
> "adult" CD-ROM to an
> undercover cop in a "sting" operation.
Y'know, they sell these in the neighborhood Fry's Electronics... Was the sting
cop under 18?
* Origin: Mikey's Place (1:143/128)
From: JIM WILKINSON Number: 12746
To: HALL STEVENSON Date: 01/25/94 1:25a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Remove the Audio cable (from the MIT-SUE-ME to the SoundBlaster) at the
SB. Trim off the key on the connector, install it 180 Degrees (backward) and
you will be able to hear your Audio CD's.. A common problem with the
MIT-SUE-ME Audio Cable..
--- GEcho 1.01+
* Origin: Flamingo BBS, Melbourne,Fl USR 21.6 Terbo (407)253-0782 (1:374/46)
From: STEPHEN SHOIHET Number: 12747
To: ALL Date: 01/25/94 1:15a
Subj: Kodak images on cd Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello all!
I was thinking of getting my next few rolls of film put on cd as the store near
me has the service on for half price. What software is necessary to view these
images from the cd (preferably free)? I have a Panasonic 562 cd rom running
under OS/2.
--- timEd/2-B9
* Origin: Pandora's Box Kelowna BC - Canada (1:353/276)
From: HENRY PAUL Number: 12748
To: DARREN CLOUTIER Date: 01/22/94 1:00p
Subj: King's Quest V Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
DC>HELP! I am stuck! I have the amulet from Madame Mushka and can get to
DC>the bridge in the dark forest (that crosses over to her house) but I
DC>don't know how to get over to her house! Leave any syggestions in my
DC>mailbox PLEASE!
Have you gotten rid of the witch yet???? Use the brass bottle from the
* OLX 2.1 TD * (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mack the friggin thing
--- GOMail v1.1 [92-0231]
* Origin: Origin Line Not Defined In GOEDIT (1:152/103)
From: AARON BRADY Number: 12749
To: GLENN KILLIAN Date: 01/22/94 12:05p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
GK> Oh yes, I charge NOTHING for access to anyone on my bbs so I am not
GK> making money on my bbs and I do it only as a hobby.
GK> -- Glenn K. --
OK, fine. What is the BBS phone #? :)
* RM 1.2 * Eval Day 8 *
--- InterPCB 1.52
* Origin: The Researcher's BBS 10.5+Gigs! 805-949-8151 (1:102/1310)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12750
To: RICKY BOOTH Date: 01/23/94 9:53p
Subj: '94 CD's. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
RB:>What new CD's are coming out in '94? I hear that Night Owl 11 is out,
RB:>else planned from anyone else in the way of BBS type CD's? (NO, PIER, CoC)
Night Owl 11 is now shipping at $29.90. Pier 4 is due out around mid-
February and will have the most current files at the time of release.
Haven't heard anything yet on Cream of the Crop 3.
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * ... A fool and his money soon become a Sysop!
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12751
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 9:53p
Subj: NIGHT OWL 11: $29.90 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Starvector Sales Bulletin #2: TOP 5 NEW CD TITLES |
CD POWERBOX 2 * The newest of the new! Current shareware hits. BBS..$25.60
DIGITAL DREAMS 2 * Newest all-original "R" CD. No dupes to 1! BBS...$25.30
NIGHT OWL 11 * Yes, it's here. BBS-ready...........................$29.90
HAM RADIO/SCANNER COMPANION * Lots of essential utilities for Hams..$18.90
VIRTUAL REALITY STARTER KIT * The "next dimension" for your PC......$49.00
509-457-2892 (VOICE) * 509-457-2966 (FAX) **** VISA * MC * AMEX * DISCOVER
* SLMR 2.1a * ... A fool and his money soon become a Sysop!
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12752
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 9:53p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Starvector Sales Bulletin #5: CD-ROM PACKAGE DEALS |
1. CD Powerbox 1 2. Pier 2 3. MVP Game Jamboree
CD Powerbox 2 Pier 3 House of Games
Pier 3 Monster Media 93 Gameware Collection
------ ---------------- -------------------
$49 $59 $45
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * Odo, is there any more jello in the fridge? Odo? Odo??
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: TOM MATHAE Number: 12753
To: ALL Date: 01/24/94 12:34p
Subj: hitachi cdrom drvr needed Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have an old CDROM drive and do not have the driver to
make it functional. After a little research, I have the
file name which is CDREXT5D. If any one would be willing
to send me a copy, I'd be greatful.
--- WM v3.10/92-0662
* Origin: NWCS Online + 18 Nodes + 5 Gig + (503) 620-5910 + (1:105/362)
From: MATT DELCO Number: 12754
To: FRANK BUCKLE Date: 01/23/94 7:38p
Subj: Cr-562-B & Sbpro2 Drv'S ( Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
It seems like the Panasonic should have come with one. Mine's an
SB536-B, and came with the driver SB563.SYS.
>CR 521.
From the way the driver loads, I believe that SB563.SYS supports all 5XX
drives. The driver I.D.s the drive, and the the driver runs in the
correct mode.
You can proably call Creative Labs and ask for a working driver. I
didn't find a BBS number in my book.
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: ET/PPCUG BBS 503-452-1988 CD ROMs! Portland, Or1 (1:105/201)
From: MATT DELCO Number: 12755
To: JOHN FOX Date: 01/23/94 8:01p
Subj: Win Nt Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JF>Can anyone help - once WIN nT is installed I lose my CD-ROM
>I'd be pleased if anyone knows the solution.
What CD drive do you have?
I think you installed Win NT using the installation for NON-supported
CD-ROMs. It works in that you load the install program in DOS from the
CD. Then, once Nt is loaded, your CD is no longer supported.
If the CD-ROM is a SCSI drive, you need to load the appropriate driver
for your SCSI interface. Windows NT comes with a collection of drivers.
Windows NT supports the following non, or semi-SCSI drives:
Panasonic CR-52x family of CD-ROMs
Panasonic CR-56x family of CD-ROMs
Sony - CDU-31A
Not many supported yet. Problem is, if your lucky enough to have one of
these, the drivers are located on the CD!
I guess you'd have to load DOS either by using the dual boot, or load
DOS from a floppy. You then copy the files in the appropriate
directory to a floppy. They're located in the DRVLIB\STORAGE\
directory. You then load Windows NT, and load the driver as a SCSI
If this doesn't get to far of this echo's theme, how do you like Windows
NT? I have a Windows NT, 486-33DX, 16 megs RAM, 420 megs Hard Disk. I
just don't know if I should load Windows NT or not. My CD-ROM is
supported (CR-563-B), so that wouldn't be a problem.
I hope this helps.
* OLX 2.1 TD * Back Up My Hard Drive? I Can't Find The Reverse Switch!
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: ET/PPCUG BBS 503-452-1988 CD ROMs! Portland, Or1 (1:105/201)
From: MATT DELCO Number: 12756
To: BOB BRYANT Date: 01/24/94 4:36p
Subj: Cd/Soundblaster Audio In Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BB>But I wish there was a program that would use the SoundBlaster
>card for its volume, output, etc....
Try turning up the Sound Blaster's card. The card also has internal
volume settings. There should be a program called SBP-SET which you can
use to change the volume. There is also a TSR called SBP-MIX, but I
like SBP-SET better.
I have a Sound Blaster Pro 2, and in my AUTOEXEC.BAT, I have:
C:\SBPRO\SBP-SET /M:15,15 /VOC:15,15 /FM:15,15 /C:15 /X:7 /LINE:15,15
I hope this helps. (somehow)
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: ET/PPCUG BBS 503-452-1988 CD ROMs! Portland, Or1 (1:105/201)
From: Number: 12757
To: Date: 01/11/94 5:00p
Subj: Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: (2:480/33)
From: DAVID ROBERTS Number: 12758
To: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Date: 01/23/94 7:46p
Subj: OS2/2.1 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On Jan 14 17:58 94, Giuliano Maciocci Jr of 5:7211/1.78 wrote:
GMJ> My hard drive is compressed with Stacker 3.1 (Excellent!)
GMJ> and I was wondering if I'd be able to install OS2/2.1 on
GMJ> it without having to reformat everything. I have a
You will have to reformat. If you plan on using disk compression you will need
Stacker for OS/2 (not recomended). You will also need more than 4 megs of RAM,
6 is good but 8 is better, 12 to 16 is perfect.
--- Msgedsq/2 2.2e
* Origin: Sapphire Jelly BBS * (919)383-4939 * Durham, NC (1:3641/235)
From: DAVID ROBERTS Number: 12759
To: STEPHEN WESTOVER Date: 01/23/94 7:51p
Subj: Gateway CD and OS/2 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On Jan 21 22:36 94, Stephen Westover of 1:207/703 wrote:
SW> Does anyone know if the Gateway 2000 CD-ROM will work with
SW> OS/2? I just read an article that only certain brands of
SW> CD-ROMs will work with OS/2. I'm considering the purchase
SW> of a Gateway 2000 and want to get OS/2.
If you have the Sony model CDU-31A that is packed with most Gateway 2000
systems you will be able to use it with OS/2. You will need to get the driver
from the Sony BBS as it was not shipped with OS/2. It is included with the new
service pack that will be available very soon.
--- Msgedsq/2 2.2e
* Origin: Sapphire Jelly BBS * (919)383-4939 * Durham, NC (1:3641/235)
From: AL AGEE Number: 12760
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 6:47p
Subj: Custom cds Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I'll put 640mb of your data on an ISO 9660 standard CD for $49. If you don't
have a tape drive, I will restore from 1.44mb floppies for $0.25 each
Advantages include:
- Speed - My 10ms HD is only four times faster than CD. - Cost -
CD costs $49, tape $100, 1.4mb floppy $200. - Security - It can't be
changed. No virus threat. - Convenience - It's like adding another hard drive.
o Make your own shareware disk.
o Organize those huge graphics files.
o Put your BBS on CD instead of buying another hard drive.
o Distribute your data to several sites.
o Back up your entire LAN or BBS.
Send QIC-80 or QIC-40 DC2120 tapes and cashiers check to: Allen Agee, 52 Sleepy
Hollow Rd, Andover NJ 07821. If you have questions, call me voice at
(201)786-7716 evenings.
* The PC GFX Exchange * San Francisco, CA * (1:125/217)
--- Squish v1.01
* Origin: The PC GFX Exchange * San Francisco, CA * (1:125/217)
From: JOSH LONG Number: 12761
To: HALL STEVENSON Date: 01/24/94 4:46a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
HS> Thanks for the reply, Mike. The /x switch did the trick! I
HS> thought that loaded the driver into high memory which I was
HS> already doing with the DEVICEHIGH command but using it reduced
HS> the driver's size to 15k. I now have 620k free conv. memory.
HS> Damn, I've already ordered QEMM, too. Oh well.
That's OK, QEMM is well worth it. Soon you'll have 649,000+ bytes free
base memory, and over 200k of high memory to load TSRs is. I LOVE it!
I have about 12 device drivers and TSRs all loaded high, and working
perfectly. All I do when I find another one I want to enhance my system
is put the device= statement in, and run OPTIMIZE. It's a breeze......
... USER ERROR: replace user and press any key to continue.
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12
* Origin: DATAMAZE (1:203/100)
From: JOSE VISBAL Number: 12762
To: ROBERT BRITZ Date: 01/24/94 6:09a
Subj: Re: StarWars Rebel Assaul Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
give me till wed. i have a co-worker that will let me see and play the
cd-rom for a day...I just want to make sure i really want this game....
If for some reason you find a buyer by wed. then do not wait for me...
but i shuold know by tues. night then i'll call you and leave a word..
thanks again...
--- GOMail v1.2 [92-0051]
* Origin: This Old House * D.S. 16.8 * Tacoma Wa (1:138/173)
From: DAVE WONG Number: 12763
To: NICK ALLAN Date: 01/20/94 5:22p
Subj: encarta 1994 how much Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Nick, I'll offer to you my used Encarta, with box and all documentaion for
$112.00 Australian plus shipping. Let me know. Bye!!
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Sea East PC Exchange (1:343/15)
From: FRANKY WONG Number: 12764
To: ALL Date: 01/20/94 9:35p
Subj: HELP FOR 3Xe and SB16 ASP Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I would like to connect SB16 SCSI-2 ASP and NEC 3Xe. However, somebody told me
that it cannot work this way. Instead, I need a controller card from NEC. Is
that the case?
Between SB16 SCSI-2 ASP and PAS Studio 16, which one is better?
SB16 ASP series seems to bundle a lot of s/w. How about PAS Studio 16?
Thank you.
Franky Wong.
■ OLX 2.1 TD ■ Press any key to continue or any other key to quit
--- WM v3.10/92-0447
* Origin: Hafa Adai Exchange Guam USA 671-646-9823 (6:670/6)
From: JIM JOHNS Number: 12765
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/20/94 5:17a
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> *********** FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories
> CATALOG!*************
How 'bout one to:
James D. Johns
PSC 456 Box 87
PO AP 9659-1287
--- FMail 0.94
* Origin: INFO-LINE, Dededo, Guam 6:670/8 (6:670/8)
From: JEFF BUCKLAND Number: 12766
To: HENRY HACHE Date: 01/24/94 4:55p
Subj: Re: The 7Th Guest. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Don't worry, the sequel to the 7th Guest, The 11th Hour, will be on one CD
only, with improved audio and video. System requirements are about the same,
but there is supposed to be a lot more hardware supported.
* Origin: Jar Link BBS (1:387/509)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 12767
To: JEREMY FRASER Date: 01/24/94 2:18p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Jeremy Fraser to All <=-
JF> I've just purchased an NEC 3Xe TripleSpin CDROM player (
JF> also known as the CDR-600 ). I thought I could just hook it
JF> up to my SCSI card and let her rip. HA! My MIS department
JF> bought a SCSI adapter made by a company called BusTek ( not
JF> many people I've talked to have heard of them ). I need to
JF> get the MSCDEX drivers for the SCSI card to talk to the
JF> 3Xe. Can anybody help me with this?
JF> Ideally I would like to get my hands on one of the following:
JF> 1) BBS # where I can logon and download the drivers
JF> 2) Address of BusTek so I can contact them about getting the drivers
JF> 3) Any other information that would help me get this CDROM player
JF> running.
JF> Failing that, I'd grab at a LARGE bottle of Tylenol.
JF> Thanks in advance to anybody who might be able to help me.
BBS # for Trantor Systems LTD: 1-510-656-5159.
BBS # for NEC: 1-508-635-4706
(either of above has latest drivers)
Voice Tech support from NEC: 1-800-388-8888
BUT!!! NEC makes its own SCSI card for its CD-Drives. I
don't think many off-the-shelf SCSI's are compatible.
You may or may not need a sound card (SoundBlaster 16 ASP)
but you don't specify what uses your CD-Drive are for.
Good luck.
... RAM: Rarely adequate memory.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 12768
To: DEREK STUTSMAN Date: 01/24/94 2:27p
Subj: Re: The 7th Guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Derek Stutsman to John Ullmer <=-
DS> Story line?? WHAT story line? I played the whole game to completion
DS> without getting an adequate grasp of what the story was about! Sure,
DS> I picked up the general idea, but I feel it was far underdeveloped.
Well, you caught me with my books open. I cheated. I read the
little story in _The Stauf Files_ that came with the game.
I know that admitting to reading any form of documentation is
BIG SIN # 1 among true computer-phobes. But, I did have a kind
of general plot running around in the back of my head because
of what I read.
Mea Culpa! Mea Culpa
... The first sin in using computers is to read the documentation.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 12769
To: DIANE PENCIL Date: 01/24/94 2:33p
Subj: Re: The 7th Guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Diane Pencil to John Ullmer <=-
DP> Not only are you offensive, but your not even clever. Too
DP> bad you can't take an honest observation like a man!
DP> Here's one for you, don't hurt yourself figuring it out!
Lady, you have a real problem.
I wrote a message some time back saying I didn't like 7th
Guest and I gave my reasons.
You launched into a personal attack against my judgment, my morals,
my manhood, and any other flame you could come up with.
This is a CD-ROm Echo. Discuss CD-ROM data and get over yourself.
... Paging Dr. Jung. Paging Dr. Carl Jung.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: RON SPENCER Number: 12770
To: ALL Date: 01/24/94 7:28p
Subj: Sb v1.5 question Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Anyone out there: I have a version 1.5 Soundblaster
What is the difference between v1.5 and v2?
Does this card support speech in games?
Can this card be used with cd-rom or MPC applications?
What will this card do and what won't it do?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
* SLMR 2.1a * Press any key to continue or any other key to quit
--- Squish v1.01
* Origin: The Godfather BBS*Tampa FL*(813)286-7084*(813)289-3314 (1:377/54)
From: FRANCO CAPIZZO Number: 12771
To: FRANCO CAPIZZO Date: 01/23/94 12:35a
Subj: Nec 3x drives????? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: WayStar BBS (1:333/14)
From: FRANCO CAPIZZO Number: 12772
To: BERNARD ZEPHRO Date: 01/23/94 12:39a
Subj: Re: New Nec Cd Rom Drive Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Well, I am an employee at Compusa in Framingham, and because of that, I receive
a discount for items I purchased. I can only tell you the retail cost of the
items for that reason:
NEC 3XI 549.99
I would call first for availibility since these items are VERY popular. The
number for Compusa in Framingham is 875-8300.
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: WayStar BBS (1:333/14)
From: FRANCO CAPIZZO Number: 12773
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 12:45a
Subj: Dracula Unleashed CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I just purchased an NEC 3Xi cd-rom and the only problem I've had is with a game
called "Dracula Unleashed". When playing the video and audio, the cd-rom drive
"skips" parts of the playback, meaning the cd-rom drive might be too fast for
the game. I tried calling the company but they never got back to me. What I
was told over the phone is that someone else called with the same problem, and
said that he/she set the cd-rom drive to double speed...unfortunately, neither
the technician at the company or I know how to do that!!! If someone can help,
please do it!
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: WayStar BBS (1:333/14)
From: BOB BREED Number: 12774
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/21/94 3:05p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BF> I still have my original Audio CD - which is just shy of 11 years
BF> old. A CD-ROM should last JUST as long as a "normal" CD (likely won't
BF> last as long as the Mobile Fidelity "gold" CDs, though)....
BF> Basic problem is that Aluminum oxidises, and the plastic a CD is made
BF> out of (and the sealant used) isn't quite 100% impermiable to oxigen
BF> (very CLOSE, though)....
I agree. Most of the people that have replied to this say
about the same thing. It seems that of all the metals to use,
aluminum would be about the worst choice. (Nothing oxidizes quite
as fast!)
If Kodak is really trying to make something to archive your
pictures, you think they would use the gold plated disks. They
cost more, but if you're thinking of really long term storage,
they seem the way to go.
If nothing else, I think Kodak should offer them as an
option. If you want to pay the additional cost for long life,
that should be up to you. I know that I have SOME pictures that I
would pay the extra charge to have placed on gold.
... Japanese Pet Store: "Buy one, get one flea."
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- ProBoard v1.31 [EVALUATION]
* Origin: Alien Biker Kat BBS (619) 277-4140 (1:202/1010)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12775
To: MIKE GERVASI Date: 01/20/94 8:29a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Mike Gervasi, In a message on <Jan 16>, you said :
MG> I have a Future Domain TMC-850MEX 8-bit controller card and
MG> drivers that came with my NEC 84. It should work with the
MG> Panasonic as long as it's SCSI. (If I'm wrong, someone
It should work (if its SCSI), however the panasonic is NOT SCSI is an IDE type
proprietry interface.
MG> correct me please).
MG> Anyway, if you want it, give me a ring.
MG> 809-293-5375
I doubt he will , he is about 10,000 miles from you
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12776
To: STEVE MANN Date: 01/20/94 8:37a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Steve Mann, In a message on <Jan 18>, you said :
SM> We have sold out of the MS special price version of Encarta
SM> 1994 (though we are yet to have this stock delivered). We
SM> were selling it for $179 (RRP was $199 until December
SM> 31st).
Just a little reminder, We are now reconnected to the US and the world on this
conference, it may be advisable to indicate on your Ads that these are Ozzie
dollars prices you are referring to. It helps to avoid confusion overseas and
also helps to reduce all those messages saying "I know where I can get it a lot
cheaper than that"
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: IAN BURRELL Number: 12777
To: TAMI THOMPSON Date: 01/20/94 8:10p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Thanks for the ffedback. However, my mouse is compatible in all ways and I
have to use it for the many programs I have. I have never had this problem
before with any program. Given that the mouse works with the pop-up menu
(which shows the message "MISSING REFERENCE FILE") by cancelling the popup
window, the mouse is obviously talking to the program.
I'll stick at it but I seriously think the disk is faulty.
--- Ezycom V1.02 01fa0039
* Origin: The Bermuda Triangle: +61 3 725 4712 (3:633/252)
From: TONY SAUNDERS Number: 12778
To: STEVE MANN Date: 01/20/94 10:17p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SM>We have limited supplies of our January 1994 (preliminary) catalogue.
SM>If you would like to receive a free catalogue, of our CD-ROM titles
SM>and MM
SM>Kits, then contact our office or send an e-mail/netmail message.
Hi Steve,please send a catalogue to:
Tony Saunders
8 Cohen St
■ WinQwk 2.0 a#0 ■ Unregistered Evaluation Copy
--- Xenolink 1.0 Z.3, XQwk Mail Door v.95q [REG 10029]
* Origin: Enconn - The Engineering Connection (3:712/613)
From: WALTER ANTHONY Number: 12779
To: ROY FUNG Date: 01/22/94 10:00p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
RF>Anyone with the Reveal CDRom able to load MSCDEX high?
Config.sys has the below line:
First line in my Autoexec.bat listed below:
The Reveal software set it up I just added the Devicehigh and Loadhigh commands
to put them in upper memory. I use DOS 5.0 and have had no trouble with this
later.... Walt
--- InterEcho 1.00/b06
* Origin: TSUNAMI - Catch the Wave! Ponte Vedra FL - 1:112/75 (1:112/75)
From: RAPHAEL VANNEY Number: 12780
To: SAM LAMBROPOULOS Date: 01/22/94 2:16p
Subj: 7TH GUEST Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Bonjour Sam !
Saturday January 15 1994 22:25, Sam Lambropoulos écrivit à All :
SL> I have a Creative CD drive 563 running off a SB16 card and was wondering
SL> whether my 386SX-16 would be able to run 7th Guest.
SL> My video card is a Trident 8900 with 1 meg with plenty of hard disk space
SL> using doubleSpace.
The 7th Guest may operate in 2 graphics mode : 320x200x256 or
640x480x256. My guess is that the 640 mode is going to be slow,
but the 320 should be Ok.
Sala kahle, RVa
--- LoraBBS-DOS v2.34 (Eval.)
* Origin: Zlika (2:320/7.1)
From: LESLIE RHORER Number: 12781
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/22/94 6:21p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BF> True - but since MINIcomputers first started going 32 bit in that SAME
BF> timeframe, expecting MICROcomputers to do so at that time is excessive.
I disagree. After all, the reasons why a mini should be at least 32
bit are just as valid for a micro, especially when developers, like myself,
wanted to develop software across platforms. 'Now look at the mess we are
BF> Also, a 64K address space for a micro in 1980 WAS reasonable - barely.
A 64K address field was reasonable, a 64K address space was not, at
least not for anyone who had any thought whatsoever for the future (I predicted
there would be portable IBM 360 equivalents in 1976), or as already mentioned,
anyone who wanted to develop across platforms.
BF> Also, address + offset type stuff was WELL known by that time, and could
BF> easily handle 32 bit address calculations - it's Intel's FIXED "address"
BF> incrament segmentation that's such a pain....
Sure. Offsets and string manipulations were absolutely mandatory in
the days when mainframes and minis only had 64K (or even less), and I have
worked on several such machines. That does not mean that I did not jump for
joy when large, flat address spaces were developed, or that I consider it
advisable to develop a machine without that advantage, once the technology is
BF> 8 bit data path, 20 bit addressing. There has NEVER been
BF> a real requirement
BF> for the data path and address path to be the same size in microcomputers.
Nor in mainframes, for that matter. I have no great problems with
developing an 8 bit data path machine, since that only affects performance, not
programming. It is the address form that dictates programming practices.
BF> Minis were just STARTING to do 32 bits - VAX 11/780 and
BF> 11/750 were the ENTIRE
BF> LIST 'till late '80.
True. But PC's were an emerging technology: they should have been
treated as such. Instead, they were treated as toys, and they WERE toys, until
the introduction of the 32 bit Intel and Motorola processors.
BF> Most MAINFRAMES were still 32 bit at that time.
Their address spaces certainly were, as no one had the money for 4G of
memory. However, they were staring to use up to 128 bit words, especially for
Array Processors.
When I was your age, hard drives were as big as pizzas!
--- EZPoint V2.2
* Origin: GUI? Ptui!!! --- Last Chance Pt 4 (1:387/800.4)
From: BARON SCHWING Number: 12782
To: JOHN ALEXANDER Date: 01/22/94 7:32p
Subj: DRIVER Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On (21 Jan 94) John Alexander wrote to Baron Schwing...
JA> Accualy, the /D: tells MSCDEX the driver name to look for in memmory.
JA> /L:
JA> is for the drive.
Oops you are correct, I guess it was too late in the night to be
giving advice <:) .
Later, B.
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Baron's Point, River Ridge, La (1:396/27.3)
From: BOB BREED Number: 12783
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/22/94 12:23p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BF> I still have my original Audio CD - which is just shy of 11 years
BF> old. A CD-ROM should last JUST as long as a "normal" CD (likely won't
BF> last as long as the Mobile Fidelity "gold" CDs, though)....
BF> Basic problem is that Aluminum oxidises, and the plastic a CD is made
BF> out of (and the sealant used) isn't quite 100% impermiable to oxigen
BF> (very CLOSE, though)....
I agree. Most of the people that have replied to this say
about the same thing. It seems that of all the metals to use,
aluminum would be about the worst choice. (Nothing oxidizes quite
as fast!)
If Kodak is really trying to make something to archive your
pictures, you think they would use the gold plated disks. They
cost more, but if you're thinking of really long term storage,
they seem the way to go.
If nothing else, I think Kodak should offer them as an
option. If you want to pay the additional cost for long life,
that should be up to you. I know that I have SOME pictures that I
would pay the extra charge to have placed on gold.
... Japanese Pet Store: "Buy one, get one flea."
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- ProBoard v1.31 [EVALUATION]
* Origin: Alien Biker Kat BBS (619) 277-4140 (1:202/1010)
From: BOB BREED Number: 12784
To: CHRISTOPH STEINECKE Date: 01/22/94 12:24p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BB> Jeeze, this sounds like what I've been looking for -- are you
BB>going to have a US agent distribute it???
CS> Well I have nothing to do with that company, so I can't be of
CS> any help there, but since the instructions on how to use the
CS> product are given in English,German and French I guess it must
CS> be available in english speaking countries.
CS> I tell you what, I'll phone the company (since I live in Germany)
CS> asking them if they distribute the product in the US, and check
CS> with you after that, o.k. !
Great! I'm sure that lotsa U.S. customers are out there. I
know I'm interested in this.
... Why experiment on animals with so many lawyers available?
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- ProBoard v1.31 [EVALUATION]
* Origin: Alien Biker Kat BBS (619) 277-4140 (1:202/1010)
From: JUST NOW Number: 12785
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/24/94 6:54a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
├─┼─>carrier/caddy, but that
├─┼─>is another story (VERY FEW multi-disc players, even AUDIO
├─┼─>ones, get by without
├─┼─>some sort of "caddy").
--- (:*>
* Origin: The Talk Show...615-837-0014 (1:362/550)
From: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, JR. Number: 12786
To: THE LAWMAN Date: 01/24/94 6:20p
Subj: Multi-disk cdroms Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
TL>That drive will cost just under $2000 if you look just right, not
TL>$2995 unless you was quoting regular retail price. Most good computer
TL>stores can order you one way under that price.
Who pays retail for anything? That is the retail price! Sorry for the
--- WM v2.09/93-0349
* Origin: The Night Creature BBS _ 510-481-9774 _ FIDO (1:215/60)
From: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, JR. Number: 12787
To: RAYMOND DAVEY Date: 01/24/94 6:31p
Subj: Rebel Assult Cheat ! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
RD>If you push to joystick up - down - left - right when the Lucas Arts
RD>logo appears at the start of the game, you will activate the cheat.
RD>The + key on the numeric keyboard will remove all damage and
RD>the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F will jump you to the
RD>start of the relevant chapters 1-15
RD>This way you don't need the crack codes.
Thanks for the cheat info.
--- WM v2.09/93-0349
* Origin: The Night Creature BBS _ 510-481-9774 _ FIDO (1:215/60)
From: STEVE PESANT Number: 12788
To: BENJAMIN SMITH Date: 01/24/94 9:38a
Subj: Nightowl 10 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Benjamin!
20 Jan 94 13:17, Steve Berry wrote to Benjamin Smith:
>> Does anybody know if it's true about Nightowl 10 having viruses on it?
>> If so...Does anybody know what the specfic files are? I heard there
>> were
>> 3 or 4 files infected on it...
The following is from a file I was sent from Joe Rinehart of Config Sys.
File and location information include:
The files in question are: SF2_UP.ZIP located in the 020a directory,
and SPORT21C.ZIP located in the 037a directory.
No special notes are offered for the SF2-UP.EXE FILE. McAffe's scan
9.19 v.108 detected it before installation.
The Sport21c.zip was of considerable interest to us. After we
unarchived the file to our RAM drive and ran McAffe's 9.19 v.108 scan, the
virus was not detected. The initial scan report follows:
SCAN 9.19 V108 1993/11/8 18:34
Options: e:\*.* /m /chkhi /bell /report c:\scan.rpt
Scanning Volume: MS-RAMDRIVE
Directory E:\ contains 4 files.
No viruses found.
However, when we ran the install program it did copy 2 files to our C:\DOS\DIR
file (since we do not have a C:DOS directory) that was 11407 bytes in size.
This file went undetected by scan 9.19 v.108. Then we created a bogus C:\DOS
& decided to run the install again the following day in our research. Upon
running the install program the first screen had this wording within an ansi
{start of ansi box}
This file passed preliminary file integrity & virus detection checks!
Known BBS ad files have been removed to reduce transfer time & cost.
{end of ansi box}
Courtesy of MicroSeller BBS, Since 1984
(201) 239-1151 v.32bis
(201) 239-1331 HST DS
Do you want to extract these file now (y/n)
We ran scan at this screen and there were no detections. However, when we
answered yes.... We ran scan again. This time it did copy a file to our
bogus C:\DOS directory and copied 1 noninfected file named sport21c.exe.
When scan checked our RAM drive, it created this report:
SCAN 9.19 V108 1993/11/8 19:01
Options: C:\*.* E:\*.* /BELL /CHKHI /DATE /M /REPORT C:\SCAN.RPT /SUB
Scanning Volume: 105 TOSHIBA
Scanning Volume: MS-RAMDRIVE
Found the Butterfly [Bfly] Virus
Found the Butterfly [Bfly] Virus
Scanning E:\SPORTS.COM
Found the Butterfly [Bfly] Virus
Found 3 files containing viruses.
At this point, the research involving our systems ends. We decided
not to view the destructive nature of the viruses first-hand.
We wish to express our observation that we do totally understand how
these viruses got on the cd-disc, due to their either being new or
undetectable until installation. We do not judge the publisher in this case,
since we actually had to install the butterfly on our system, since scannning
did not detect it. From what we've learned in our research the publisher
takes extensive measures by scanning with several respectable programs. In
the butterfly case, no sysop or user would have detected this virus until
after the potential destruction occurs.
Copies are being sent to McAffee for confirmation that these are
indeed viruses. Further confirmation or information will be announced.
It was suggested by Ian Singer (a Canadian dealer) that a possible
echo be created that would create a forum between publishers and dealers to
assist in the research of problems like this & otherwise better the
relationships between the two. We are in agreement since it would be a
direct exchange of information, possibly before a false panic should be
The basic scan report follows:
SCAN 9.19 V108 1993/11/8 18:04
Options: E:\sf2-up.exe /BELL /CHKHI /DATE /M /REPORT C:\SCAN.RPT /SUB
Scanning Volume: MS-RAMDRIVE
Scanning E:\SF2-UP.EXE
Found the Memory Lapse [ML] Virus
Found 1 file containing a virus.
SCAN 9.19 V108 1993/11/7 01:03
Scanning Volume: MS-RAMDRIVE
>Scanning E:.\INSTALL.COM
> Found the Butterfly [Bfly] Virus
>Scanning E:.\DOCUMENT.COM
> Found the Butterfly [Bfly] Virus
>Scanning E:.\SPORTS.COM
> Found the Butterfly [Bfly] Virus
> Found 3 files containing viruses.
We do not recommend that anyone try expermenting, unless they take
precautions like using a system that is not used in daily activities.
Anyone interested in discussing information on new developments in
regard to the Night Owl 10 virus investigation, may contact me.
Joe Rinehart
config.sys, Inc.
P.O. Box 27
Kent, Ohio 44240-0001
Voice: (216) 296-9831 24 hours
Voice: (216) 296-1633 6pm-midnight (EST)
Voice/Messages/Fax: (216) 297-1332 24 hours
Toll-Free (in Ohio Only) 1-800-521-2881 6pm - midnight (EST)
Data/Fax (216) 296-4446 ZyXel 16.8 v.42bis The Blue Parrot RBBS 24HRS
FidoNet: 1:157/479
KesherNet: 18:711/176
RBBSNet: 8:965/13
WWIVNet: 2@2659
--- GoldED 2.41
* Origin: Westwood One Information Network, Vancouver BC, CANADA ( (1:153/217)
From: DEREK STUTSMAN Number: 12789
To: HENRY HACHE Date: 01/24/94 7:42p
Subj: Other Than 7Th Guest... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
HH>It definitely seems that 7th guest is the best cd-rom game out there by
HH>the amount of letters about it.
HH>Now that I finished it, what other cd do people recommend?
HH>I liked puzzles, but can go for a text adventure game.
Well, if you like text adventure types, you could try Indiana Jones and the
Fate of Atlantis. BUT! If you are _really_ into text games, get the CD
versions of Infocom's "Lost Treasures I and II." They are filled with very
excellent text games, but no graphics...don't ex[ect them to show off the
CD or anything. I love them; they are so well-written you forget about all
the graphocs and sound.
Derek Stutsman
* Wave Rider 1.10 # 153 *
... Well here's the problem JERKY!
--- Blue Wave/Maximus
* Origin: Code 3 BBS *Lewisville,TX* 214-221-7139/436-8753 (1:124/6106)
From: JOHN COOK Number: 12790
To: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Date: 01/24/94 4:42p
Subj: OS\2--Stacker-CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I'd suggest the purchase of OS\2 for Windows on CD-ROM. If the drive you
are using runs from a SB card, you'll be fine, as there are drivers (.ADD)
with the later SB packages or elsewhere that allow you to run your CD with
OS\2. The OS\2 CD package is about 50 bucks less than the one with the
built-in WIN code. This package accesses the REAL WIN 3.1, if installed
on your system. If not accessible (right now) from OS\2, you can boot
from DOS, run the CD, and extract about 15 disks-worth of installation
software, install in, and go from there. Then hope for locating the .ADD
file needed for your CD-ROM.
... Sorry, the Dog ate my Blue Wave packet.
--- GEcho/486 1.02+
* Origin: The Programmers Paragon - Greensboro, NC (1:3654/5)
From: JOHN COOK Number: 12791
To: JOHN MCCOMA Date: 01/24/94 4:42p
Subj: Parallel port CD ROMs Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I use the NEC Multi-spin, not the low-line one, and a Trancor card.
Total price was higher than any internal kit, but I NEEDED one MORE
and was out of slots. I run a Pioneer 600 changer, the external NEC,
an old Procomm external, and an internal Panasonic. All this mish-mash
is for a BBS, and operates fine. 9 in all with 6 on the Pioneer. The
NEC is the fastest of all, both in specs and perceived speed. It is
caddyless with a pop top..Simple, yet well made. The parallel adapter
is gross, but out of sight and out of mind makes it ok.
... "Bozo the Clown for President!" "That's who we got!"
--- GEcho/486 1.02+
* Origin: The Programmers Paragon - Greensboro, NC (1:3654/5)
From: GEORGE BERZ Number: 12792
To: ALL Date: 01/24/94 7:10a
Subj: PCSIG CD 13???????? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Anyone know when the PC-SIG cd 13 will be out im really happy with the
#12 , they only have like 3500 archives,, but each is completely gone
through and a full paragraph description is used and in the archive is
individual instructions for a beginner how to run the program and print
out the start up instructions!!!!!!1
George Berz
Sysop, Fresno Public Access BBS
(209)277-3008 17 Lines all Zoom 24k V.FC
FidoNET 1:205/88
Internet george.berz@f88.n205.z1.fidonet.org
--- WM v3.10/93-1088
* Origin: FPA 209-277-3008 17 lines all 24k ZOOM V.FC (1:205/88.0)
From: JAMES MARTIN Number: 12793
To: DAVE DAVIDSON Date: 01/20/94 1:59a
Subj: Cream of the Crop II Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
* In a message originally to Terry Blount, Dave Davidson said(Yeah RIGHT!!!):
> Hi Terry,
> Can you tell me how one goes about accessing the !README.1ST
> file in the root directory of "Cream" II? I can't seem to
> access it with anything (including "type").
> Thanks for the help...
> Dave
Hmm got me there to.. Neither can I ?? TERRY ??
TERRY !! could U put a VOLUME label on the disk next time ??
I use a program that uses the VOL label for switching disks in and out..
I've got 8 roms and 16 disk... it would make life easier thanks
--- GEcho 1.02+/RA PRO
* Origin: (1:344/35)
From: TRANE FRANCKS Number: 12794
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/24/94 12:35p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting - Brice Fleckenstein to Trane Francks, 19 Jan 94 14:31
>only have one CD-ROM online, it makes sense for me to get one that has a lot
>of the classic great stuff on it....
BF> Simtel20 would be MY choice for that.
Thanks for the info, Brice. Will keep it in mind for future
purchases. Am currently running the Night Owl 10 right now
and will upgrade to NO 11 when I see it over here. ;-)
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12
* Origin: The Watering Hole BBS Tokyo +81-3-3657-9255 (6:730/18)
From: TRANE FRANCKS Number: 12795
To: ANDY ROFF Date: 01/24/94 3:01p
Subj: night owl 10 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting - Andy Roff to All, 19 Jan 94 22:06
-=> Subject - night owl 10
AR> I have Night Owl 10. Can anyone give me a list of virus infected
FUTURE1.EXE (questionable)
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12
* Origin: The Watering Hole BBS Tokyo +81-3-3657-9255 (6:730/18)
From: PAUL HARDY Number: 12796
To: RICK PEDLEY Date: 01/25/94 10:05a
Subj: Parallel port cd roms ? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
RP>The major drawback to parallel port drives (I've just read) is speed.
Depending on your parallel port, you could use a Trantor
parallel-to-SCSI cable and get quite good results. I have a
bidirectional parallel port, so I use the MiniSCSI Plus with a Pioneer
602X, which is the 2x version of the 4x 6-changer. My throughput is
204kb/s at about 35% CPU. It's acceptible for a lot of things, including
Rebel Assault and Zork. Zork can hesitate slightly in the busier bits.
It will also play AVIs and QTs from ROM with unbroken sound.
If you have an enhanced parallel port, the Trantor EPP will just about
triple the throughput.
You have to be careful that any CDROM you buy supports Termpower on pin
38, since the cable uses that to power itself.
■ QMPro 1.50 41-5056 ■ Infamy, infamy. They've all got it infamy
--- WM v3.10/93-1116
* Origin: JIX BBS, Osaka, Japan 06-351-6074. Home of JIXnet (6:732/5.0)
From: ERIC JAN Number: 12797
To: MARK BRACKEN Date: 01/23/94 8:19p
Subj: Rebel Assault Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> I have capoy of rebel assault. And Have found that The sound
-> graphice are fantastic. The playability is not to bad. However the ga
-> to crach on a regualr basis, this makes it most frusrating. If you ha
-> double speed cd-rom and a 486dx33 and 4mb of mem. I think you should
-> ago. You should be able to buy it for approx $89.95. Or If you want y
-> rent my copy for a while.
Hello, Mark..
Thanks for the offer.. but I think I will buy it instead of rent it
from you, but thanks anyway.. I saw Rebel Assault on the mall for $42.
Not bad. And I do have a double-spin CD-ROM and 8MB of RAM on a local
bus 486. I guess I will give it a try.
--- WM v2.06/92-0324
* Origin: The Louisville Hot House (502)969-3806 (1:2320/180)
From: ALLEN DIETZ Number: 12798
To: ALL Date: 01/25/94 6:49a
Subj: Used CD-ROMs For Sale Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have ONE copy of each the following lightly *used* CD-ROM discs
for sale. All discs are in excellent condition. Call me at (512)
444-9822 and leave a message if you're interested. Add $3.00 per
order for shipping in the U.S.
Garbo MSDOS/MAC Shareware (Walnut Creek)....................$10.00
Mega CDROM2 (Shareware).....................................$10.00
Microsoft Works for Windows.................................$20.00
Lotus 1-2-3 with Multimedia SmartHelp (Release 1.1).........$25.00
Precision Mapping (DOS-based street level maps of entire....$60.00
U.S. Includes 93/94 American Business Phone Book.)
ProPhone 1993 Business + One Phone Book.....................$20.00
Reaching the Stars and Beyond: Images of NASA (375 SVGA.....$20.00
BMP, GIF, and PCX space images)
Shakespeare (Complete works, Creative Multimedia Corp.).....$10.00
Shareware Online #1.........................................$10.00
Simtel20 Shareware/May, 1993 (Walnut Creek).................$10.00
Wildcat Gold, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Shareware).....................$10.00
Allen Dietz
(512) 444-9822
* OLX 2.2 *
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Hub/2 (1:382/1201)
From: MICHAEL SHEARER Number: 12799
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/23/94 8:38p
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JS> JR> *********** FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories
CATALOG!************* JS> JR> For the largest selection & lowest prices,
get our NEW catalog... JS> JR> If you'd like a printed copy, send your
mailing information to us. JS> JR> We offer CDLIST file attach's upon
request. JS> JR> CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip (over 1,100 cd-rom disc
titles available) JS> JR> Internet:
joe.rinehart@p0.f479.n157.z1.fidonet.org JS> JR> FidoNet: 1:157/479 -
RBBSNet 8:965/13 - KesherNet 18:711/176 JS> JR> Joe Rinehart /
config.sys, Inc. Voice: (216) 296-9831 - 24 hours JS> JR> P.O. Box
27 Data/Fax: (216) 296-2244 JS> JR> Kent, Ohio
Hi Joe, yup sounds good. Please send me a free printed catalogue
to this mailing address:
Michael Shearer
255 av. Morin
Edmundston,N.-B. (Canada)
E3V 3J6
* OLX 2.1 TD * They don't make nostalgia like they used to.
--- WM v3.10/92-0414
* Origin: -≡ CompuBBS ≡- Edmundston, NB - (506) 735-3831 -
From: SCOTT BENNETT Number: 12800
To: MATT DELCO Date: 01/25/94 4:50p
Subj: Panasonic 562/563 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> SB>MATT, Sorry for cutting in.
-> No problem. That's what echos are for.
-> SB>I to have a Panasonic-Matsushita, but I am having problems with it
-> >I keep getting High Sierra, or ISO 9660 Format when I try to do a
-> >dir on the CD Rom.
-> I'm not exactly sure what you mean. I know that High Sierra is the
-> CD-ROM format which practically all CD-ROMs support. The impression
-> get is when you type DIR, you get a "raw" list of the files, probably
-> what MSCDEX uses to show a "normal" directory list. No ideas YET.
-> SB>I tried three differt cards Sumo's AT Scsi, Futu Domain, and APTEC
-> >1520.
-> Are these are SCSI cards? Panasonic's (at least all the one's I've
-> seen) are non-SCSI. They use the port on a sound card. I believe
-> the port on the cards is a perprietory-SCSI port, but lately some
-> people have said the port is an IDE port.
-> According to my box, the following sound cards work:
-> Sound Blaster Pro
-> Sound Blaster Pro 2 (what I use. The Pro 2 is a newer version)
-> Sound Blaster 16
-> Sound Blaster 16 ASP
-> Reveal's Sound FX Plus
-> Reveal's Studio 16
-> SB>All cards find the CD Rom fine, but can not read it.
-> Here's a blatant guess:
-> The panasonic CD-ROM probably requires a PERPRIETORY scsi port on a
-> sound card. Since it is somewhat SCSI, that might explain why the ca
-> can find the CD-ROM, but can't use it.
-> SB>I used the FDCD.SYS from Future Domain, and used the APTEC APSICD.
-> >on the APTEC. Is there a differnt Driver that I need or is the CD
-> >bad itself. Its only a Year old. Can you shed some light.
-> Since IBMs vary so much, here's another SEMI-guess:
-> Most likely, you have been trying to use a SCSI card. Those drivers
-> just for the interface card itself, not the CD-ROM. I believe that
-> normally you don't need additional drivers for the SCSI devices plugg
-> into the card.
-> However,
-> Since your CD-ROM probably requires a sound card port, you'll probabl
-> have to buy a sound card, if you don't have one yet. For my setup, I
-> load the driver SB563.SYS from my CONFIG.SYS. I then have to load
-> MSCDEX.EXE in my autoexec.bat.
-> If you have a driver similar to this, try it. My driver supports 56?
-> CD-ROM drives, and is version 4.0. My MSCDEX is version 2.23. MSCDE
-> supports both High Sierra and ISO 9660. I thought I'd let you know,
-> that way if you do have them, you can find out now old (or new) the
-> drivers are.
-> I hope this helps. If you need more help, feel free to ask. Giving
-> more details can also help. (Like model # of your CD-ROM.) The idea
-> I've listed are mentioned as guesses, so that if I'm slightly off on
-> part of this letter, I get 2 corrections from other fido-people, inst
-> of 4. Because of the hundreds of brands of PCs, its hard to hit the
-> bull's eye for everyone.
-> Again, I hope this helps, and feel free to write back.
-> --- GEcho 1.00
-> * Origin: ET/PPCUG BBS 503-452-1988 CD ROMs! Portland, Or1 (1:105/20
Thanks. I should have gave more detail. Panasonic tells me
that the CDMKE.SYS should work. I am now trying to locate this driver.
Also I will get the sound Blaster Pro board to see is this also works.
Besides I need one any way. I bought the CD second hand, with no manuel
or drivers, jest a bare drive. once I get the SB card I will write back
and ask for specs on setting the cd-rom up if I need help. Thanks for
the replay.
--- GOMail v1.2 [DEMO] 02-16-94
* Origin: G.I. Blues * Jolon Calif * 408-385-0675 * (1:216/301)
From: DAVID ANDERSON Number: 12801
To: ANDY ROFF Date: 01/24/94 7:44p
Subj: Night Owl 10 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
AR>I have Night Owl 10. Can anyone give me a list of virus infected files.
AR>That way I could delete them from the database. Or is the producer
AR>offering refunds.
THe ones i know of are:
SPORT21C.ZIP-Has a bunch of viruses. Butterfly and Filler are the ones
know of.II actually think that the program was just a way to dist.
SF2_UP.ZIP- It's the street fighter 2 upgrade. it has the memory
lapse virus in it.
those are the only ones that i remember. I think they are the only ones
Hope this helps
* Origin: The SW/SE Connection - 13176408872 - Node @ (1:231/565)
From: RON BRUMLOW Number: 12802
To: DANIEL GRIFFIN Date: 01/25/94 11:38a
Subj: Re: Cd drive Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>Does anyone have any good/bad info on the Panasonic cr562 drive. It looks
>good to me.
I've got 3 systems running here. One has a doublespeed Sony, one a double
speed NEC and one the CR-562. While not the fastest, I prefer the CR-562
for it's smooth operation and ease of use.
--- GEcho 1.01+
* Origin: Flamingo BBS, Melbourne,Fl USR 21.6 Terbo (407)253-0782 (1:374/46)
From: MARK WALKER Number: 12803
To: JOHN BARTA Date: 01/25/94 3:01p
Subj: Wanted beatles cd Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello John!
22 Jan 94 10:36, John Barta wrote to Donald Wen:
JB> No music, beyond the opening bar when the AHDN opening screen first
JB> comes up, and a black frame with no movie. It does do an initial
JB> read from the CD-ROM when it first books, beyond that nothing but
JB> text and stills. Have yet to call the manufacturer of AHDN.
Try this,
Go to you QTW.INI file in your Windows directory. After your last line, leave a
blank line and add this after your blank line:
That should help with the problem. You may need to get an updated video driver
to make the Audio and Video sync properly all the time.
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: Playing Tourist Tag in Branson, MO! (1:297/1.10)
From: BORIS OSADCIW Number: 12804
To: RICKY BOOTH Date: 01/24/94 2:15a
Subj: '94 CD'S. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 22 Jan 94 02:53pm, Ricky Booth wrote to All:
>> What new CD's are coming out in '94? I hear that Night Owl 11
>> is out, anything else planned from anyone else in the way of
>> BBS type CD's? (NO, PIER, CoC)
You should be seeing a ton of new cd's in just a few weeks !!
Here are a few that are either out or should be out very soon !!
Night Owl 11.
Software Vault Platinum
Monster Disk v4
Pier 4
DeskTop Bookshop
Cream Of The Crop III
Just to name a few.....
If we can be of any further help, feel free to give us a call at
216-225-3263 anytime 7 days a week.
Boris Osadciw
... Silver Xpress!...... The Master Surfer!
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: Buggie Works Via Satellite (216)225-6130 (1:157/46)
From: BORIS OSADCIW Number: 12805
To: ALL Date: 01/24/94 2:15a
Subj: NIGHT OWL 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
N E W N I G H T O W L 11. R E L E A S E
* Over 640 Meg's * No Dupes * No Dupes To Previous Versions
* All Zipped Files * New Viewer * 60% Files Released last 90 days
"Night Owl 11. " offer's over 4,500 all new files and supports for areas
such as Windows, OS/2, Games, Fonts, Ham Radio, Lan, Business and more !
Call Now And Get Your Copy ! - PRICE - $30.00
Best Of The Best - Night Owl 11. + Cream Of The Crop II - $50.00
ORDERS ONLY! US/CAN 800-243-0517 TEC/QUES 216-225-3263 FAX 216-225-6759
Boris Osadciw
... Thought of the day....... To QuaWK or not to QuaWK?
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: Buggie Works Via Satellite (216)225-6130 (1:157/46)
From: TIM HELTON Number: 12806
To: RICHARD MAY Date: 01/27/94 8:40a
Subj: Re: PANASONIC 562 Refer: 12665
Read: NO Private: No
-> Wrong. A nice try, but wrong. Audio waves are compression waves tha
-> the movement of molecules (air). This is kinetic motion and is diffe
-> radio frequency energy which is ELECTROMAGNETIC in nature. Radio wav
-> 60 Hz but they still aren't heard.....
That's right. Hopefully, we can now lay this issue rest...
mechanical engineer
From: TIM HELTON Number: 12807
To: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Date: 01/27/94 11:03a
Subj: Re: Canadian CD Catalogue Refer: 12698
Read: NO Private: No
-> Thanks for asking. Our latest version HRBCD11.ZIP will be shipped to
-> you shortly.
Hayden, you only need to say this once....
From: TIM HELTON Number: 12808
To: JEFF WEISS Date: 01/27/94 11:05a
Subj: *& Custom CD-ROMs Refer: 12711
Read: NO Private: No
-> We will transfer up to 650 megabytes of data from your tape/removable
-> media to one CD-ROM.
Jeff, 10 line max on ads...
From: ANDEE SCHMEDER Number: 12809
To: NICK ALLAN Date: 01/24/94 12:20a
Subj: PhoneBook CDROM's Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
How to keep your name out of those thangs:
Make sure that when you're buying your phone service, you request that your
name be removed from the REVERSE PHONE DIRECTORY - this is the one they give to
the bizness salespeople, and it has the adresses and phone numbers on it in
order by your adress - so they can find find, like classy neighborhoods and
As for takeing your name out of the normal phone book, I dunno about that,but
as far as I know that shouldn't make a diffenrence, at least for my phone
service... besides, that usually costs $$$ :(
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Sonoma Online (1:125/7)
From: ANDEE SCHMEDER Number: 12810
To: MIKE KEAR Date: 01/24/94 12:24a
Subj: Triple Speed Drive Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hehe... there is definatly NOTHING that wouldn't be obsolete in two years...
in two years, we'll have readable/writeable CDs available to the general public
for reasonable prices, and ALL CD-ROM drives will be obsolete!
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Sonoma Online (1:125/7)
From: LAWRENCE LIU Number: 12811
To: ALL Date: 01/24/94 10:44a
Subj: Best cd-roms for bbs Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I'm in the process of procuring a Pioneer DRM602X 6-disc
CD-ROM changer. I already have the Busty Babes V2 disc.
Please give me some ideas for the remaining five. I'm
primarily interested in updated, recently published
adult-oriented files. My rating preferrence is for XXX, but
X and XX are fine, too.
Can anyone offer me a package deal of 4-5 CD-ROMs?
Internet e-mail: ll@pcgfx.com
FidoNet node address: 1:125/217
* 1st 1.11 #296s *
--- Squish v1.01
* Origin: The PC GFX Exchange * San Francisco, CA * (1:125/217)
From: BRONWYN ALDERTON Number: 12812
To: CHRIS ANSELL Date: 01/23/94 7:09p
Subj: critical path Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
We have critical path, I couldn't get into it but my husband likes it. It's a
bit difficult to play so if anyone has any hints about the walkways after the
crane let us know. The graphics are brilliant, but once the game is solved
once you may as well give it away ( as with most quests > rate it 9/10
* Origin: Tesseract CAS - v.32bis - 61-2-476-4313 (3:711/451)
From: HENRY HACHE Number: 12813
To: JEFF KEY Date: 01/24/94 8:20a
Subj: Re: T7g Maze Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JK>KS>*** Quoting Jeff Key to Stean Snyman ***
JK>KS>JK> Maybe not, but it can still be used as a guide.. That's how I
JK>KS>JK> got through.. First time.. (Well, first time after seeing the
JK>KS>JK> rug.. before that, I had no clue..)
JK>KS> Sorry to butt in here, but have you finished T7G? If so, I'd
JK>KS>really appreciate help with one of the puzzles. It's the one with the
JK>KS>bacteria under the microscope. I can't win no matter what I do! Do
JK>KS>you have any strategies you would be willing to share? (assuming
JK>KS>you've passed this part)
JK>Well, to tell you the truth, I 'cheated'.. I couldn't win for the life
JK>of me.. So I got some of my non-computer literate friends that were
JK>supposedly good at reversi to try it and they couldn't either.. so I
JK>finally resorted to going to the library clue book 3 times.. after 3
JK>times, it says 'They puzzle is solved!' so if you can't get it.. just
JK>do that.. trust me.. I tried MANY, MANY times.. oh well.. good luck!
JK>Jeff Key
JK>Internet - jeffreykey@aol.com
By doing that you lose the fun of the game. Yes It took a while, but
its doable.
Hint: don't give up in the middle of a game, it changes rapidly as the
squares fill.
1 hint, leave a corner under your control empty, hell jump from his spot
changing 3 of yours, but the hole he leaves can get you 6!
--- FastEcho/JAM beta
* Origin: PACIFIC COAST MICRO, So. Calif. HST-16.8k 805-494-9386 (1:102/1001)
From: HENRY HACHE Number: 12814
To: KENSHIN SAKURA Date: 01/24/94 8:20a
Subj: Re: T7g Microscope Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
KS>*** Quoting Ray Matthews to Kenshin Sakura ***
KS>RM> I finished the game, but never was able to do this puzzle
KS>RM> either. It was the only one that I couldn't solve on my own, and
KS>RM> had to solve by using 'the book'.
KS> Well... I am one of these people that just HAS to finish all the
KS>puzzles, and I really want to finish this one. Someone, ANYONE who has
KS>completed this puzzle... please, please give me a few hints!
Couple hints:
Don't give up and start over in the middle of a game. Things change a
lot at the end.
Also, I left a corner empty, he jumped from a spot at the end of the
game to the corner, he took 3 squares, but I filled in the empty one he
left open, at least 7 or so squares for me.
■ QMPro 1.02 00-0000 ■ Thesaurus: ancient reptile with an excellent
--- FastEcho/JAM beta
* Origin: PACIFIC COAST MICRO, So. Calif. HST-16.8k 805-494-9386 (1:102/1001)
From: HENRY HACHE Number: 12815
To: CHUCK SPEAR Date: 01/24/94 8:20a
Subj: The 7Th Guest. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
CS>Hello Kenshin!
CS>13 Jan 94 16:35, Kenshin Sakura wrote to Derek Stutsman:
CS> KS> *** Quoting Derek Stutsman to Kenshin Sakura ***
CS> DS>> Actually, it does. Warp to the cluebook and back three
CS> DS>> times, and the microscope puzzle will be solved for you!
CS> KS> Well, that's sorta "cheating" in a way. I just want to
CS> KS> finish the puzzle and the two clues don't help much. I know what
CS> KS> to do, but I just can't seem to succeed.
CS> Nope, not cheating at all. The clue book tells you to skip this one, it
CS>doesn't work the way it should. Just look in the clue book 3 times, and go
CS>on. The support line also says that you really don't miss anything doing it
CS>this way.
I finished it, no clues! So it does work!
■ QMPro 1.02 00-0000 ■ People say I'm indecisive. Am I? I don't know.
--- FastEcho/JAM beta
* Origin: PACIFIC COAST MICRO, So. Calif. HST-16.8k 805-494-9386 (1:102/1001)
From: HENRY HACHE Number: 12816
To: MIKE LEE Date: 01/24/94 8:20a
Subj: Re: The 7Th Guest. Refer: NONE
Read: NO Private: No
ML>You've finished the game? Good...perhaps you can give me a
hand...I've ML>done all the puzzles that seems to be available to
me...except for one... ML>the one in the shed just outside the
kitchen...for some reason, I can't ML>find a path to that door...the
kitchen door is still locked, but I've ML>finished all the other
puzzles...there is nothing else I can do...
That room is the attic. Your about 2 puzzles away from the attic. Go
to the base of the stairs (facing the stairs point at the rug, it
should take you to another puzzle.
ML>BTW: It says in the rule book that if you use the 3rd hint, there's a
ML>"punishment" or something...what exactly is that punishment? Just not
ML>being able to see the puzzle being solved? Or would it be something like
ML>locking the door to that last puzzle? Cuz my dad is also playing this game
ML>but keeps using those hints...
Beats me, I never used the book to solve a puzzle.
■ QMPro 1.02 00-0000 ■ Dogs come when you call. Cats have answering machines.
--- FastEcho/JAM beta
* Origin: PACIFIC COAST MICRO, So. Calif. HST-16.8k 805-494-9386 (1:102/1001)
From: WEE YUNG Number: 12817
To: ORLANDO JOHNSON Date: 01/23/94 1:23a
Subj: New cd-rom multimedia qu Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
OJ>Does anyone know of a good (reasonably priced) CD-ROM
OJ>multimedia kit that would
OJ>work well on a 486 computer. I have been looking but I've done nothing but g
OJ>myself confused. I noticed that the Fusion CD Lx is a fairly reasonably pric
The Creative lab discovery 16 is good buy or Digitalege if you want SB
16 with ASP.
All brand new with manufacture warranty.
Creative Lab Discovery 16.D spin CDROM+SB 16 +2CDs+Speakers....$439.
Creative Lab Digitalege D spin CDROM+SB16 ASP+4CDs+Speakers/mic$649
Media Vision Pro 16 + NEC 55J D spin 350ms+speakers............$429.
Media Vision Fusion Double16. PAS16+NEC D spin 350ms+speakers..$599
Media Vision Pro 16 + Toshiba 3401B+speakers+6 titles..........$599
Price does not included shipping. Internet WEE%ghs.UUCP@USC.edu
Call 310-602-2076 8AM-12PM, 6PM-9PM PST or mail order payable to: TRUC
16429 Bixler ave. Paramount, CA 90723. Accept money order, COD $5extra
* OLX 2.1 TD * voice 310-602-2076.8am-12pm,6pm-9pm PST. Fax 310-402-7240
--- Maximus 2.00
* Origin: Long_Island RB 310/370-4113 VAX EC (HST 21.6K/v.32b) (1:102/138)
From: ANDREW BISHOP Number: 12818
To: BARON SCHWING Date: 01/23/94 12:12p
Subj: Re: Driver Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
AB> c:\dos\qemm\loadhi /RF C:\DOS\mscdex /d:laser /m:8 /E /V
BS> The /d: tells the CDrom what to name the drive should be /d:f for
BS> instance you are nameing the drive Laser. Didn't realize that would
BS> work huh ?
nope, that's what the install program put in, it seemed to work so I have left
it alone. Think I might have a play around with it though and see what
Andrew Bishop.
... DISK CRASH:(A)bort, (R)etry, (K)ill innocent bystanders
--- Blue Wave/Opus v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: SA Country CLUB [Line 1] | South Australia | 08 2 (3:800/853.0)
From: POE LIM Number: 12819
To: DAVE WONG Date: 01/23/94 3:27a
Subj: Return to zork cd 4 sale Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Dave,
On Dec 21 16:53 in a msg to Stean Snyman, Dave Wong of 1:343/15 wrote:
DW> Say Sean, are you finished with RTZ yet? I'm on my last leg and
DW> can't get past the Citital Bridge, have dumped all inventory but
DW> still don't work, i know have 211 points, 19 more to go, if you
The oreder you dump them is important, but don't ask what the order is, as I
can't recall.
--- Msgedsq/2 2.2e
* Origin: Serendipity Inc, Cowra. +61-63-41 1859 (3:623/630)
From: POE LIM Number: 12820
To: ANDREW PARSONS Date: 01/23/94 3:32a
Subj: os/2 support Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Andrew,
On Jan 12 22:04 in a msg to SIMON CLAUSEN, Andrew Parsons of 3:712/523 wrote:
AP> I assume we're talking about cd driver for os/2, for the sound
AP> blaster/creative labs cd packs?
AP> If so, will that driver work for sb16?
AP> When I try and install a CD ROM from the original disks it can't
AP> find it, and the drivers that come with the pack are for dos. If
AP> this is not what you meant, can anyone help me?
You'll need the drivers as stated previously (SBCD2.ADD), then follow the
instructions contained therein to create an OS/2 install disk with Panasonic
CD-ROM support.
--- Msgedsq/2 2.2e
* Origin: Serendipity Inc, Cowra. +61-63-41 1859 (3:623/630)
From: POE LIM Number: 12821
To: BORIS OSADCIW Date: 01/23/94 12:43p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Boris,
On Jan 15 03:53 in a msg to All, Boris Osadciw of 1:157/46 wrote:
BO> Pioneer DRM1804X 18disk - $1895.
How does this work? Single cassette for 18 CDs (ie large version of the 604X),
or multiple cassettes (3 X 6 CD cassettes)?
--- Msgedsq/2 2.2e
* Origin: Serendipity Inc, Cowra. +61-63-41 1859 (3:623/630)
From: POE LIM Number: 12822
To: FRANK BUCKLE Date: 01/24/94 1:04a
Subj: CR-562-B & SBPRO2 DRV'S (HELP) Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Frank,
On Jan 18 17:26 in a msg to All, Frank Buckle of 3:800/838 wrote:
First, try using lower case; it's easier to read that way.
Secondly, SBCD.SYS from 4.12 onwards will not work with the Panasonic 562b;
those previous to the 4.12 have been reported to work. Use the CDMKE.SYS that
come with the Panasonic drives.
--- Msgedsq/2 2.2e
* Origin: Serendipity Inc, Cowra. +61-63-41 1859 (3:623/630)
From: DENIS COLEMAN Number: 12823
To: CHRIS ANSELL Date: 01/22/94 8:54a
Subj: Who has Hotstuff2? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> Hi all, i was just wandering if anyone out there has a
> copy of hotstuff2. it is supposed to quite wicked in
> the animation and sound department.
> Also, does anyone know when peter gabriel's
> interactive Xplora cd rom game will be out for ibm?
I can get the hot stuff 2 cd from the US and the Gabriel knight game from a
company in Australia.
Regards Denis.
ps leave me your address and i'll post you a catalogue
--- FMail 0.92+
* Origin: (3:633/253)
From: DENIS COLEMAN Number: 12824
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 9:11a
Subj: Help Amiga titles. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I am looking for some amiga cd titles, they are 'FRED FISH' disk and a cd
with the 17bit collection on it.
Please any help of where i can get these 2 cd's.
--- FMail 0.92+
* Origin: (3:633/253)
From: SAM LAMBROPOULOS Number: 12825
To: GLENN BRADY Date: 01/23/94 1:15p
Subj: Re: 7th Guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Glenn,
I thought as much so I upgraded my system to a 486DX/33,
now she really flies.
Kind Regards,
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Melbourne PC User Group (3:632/309)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12826
To: ED WELCH Date: 01/22/94 9:16a
Subj: PANASONIC 562B Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Ed Welch, In a message on <Dec 26>, you said :
EW> i've got a sb pro and i'm thinking of getting the panasonic
EW> double speed cd-rom drive
EW> should i get it?
Your decision !
EW> i've got a 486dx 33, 4megs ram, 130hd, 64k cache, svga 1meg
EW> is this good enough hardware?
more than adequate
EW> are there any better drives than the panasonic double speed
EW> which are compatible with My SB PRO?
EW> thanks
NO ! that is your only choice, that is if you WANT your SBPro to CONTROL the
CDROM. You can of course use any other CDROM in your machine if you have a
seperate controller installed for that drive, prob not a good thing in your
case, more better to get the Panasonic drive and plug it into your SBPro.
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: ERIC HOCHMEISTER Number: 12827
To: DOUG CARPENTER Date: 01/22/94 1:44a
Subj: PreOrder NEW Shareware CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
How could i Get this Cdrom Offer?
Eric Hochmeister
--- SuperBBS 1.17-3 (Reg)
* Origin: Knight's Chamber's (905) 732-0770 ZyXel 16800 (1:247/302)
From: ANDREW BARNHARDT Number: 12828
To: BORIS OSADCIW Date: 01/23/94 4:39p
Subj: Screw Up Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I talked to you not long ago and purchased four CDs. They were two of the
recent bundled packages that you have: the Technotools/Tech Arsenal and the
Pier 3/Cream Of The Crop II packages. I have no problems with the shareware
combo, both CDs are what I expected; recent shareware in a well-organized
format, with little duplication. The 'tech' package, however, is not what I
expected - especially after explicitly asking you about those two CDs.
When I talked to you on the phone, you simply dismissed my question about
duplication by saying that it didn't apply; the CDs were entirely different
in content. Odd, when even a casual glance at the disc packaging indicates
otherwise, and actually looking at the allfiles lists for more than five
seconds shows horrible redundancy.
The Tech Arsenal disc is excellent; the Technotools disc, on the other hand,
contains MANY of the same files as Arsenal... and they're older versions, at
that. For example, Tech Arsenal has DOSREF23, while Technotools has the
relatively ancient DOSREF17 and DOSREF18.
And, of course, since Technotools contains all of its files in both
uncompressed and compressed format, it has FAR fewer files than Arsenal.
All in all, it's old, poorly organized, redundant, and wastes an amazing
amount of space. The only purpose I can see in a Technotools/Tech Arsenal
package is the elimination of old Technotools stock.
I don't intend to return the Technotools CD; it would be far more effort
than it's worth. I'm posting this so that you can correct a situation that
(...I assume) you're unaware of, and save other potential buyers the waste
of money that I incurred. Sure, it's not a lot of money, but it's just
such a complete and thorough waste that it -is- disturbing to me.
Thank you.
= Andrew Barnhardt.
--- PTQWK 1.05 (Reg.)
* Origin: The Prime Directive, ZyXEL 19.2, Node *1 (905)382-3446 (1:247/301)
From: PAUL SALVADOR Number: 12829
To: ALL Date: 01/24/94 10:12a
Subj: Sell me CDROM Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Greeting! I am in search of a NEC Single-Spin CDROM. I would prefer a double
spin or those new multi spin but my finances will not allow for that.
Could someone please tell me some good prices or offer a CDROM to sell me?
Thank you.
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Tumbler's Tavern BBS, (613) 825-9302 (1:163/315)
From: ROD MARSH Number: 12830
To: DAVE REED Date: 01/24/94 8:14p
Subj: Night owl 10 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> AR> I have Night Owl 10. Can anyone give me a list of virus infected
-> files. AR> That way I could delete them from the database. Or is the
-> producer AR> offering refunds.
There are two files.
SF2_up.zip located in 020A and
SPORT21Z.zip located in 037A
--- Squish v1.01
* Origin: Telegraph Road * Ft. Worth, Tx * (1:130/704)
From: STAN HUNTTING Number: 12831
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/24/94 2:07a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JR>For 1,500+ CD-Titles & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
JR>CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip, descript.zip
My sysop won't freq the files, so...
Stan Huntting
4655 Pleasant Ridge Rd.
Boulder, CO 80301
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: The File Bank, Inc. (303) 534-4646 - Files, Files, Files (1:104/899)
From: MIKE MCMONAGLE Number: 12832
To: DREW FISCHER Date: 01/25/94 2:47p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Drew, thanks for the info.. I guess I'll just go ahead and gt something
--- SFScan v2.00
* Origin: Want to Buy some CDROMS Cheap? (1:112/52.0)
From: COLIN ZIMMER Number: 12833
To: VIC HLUSHAK Date: 01/17/94 8:37p
Subj: T7G HINT Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 15 Jan 94 02:22pm, Vic Hlushak wrote to ALL:
VH> I need a hint on the spider puzzle in Seventh Guest. If anyone has done
VH> it please give me a clue, (hint only) as I would like to finish it
VH> myself.
VH> Thanks
VH> Vic
Colin Zimmer
* Evaluation copy of Silver Xpress. Day # 17
--- via Silver Xpress V4.00 [NR]
--- GEcho 1.01+
* Origin: Technology Transfer - Luseland, Sk. (306) 372-4903 (1:140/62)
From: COLIN ZIMMER Number: 12834
To: JIM STANDING Date: 01/21/94 10:14p
Subj: T7G Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 19 Jan 94 06:14am, Jim Standing wrote to All:
JS> Hi All , how are you
JS> OK..I give up! What do you do with the Attic? Can you get out of their?
JS> Or get a Hint?
JS> ───┐
JS> └───> Greetings from Jim Standing
What do you do with the cans (the first 3 words)????
Colin Zimmer
* Evaluation copy of Silver Xpress. Day # 21
--- via Silver Xpress V4.00 [NR]
--- GEcho 1.01+
* Origin: Technology Transfer - Luseland, Sk. (306) 372-4903 (1:140/62)
From: COLIN ZIMMER Number: 12835
To: SAM LAMBROPOULOS Date: 01/21/94 10:10p
Subj: 7th Guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 15 Jan 94 10:25pm, Sam Lambropoulos wrote to All:
SL> I have a Creative CD drive 563 running off a SB16 card and was wondering
SL> whether my 386SX-16 would be able to run 7th Guest.
SL> My video card is a Trident 8900 with 1 meg with plenty of hard disk
SL> space using doubleSpace.
SL> Regards,
SL> Sam
Well thay say that the minimum processor is 386DX.
I have a Tandy-1100, SB², ATI Ultra 1meg, 4megs RAM, and I'm using
DBLSPACE. If you have DBL spin CD-ROM would be the best.
Colin Zimmer
* Evaluation copy of Silver Xpress. Day # 21
--- via Silver Xpress V4.00 [NR]
--- GEcho 1.01+
* Origin: Technology Transfer - Luseland, Sk. (306) 372-4903 (1:140/62)
From: JASON HYDAMACKA Number: 12836
To: NOEL CRANSWICK Date: 01/24/94 12:39a
Subj: Re: Misdirected mail. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Noel. I received a message from you asking for a copy of a CD-ROM
catalog, but I think you wanted it directed to Hayden Branshaw. I can't
forward it from here, but I am sure if you post another message in this
Echo addressed to him with your mailing address you'll get the catalog
Bye the way, feel like adopting someone from Canada? I am pouring over
immigration forms I received from the Australian Consulate and although I
meet the requirement for points, I think it would be easier if I could
find someone that would be able to show me around if I decide to move.
Just a shot in the dark...
Jason Hydamacka
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: (1:140/28)
From: MIKE GERVASI Number: 12837
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/23/94 4:37p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Then it happened......
BF Tony did NOT get busted for running an "adult" BBS - he got busted for
BFFAO 1, FAO 2, Busty Babes, and another such COMMON "adult" CD-ROM to an
BFundercover cop in a "sting" operation.
AM I missing something? Please don't think me stupid or something, but
why was he busted for selling Adult disks? They aren't illegal as far as I
know. Or am I wrong?
* Wave Rider 1.0 [NR] *
--- Blue Wave/Maximus
* Origin: -={ Christian Deliverance BBS, Devonshire BERMUDA }=- (1:3658/1)
From: MIKE GERVASI Number: 12838
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/23/94 4:40p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Then it happened......>Can anybody tell me about parallel port portable CD
ROM drives?
BF Micro Solution "Backpack"
A freind of mine bought one for his laptop. It works really well. Only
problem is, he also anted to add a Port blaster for sound on also, and
they won't work together. The company was aware of the problem, but had no
answers for it. FIgured someone may like to know this.
* Wave Rider 1.0 [NR] *
--- Blue Wave/Maximus
* Origin: -={ Christian Deliverance BBS, Devonshire BERMUDA }=- (1:3658/1)
From: MIKE GERVASI Number: 12839
To: JEFF DENNINGTON Date: 01/23/94 4:41p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Then it happened......> you would need a Video board Called RealMagic.
> Several new games will use this Tech. The only
> one I can thing of right now is The 7th Guest 11th Hour.
Does this mean that if you don't shell out the bucks for the card, you
can't play the game?
* Wave Rider 1.0 [NR] *
--- Blue Wave/Maximus
* Origin: -={ Christian Deliverance BBS, Devonshire BERMUDA }=- (1:3658/1)
From: VINCE SORENSEN Number: 12840
To: BOB HAMILTON Date: 01/24/94 5:16p
Subj: NIGHT OWL 11 Refer: NONE
Read: NO Private: No
Hi Bob...
I have Night Owl 11 in stock for $50...
--- The Mail Box [NR]
* Origin: SUPERBOARD/CD-ROM WHOLESALERS (306)789-8682 (1:140/121)
From: MIKE GERVASI Number: 12841
To: LAURIE BATT Date: 01/24/94 11:10a
Subj: Scsi Interface card Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Then it happened......
MG> Anyway, if you want it, give me a ring.
LBI doubt he will , he is about 10,000 miles from you
Yeah, that could be a problem.
* Wave Rider 1.0 [NR] *
--- Blue Wave/Maximus
* Origin: -={ Christian Deliverance BBS, Devonshire BERMUDA }=- (1:3658/1)
From: DAVE REED Number: 12842
To: LOUISE NORTON Date: 01/25/94 7:52p
Subj: Ferrets Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Louise!
Sunday January 23 1994 20:18, Louise Norton wrote to Dave Reed:
LN> Well smarty. I don't spell to good but try this on for size you have been
Check your mail at Larry Juker's BBS. You should find a private message there
from me. (No... it's not obscene).
... Why can't women remember to leave the lid up?
--- GoldED/2 2.42.G1219+
* Origin: The CrossRoads BBS * Ephrata, WA * v32b/H16 (1:344/79)
From: DAVE WONG Number: 12843
To: MARK BRACKEN Date: 01/24/94 8:45a
Subj: New CD's Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Mark, what I have right now is the Educational stuff for kids, my next batch
of things to sell would be the action/adventure stuff.
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Sea East PC Exchange (1:343/15)
From: JIA TAN Number: 12844
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/24/94 4:24p
Subj: Re: !Free Cd Catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Henry Hache to Joe Rinehart <=-
JR>*********** FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories CATALOG!*************
JR>For the largest selection & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
JR>If you'd like a printed copy, send your mailing information to us.
JR>We offer CDLIST file attach's upon request.
JR>CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip (over 1,100 cd-rom disc titles available)
JR> Internet: joe.rinehart@p0.f479.n157.z1.fidonet.org
JR> FidoNet: 1:157/479 - RBBSNet 8:965/13 - KesherNet 18:711/176
JR>Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc. Voice: (216) 296-9831 - 24 hours
JR>P.O. Box 27 Data/Fax: (216) 296-2244
Please send me a catalog also. I'm currently looking for the CD
called MPC Wizard 2.0. Its supposed to have the most updated video and
audio drivers for most if not all Video and Sound cards. It also contains
sample pictures, sound clips and movies. Its supposed to cost $15.
Jia Tan
28A Kenville RD.
Cheektowaga, NY 14215
... This tagline is SHAREWARE! To register, send me $10
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- DB 1.54/004840
* Origin: The Dark Star BBS Cheektowaga, NY (1:260/105)
From: JIA TAN Number: 12845
To: STEVE PRATT Date: 01/24/94 4:28p
Subj: Re: "popping" Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Steve Pratt to All <=-
SP> I am getting really frustrated. I have a Panasonic 562x
SP> CD-ROM and a SB16 card hooked together. Everything works great except
SP> I get this annoying popping sound when running some games (like Rebel
SP> Assault, 7th Guest, ect.). I have a 386DX40 w/8 meg RAM.
SP> I tried changing sound cards, smartdrv (Dos 6.2) on/off,
SP> /m:05-100, nothing is working. Why does it do this, and what can I do
SP> to stop it?
I have a Panasonic 563. And when I run Kings Quest 6, I would also have
the same problem. One way to eliminate the problem is make a boot disk
to load your game with no extra unnecessary drivers loaded to play the
game. That worked for me. Most of the time, the game needs more memory.
... Tennis Players have Fuzzy Balls.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- DB 1.54/004840
* Origin: The Dark Star BBS Cheektowaga, NY (1:260/105)
From: JIA TAN Number: 12846
To: HENRY HACHE Date: 01/24/94 4:33p
Subj: Re: Other Than 7Th Guest. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Henry Hache to All <=-
HH> It definitely seems that 7th guest is the best cd-rom game out there
HH> by the amount of letters about it.
HH> Now that I finished it, what other cd do people recommend?
HH> I liked puzzles, but can go for a text adventure game.
HH> Kingsquest? Monkey's Island? Ultima?
I currently playing Kings Quest 6 on CD. Even though I have the game for
about 2 month, I'm still stuck in the game. The game may not be as graphical
as 7th Guest, but more puzzles to solve. I like it and might plan to
buy Space Quest 5 on CD.
... If it wasn't for C, we would be using BASI, PASAL and OBOL!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- DB 1.54/004840
* Origin: The Dark Star BBS Cheektowaga, NY (1:260/105)
From: CHRIS NISHNICK Number: 12847
To: ALL Date: 01/24/94 10:00p
Subj: T7G & RealTek Video Card Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I can't seem to get The 7th Guest to work with my video card. The
video card's company name is RealTek. This video card is supposed to
have SVGA (required by the game) but I have my doubts. When I start up
the game all the characters previously on the screen get very dim but
do not clear entirely. The music is playing but nothing else comes up
on my monitor. I know the video card I have is my problem because I've
tried a friend's SVGA video card and the game worked fine. I've tried
the universal vesa driver called UNIVESA.ZIP but that didn't work. I
have a number of the RealTek company but I think it is a fax number in
Japan (Japan?...yes Japan). What I need is one of the following to solve
this problem:
1. A better number (preferably a voice or fax number in the U.S.A)
for the RealTek company so I can get the neccesary software
drivers from them.
2. Someone to show me how to properly use the UNIVESA.ZIP program.
The program recognized my video card and said it installed the
neccesary SVGA driver but when I went to run T7G, the same
problem happened.
3. Someone with a RealTek video card to send me the SVGA drivers if
they have them.
4. What would be really great is if someone had the same problem
that I did with any video card and then tell me how they fixed
Any enlightenment to this problem is greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
Chris Nishnick
--- FreeMail 1.09
* Origin: Tim's BBS * Erie, PA * 814-825-1731 * (1:2601/566)
From: CHARLES BARTLETT Number: 12848
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/24/94 11:12p
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JR> *********** FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories
JR> CATALOG!*************
I'd Like a copy.
Charles Bartlett
1201 Seminole Blvd., APt#260
Largo, Fl
ork\MR_BILLS.MSG....e. .c..o+/ . ... ...... ..E.aE.a.++.+..+b.++$..
--- WM v3.10/91-0114
* Origin: Mr. Bills Place BBS! ** Tampa, FL ** (813) 920-2193 (1:3603/170)
From: CHARLES BARTLETT Number: 12849
To: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Date: 01/24/94 11:29p
Subj: Canadian CD Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
CB>)) Hayden Bradshaw to All about 'Canadian CD Catalogue':
HB> If you would like a copy of our "Electronic Catalogue" please fe
HB> free to request it here, or by phone or fax at (905) 830-1615.
Hayden, I'd like an electronic copy to my system account
This system or my bbS. VERNONB@PRO-IRONSUN.CTS.COM
--- WM v3.10/91-0114
* Origin: Mr. Bills Place BBS! ** Tampa, FL ** (813) 920-2193 (1:3603/170)
From: DAVID SILVER Number: 12850
To: VINCE SORENSEN Date: 01/23/94 11:27a
Subj: My CD, please Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I sent off a check to you at the end of December for OS/2 Box -
never got it. Have you sent it off yet?
* Origin: DIDDI'S DEN (2:2405/21.0)
From: DANIEL STUDER Number: 12851
To: ALEXANDER MAIER Date: 01/25/94 11:38a
Subj: Rebel Assault Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Alexander!
AM> have you tried the bugfixes form Lucas Arts, perhaps they can help
AM> you!
Do YOU (or your boss) have the latest fix on your BBS? I'm interested in the
new fix with the version #1.4.
cu Danny
--- GoldED 2.41
* Origin: Why computer?? Read Books!!! msgs to: (2:301/520.36)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12852
To: ALL Date: 01/25/94 5:38a
Subj: Cd-rom Drives+ Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
********* Refurbished Hitachi Model 3600 CD-ROM DRIVES $130 *********
Hitachi model 3500 & NEC model 36 are available needing work @50% off
Catalog of 1,200+ CD-Titles and hardware products available-CDLIST.ZIP
Internet: joe.rinehart@p0.f479.n157.z1.fidonet.org
Fido 1:157/479 - RBBS 8:965/13 - Kesher 18:711/176 - WWIV 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc. Voice: (216) 296-9831 - 24 hours
P.O. Box 27 Data/Fax: (216) 296-2244
Kent, Ohio 44240-0001 >>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 12853
To: ALL Date: 01/25/94 5:38a
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
For 1,500+ CD-Titles & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip, descript.zip (or) MAJIC word CONFIG gets both
The Blue Parrot CD-ROM SUPPORT RBBS offers non-backboned echo config
for daily cdlist updates, news, game reviews, & more.
All config.sys cd-rom support files are available to all NEW users!
Fido: 1:157/479 - RBBS: 8:965/13 - Kesher: 18:711/176 - WWIV: 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc.|Voice: (216) 296.9831 or 296.4446 24hrs
P.O. Box 27, Kent, Ohio 44240 |BBS/Fax: 216.296.2244 - 23hrs 16.8k ZYX
Internet: joe@config.wariat.org|>>>>>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: ANDRE REIS SAKAYA Number: 12854
To: ALL Date: 01/22/94 5:30p
Subj: Problemas Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Ola gALLera,
Acabei de chegar dos EUA e la' comprei um PROFESSIONAL CD SOUND SET
da Easy OPTIONS by IBM , eu o testei la' (montei um computador e o
instalei ) e ele funcionou muito bem.
O problema e' que ao chegar no Brasil , eu o instalei e a placa de
som funcionou muito bem , so' que o CD-ROM aceita os CDs e parace
funcionar bem so' que toda vez que tento rodar algo como pedir um
DIR , ou mesmo instalar um CD ele vem com a mensagem:
CDR101 Not ready reading drive D
Abort , Retry , Fail ?
Estou desesperado,se alguem tiver alguma ideia me deixe uma
Houvi dizer que minha placa de video ( Trident 1 MB ) pode gerar
incompatibilidades com o CD-ROM . Nao sei se e' verdade.
Agradeco previamente ,
Andre' Reis Sakaya
■ SLMR 2.1a ■ ....I know a good tagline when I steal it....
--- EzyQwk V1.02
* Origin: IMAGE BBS - 521-8752 / 287-7440 14k4 Bps 24 h (4:802/39)
From: JIM LAMBERT Number: 12855
To: PETER JANSSENS Date: 01/21/94 8:01p
Subj: Shareware CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
PJ>I would like to receive a catalog of your company. My system has 24 cd's
>online and the system of my friend has 18 cd's online so we are quite
>interested in a good catalog, especially if it points out the better
Sure thing, Peter, but I need an address. Thanks.
Computer Works
CD-Rom Sales
(205) 793-4481 Voice
(205) 671-0092 BBS Online Orders, File Lists, Catalogs
--- FreeMail 1.09
* Origin: COMP-U-Sirv * Dothan, Alabama * (205)677-0078 * (1:18/10)
From: ERIC HO Number: 12856
To: ALL Date: 01/25/94 11:51p
Subj: Dr. CD-ROM titles Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Looking for dealers.....
* Dr. Windows II - 500+ MB of Windows shareware
* Dr. Games for Windows - 180+ ready to play games 4 Windows
* Dr. Games for DOS - 60+ ready to play games 4 DOS
* Dr. Shareware II - 640+ MB of latest shareware
* Dr. Fonts for Windows - 2000+ True Type fonts 4 Windows
* Dr. Cliparts - 3000+ Clipart files w/TIFF, PCX & GIF
* Dr. OS/2 Gold - OS/2 shareware. Dated in Jan. 1994
* Dr. Music Lab - Hundreds of sample music + utilities
* Dr. Communication - Utilities for LAN, BBS, protocols
* Dr. Graphics - Images, Converters, Utilities
* Dr. Reference - Programmer's guide for A to Z
Above titles are shareware
* Sound Factory I - Professional MID, WAV files
Playable from regular CD player
Special sound effects
Best choice for bundling with Sound Card
* Sound Factory II - Version 2
* AVI Library - Professional video clip for "Video for Win"
Abvove titles are commercial software
Call 408-748-9988 for more detail (Best resource for CD titles)
* Origin: Bank of GIFs, Dr. Image BBS 408-453-6250 14.4K (1:143/88)
From: JIM CLEMENTS Number: 12857
To: JAN HOLZNAGEL Date: 01/25/94 6:47p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JH>Maybe we both ignored that we live in different countries
JH>with different languages AND different software! I think,
JH>that's my mistake. I can't say much about the british encycl.
JH>The german CDs aren't competitors to the german books at this
JH>moment. I'm very sorry to have forgotten the littel difference
JH>between europe and europe... ;-)
JC> And no, I don't work for any of the publishers and
JC> I don't sell any of them. Cheers!
JH>Cheers too!
Thanks for the nice note, Jan. I wish I spoke your language
as well as you write mine. As a Canadian I like to say: "I'm
only half bilingual."
I think some of the disagreement might be, as you said, that
I didn't realize you were writing from Germany. As I understand
it, we are fortunate in the English titles that are available --
and their prices.
Thank you for giving me another look at the whole situation. I
appreciate it. Cheers again!
* DeLuxe* 1.12 #4703 *
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
* Origin: CRS Online, Toronto, Ontario (1:229/15)
From: DENNIS BORBON Number: 12858
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/25/94 2:10p
Subj: Re: !free cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Joe!
Can you send me one of them catalogs Please
D Borbon
PO Box 1211
Bloomfield NJ
--- QuickBBS 2.80 Ovr (Gamma-3)
* Origin: The Sportsman's Den BBS Bloomfield NJ (1:107/923)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12859
To: DENNIS HOENICH Date: 01/21/94 3:16p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>Hi, I think I am about to take the plunge into the CD-ROM arena. I am looking
>for a few recommendations. I already have an Adaptec 1542B SCSI adapter
Get Corel SCSI (or Adaptec's EZ-SCSI, same thing just repackaged) if you plan
to run the CD-ROM drive from your 1542B.
* SLMR 2.1a * Memory Hog Error: More $RAM needed. Overspend now (N/y)?
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12860
To: BAYANI CUSTODIO Date: 01/21/94 3:18p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>I've just been looking at the external NEC-CDROM drives, double spin variety.
>Can I hook it up to my IN-2000 controller without any problems at all?
Yes, with the correct drivers.
* SLMR 2.1a * Windows and Quayle - two MAJOR wastes of space!
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12861
To: ROGER SMITH Date: 01/21/94 3:19p
Subj: OS/2 AND CD-ROMS Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> BG> Anyone having problems installing OS/2 for Windows from CD?
>They may be a little overwhelmed right now. Since December, OS/2 has been the
>best selling operating system.
More likely #2 to MS-DOS. Those "bundled" copies show up on VERY few "sales"
* SLMR 2.1a * Written by my evil twin, Bob&Tom....
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12862
To: DON GESER Date: 01/21/94 3:29p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>|The California Collection has Christian Files on CDROM. The California
>|Collection use to go by the name of Alpha and Omega. You can get it from
>|Joe Rinehart who is on this echo. It is listed in Joes catalog for $11.
> Thank you Jerry, I really appreciate your help. I'll post a message for
> Joe Rinehart and see what happens.
I also carry it at $11, shipping included IF prepaid.
(317) 726-1980 (Tu Th 11-8 We Fr 11-6 EST)
* SLMR 2.1a * Oh, by the way, which one's Pink?
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12863
To: NICK ALLAN Date: 01/21/94 3:35p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>I'm looking for a cd that has the Infocom games on it.
There are 3 - the ones you appear to be interested in are the "Lost Treasures
of Infocom 1" and "LToI 2" discs. $50 and $38 respectively, shipping included
to U.S.A. addresses IF prepaid.
>Do you get the hint booklets etc with it?
Doubtfull, as those were generally sold as seperate items.
* SLMR 2.1a * The Cat is, above all else, a dramaticist....
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12864
To: LAURIE BATT Date: 01/25/94 10:55a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> HG>> I think it's 2.5mm jack on the CD or soundblasters
> TB> Hmm... Would that be 1/8" in English?
>What do you mean by "In English" Most English speaking countries and also most
>of all the non-english speaking use the metric system as a measurement, yours
>is one of the few in the world that does NOT .
True, BUT:
1) The "inch-foot-mile-etc." system originated in England.
2) The Metric System originated in France.
To the original poster - 2.5mm is a very close approximation to 1/10'th inch -
3.5 mm is the Metric equivilent to a 1/8'th inch plug/jack.
* SLMR 2.1a * The 4 Dog Food Groups: Dry, Canned, Natural, Yours.
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12865
To: SCOTT BENNETT Date: 01/25/94 11:19a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>Does any one have the driver for the Panasonic Matshita CR501 to 562 I am
>running it on a Aptec controler 1520
You DO have the Adaptec "ASW-410 CD-ROM drivers" or Adaptec "EZ-SCSI" drivers
or Corel SCSI installed?
* SLMR 2.1a * Bad or missing mouse - boot the Cat (Y/n)?
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: DAVID EMERLING Number: 12866
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 7:48p
Subj: JFK assassination Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Does anybody have any information regarding CD's with information regarding
the JFK assassination. I've seen them advertised.
For instance: The entire Warren Report on CD. The House Select Committee on
Assassinations on CD. etc.
Include prices if available.
Also ... while I'm at it: I have just recently installed a CD-rom drive and I
am new to this echo. Is there something I can get in the mail ... a catalog
or something that specifically addresses the latest and greatest cd titles? I
would appreciate any information regarding such a catalog.
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: The Chessboard, Collierville, TN, USR/DS 16.8 (1:123/71)
From: KEVIN PLUMMER Number: 12867
To: JIM SAHM Date: 01/26/94 8:45p
Subj: Re: SONY Drivers Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
23 Jan 94 19:10:08, All whispered to Jim Sahm...
JS> I bought a Sony drive about 3 years ago. I was wondering where I could get
JS> latest *.sys drivers for it. The unit is external and the nameplate on the
JS> bottom says Sony CDU-6201-10. Any ideas would be appricated...
JS> Jim
I have the CD-Rom Drivers here for the New Sony Drives ? Don't know if it's
the one you need, But feel free to FREQ SONY.ZIP.
--- Squish v1.01
* Origin: The Softwares Zone (1:231/570)
From: JONATHAN CHAU Number: 12868
To: JEFF BUCKLAND Date: 01/26/94 3:08p
Subj: The 7Th Guest. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
The date was 01-24-1994... JEFF BUCKLAND mumbled something to HENRY
JB> Don't worry, the sequel to the 7th Guest, The 11th Hour, will be
JB> on one CD only, with improved audio and video. System requirements
JB> are about the same, but there is supposed to be a lot more hardware
JB> supported.
Really? I heard that it'd be on 3 cd's, with over 1 hr over full
motion video.
Jonathan. [Team OS/2]
Internet - jonc@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
CompuServe - 72712,2232
* KWQ/2 1.2d * New for Christmas: The John Bobbitt doll (Some assembly require
--- WM v3.10/91-0090
* Origin: Networks Plaza BBS. Edmonton's Satellite Link. (1:3 (1:342/666)
From: JONATHAN CHAU Number: 12869
To: JOSH LONG Date: 01/26/94 12:49p
Subj: Under A Killing Moon Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
The date was 01-23-1994... JOSH LONG mumbled something to ALL...
JL> Has anyone out there seen or played the new ACCESS game "Under a
JL> Killing Moon"? I just saw the review in Compute!, and was
JL> wondering if anyone's had a first-eye look at it yet. If so, what
JL> do you think?
They showed a quick sneak peek at Comdex. It looks _very_ nice!
It'll be two CD's when it's finally released.
Jonathan. [Team OS/2]
Internet - jonc@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
CompuServe - 72712,2232
* KWQ/2 1.2d * Lorena Bobbitt ended John Bobbitt's coming and going!
--- WM v3.10/91-0090
* Origin: Networks Plaza BBS. Edmonton's Satellite Link. (1:3 (1:342/666)
From: DON HINKLE Number: 12870
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/25/94 2:10p
Subj: !Free Cd Catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Send one to me here at
rr9 box 107
Springfield Il 62707
* SLMR 2.1a * eemi brose fomi buckles is for why not doodle scnight
--- QScan v1.05b
* Origin: It's a Dead Man's Party...The Bone Yard (1:2430/8)
From: TIM HELTON Number: 12871
To: ERIC HO Date: 01/27/94 7:50p
Subj: Dr. CD-ROM titles Refer: 12856
Read: NO Private: No
-> Looking for dealers.....
Eric, 10 lines max on ads.
From: VINCE SORENSEN Number: 12872
To: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Date: 01/19/94 12:21p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> "Electronic Catalogue" version. (There's that crazy Canadian
-> spelling
What's "crazy" about it?
--- The Mail Box [NR]
* Origin: SUPERBOARD/CD-ROM WHOLESALERS (306)789-8682 (1:140/121)
From: VINCE SORENSEN Number: 12873
To: ERIC BOUTIN Date: 01/19/94 12:26p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> Does AnyOne knows where I can buy the CD POWER BOX 2 Cd-Rom. I have
-> a 1-800 number in USA but it's not valid from Canada. Adress, Phone
Hi Eric!
You can get it from:
6 Armstrong Bay * Regina, Sk. S4N 4G7
306-789-4654 Voice * 306-789-8690 Fax
The regular price is $40 Canadian, and we'll match any valid
advertised price, as usual. S/H is $3 for the first disc, $2 thereafter.
As well, you can download our complete catalogue, if you wish:
Our BBS: 306-789-8682 Filename: CDROMS.ZIP
CRS Online Filename: CD011294.ZIP
File Requests: 1:140/121 Filename: CDROMS.ZIP
--- The Mail Box [NR]
* Origin: SUPERBOARD/CD-ROM WHOLESALERS (306)789-8682 (1:140/121)
From: VIC HLUSHAK Number: 12874
To: JOHN ULLMER Date: 01/19/94 8:16a
Subj: T7G HINT Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On (17 Jan 94) John Ullmer wrote to Vic Hlushak...
JU> Hi Vic. You have to use the points of the star to move the
JU> seven
JU> spiders to a new destination. Each spider has two possible
JU> destinations. Each of the seven spiders must be moved to a
JU> new
JU> destination. There must be one open star point when all 7
JU> have been
JU> moved. May I suggest leaving the top point of the star open.
JU> Hope that qualifies as a hint. Good luck!
Thanks a bunch, I will try that!
... Vic Hlushak..Fort McMurray..Alberta..Canada
--- PPoint 1.74
* Origin: A Professional Point System (1:3402/22.4)
From: VIC HLUSHAK Number: 12875
To: JEFF DENNINGTON Date: 01/19/94 9:46a
Subj: Norton Speedcache Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On (16 Jan 94) Jeff Dennington wrote to Jeroen Van De Leur...
JD> -=> Quoting Jeroen Van De Leur to All <=-
JD> JVDL> Is there anyone out there who can tell me how to configure
JD> Norton's
JD> JVDL> Speedcache (v7 I believe) for caching CD-ROM-drives?
JD> JVDL> Thanks in advance...
The Speed cache in Norton 7.0 will not cache cd-roms. The upgrade Speed
Cache Plus (Symentic) will and works very well. I have to say though
that I don't see any real difference when I cache my CD-ROM or not. I
run Coral Draw and 7th Guest and Groilers etc. I saw a real difference
when I upgraded my M/B to a 486 though.
... Vic Hlushak..Fort McMurray..Alberta..Canada
--- PPoint 1.74
* Origin: A Professional Point System (1:3402/22.4)
From: PETER DEGRAAF Number: 12876
To: PETER DEGRAAF Date: 01/19/94 3:11p
Subj: Test Winmail Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Test using winmail via cdrom
--- WIN-MAIL "The Pointe System" for MS Windows - v0.09/Beta
* Origin: PESHA'S Point - Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada (1:3402/22.5)
From: LEN GLADSTONE Number: 12877
To: SIMON GLASSER Date: 01/20/94 5:25p
Subj: Return to zork Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SG>1. How do I heal the bonding plant?
Restart the game, and "DIG UP" the bonding plant using the trick knife.
SG>2. What do I do with the meat?
First you thaw it out by just carrying it around for a while, the you use
it on the vultures after "spicing it up a little"
SG>3. How do I feed the cow? I have the carrots but when I try to feed
SG>it, it says "later"?
Try milking the cow first...
These hints are not too full, because I'm not sure how much you want to do on
your own. If you want more depth on them just ask... That'll be 5 zorkmids
please...ENJOY it's a great game! Len Gladstone
--- Squish v1.01
* Origin: Winnipeg PC UG BBS - Winnipeg, Mb. (204) 958-7280 (1:348/204)
From: JOS CHRISPIJN Number: 12878
To: DAVE REED Date: 01/18/94 10:05p
Subj: Re: OS/2 CD-ROMs Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Dave,
Quoting your message (15 Jan 94 17:45) to Arnie Gross :
DR> I know this looks like a smart-assed response, but it's not. I feel
DR> I'm well qualified to comment on OS/2-related matters <g> and for
DR> content, the OS/2 box is the best way to go. My only comlaint is that
DR> the user interface is not PM based.
Is it BBS-ready and most important question : where to obtain ?!
Jos Chrispijn
... Violence in reality is quite different from theory.
--- AllTime Office 2.0+
* Origin: CD-ROM,CD-I,CD-PROM,DVI... Let's Tango !!! (2:285/402)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 12879
To: HENRY HACHE Date: 01/20/94 3:22p
Subj: Re: t7G help needed (Aga Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Peter Graves to Henry Hache <=-
PG> On 01-15-94 Henry Hache wrote to Ray Matthews...
HH> Now for my question: I've done all the puzZles. re-visited all the
HH> rooms, now what? I can't find anymore rooms or puzzles. And I have
HH> really looked!
Have you been in the attic? Once you get in there and solve
the puzzle, you are told to load Disk 2 into the reader.
Attic is accessed from 2nd floor. Left off the stair case,
past the bathroom, and take a right down the short hall.
... Play chess, NOT Seventh Guest.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 12880
To: STEAN SNYMAN Date: 01/20/94 3:28p
Subj: Re: The 7th Guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Stean Snyman to John Ullmer <=-
SS> Hello John!
SS> 08 Jan 94 20:43, John Ullmer wrote to Chipper Wilson:
JU> Wait till you get to the "queen" puzzle, and the "knight" puzzle.
JU> Whoever designed the game, watch the nerd on the video that came with
JU> the game, had a ONE track mind when it came to game challenges. He
JU> likes chess, and he thinks everyone is supposed to learn it in order
JU> to play his silly game.
SS> The Knights I finished in 5 minutes.. Whats your problem?.. Also,
SS> the Quens took me almost just as much.. The bishops are the most
SS> difficult...
SS> Adios
SS> Stean
My PROBLEM is repetitive puzzles that have no relation to
the plot or story line. The difficulty level of the puzzles
is NOT the point. They have all been VERY easy.
I play chess regularly, am considered a competent opponent, but
I would NEVER force anyone to play the game if they were not
so inclined.
... Play chess, NOT Seventh Guest.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 12881
To: CARLOS FUENZALIDA Date: 01/20/94 3:36p
Subj: Re: What do I need? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Carlos Fuenzalida to All <=-
CF> I would like to get a CD ROM drive, mostly for the purpose to listen
CF> to good quality sound while I work with my computer.
^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^
CF> With the little I know about CD technology, I believe I need a good
CF> sound card and a single speed CD drive. Would a Soundblaster Pro do the
CF> job or should I get something better?
CF> Any input from somebody on the know would be appreciated.
CF> Thanks,
By _good quality sound_, do you mean music?
If you DO mean music, you'd be much better off buying a
CD player for your hi-fi set. Though music CD's will play
on a computer CD drive, that's not the real purpose of CD-ROM
drive in multimedia.
Single speed will lock you into a very limited group of CD's. If you
want to use CD's for research, games, publishing, etc. somewhere
down the line, you'll need at least a double spin.
Go for SB16 AST.
... Why isn't everything 32 bit?
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: JASON CROPPER Number: 12882
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/20/94 6:12p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
*** Quoting Brice Fleckenstein to James Summers dated 01-13-94 ***
> Yes, as of the SmartDrive included in MS-DOS 6.2 - but that version
> appears to
> be BUGGY....
Why? What bugs have you found?
--- T.A.G. 2.6f2a Beta
* Origin: The Music Connection (1:106/1000)
From: JASON CROPPER Number: 12883
To: ALL Date: 01/20/94 6:16p
Subj: CDROM & Soundcard Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have a Sound Blaster 16 ASP (one of the first one's out, which means that its
not the Muti-CD, SCSI-2, Basic, etc. version.) I also own a Misumi 2X speed
CD-ROM drive. I was wondering if I could plug the cable from my CD-ROM drive
into my SB16? Right now I am using the interface card that came with it. (I
already owned the SB16, but I bought a Gateway 2000 4DX2-66V back in August
which came with a 2X speed CD-ROM.)
--- T.A.G. 2.6f2a Beta
* Origin: The Music Connection (1:106/1000)
From: DAVID SEPULVEDA Number: 12884
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/20/94 8:25p
Subj: Re: !free cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Please send me a copy of the free catalog:
David Sepulveda
KSAT-TV / Channel 12
1408 N. St. Mary's
San Antonio, Texas 78215
... I miss my wife.......but my aim is getting better!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.10
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: JEREMY ROLLINGS Number: 12885
To: CHRIS ZITO Date: 01/17/94 6:52a
Subj: New Sound Cards ? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
CZ>Here are the facts about SB16's
CZ>16 bit 44.1 khz ADC/DAC
CZ>20 stereo FM voices (OPL3)
CZ>ASP processor (on some)
CZ>SCSI II (on some)
CZ>First of all, SB16's are at the bottom end of the sound card spectrum
CZ>has obsolete, annoying FM music (same as original SB), a disabled DSP
CZ>little memory (virtually useless), and alot of hype.
Goodness, maybe I better put off that sound card upgrade until
I do some more research. What do you suggest? I want a good
card for gaming (GUS?) but more than anything need my card to
be 100% Sound Blaster compatable as I run a lot of MPC and multi-
media applications.
I've heard the GUS can't emulate the SB
very well. That's one think about buying an SB--you know it's
going to be SB compatiable.
Thanks for your message. What do you reccomend I look into?
Jeremy in Chicago.
--- FreeMail 1.10 alpha-3
* Origin: Space Oddity - Chicago, Il. - 312-477-9738 - FidoNet (1:115/477)
From: CHAD PATTERSON Number: 12886
To: ALL Date: 01/19/94 6:25p
Subj: bad mitsumi cards!!!!!!! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I recently bought a double spin from a mail order company that I will
not name, and discovered that they had bundle a 8-bit card instead of
the 16-bit. This makes a big differance in performance and the irqs
can and will screw up your system. So if you have or are going to
order the Mitsumi fx001d make sur they include the MITSUMI 16-bit card.
This card that I received was a three in one card that worked with
the Sony, Mitsumi, and Panasonic drives. The name printed on the card
was golden sound (which is far from the truth).
So what I'm saying is buyer beware. The dealer who sold me this is
going to send a new 16-bit card and they said this has happened to
about 50-100 people that they are aware of. If you do get a bad card
don't be afraid to say something to the dealer. You do have the right
to speak up.
--- WM v2.09/91-0077
* Origin: The Boardwalk! - (206) 941-3124 - Federal Way, WA (1:343/47)
From: LAURA MUSSETTER Number: 12887
To: ALL Date: 01/20/94 6:19p
Subj: Hot New CDROM Title! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
MultiMedia Magic is now available! Complete Multimedia Creation and
Authoring System. Easily incorporate Graphics, Text, Speech, Sound
Effects, Music & User Interaction in simple or complex presentations.
Best of all, your creations can be distributed ROYALTY FREE!
BONUS: MultiMedia Magic on CDROM includes hundreds of ready to use
Background Screens, Wallpapers, Clip Graphics and Sound Effects.
For more info - Reply here or call Laura at Northern Micro Systems
Voice: (406)328-4343 FAX: (406)328-4322 (Montana)
* OLX 2.1 TD * The BEST Beef,Buffalo & Elk Jerky this side'a Trout Creek
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff105/b]
* Origin: PC-Montana BBS, Home of BigSky ROMs, 406-284-6403 (1:3400/26)
From: DOUG CARPENTER Number: 12888
To: DANIEL STUDER Date: 01/20/94 6:23p
Subj: CDROM Specials Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> Hallo Doug!
-> DC> Return to Zork (OEM)....29.95
-> What's OEM on this game? What's missing?
It comes with a booklet but not the big extansive book you get with the
more expensive version....
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff105/b]
* Origin: PC-Montana BBS, Home of BigSky ROMs, 406-284-6403 (1:3400/26)
From: DOUG CARPENTER Number: 12889
To: JOEL DUMAS Date: 01/20/94 6:37p
Subj: Re: Pioneer 6-disc CD-ROM Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> JW> Does anyone know of a decent price for the fast Pioneer 6-disc
-> JW> changer in Australia...
Pioneer 602X (Bare)..600ms/double spin.....859.00...Cash Price..839.00
Pioneer 602x w/8 bit kit(avail late 1/94)..939.00...Cash Price..919.00
Pioneer 604X (Bare)..300ms/612kb transfer.1069.00...Cash Price.1039.00
Pioneer 604X w/8 bit Kit..................1149.00...Cash Price.1119.00
Pioneer 1804X (Bare) 300ms/612kb transfer.1995.00...Cash Price.1885.00
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PRODUCT ORDERS ONLY*NO Questions/No
* PCJ Computing- December 24,1993 * Catalogs/No Order Stats-800-547-7817
* We try to meet all competition. * Visa/MC/Amx/Disc/Dinrs/Cart/Chek/COD
* No surcharges. Full catalog with* For QUESTIONS/CATALOGS/ORDER STATUS
* descriptions on BBS-PCJCDS.ZIP. * (No Exceptions) (9-7) 615-339-0235
* No CODs on drives. Most titles * BBS HST/14400 615-4782890/4791047
* in stock. Shipping not included * Compuserve - 71754,3514
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Internet-Doug.Carpenter@Junction.Cld9.Com
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff105/b]
* Origin: PC-Montana BBS, Home of BigSky ROMs, 406-284-6403 (1:3400/26)
From: DOUG CARPENTER Number: 12890
To: BOB HALL Date: 01/20/94 6:43p
Subj: catalog requests galore Refer: NONE
Read: NO Private: No
Wher'd ya go Bob? All I see here lately is catalog requests....
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff105/b]
* Origin: PC-Montana BBS, Home of BigSky ROMs, 406-284-6403 (1:3400/26)
From: LARRY JUKER Number: 12891
To: ALL Date: 01/19/94 5:39p
Subj: Toshiba 91410 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Anyone know if this drive has compatible drivers for OS/2?
--- LoraBBS/2 v2.34+
* Origin: Moonlight Delight - Clarion and OS/2 BBS (1:344/81)
From: GLENN BRADY Number: 12892
To: SAM LAMBROPOULOS Date: 01/17/94 1:17a
Subj: Re: 7th Guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Sam, vee haff proof zat you said zis about 7th Guest
SL> I have a Creative CD drive 563 running off a SB16 card and was
SL> wondering whether my 386SX-16 would be able to run 7th Guest.
SL> My video card is a Trident 8900 with 1 meg with plenty of hard disk
SL> space using doubleSpace.
You might have a problem here. The minimum requirement, according to the
box is a 386DX processor (25Mhz I assume). The rest of the system would
romp it in, but the 16Mhz SX looks like a problem.
... "Transporter chief Lambropoulos, beam the landing party to the bridge"
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus 2.00
* Origin: 4-DOS BBS Geelong (3:635/513)
From: MARK BRACKEN Number: 12893
To: CHAD RIED Date: 01/18/94 7:05p
Subj: kq5 hints Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi, chad I noticed your message to bo short. And I thought you might have
played kq5?. If you have I am stuck in the castle!!! How do I help the girl
cleaning the floors. 2. I walk through a few rooms and a monster get's me. I
through down the pee's and this knocks him out, but then he gat's me latter
on. Pease HELP. Oh What is kq6 on cd like, in conparison to kq5. And how much
is it selling for?
* Origin: Tesseract CAS - v.32bis - 61-2-476-4313 (3:711/451)
From: MARK BRACKEN Number: 12894
To: DAVE WONG Date: 01/18/94 7:17p
Subj: New CD's Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Dave,
I noticed your add for new cd's. Can you leave a list of the cd's you
have in the adventure and action areas, along with the prices.
NOTE: I am keen to purchase!!!
* Origin: Tesseract CAS - v.32bis - 61-2-476-4313 (3:711/451)
From: MARK BRACKEN Number: 12895
To: ALL Date: 01/18/94 7:33p
Subj: Unwanted Game CD'S Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
If you have any unwanted games cd's you have solved or just want to sell.
Leave me maeesage with both the title and the price.
* Origin: Tesseract CAS - v.32bis - 61-2-476-4313 (3:711/451)
From: MARK HAYDEN Number: 12896
To: ALL Date: 01/17/94 5:57p
Subj: uart chips Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Does anyone know where i can get a 16550 uart chip near Sydney???
and how much aprox are they???
* Origin: Dick Smith Electronics,Sydney,OZ (878-1146) (3:711/932)
From: ANDRE QUEREE Number: 12897
To: DAVID WATT Date: 01/18/94 4:27a
Subj: Cd Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting David Watt to Andre Queree <=-
DW> Andre, If you are sending out catalogues, please sent me
DW> one as well please:
DW> Address:
DW> 63 Rifle Range Drive
DW> Williamstown, Vic 3016
Please read your mail more carefully and take note of who is sending the
messages and who is receiving them - then you'll be able to request
information (or catalogues) from the people who ARE sending them out.
... Programmers get overlaid!
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.10 [NR]
* Origin: Heaven's Door * 61-2-440-8937 * 2 lines * T.PEP V32bis (3:711/927)
From: MARK BRACKEN Number: 12898
To: DENIS COLEMAN Date: 01/19/94 10:43p
Subj: complete cd catalogue. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Dennis,
Can you send me your Cd catalogue. My postal address is as follows:-
Mark Bracken
7 Perry st,
Please leave a message in my box, so as I know when to expect it
* Origin: Tesseract CAS - v.32bis - 61-2-476-4313 (3:711/451)
From: STEVE GRANT Number: 12899
To: RAYMOND WONG Date: 01/14/94 8:47a
Subj: Rebel Assault Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Raymond, There is a patch for Rebel Assault on The City BBS(456 4337). That
will fix the problems you are having. They have fixed the joystick so it is a
bit slower and smoother, and all the errors should be dealt with. I think the
file is called reb14.zip.
Steve Grant
--- Fmail - The City BBS
* Origin: The City Bulletin Board v22bis-v32bis-PEP Sydney Australia
From: DANIEL TSUI Number: 12900
To: ALL Date: 01/19/94 6:56a
Subj: Cheap MPC Titles Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have the following MPC Titles for sale, due to land by Friday, 21/1/94 or at
the latest, Monday 24/1/94.
The following prices are not typo errors! All are in $AUD.
A Hard Day's Night (Beatles' Movie) - $60
King's Quest 6 (Boxed) - $55
Groliers Encyclopaedia 6.0 1994 MPC - $70
Gabriel Knight - $86
We would like to expand our range - please let me know what other titles would
interest you - shareware, games, reference, kids titles. We can get great
deals, like those above, on almost anything!
Please reply be netmail.
Stepdando Pty Ltd.
ph 07-371-2885.
payment: COD, cheque, money order.
--- FMail 0.94
* Origin: Daniel's Domain * Brisbane, OZ * (3:640/297.10)
From: GRAEME WORRALL Number: 12901
To: ALL Date: 01/18/94 5:59p
Subj: kings quest 5 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi, I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing the following problem with
kings quest five. Every time I try to pick up the wounded cedric from the
island of harpies my machine locks...does this mean that my autoexec.bat needs
modification? Thanks.
--- Ezycom V1.02 00f90022
* Origin: 500cc: 12 Gigs, 16+ Lines In Early '94 02-550-4317 (3:712/218)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12902
To: AMANDA HARRIS Date: 01/18/94 9:07a
Subj: Question Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Amanda Harris, In a message on <Jan 13>, you said :
AH> I want my CD Rom to be drive E and my Ram Drive to be drive
AH> F. I have tried changing the attributes on the CD Rom
Where do you define your setting for the Ramdrive . If it is define in the
config.sys then their is nothing you can do about it. Dos allocates them in
order that are defined. If you placed the command for ramdrive in the
autoexec.bat file AFTER the mscdex command, then it will be setup as drive D
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: DANIEL TSUI Number: 12903
To: ALL Date: 01/19/94 11:14p
Subj: MPC titles while stocks last Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have the following MPC Titles for sale, due to land by Friday, 21/1/94 or at
the latest, Monday 24/1/94.
The first price is our special to the BBS community whilst stocks last!
Once sold out the normal prices will be current.
Please note these are $AUD prices.
A Hard Day's Night (Beatles' Movie) - Special $60 - Normal $65
King's Quest 6 (Boxed) - Special $55 - Normal $60
Groliers Encyclopaedia 6.0 1994 MPC - Special $70 - Normal $78
Gabriel Knight - $86
We would like to expand our range - please let me know what other titles would
interest you - shareware, games, reference, kids titles. Please reply netmail.
Stepdando Pty Ltd.
ph 07-371-2885.
payment: COD, cheque, money order.
--- FMail 0.94
* Origin: Daniel's Domain * Brisbane, OZ * (3:640/297.10)
From: PAUL MUNZENBERGER Number: 12904
To: ERIC DAVIS Date: 01/18/94 9:34p
Subj: Re: Worm drive Questions Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Eric Davis to Paul Munzenberger <=-
ED> I have a WORM drive what do you want to know about them????
hi i am interested in having some files backed up to cd-rom.
I am interested in buying one if i can find a few people to form
an association or something.
do you do backups for people?
how much do blanks cost?
are they scsi?
are the file just copied to the cd-rom device or is there software
i will think of more questions for you
thanks for answering
... BRE you later......dudes!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- EzyQwk V1.10b0
* Origin: Restless |4.5 Gig|14400|3 Lines|+61-(0)45-766185 (3:713/618)
From: PATRICK FITZGERALD Number: 12905
To: ALL Date: 01/18/94 1:33p
Subj: My First Time DOESN'T WORK ! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi All,
I've just purchased the CD Set "My 1st Time" & I am having considerable
difficulty getting it to load correctly.
I have followed the installation instructions given in the booklet
supplied in the CD Jacket as well as the 2.BAT text files all to no avail. I
have to say at this point that I think that these instructions are extremely
vague & misleading ! For example the program requires around 585 K of Low
memory & it suggests freeing more mmeory by modifying their CONFIG & AUTOEXEC
files by loading their drivers high into the UMB (i.e;LH for Autoexec files,
DEVICEHIGH for config files), but says that to do this the only lines that need
to be added to the config file are as follows;
But this is wrong if you want to place the drivers into the UMB & should read;
Anyway I've corrected this in my config file & added on the absolute minimum
requirements I believe are needed in my system files for the disc(s) to run
correctly. My system consists of a 486 DX with 4 MB RAM (640 K Base 3072 K
Expanded), SVGA Monitor using a AVGA3 JAX8228 Graphics adapter employ -ing a
Cirrus Logic GD5422 chip, Double Speed CD-ROM Panasonic CR-562-B,Sound Blaster
16ASP card, DOS vers 5.00, MS Compatible mouse.
With my system files as follows (see below) the program (1.bat) appears to work
fine (Files are installed to my harddisc, Test tones are heard from my Sound
Card) & it tells me to type GO.BAT to run the program. Alas all I get when I
do type GO.BAT is the END.TXT screen advising me to press any key to continue.
When I press a key all it does is return me to dos. By the way with the below
system settings mem/c shows 610 k free in the low memory area. So what else
could be wrong ? I've looked at such things as Interupt conflicts (I've run
similar Video CDs without any hassles !),Insufficient Memory & tried installing
the various VESA drivers supplied in the D:\DRIVERS directory (There isn't one
for the Cirrus chip !) all to no avail:
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6
So has anyone got any suggestions, besides returning it to my supplier for a
game instead ! I would be most appreciative for any assistance...
PS: Could anyone explain to me what the various switches do in MSCDEX,as it
doesn't have any help data attatched to it ?
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Melbourne PC User Group (3:632/309)
From: NOEL CRANSWICK Number: 12906
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/19/94 9:55a
Subj: Re: 1100+ Cd's Catalog Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
While looking for the meaning of life, Charles I Payne said thus to Joe
CIP> THANKS. Charles I. Payne
Likewise from downunder,
... Your margin of safety - "Where the rubber meets the rode".
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Melbourne PC User Group (3:632/309)
From: NOEL CRANSWICK Number: 12907
To: MIKE SHANNON Date: 01/19/94 9:59a
Subj: Re: A FEW CD'S FOR SALE. Refer: NONE
Read: NO Private: No
While looking for the meaning of life, Marco Lazzeri said thus to Mike Shannon
ML> Mike,
MS> No problem Marco, we ship to Brazil frequently. We use Express Mail
MS> to Brazil, which is around $20 for the first pound, and about $5 for
MS> each additional pound.
G'day Mike,
I'd also be interested in your CD catalog.
Thanks in advance from downunder,
Noel Cranswick
15 Linden Ave
Heidelberg, 3084
... ***************************************************
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Melbourne PC User Group (3:632/309)
From: NOEL CRANSWICK Number: 12908
To: JASON HYDAMACKA Date: 01/19/94 10:06a
Subj: Re: Cat. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
While looking for the meaning of life, Jason Hydamacka said thus to Hayden
JH> Howdy. I'd also like a copy of your catalogue.
Thanks in advance,
Noel Cranswick
15 Linden Ave
Heidelberg, 3081
... How do you tell if a bagpipe is out of tune?
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Melbourne PC User Group (3:632/309)
From: MARCUS LEE Number: 12909
To: CHRIS ZITO Date: 01/18/94 10:53p
Subj: Doom on a GUS? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
CZ>Anyone out there hear Id's DOOM on the Gravis Ultrasound
CZ>yet? It has got to be the most incredible experience!!!
CZ>Focal Point 3D sound at 16 bit 44.1 khz with an awesome
CZ>soundtrack in the background (Near Roland MT-32 quality)
CZ>Wavetable quality of course.
CZ>... Please don't hit me Mr. Moderator... I'll go back on topic!
Yeah, I don't know what the heck this message is doing here either...but
What FOCAL POINT 3D sound for DOOM??? I've got a GUS running under DOOM
(commercial), and the music is great, but the sfx are just sounds, not
real sfx. Which I fix by running SB for sfx option.
X SLMR 2.0 X Hello, I am part number ||X||||X||X||X||
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Maestro Support BBS, QLD (3:640/301)
From: JOHN KELLY Number: 12910
To: ALL Date: 01/20/94 10:56a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
A while back in this echo there was mention of a JFK CD-ROM, dealing with the
Warren Commision and containing the Zapruda film. Does anyone know the title of
this ??
--- Msgedsq/2 2.2e
* Origin: Peak Hill Computer Services [V32B/FAX] 068-691754 (3:623/625)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12911
To: JIM RICHARDS Date: 01/19/94 9:11a
Subj: What's wrong with echo Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Jim Richards, In a message on <Jan 14>, you said :
JR> What is wrong with this echo. On S&G BBS most messages are
JR> repeated multi times and many have the header but no text
JR> in the body.
JR> Are others having the same problems?
Not seeing any problems here
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: TONY STOTT Number: 12912
To: ERIC JAN Date: 01/20/94 10:37p
Subj: Rebel Assault Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 01-13-94, in a colourful display of the English language, Eric Jan said
to All:-
EJ> Does anyone out there have a copy of Rebel Assault? From some
EJ>review that I read, it was rated very high because of its superb
EJ>graphics and sounds.. but someone told me that besides the graphics an
EJ>sounds, it is a very boring game?! I was told that there is not much
EJ>game in Rebel Assault, it is more like a graphics demo..??!! Is that
EJ>true? Because I am thinking of buying it..
Maybe people who spend most of their time playing computer games
might think that Rebel Assault is a "graphics demo", but I am
happy with it! Imagine playing part in the Star Wars movie as
Rookie One! You get to fly your x-wing on various missions, most
of which are quite realistic. It is true that some scenes expect
you to control your craft from outside and behind, which doesn't
seem too natural, and in other scenes you have little control
over your flight path, but overall the game gives an excellent
feel of the original movie, including many video scenes.
Buy it, I'm sure you will enjoy it, especially when you find out
the code to eliminate damage to your craft at the push of a button!
■ WinQwk 2.0 B4 #220 ■ We just want the FAX ma'am... Keep the photo copier
--- FMail 0.94
* Origin: Coastal Communications Multiline BBS (02)977-6820 (3:714/906)
From: TONY STOTT Number: 12913
To: PATRICK FITZGERALD Date: 01/20/94 10:38p
Subj: My First Time Doesn't Wor Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 01-18-94, in a colourful display of the English language, Patrick
Fitzgerald said to All:-
PF>Hi All,
PF> I've just purchased the CD Set "My 1st Time" & I am having
PF>considerable difficulty getting it to load correctly.
PF> I have followed the installation instructions given in the
PF>booklet supplied in the CD Jacket as well as the 2.BAT text files all
PF>to no avail.
PF>So has anyone got any suggestions, besides returning it to my supplier
PF>for a game instead ! I would be most appreciative for any assistance.
Maybe you just got screwed (for the first time) <g>
■ WinQwk 2.0 B4 #220 ■ ... Spring: sperm is busting out all ova!
--- FMail 0.94
* Origin: Coastal Communications Multiline BBS (02)977-6820 (3:714/906)
From: RAPHAEL VANNEY Number: 12914
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/19/94 10:42p
Subj: !free cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
* Transmis par Raphael Vanney (2:320/7.1)
* Area : CDROM (CDROM)
* De : John Beach, 1:3603/321 (Sunday January 16 1994 02:57)
* à : Raphael Vanney
* Sujet: !free cd catalog!
Please send a free copy of your CDRom catalog to:
John A. Beach
4566 Yardley Avenue North
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Thanks in advance...
-+- GoldED 2.42.G1219+
+ Origin: The Beach House * St. Petersburg, Fla, USA * (1:3603/321)
--- LoraBBS-DOS v2.34 (Eval.)
* Origin: Zlika (2:320/7.1)
From: PHILIPPE VESSAIRE Number: 12915
To: ALL Date: 01/19/94 9:02p
Subj: Interactive CD PHILIPS Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Is someone know a sofware able to read on a PC CDROM
Interactive CD from PHILIPS usualy read on separate system able
to read audio CD, Kodak photo CD, Philips CDI and now new
numerics video CD.
* OLX 2.1 TD * a french solar home builder
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: ChaOS/2 (2:320/215)
From: RAPHAEL VANNEY Number: 12916
To: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Date: 01/19/94 3:46p
Subj: Canadian cd catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hayden Bradshaw, propos de CANADIAN CD CATALOGUE :
(Le 01-1594 21:47, crivant All)
HB> If you would like a copy of our "Electronic Catalogue" please feel
HB> free to request it here, or by phone or fax at (905) 830-1615.
Please, sent me one :
5, terrasse des REFLETS
Sala kahle, RVa
... Quoi ?!? DOSSHELL n'est pas un canular ?
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: Li'LL BBS - Paris France - (33-1) (2:320/7)
From: RAPHAEL VANNEY Number: 12917
To: JIM LAMBERT Date: 01/19/94 11:00p
Subj: Cd-rom catalog available Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi !
JL>For everybody interested in great prices on the latest CD-Roms, we have
JL>a catalog available for download from Computer Works that lists each
Please send me a copy of your catalog ;-)
5, terrasse des REFLETS
* MR/2 1.65x NR * Les vrais programmeurs utilisent COPY CON PROGRAM.EXE
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: Li'LL BBS - Paris France - (33-1) (2:320/7)
From: SCOTT HOLMES Number: 12918
To: STEAN SNYMAN Date: 01/18/94 7:15p
Subj: Return to zork Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SS>I'll kill my salesman.... He sold me mine with the 30 page book, and
SS>only 2 pages of the encyclopedia! He told me its the
SS>commercial version, but it says BONUS PACK/NOT FOR RESALE on the
SS>book... How low can you get!
If I were you I would go back to the store that you got it. It sounds as if
you got ripped off.
Scott H.
* KMail 3.00k Knight Moves
--- TosScan 1.00
* Origin: Knight Moves BBS - Rochester,NY *USA* (1:2613/313)
From: STEVE PRATT Number: 12919
To: DON GESER Date: 01/20/94 9:07p
Subj: Available cd's Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>very interested in a CD disk that contains Christian shareware files for
I think the Bibles and Religion CD from Chestnut is for you. I believe it
is "BBS Ready".
* UniQWK v2.1 * The Windows Mail Reader
* KMail 3.00k Knight Moves
--- TosScan 1.00
* Origin: Knight Moves BBS - Rochester,NY *USA* (1:2613/313)
From: BERNARD ZEPHRO Number: 12920
To: FRANCO CAPIZZO Date: 01/20/94 3:40p
Subj: Re: New Nec Cd Rom Drive Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
FC>well, if you're wondering about the nec 3xi and the sound blaster 16
>scsi-2...yes, they do work together (I should know, I did it myself!).
>First, I would suggest setting up the sound card to work with all your
>interrupts and dma's and stuff and testing it out with your system.
>Once that's okay, install the NEC CD-Rom drive then run the EZ-SCSI
>software that comes with the SOUND BLASTER (no disks came at all with
>the nec 3xi reader, which is a disappointment considering how much
>you'll be paying!). Hopefully, that should do the trick.
>NOTE: The cd-audio cable that allows you to play music cd track and listen
>to them from the speakers attached to the sound card is not included in
>either packages. You have to call Creative Labs and order the cable(some-
>thing like 6 or 7 bucks).
Who did you buy your drive and SB-16 from. Price and 800 number would be
helpful assuming you bought mail order.
■ QMPro 1.02 41-0001 ■ MSI - Redefining Telecommunications in '93
--- DB 1.54/004840
* Origin: The Dark Star BBS Cheektowaga, NY (1:260/105)
From: WIN TRAFTON Number: 12921
To: ALL Date: 01/18/94 1:58p
Subj: CDS535 and the ProAudio Spectrum 16 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Last month I was looking for a CDROM drive but was unsure which one to get or
what kind of interface I needed. A couple of you replied to my request for
some suggestions on which way to go which helped me out. I decided to take a
chance and buy a bare Chinon CDS535 and scsi/audio cable kit and plug it into
the 50 pin scsi port on my ProAudio Spectrum 16 sound card. The PAS users
manual described step by step how to install it and how to connect the cables.
It was suggested that I call the MediaVision BBS and download the drivers
needed to run it, which I did. The PAS user's manual also described where to
put the drivers, mscdex.exe goes in the autoexec.bat file and the tslcdr.sys
driver goes in the config.sys file. The manual explained the use of the
various parameters for the two drivers and when to use them. I'm glad to say
everything seems to be working fine, at least as far as running software off
the drive, I haven't tried any audio cds' or photo cds' but I'll cross that
bridge when I come to it.
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: THE COUNTRY CLUB (1:260/170)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12922
To: GRANT DEASON Date: 01/19/94 3:55p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>You're kidding, right? When has MS EVER released the whole product, when they
>can charge us full price for a major upgrade then another $10 for what they
>left out?
MS-DOS 5 (which WAS a rare exception, I'll grant!)
* SLMR 2.1a * Age and treachery will usually overcome Youth and Skill.
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 12923
To: MATT DELCO Date: 01/20/94 2:11p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>My mother has become interested in National Geographic's Animals CD.
Brand new - and I suspect that NG likely has learned a lot in the years since
"Mammals" came out (though Mammals is STILL a standard in the industry).
* SLMR 2.1a * Fatal error - no Caffine found - Sysop not loaded.
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: KEVIN PLUMMER Number: 12924
To: CARLOS FUENZALIDA Date: 01/21/94 6:04a
Subj: Re: What do I need? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
CF> I would like to get a CD ROM drive, mostly for the purpose to listen to
CF> good quality sound while I work with my computer.
CF> With the little I know about CD technology, I believe I need a good sound
CF> card and a single speed CD drive. Would a Soundblaster Pro do the job or
CF> should I get something better?
CF> Any input from somebody on the know would be appreciated.
CF> Thanks,
Yes, a Sound blaster Pro, Plus a Sony CD-Rom is a Good combo... I can get the
the complete package deal for: $330.00 plus shipping for the complete package.
The CD-Rom drive is 350 ms.
Call: (317) 342-2034
--- Squish v1.01
* Origin: The Softwares Zone (1:231/570)
From: BRENT COOLEY Number: 12925
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/22/94 7:18p
Subj: !free Cd Catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=≡ From a galaxy far, far, away, Joe Rinehart was heard to say..≡=-
JR>********* FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories CATALOG!**********
JR>For the largest selection & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
JR>If you'd like a printed copy, send your mailing information to us.
Please send me a catalog at:
4358 Gooseneck Rd.
Delevan, NY 14042
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- DB 1.54/004840
* Origin: The Dark Star BBS Cheektowaga, NY (1:260/105)
From: PHIL TREVORROW Number: 12926
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/21/94 2:39p
Subj: Virus Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BF> One other person, who never did come up with a 3'd file name.
Oh yes, I spread rumors whenever I see ONE message on a topic. It's funny how
there aren't hundreds of unsubstantiated rumors I've started seeing as there
are plenty started by just one person. I should have picked up on them.
The next question is to name these people right? Get serious. I don't intend
to go back through all the old messages just to prove I'm right. If you want to
think there was only ONE other person that found a 3rd virus on Night Owl, then
fine, there was only one other person. I thought this topic was dropped over a
month ago but I guess some people just can't let it die.
Yes, I'm just as guilty for not letting it drop by replying. There are some
things that I just can't let slip by and when someone is accusing me of either
starting or substantiating rumors, then I feel I need to say something. You
obviously haven't been following the N.O. 10 virus for very long or you
wouldn't have said what you did.
Harping on me won't change the facts so please let the subject drop.
--- Squish v1.00
* Origin: ■ LinkUSA ■ Gateway BBS ■ (508)772-4236 ■ (1:322/736)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 12927
To: STEAN SNYMAN Date: 01/22/94 1:16p
Subj: Re: seventh guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Stean Snyman to John Ullmer <=-
SS> Hello John!
SS> I agree... But they did a lowsy job on the piano anyway..
SS> Stupid puzzle, SOOO easy... but SOOO long.. I learned the
SS> song to myself on piano on 'bout 30 secs, and the puzzle
SS> took about 10 to complete...
SS> You got anything on the Slime-ball microscope episode?..
SS> I'm stuck there and on the flipping bricks of the house
SS> pic....
SS> Adios
SS> Stean
Ah HAAAAA! You cheated. You know how to play the piano.
Sadly, I don't. But I play a mean multiple CD music player.
The slime globs seem, by consensus, to be the toughest puzzle.
Best hint I've got is to imitate the moves of the green globs.
Be careful about leaving a "pocket" open w/ blue globs on three
sides of an empty socket.
Saw another notice in this conference that the micro puzzle was
not solvable; it had a bug. But, I did get it after a few martinis.
Problem is, now I don't remember what I did.
Saw another comment that says the globs are a copy of another
puzzle that came out on shareware, but I don't remember what the
puzzle name is. I have a shareware game about 3 years old that has
99 board puzzles (from Australia). It's a good game(s) and some of
the 7th G. puzzles are like puzzles in the this other game. My share-
ware game is called _mazecube.zip_, but I don't know if that's the
name it always shows up under.
Hope you have a blast gobbling globs of gooey green.
... Play chess, NOT Seventh Guest.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12928
To: MIKE GERVASI Date: 01/20/94 8:29a
Subj: Scsi Interface card Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Mike Gervasi, In a message on <Jan 16>, you said :
MG> I have a Future Domain TMC-850MEX 8-bit controller card and
MG> drivers that came with my NEC 84. It should work with the
MG> Panasonic as long as it's SCSI. (If I'm wrong, someone
It should work (if its SCSI), however the panasonic is NOT SCSI is an IDE type
proprietry interface.
MG> correct me please).
MG> Anyway, if you want it, give me a ring.
MG> 809-293-5375
I doubt he will , he is about 10,000 miles from you
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12929
To: STEVE MANN Date: 01/20/94 8:37a
Subj: encarta 1994 how much Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Steve Mann, In a message on <Jan 18>, you said :
SM> We have sold out of the MS special price version of Encarta
SM> 1994 (though we are yet to have this stock delivered). We
SM> were selling it for $179 (RRP was $199 until December
SM> 31st).
Just a little reminder, We are now reconnected to the US and the world on this
conference, it may be advisable to indicate on your Ads that these are Ozzie
dollars prices you are referring to. It helps to avoid confusion overseas and
also helps to reduce all those messages saying "I know where I can get it a lot
cheaper than that"
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: IAN BURRELL Number: 12930
To: TAMI THOMPSON Date: 01/20/94 8:10p
Subj: Nat Geographic CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Thanks for the ffedback. However, my mouse is compatible in all ways and I
have to use it for the many programs I have. I have never had this problem
before with any program. Given that the mouse works with the pop-up menu
(which shows the message "MISSING REFERENCE FILE") by cancelling the popup
window, the mouse is obviously talking to the program.
I'll stick at it but I seriously think the disk is faulty.
--- Ezycom V1.02 01fa0039
* Origin: The Bermuda Triangle: +61 3 725 4712 (3:633/252)
From: GLENN PARKER Number: 12931
To: ALL Date: 01/21/94 9:09p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hey guys,
I'm looking at the Australian Phonedisk as a more cost effective solution to
buying specialist mailing lists for a business. My idea is to be able to pull
out a list of addresses from a particular *Suburb* with respective phone
numbers. Is this a possible search on these CD's? and which one will I need and
how much should I break piggy for?!
Hmmm. does anyone out there WITH one of these CD's want to do a $earch for
me????? :) (always worth a try.....)
Cheers for now,
■ MR/2 1.41x NR ■ How come wrong numbers are never busy?
--- TPCB V0.2c
* Origin: Prophet BBS, Western Sydney Australia (3:54/54)
From: TONY SAUNDERS Number: 12932
To: STEVE MANN Date: 01/20/94 10:17p
Subj: Jan 94 Catalogues FREE Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SM>We have limited supplies of our January 1994 (preliminary) catalogue.
SM>If you would like to receive a free catalogue, of our CD-ROM titles
SM>and MM
SM>Kits, then contact our office or send an e-mail/netmail message.
Hi Steve,please send a catalogue to:
Tony Saunders
8 Cohen St
■ WinQwk 2.0 a#0 ■ Unregistered Evaluation Copy
--- Xenolink 1.0 Z.3, XQwk Mail Door v.95q [REG 10029]
* Origin: Enconn - The Engineering Connection (3:712/613)
From: MARC YOUNG Number: 12933
To: ALL Date: 01/19/94 9:14p
Subj: Toshiba 3401 wanted Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I would like to buy a Toshiba 3401 internal CD ROM drive, plus cables
(and anything else I need) to get it running with my Pro Audio Studio
sound card.
Can anyone (in Australia peferably) help?
I tried calling Toshiba, but they said they didn't import them here!
Also, I'd be interested in hearing from anyone with the same setup.
Any problems?
--- EzyQwk V1.02
* Origin: Power Up OZ +61-7-399-1322 (10 lines) (3:640/215)
From: WALTER ANTHONY Number: 12934
To: ROY FUNG Date: 01/22/94 10:00p
Subj: Reveal cdrom Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
RF>Anyone with the Reveal CDRom able to load MSCDEX high?
Config.sys has the below line:
First line in my Autoexec.bat listed below:
The Reveal software set it up I just added the Devicehigh and Loadhigh commands
to put them in upper memory. I use DOS 5.0 and have had no trouble with this
later.... Walt
--- InterEcho 1.00/b06
* Origin: TSUNAMI - Catch the Wave! Ponte Vedra FL - 1:112/75 (1:112/75)
From: JEAN-MARIE GUITARD Number: 12935
To: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Date: 01/21/94 4:37p
Subj: Canadian CD Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Hayden!
Le Samedi 15 Janvier 1994,
Hayden Bradshaw écrivait à All:
HB> If you would like a copy of our "Electronic Catalogue" please feel
HB> free to request it here, or by phone or fax at (905) 830-1615.
Awaiting your news :
Jean-Marie Guitard
Residence Le Trimaran
33 rue Francoeur
91170 Viry-Chatillon
Thanks in advance
A bientôt,
--- GoldED 2.41+ 320DK1 + D'Bridge 1.54+
* Origin: Baby Yard - OUF BBS - (33-1)6945-6570 (2:320/204)
From: RAPHAEL VANNEY Number: 12936
To: SAM LAMBROPOULOS Date: 01/22/94 2:16p
Subj: 7th Guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Bonjour Sam !
Saturday January 15 1994 22:25, Sam Lambropoulos écrivit à All :
SL> I have a Creative CD drive 563 running off a SB16 card and was wondering
SL> whether my 386SX-16 would be able to run 7th Guest.
SL> My video card is a Trident 8900 with 1 meg with plenty of hard disk space
SL> using doubleSpace.
The 7th Guest may operate in 2 graphics mode : 320x200x256 or
640x480x256. My guess is that the 640 mode is going to be slow,
but the 320 should be Ok.
Sala kahle, RVa
--- LoraBBS-DOS v2.34 (Eval.)
* Origin: Zlika (2:320/7.1)
From: SERGE DELBONO Number: 12937
To: DAVE DAVIDSON Date: 01/22/94 6:59p
Subj: Cream of the crop ii Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Cher Dave vous disiez le 17/01/94 :
DD>Can you tell me how one goes about accessing the !README.1ST file
in the
DD>root directory of "Cream" II? I can't seem to access it with anything
DD>(including "type").
An idea : the "!" is not standard with ISO 9660 format, and your
CD-ROM software, is unable to access to it ?
The ISO 9660 format :
8.3 (as DOS) and the only chars allowed are alphanumeric and
underscore. No extensions for directory names.
< Internet :serge.delbono@lill.frmug.fr.net
_>erge. Fido : 2:320/7
* UniQWK v3.0 * The Solution for Multilingual Messages
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: Li'LL BBS - Paris France - (33-1) (2:320/7)
From: LESLIE RHORER Number: 12938
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/22/94 6:21p
Subj: Re: CD ROM INFO Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BF> True - but since MINIcomputers first started going 32 bit in that SAME
BF> timeframe, expecting MICROcomputers to do so at that time is excessive.
I disagree. After all, the reasons why a mini should be at least 32
bit are just as valid for a micro, especially when developers, like myself,
wanted to develop software across platforms. 'Now look at the mess we are
BF> Also, a 64K address space for a micro in 1980 WAS reasonable - barely.
A 64K address field was reasonable, a 64K address space was not, at
least not for anyone who had any thought whatsoever for the future (I predicted
there would be portable IBM 360 equivalents in 1976), or as already mentioned,
anyone who wanted to develop across platforms.
BF> Also, address + offset type stuff was WELL known by that time, and could
BF> easily handle 32 bit address calculations - it's Intel's FIXED "address"
BF> incrament segmentation that's such a pain....
Sure. Offsets and string manipulations were absolutely mandatory in
the days when mainframes and minis only had 64K (or even less), and I have
worked on several such machines. That does not mean that I did not jump for
joy when large, flat address spaces were developed, or that I consider it
advisable to develop a machine without that advantage, once the technology is
BF> 8 bit data path, 20 bit addressing. There has NEVER been
BF> a real requirement
BF> for the data path and address path to be the same size in microcomputers.
Nor in mainframes, for that matter. I have no great problems with
developing an 8 bit data path machine, since that only affects performance, not
programming. It is the address form that dictates programming practices.
BF> Minis were just STARTING to do 32 bits - VAX 11/780 and
BF> 11/750 were the ENTIRE
BF> LIST 'till late '80.
True. But PC's were an emerging technology: they should have been
treated as such. Instead, they were treated as toys, and they WERE toys, until
the introduction of the 32 bit Intel and Motorola processors.
BF> Most MAINFRAMES were still 32 bit at that time.
Their address spaces certainly were, as no one had the money for 4G of
memory. However, they were staring to use up to 128 bit words, especially for
Array Processors.
When I was your age, hard drives were as big as pizzas!
--- EZPoint V2.2
* Origin: GUI? Ptui!!! --- Last Chance Pt 4 (1:387/800.4)
From: BARON SCHWING Number: 12939
To: JOHN ALEXANDER Date: 01/22/94 7:32p
Subj: Driver Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On (21 Jan 94) John Alexander wrote to Baron Schwing...
JA> Accualy, the /D: tells MSCDEX the driver name to look for in memmory.
JA> /L:
JA> is for the drive.
Oops you are correct, I guess it was too late in the night to be
giving advice <:) .
Later, B.
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Baron's Point, River Ridge, La (1:396/27.3)
From: EDDIE PHILLIPS Number: 12940
To: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Date: 01/22/94 11:11p
Subj: Re: Os2/2.1 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Giuliano Maciocci Jr to All <=-
GMJ> Hi All!
GMJ> I may soon buy a copy of OS2/2.1 on CD-ROM, but I have a question to
GMJ> ask:
GMJ> My hard drive is compressed with Stacker 3.1 (Excellent!) and I was
GMJ> wondering if I'd be able to install OS2/2.1 on it without having to
GMJ> reformat everything. I have a 386/DX-40 with 4MB RAM (Planning to buy
GMJ> more) and a 120MB HD stacked to approx 233MB (Quite true, since I get
GMJ> an overall compression ratio of 1.8!)
GMJ> Any help? Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
You can't do it using the DOS Stacker, but you might be able to get the
OS2/DOS Stacker to upgrade it, then install OS/2. My first hunch though is
that it won't work, but stranger things have happened <g>
... RAM DISK is NOT an installation procedure!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- QScan v1.05b
* Origin: Southern Pride BBS 5gig PcBoard 772-4143 772-4183 (1:151/151)
From: BOB BREED Number: 12941
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/22/94 12:23p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BF> I still have my original Audio CD - which is just shy of 11 years
BF> old. A CD-ROM should last JUST as long as a "normal" CD (likely won't
BF> last as long as the Mobile Fidelity "gold" CDs, though)....
BF> Basic problem is that Aluminum oxidises, and the plastic a CD is made
BF> out of (and the sealant used) isn't quite 100% impermiable to oxigen
BF> (very CLOSE, though)....
I agree. Most of the people that have replied to this say
about the same thing. It seems that of all the metals to use,
aluminum would be about the worst choice. (Nothing oxidizes quite
as fast!)
If Kodak is really trying to make something to archive your
pictures, you think they would use the gold plated disks. They
cost more, but if you're thinking of really long term storage,
they seem the way to go.
If nothing else, I think Kodak should offer them as an
option. If you want to pay the additional cost for long life,
that should be up to you. I know that I have SOME pictures that I
would pay the extra charge to have placed on gold.
... Japanese Pet Store: "Buy one, get one flea."
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- ProBoard v1.31 [EVALUATION]
* Origin: Alien Biker Kat BBS (619) 277-4140 (1:202/1010)
From: BOB BREED Number: 12942
To: CHRISTOPH STEINECKE Date: 01/22/94 12:24p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BB> Jeeze, this sounds like what I've been looking for -- are you
BB>going to have a US agent distribute it???
CS> Well I have nothing to do with that company, so I can't be of
CS> any help there, but since the instructions on how to use the
CS> product are given in English,German and French I guess it must
CS> be available in english speaking countries.
CS> I tell you what, I'll phone the company (since I live in Germany)
CS> asking them if they distribute the product in the US, and check
CS> with you after that, o.k. !
Great! I'm sure that lotsa U.S. customers are out there. I
know I'm interested in this.
... Why experiment on animals with so many lawyers available?
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- ProBoard v1.31 [EVALUATION]
* Origin: Alien Biker Kat BBS (619) 277-4140 (1:202/1010)
From: JIM STANDING Number: 12943
To: RAY MATTHEWS Date: 01/23/94 8:40a
Subj: T7G Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Ray Matthews, how are you
21-Jan-94 18:53, Ray Matthews wrote to Jim Standing
Subject: T7G
RM> First off, have you solved the puzzle there? (The 'light the windows
NO not yet! Do you have hint to solve this one?
RM> skyscraper' one.) If so, then just walk past the puzzle toward the
RM> mirror, and
RM> you should find another door at the rear of the attic.
└───> Greetings from Jim Standing
--- Terminate 1.30+
* Origin: Terminate point system, the easiest in the world! (1:2614/709)
From: DREW FISCHER Number: 12944
To: MIKE MCMONAGLE Date: 01/21/94 10:53p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I just bought a nec3xi and am disappointed. There are no drivers that I
know of that support it yet. Adaptec is supposed to have some out by
april1. The corel scsi driver that I am using yields these speeds with
scsi2 and adaptec1542b with > than gig bios: 40%cpu use=148 (should be
150), 60%=235, 100%=325 k/sec (450). hold off on buying it until drivers
come out. When the time comes, contact me and I'll tell you where I got
mine for a good deal.
--- WM v2.06/92-0324
* Origin: The Louisville Hot House (502)969-3806 (1:2320/180)
From: DREW FISCHER Number: 12945
To: KARSTEN ROSE Date: 01/21/94 10:57p
Subj: NEC Triple Speed Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have a 3xi also and my k/sec is lousy: 148,235,325 k/s at 40,60, &
100% cpu use using corel driver and adaptec 1542b w greater than a gig
bios eproms. How did you get such fast times? Let me know if you would.
--- WM v2.06/92-0324
* Origin: The Louisville Hot House (502)969-3806 (1:2320/180)
From: ERIC JAN Number: 12946
To: TONY STOTT Date: 01/22/94 4:05p
Subj: Rebel Assault Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello, Tony..
Thanks for the reply. I think I will get the Rebel Assault..
--- WM v2.06/92-0324
* Origin: The Louisville Hot House (502)969-3806 (1:2320/180)
From: ED DUCHEK Number: 12947
To: ALL Date: 01/23/94 5:42p
Subj: Compton's Int Ency Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have compton's Interactive Encyclopedia for sale on CD.
This is version 1.01VW for thos interested in version numbers...
I have not opened the wrapping of it yet, but am very tempted to at
least try it out.... I will part with this for say $40 if you pre-pay.
If not, you pick up all P&H and COD charges in excess of $40.....
Ed Duchek
--- GoldED 2.41
* Origin: ----> From The Back Door at 1:387/635.1 <---- (1:387/635.1)
From: STEWART ROTHMAN Number: 12948
To: MIKE MOFFITT Date: 01/23/94 12:00a
Subj: Re: CD-ROM Drive & Sound Card System Wanted Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>SR> I'm looking for a good quality CD-ROM Drive
>SR> Must come with a good Sound Card, Possibly Speakers, and some
>SR> CD Disks. The most important thing is that I want to buy a COMPLETE
>MM> Stewart I recently purchased a CD-ROM drive kit it was
>MM> packaged by an outfit called HILITE USA it came complete.
>MM> Sony drive controller card cabbles etc. They have a toll
>MM> free customer assistance line and also a BBS for support.
>MM> I was very satisfied with the way it was packaged, and also
>MM> the support they gave. I ordered it from D.C. DRIVES in
>MM> THE computer Shopper. Hope this helps.
>MM> > Mike Moffitt
Thanks, I will look them up...Do you by chance have their 800 number handy, if
you have please post, otherwise I'll go buy a Comp Shppr. I used to subscribe,
but since I'd thought I'd bought everything I was going to need for a while, I
haven't subscribed for about a year.
Maybe I'll start again. Stu
--- FD 2.00
* Origin: ALASKAN SOURDOUGH,Rothman's LENS UNLIMITED,Fbks (1:355/38.6)
From: JOEL RANKIN Number: 12949
To: WEE YUNG Date: 01/23/94 8:47a
Subj: Battlechess Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 01-19-94 Wee Yung wrote to Jack Wiggins...
WY> Yes, it is available on CD and it cost $29 for Dos version
WY> and $59 for MPC version. There is $3 for shipping
Where can I find Battlechess for $29.00? Most prices I have seen it is
$45-55. If you know where drop me a line here, I've been wantin that
game for a long time. Thanks!
* OFFLINE 1.54
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Hartmann's 1-509-884-(7803)/{0639} HST DS {1:344/2} & (1:344/60)
From: LOUISE NORTON Number: 12950
To: DAVE REED Date: 01/23/94 8:18p
Subj: Ferrets Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Well smarty. I don't spell to good but try this on for size you have been
rerported to F.C.C.. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Also you are only showing how small and stupid you are with your attiude and
manner. noboby can be of smaller mind that you and more bored with live than
to pick on people on a BBS yours or anyone 's. Go out and get a life. you are
too cute for further words.. Love all you dear people....you just keep making
the rest of us look better.
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Hartmann's 1-509-884-(7803)/{0639} HST DS {1:344/2} & (1:344/60)
From: RANDALL LEDFORD Number: 12951
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/16/94 9:02p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JR>*********** FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories CATALOG!*************
JR>For the largest selection & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
JR>If you'd like a printed copy, send your mailing information to us.
Great! Send to:
Randall Ledford
2731 Apapane. St.
Lihue, Kauai, HI 96766
■ SLMR 1.05 ■ I [] My Dog. I [] My Cat.
--- TMail v1.31.5
* Origin: Hawaii OnLine, Lihue, Kauai, HI. 808-246-8887 (1:345/31)
From: GARY KELLISON Number: 12952
To: THE LAWMAN Date: 01/23/94 8:29p
Subj: RAM Drive & CD-ROM Drive Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
TL>-> I want my CD Rom to be drive E and my Ram Drive to be drive F.
The MSCDEX driver in your AUTOEXEC.BAT assigns drive letters
to CD-ROM's and it always picks the next higher drive letter than the
last fixed and/or RAM drive. There's no way to change this behavior.
TL>You have Device=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE (and your ram statement and any other
TL>settings ) probably near the top of the loading order of your config.sys
TL>and then lower down on that list you have your Device=C:\DEV\MTMCDS.SYS
TL>statement near the bottom of your config.sys statement, thats why its
TL>loading your ram drive before your cdrom drive. I'm not really hip yet
TL>on ram drives but assuming you are probably loading some of the drivers
TL>in high memory, you'll have to have the RAM drive first.
The MTMCDS.SYS driver doesn't assign the drive letter to the CD-ROM;
it's the MSCDEX driver in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file that does that.
Resuffling the order in which these drivers and RAMDRIVE.SYS won't
affect drive letter assignments. It won't even help if you use the DOS
INSTALL command to load the MSCDEX ahead of RAMDRIVE.SYS in your
* OLX 2.1 TD * Bowgie, Carlsbad Calif.
--- WM v2.09/92-0250
* Origin: Dragnet BBS Oceanside,CA. 619-940-1985 (1:202/401)
From: GARY KELLISON Number: 12953
To: HALL STEVENSON Date: 01/23/94 9:04p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
HS>I recently bought a Mitsumi FX001D cd-rom and have a few question.
HS>The line in config.sys for this driver is:
HS>lh mtmcdae.sys /d:cdrom001 (?) /p:300 /a:0 /m:32 /t:5 /I:10
HS>The problem is that this takes up 78k of my high memory. I know that
HS>reducing the /m switch would help, but that would also reduce
HS>performance, right?
Maybe not not as much as you think. Try reducing the /m: switch until
you're able to load another TSR or driver high. See if you still get
good performance out of the CD-ROM drive. Personally, I use /m:20
HS>I cannot use smartdrive to cache this drive, right?
You can if you use MS-DOS 6.2 and load the MSCDEX driver ahead of
HS>Finally, how do I connect the drive so that I can hear music
HS>through the SB Pro? Right now, the line-out wire goes to the cd-rom
HS>drive's interface card's line-in connector. As it is, I cannot hear a
HS>audio disc's sound through the sound card and amplified speakers.
HS>Should I connect this wire from
HS>the cd-rom drive to the SBPro's cd-in plug?
Yes! If you still don't get sound through the SBPro card, then you have
to reverse the thin wire lead on the two connector posts on the
SBPro card. On the last SBPro and Mitsumi FX001 installation I did, I
had to trim the tab on the SBPro end of the thin wire and force it onto
the SBPro card's connector posts. Try it both ways & see which one
* OLX 2.1 TD * Carlsbad, Calif.
--- WM v2.09/92-0250
* Origin: Dragnet BBS Oceanside,CA. 619-940-1985 (1:202/401)
From: NATHAN MOSCHKIN Number: 12954
To: STEVE PRATT Date: 01/24/94 2:17p
Subj: "popping" Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
* Sunday January 23 1994, Steve Pratt writes to All:
SP> I tried changing sound cards, smartdrv (Dos 6.2) on/off, /m:05-100,
SP> nothing is working. Why does it do this, and what can I do to stop it?
The SBP-SET.EXE can set your volume level. Try setting all volume levels to
12, and then see what happens.
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: Most people make sense, I'm not one of them... (FidoNet 1:109/427)
From: JAN HOLZNAGEL Number: 12955
To: JIM CLEMENTS Date: 01/23/94 6:21p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JC> Jan, I have to disagree with you. I think cdrom encyclopedias are
JC> indeed useful additions to most homes. I have all three of the
JC> main titles, Grolier, Compton's and Encarta and use Grolier the
JC> most.
JC> You only saw one at a friend's and thought it was a nice game?
I 'only' saw one is, maybe, a little less. I have used the computer
of this friend about 4 months with the CD in it. As I sayd: It's a
nice game, what I saw there. Thats my opinion.
But I have to say, that I've made a mistake. In the message I wrote
to was metioned that the encyclopedia was needed for the childs.
I really think, that it is a nice thing to be able to hear the
noices of some animals or something, as you wrote some rows later.
Children can learn a lot in this way.
JC> Perhaps it was the way it was displayed. I can show someone
JC> Encarta or Compton's and easily make it seem like a glitzy
JC> collection of bee sounds and/or pics and videos that are
JC> virtually useless.
Maybe another problem is, that the german encycl. are not as
good as the english...
JC> Or I could run a demo showing how Grolier will search the
JC> entire text (20+ volumes) for my name and come up with a
JC> couple of hits in a few seconds -- seconds not weeks which
JC> it would take using a paper edition. Those hits were in the
JC> small print bibliographies accompanying the main text -- a
JC> fellow with the same name as mine wrote a couple of bird books.
JC> Search ability and cross-linking are two of electronic
JC> encyclopedia's greatest advantages. Paper versions can't
JC> even come close, especially for people not used to
JC> the process in paper.
Here you are shurely right!
JC> Price is another advantage. Grolier sells for more than
JC> $200 in a membership discount store (Sam's Warehouse)
JC> in Niagara Falls, N.Y. The cdrom version (every word,
JC> fewer pics and graphics but with sound and video not
JC> available in the paper version) sells for less
JC> than $60 in BBS nets such as this.
No chance with german CD-Roms !!! Prices are exotic!
JC> I should mention I'm a print person -- have worked as
JC> a print (paper) journalist for close to 30 years. I
JC> have rooms full of books and cherish them, but if I
JC> want information quickly I will quite often turn to
JC> cdrom.
I should mention I'm a computer person --- :-)
working all the day with computers. Maybe thats a reason
too, why I like books more than computerprograms. My
eyes are really boared of all this multimedia...
JC> Are there disadvantages to cdrom versions? Certainly.
JC> First you have to have a computer and cdrom or
JC> CD-I or something similar. Second there aren't as many
More and more people have this.
JC> pics or graphics. Third the best books (Encyclopedia
JC> Brittanica, Oxford English Dictionary II) either
JC> aren't available or are very expensive.
Same and most important problem in my state.
JC> But there are also "disadvantages" to paper versions.
JC> They take a long time to properly search through for
JC> some types of in-depth info. They don't have sound,
JC> don't have videos. Even the paper version of the
JC> Brit or the OED II are very expensive as well.
If you learn working with paper versions in school and
university, I think you get experience in working with
JC> I would prefer both paper and cdrom versions of my
JC> major reference works if I could afford them. But
JC> if I had to choose one or the other, I'd pick cdrom.
That seems to be the best way! But who has the money...
JC> I don't think just seeing an app at a friend's is a very
JC> fair basis for telling someone interested the product
JC> to avoid it as "unreliable." What did you find not to
JC> be as reliable as your paper veresion.
Look up, about "just seeing an app..."
JC> Also you didn't say what cdrom encyclopedia you saw,
JC> or what encyclopedia you have at home. I *might*
JC> agree a little if you were comparing Encarta (based
JC> on Funk and Wagnall's of supermarket fame) and
JC> your home collection of the Brittanica. But they are
JC> apples and eggs even in the print versions. As are
JC> their prices.
Maybe we both ignored that we live in different countries
with different languages AND different software! I think,
that's my mistake. I can't say much about the british encycl.
The german CDs aren't competitors to the german books at this
moment. I'm very sorry to have forgotten the littel difference
between europe and europe... ;-)
JC> Take another (and longer) look. You might be
JC> surprised.
No! Not longer, please... ;-) Even if the multimedia-version
will get much better than now I will be happy when looking
to non-electronic data... :-)
JC> And no, I don't work for any of the publishers and
JC> I don't sell any of them. Cheers!
Cheers too!
--- Yuppie v2.00
* Origin: Point of no return... (2:240/5060.1)
From: TERRY BLOUNT Number: 12956
To: PAUL ARMISHAW Date: 01/24/94 9:16a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Paul Armishaw wrote in a message to Terry Blount:
TB> Hitachi cd rom drives model 3600 (that's right model 3600) $99 each.
PA> domestic orders are shipped c.o.d. Terry, This price
PA> is obvious US $$ can you give me an idea of std airmail
PA> cost to New Zealand and also the price of the controller
PA> card any any other info that may be of Help....
International shipping costs about $10 per drive. Interface
cards are $60. Please respond via net mail (3625/441) or call 205-824-2552...
--- timEd-A10c
* Origin: Center of the Cosmos 205-824-2611 (1:3625/441)
From: TERRY BLOUNT Number: 12957
To: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Date: 01/24/94 9:20a
Subj: Re: Dupe Chart? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Giuliano Maciocci Jr wrote in a message to Laurie Batt:
GMJ> I was thinking about it, but I still don't know how many
GMJ> dupes I'd get between my NO10 and COC2. Ideas anyone?
There are about 11 hundred files in common between those two
discs. I try hard to keep the dupes with other discs under
1,000 but with the fidonet file distribution network the common
source for the files that are put on most up to date cd's it is
difficult to avoid duplication. I would like to note that
Cream of the Crop II has 100 megs more than on NO 10 and there
are no graphics, pictures, images, cartoons fonts or icons on my
disc. This means that there are about 200 more megs of solid
programs and utilities and programming source codes.
--- timEd-A10c
* Origin: Center of the Cosmos 205-824-2611 (1:3625/441)
From: KEVIN PLUMMER Number: 12958
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/24/94 9:09a
Subj: Re: !discounted Fedex shippin Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JR> It pleases us to announce that due to our growing shipping volume,
JR> FedEXpress has become our preferred courier. USPS Priority was our
JR> preferred method, however, recent performance such as week-long delays
JR> and damaged jewel cases made us look elsewhere. We contacted all the
JR> other couriers to see who would offer our customers the best deal.
JR> FedEX won the bid by allowing us to offer their economy service, which
JR> is as close to guaranteed two-day service as anyone will offer, for only
JR> $3.00 additional over USPS priorty rates. Of course, we will continue
JR> to offer your preferred shipper, as we have accounts with all of the
JR> major couriers. config.sys, Inc./ voice: 216.296.9831 data:216.296.2244
Since you now have the drives in, Do you want me to send my 3500 in for the
3600 Trade ??? And How much is it ?? This is about the third time I have
sent messages to you, and haven't gotten a response, Would like to get this
taken care of.
--- Squish v1.01
* Origin: The Softwares Zone (1:231/570)
From: DON GESER Number: 12959
To: STEVE PRATT Date: 01/23/94 6:45p
Subj: Available cd's Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Steve Pratt wrote v
|>very interested in a CD disk that contains Christian shareware files for
| I think the Bibles and Religion CD from Chestnut is for you. I
|believe it is "BBS Ready".
Thanks Steve, any idea where I might find it?
+ Living Waters BBS + Old MacDonald had a computer with EIA I/O.
* SLMR 2.1a *
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: The Living Waters BBS - 904-789-0192 - (1:3618/10)
From: TIM PEETERS Number: 12960
To: BORIS OSADCIW Date: 01/25/94 9:50p
Subj: NIGHT OWL 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
┌─ Boris!
└──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[See Below]
Monday January 24 1994 02:15, Boris Osadciw wrote to All:
BO├─> ORDERS ONLY! US/CAN 800-243-0517 TEC/QUES 216-225-3263 FAX
BO├─> 216-225-6759
How about some info on a satellite Disk and PC Connect?
--- GoldED 2.42.G1219+ 1517US3
* Origin: APPLEGATE² - Neenah, WI (COM2) (1:139/631)
From: JOHN PRITCHARD Number: 12961
To: ALL Date: 01/08/94 10:38p
Subj: SB16 SCSI2 + NEC 3x ????? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Will the new NEC 3x, particularly the portable, work with the new
SoundBlaster 16 SCSI2 card?
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: NYN BBS - Home of Land Of Devastation! (1:300/9)
From: JEFF WHITE Number: 12962
To: TIM HELTON Date: 01/13/94 11:52a
Subj: U.S. CD-ROM Software Refer: NONE
Read: 01/30/94 7:31p Private: No
TH> For your information, commercial crap IS allowed!
Suggested reading: FidoNet Policy 4 (Version 4.07, Section 1.3.6)
1.3.6 Commercial Use
FidoNet is an amateur network. Participants spend their own time and money
to make it work for the good of all the users. It is not appropriate for a
commercial enterprise to take advantage of these volunteer efforts to further
their own business interests. On the other hand, FidoNet provides a
convenient and effective means for companies and users to exchange informa-
tion, to the mutual benefit of all.
TH> Who in the hell are you?
TH> tim co-moderator
Furthermore, I'd expect a bit more diplomacy from a co-moderator.
--- GEcho 1.01+
* Origin: Solitude | Tucson, AZ | (602)747-5236 | 14.4 V32b/V42b (1:300/23)
From: BOB BREED Number: 12963
To: PERRY WHITNEY Date: 01/25/94 4:27p
Subj: PHOTO Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
PW> Tell me about how I can transfer pictures to CD to few at my
PW> pleasure. I want to take family photo's and make a CD photo
PW> album. What is this I hear about a Kodak Photo CD?
PW> Perry (I don't know) Whitney
Well, first of all, YOU don't transfer the pictures to the
CD. (Unless you have the VERY expensive machine to do it.) What
you do is take your negatives or slides to almost any photo store
and have them give you a 'kit' that you fill out, telling them
the sequence that you want the pictures to appear on the disk.
The cost varies, by the amount of pictures you have xfered at one
time, but the cheapest I've found is about $66 for 100 pictures.
(The disk only holds 100 pictures due to the very large format
used by Kodak.)
Talk to Fox Photo, or any other large chain. Prices may have
come down.
... Why experiment on animals with so many lawyers available?
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- ProBoard v1.31 [EVALUATION]
* Origin: Alien Biker Kat BBS (619) 277-4140 (1:202/1010)
From: DARREN CLOUTIER Number: 12964
To: JOHN ALEXANDER Date: 01/25/94 4:08p
Subj: King's Quest V Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Thanks for the tip, I'll log off right now and try to find a lamp.
--- GOMail v1.2 [DEMO] 01-31-94
* Origin: Technical Edge BBS, (603) 352-0194, v32/42/bis (1:132/179)
From: DARREN CLOUTIER Number: 12965
To: MICHAEL ROBBELOTH Date: 01/25/94 4:10p
Subj: King'S Quest V Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I'm logging off right now to find a brass bottle, someone else said
something about a genies lamp.
--- GOMail v1.2 [DEMO] 01-31-94
* Origin: Technical Edge BBS, (603) 352-0194, v32/42/bis (1:132/179)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12966
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/23/94 2:38p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Brice Fleckenstein, In a message on <Jan 11>, you said :
BF> Might want to warn folks that your prices are in Australian
BF> dollars - it's NOT obvious from your Origin line (except for
BF> that telltail Zone 3)....
Even that is not necessarily correct, as Zone 3 is not just Australia
it covers AUST, NZ and PNG and any other countries in this area.
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12967
To: GARY HUFF Date: 01/23/94 2:53p
Subj: Re: PANASONIC 562 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Gary Huff, In a message on <Dec 26>, you said :
GH> moving through air between approximately 20 to 15,000 cycles
GH> per second. It doesn't suddenly become "radio" at 15,001
GH> cycles ... it's still sound, but above that frequency it
GH> takes either very young ears, or a cat or dog's ears to hear
GH> it. Eventually as the frequency increases, it becomes the
GH> radio some of us know and understand, and you can no
GH> longer send the signal via a speaker... you now need an
What a load of BXXXXXt. It is entirely possible to have radio frequencies well
below 15 KHZ. YOU will NOT hear them . Most submarines have communicated in
this fashion for years. This is because ALL radio transmissions are
transmitting Electro Magnetic energy not AUDIO.
On the other end of the scale it is also possible to have Audio frequencies up
into the radio frequencies as in the case of Ultra-sonic devices. The cannot
and will not interfere with radio devices that may be operation on the same
frequencies because thay are AUDIO ( a physical vibration of molecules of air),
Radio waves being ElectroMagnetic and completely different allow these to
GH> antenna. But it's still the same energy, just vibrating at
rubbish, go back to school.
GH> Therefore, to say that Audio is not AC at all is
GH> incorrect... of course it's alternating. If it were not
AUDIO is NOT , NEVER has been AC. AC is a term used for Electrical purposes.
Audio does not need electricity at all.
GH> that you no longer have the biological instruments to detect
GH> those particular vibrations and frequencies. Audio is still
GH> alternating current ... you're just not taking into
GH> consideration the media used to transmit that current. A
GH> 400 cycle signal can be transmitted through either wire or
GH> air. It takes a speaker to convert the wire alternating
great, Now all we need is a proper reciever for this and we can transmit
electricity anywhere , we will not need any power lines anymore.
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12968
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/23/94 3:09p
Subj: PANASONIC 562 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Brice Fleckenstein, In a message on <Jan 18>, you said :
>>Yes, we normally don't think of audio as Alternating
>>Current, but what else would you call it?
BF> You call it by what it IS - Audio, or SOUND.
>>The ONLY thing our ears CAN hear is AC.
BF> The only thing our ears can hear is SOUND, within "audio
BF> frequencies". Ears do NOT hear currents.
BF> Nope. Infrared is an electromagnetic RADIATION, not a
BF> "current". It often RESULTS from the flow of an electrical
BF> current, but is NOT the same.
BF> Ditto Light.
BF> Ditto Gamma Rays.
BF> Ditto X-Rays.
And this guy (if I recall correctly) claims to be an Engineer.
Is this the Normal standard of schools now-a-days ???
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12969
To: VINCE SORENSEN Date: 01/23/94 3:25p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Vince Sorensen, In a message on <Jan 19>, you said :
->> "Electronic Catalogue" version. (There's that crazy
->> Canadian spelling
VS> What's "crazy" about it?
And who say's its "Canadian Spelling"
We spell it the same here.
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12970
To: PETER DEGRAAF Date: 01/23/94 3:27p
Subj: Test Winmail Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Peter Degraaf, In a message on <Jan 19>, you said :
PD> Test using winmail via cdrom
I guess your test did not work, as your test message escaped from your system
and transmitted itself all around the world. I have it here if you want it back
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12971
To: MIKE GERVASI Date: 01/23/94 3:36p
Subj: Beatles - Hard Day's Night Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Mike Gervasi, In a message on <Jan 19>, you said :
SM>> Hi Danny,
SM>> You asked about the Beatles movie "A Hard Day's Night"
SM>> Yes we will have the MPC/Windows version and our price is
SM>> $66.
MG> I got it for $30.00 at CD-Warehouse. Why the mark up?
Look for the Origin line . These prices are from a different country.
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 12972
To: BORIS OSADCIW Date: 01/23/94 3:54p
Subj: NIGHT OWL 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
G'day Boris Osadciw, In a message on <Jan 19>, you said :
BO> N E W N I G H T O W L 11. R E L E A S E
BO> Windows, OS/2, Games, Fonts, Ham Radio, Lan, Business and
BO> more ! Call Now And Get Your Copy ! - PRICE - $30.00
BO> Best Of The Best - Night Owl 11. + Cream Of The Crop II -
BO> $50.00
Boris do you have a Mailing address ???
I may be interested in getting some of these, what would approx mail charges be
to Australia.
I have sent you netmail in the past but got no reply . I assume you didnt/cant
recieve netmail. please (if you can) netmail me at 3:640/532.
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: JERZY FARYNSKI Number: 12973
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/24/94 6:26p
Subj: Re: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Could you forward one copy to me at:
G. P. O. Box 578,
Thanks anmd regards, Jerzy Farynski.
--- Opus-CBCS 1.14
* Origin: Electronic Gazette (3:712/531.0)
From: TOM MILLER Number: 12974
To: ALLEN DIETZ Date: 01/26/94 6:21a
Subj: Used CD-ROMs For Sale Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Greetings Allen !
In a message to All <01/25/94> Allen Dietz wrote:
AD| I have ONE copy of each the following lightly *used* CD-ROM discs
AD| for sale. All discs are in excellent condition. Call me at (512)
AD| 444-9822 and leave a message if you're interested. Add $3.00 per
AD| order for shipping in the U.S.
AD| Wildcat Gold, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Shareware).....................$10.00
Allen, what is Wildcat Gold? Does it have Wildcat BBS shareware on it?
* WCE 1.5/2163 * John Wayne would have used WcEDIT!
--- WM v3.10/92-0228
* Origin: Miller's Crossing Slidell, LA. 14.4 (1:390/22)
From: DOMINIC LAVOIE Number: 12975
To: DENNIS BORBON Date: 01/23/94 10:52p
Subj: Re: HotPix Vol.3 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>Just take the Discription file that are there and rename them
>so on or whatever files.??? you want.. i have Hot Pic 5 and thats what i
>with Quick BBS... if you need anymore help just yell
Thanx, I'm gonna try this..
--- Ezycom V1.02
* Origin: Black Palace Node 1 - (418)831-1602 (1:240/361)
From: STEFFEN GRAETHER Number: 12976
To: LOTHAR DICKHOFF Date: 01/25/94 7:48a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Thanks Lothar but this is an international echo and German isn't the language
of choice :)
Lothar says that the following programs are infected with viri on Night Owl
disk 10: sport21c.zip
Also, the data in future1.exe becomes infected eventually.
Bis Bald, Steffen
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: DarkStar Systems * 6 Gig/4 Lines * Kingston, Canada (1:249/101)
From: RICK PEDLEY Number: 12977
To: GARY KELLISON Date: 01/25/94 11:35a
Subj: Ram drive & cd-rom drive Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
TL>-> I want my CD Rom to be drive E and my Ram Drive to be drive F.
GK>The MSCDEX driver in your AUTOEXEC.BAT assigns drive letters
GK>to CD-ROM's and it always picks the next higher drive letter than the
GK>last fixed and/or RAM drive. There's no way to change this behavior.
Sure there is:
The /L switch assigns a letter to the drive, V: in this case.
* DeLuxe2 1.26b #9691 *
--- Squish/386 v1.10.44 BETA
* Origin: CrossRoads * Kingston, Ont. Canada (1:249/1)
To: JASON SMITH Date: 01/25/94 10:29p
Subj: Re: Nec 3Xi Refer: NONE
Read: NO Private: No
I have the same configuration (SB16 SCSI-2 & NEC 3xi... ) and some of my CDs
will do just that, switch from 3X to 1X to 2X then will lock up... I havn<t a
clue if drivers are available... IBM BBS has nothing, Creative Labs, well it
is not up to them to support drivers and NEC, well I have been on hold with
this company for hours and didn>t get any appropriate information...
Anyhow, I am looking for things for this drive as well: extra CD-ROM caddies,
a wire that connects to the line-out in back of the CD-ROM unit to the line-in
jack on the SB16 and a driver for OS/2 2.1... Any luck... None whatsoever...
I have sent a fax to NEC several times requesting all information above but I
guess they are too busy because I am not getting any input back!!!
Good luck on your search.
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: DomTech OS/2 BBS, Aylmer PQ (819)682-5400 HST/DS (1:243/6)
To: DREW FISCHER Date: 01/25/94 10:40p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: DomTech OS/2 BBS, Aylmer PQ (819)682-5400 HST/DS (1:243/6)
To: DREW FISCHER Date: 01/25/94 10:41p
Subj: NEC Triple Speed Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have the NEC 3xi as well and am using the SB16SCSI-2 interface and am getting
a transfer rate of 365Kps approximately depending on program ... The SCSI
interface in the SB is Adaptecs 1510/1520/1522 driver... Works very well to
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: DomTech OS/2 BBS, Aylmer PQ (819)682-5400 HST/DS (1:243/6)
From: CHIP SLATE Number: 12981
To: CHRIS SNYDER Date: 01/23/94 8:26p
Subj: Re: Games for trade......................... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Chris Snyder to Chip Slate <=-
CS> Sherlock Holmes Cons. Det. Vol.2&3..Both include Box & Instructions
CS> I'll give you $40 for these.
Give me $55 and I'll pay shipping.....Do you have any CDs you'll trade
first though?
Chip Slate
... "Transporter chief Snyder, beam the landing party to the bridge"
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PURE ENERGY * 910-786-5549 * Mount Airy, NC * 16.8 HST
From: CHIP SLATE Number: 12982
To: JOHN FOX Date: 01/23/94 9:42p
Subj: Re: win nt Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting John Fox to All <=-
JF> Can anyone help - once WIN nT is installed I lose my CD-ROM
JF> I'd be pleased if anyone knows the solution
JF> Regards John
Maybe it's changing your Autoexec.bat to where it "shows" you don't
have a CD-Rom,anymore. C-Ya,Chip Slate
... "Hey, Worf...I hooked Data up to a Modem...Wanna see?"
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PURE ENERGY * 910-786-5549 * Mount Airy, NC * 16.8 HST
From: CHIP SLATE Number: 12983
To: JONATHAN CHAU Date: 01/24/94 7:25p
Subj: Re: Games for trade.......... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Jonathan Chau to Chip Slate <=-
JC> The date was 01-17-1994... CHIP SLATE mumbled something to ALL...
CS> Sherlock Holmes Cons. Det. Vol.2&3..Both include Box & Instructions
JC> How much are ya askin' for those babies? I have a friend who wants to
JC> check them out. (He was impressed with the first one, but didn't want
JC> to pay for the other disks.)
JC> Jonathan. [Team OS/2]
JC> Internet - jonc@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
JC> CompuServe - 72712,2232
Well, no less than 35 each......If he buys them soon I'll pay shipping...
C-Ya,Chip Slate
... BEWARE - Tagline Thief in this echo
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PURE ENERGY * 910-786-5549 * Mount Airy, NC * 16.8 HST
From: CHIP SLATE Number: 12984
To: MIKE LEE Date: 01/24/94 7:28p
Subj: Re: The 7th Guest. Refer: NONE
Read: NO Private: No
Yeah you're pretty close to the end!!!!!!!!
I had to use the book for the Stauf Painting as well.......
It's kinda like the caskets after the maze just more complex!!!
Well,its pretty fast to get to the book from there......
look at the painting of the room with the piano and you can go through it
and to the actuall room!!!!!!
Good Luck!! Chip Slate
... All I need is a Wave and a board to surf it on.
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PURE ENERGY * 910-786-5549 * Mount Airy, NC * 16.8 HST
From: CHIP SLATE Number: 12985
To: JONATHAN CHAU Date: 01/25/94 6:39a
Subj: Re: Games for trade.......... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
About $30 each they come with ALL instructions and boxes.......
add $2.50 each for shipping.......C_ya,Chip Slate
... Sorry, the Dog ate my Blue Wave packet.
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PURE ENERGY * 910-786-5549 * Mount Airy, NC * 16.8 HST
From: CHIP SLATE Number: 12986
To: MIKE LEE Date: 01/25/94 6:41a
Subj: Re: The 7th Guest. Refer: NONE
Read: NO Private: No
You're very close to the end!!!!!!! Don't give up!!!!!
The Stauf puzzle is not easy....I had to use the book.......
C-Ys,Chip Slate
... I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere!
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PURE ENERGY * 910-786-5549 * Mount Airy, NC * 16.8 HST
From: CHIP SLATE Number: 12987
To: HENRY HACHE Date: 01/25/94 5:11p
Subj: Re: Other Than 7Th Guest... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Henry Hache to All <=-
HH> It definitely seems that 7th guest is the best cd-rom game out there
HH> by the amount of letters about it.
HH> Now that I finished it, what other cd do people recommend?
HH> I liked puzzles, but can go for a text adventure game.
HH> Kingsquest? Monkey's Island? Ultima?
HH> -!-
I would have to suggest LOOM you can get it fairly cheap and it's quite a
fun game..... C-Ya,Chip Slate
... RAM = Rarely Adequate Memory
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PURE ENERGY * 910-786-5549 * Mount Airy, NC * 16.8 HST
From: CHIP SLATE Number: 12988
To: STEVE PRATT Date: 01/25/94 6:35p
Subj: Re: "popping" Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
It does that to me as well on 7th guest when he screams"COME BAAAAACK"
i hear pop pop pop pop but thats all i get i as well have a Panasonic
562-and 16 bit snd card............................................
C-Ys,Chip Slate
... This BBS has achieved Air superiority.
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PURE ENERGY * 910-786-5549 * Mount Airy, NC * 16.8 HST
From: MICHAEL GUIDRY Number: 12989
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 7:12p
Subj: Map & Travel Cds Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Does anyone have any recommendations/reviews/flames on travel or vacation
planning cd's?
Specifically, I'm planning on taking the family up to the Rockies sometime
this year and am looking for up-to-date info on roads, places to stay and
places to see.
... I yam Popeye of the Borg. Prepares ta beez askimiligrated
--- WIN-MAIL "The Pointe System" for MS Windows - Beta/0.09A
* Origin: Castle Guidrax -- New Orleans, Louisiana (1:396/1.4)
From: GLENN GARMAN Number: 12990
To: STEVE GOYER Date: 01/24/94 4:49a
Subj: Cd for sale Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SG>Anybody want to buy the Toolworks Reference Library CD? I contains
SG>info from . . .
SG>Dictionary o Quotable Definitions, Webster's New World Dictionary,
SG>Guide to Concise Writing, The New York Public Library Desk
SG>Reference, Dictionary of 20th Century History, Webster's New World
SG>Thesaurus, The National Directory of Address and Telephone Numbers,
SG>and J.K. Lasser's Legal and Corporation Forms for the Smaller
SG>Comes with manual and registration card. It came with my CDROM
SG>drive, thats why I'm selling it. First 10$CDN (plus shipping) takes
Steve, I might be interested. Is it a DOS or Windows version? What's your
price in $US?
* KMail 3.00k Knight Moves
--- TosScan 1.00
* Origin: Knight Moves BBS - Rochester,NY *USA* (1:2613/313)
From: CHAU PHAM Number: 12991
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/25/94 1:38p
Subj: !Free Cd Catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
│For 1,500+ CD-Titles & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog... │
│CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip, descript.zip (or) MAJIC word CONFIG gets both │
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ End Quote └─────────┘
Please send your catalog to.
Chau Pham
7910 Chinawood Ave.
LaVista, NE 68128
* Qwkit 1.0b * Mental Floss prevents Moral Decay.
--- QScan v1.04b
* Origin: The Online Pitstop (1:285/34) 402-292-8924 (1:285/34)
From: DOUGLAS SMITH Number: 12992
To: TRACY MOLITOR Date: 01/26/94 10:17p
Subj: Don't know it's name Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
TM>I'm looking for an Xrated CD that was on HBO a while back. Anyone
TM>know where I can find it or what it's name is?
If you're speaking of the one that was featured on the "Real Sex" show,
then it's "Virtual Valerie" and another one which I can't remember the
title of. I had the address of the publishers, but lost it.
If you find it, how about dropping me a note...
* SLMR 2.1a *
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: The Beachside - 1.904.492.2305 16.8k DS - P'cola FL (1:3612/57)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12993
To: MATT DELCO Date: 01/25/94 12:17a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> My mother has become interested in National Geographic's Animals CD.
> if it is worth if for $60.
We sell them at $22.70 + $4 s/h if interested.
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * E-Mailing frequencies are open Captain.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12994
To: ALL Date: 01/25/94 12:17a
Subj: CREAM OF THE CROP 2: $25 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Title: CREAM OF THE CROP 2 Price: $25 |
* 654mb total * Virus-scanned with the LATEST scanning software
* FILES.BBS support * 5000+ total files * 14mb of source code
* 0% internal duplicates * 22.5% dupes to Night Owl 10.1
* Only 14.6% dupes to CD Powerbox 2
* SUPER SPECIAL 2-CD PACKAGE: Cream of the Crop 2 + Powerbox 2...$47
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * Odo, is there any more jello in the fridge? Odo? Odo??
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12995
To: ALL Date: 01/25/94 12:18a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Starvector Sales Bulletin #6: HOT NEW CD-ROM! |
| Title: NIGHT OWL 11 Price: $29.90 |
* Night Owl 10.1 + 11...........(All '93 + No Dupes!)..........$49
* Night Owl 9 + 10.1 + 11.......(All '93 + No Dupes!)..........$69
* Night Owl 8 + 9 + 10.1 + 11.........(No Dupes!)..............$85
* Night Owl 11 + Pier 3........................................$49
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * Tagline thievery . . . On the next Oprah!
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12996
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 12:43a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Starvector Sales Bulletin #6: HOT NEW CD-ROM! |
| Title: NIGHT OWL 11 Price: $29.90 |
* Night Owl 10.1 + 11...........(All '93 + No Dupes!)..........$49
* Night Owl 9 + 10.1 + 11.......(All '93 + No Dupes!)..........$69
* Night Owl 8 + 9 + 10.1 + 11.........(No Dupes!)..............$85
* Night Owl 11 + Cream of the Crop 2..(2.3% Dupes).............$49
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * This tagline will self-destruct in 5-million nanoseconds.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12997
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 12:44a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Starvector Sales Bulletin #5: CD-ROM PACKAGE DEALS |
1. CD Powerbox 1 2. Pier 2 3. Night Owl 11
CD Powerbox 2 Pier 3 CD Powerbox 2
Pier 3 Monster Media 93 Cream of the Crop 2
------ ---------------- -------------------
$49 $59 $69
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * ... A fool and his money soon become a Sysop!
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 12998
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 12:44a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Adult Titles (Must state age 21+)
Amateur Models................25.00 High Volume Nudes.............31.40
American Girls (New!).........31.40 L.A. Strippers (Movie)........39.50
Busty Babes vol 2 rel 1.......29.00 Lovely Ladies (Swimsuit)......29.80
Digital Dancing (Movie).......48.00 Photo Gallery.................34.60
Digital Dreams 2 (New!).......25.30 Southern Beauties.............26.60
Giffy Gold....................29.00 Swimwear 1993 (BBS-Ready!)....25.00
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * This tagline will self-destruct in 5-million nanoseconds.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: RICKY BOOTH Number: 12999
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 3:04p
Subj: Quality Programmers CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Is there a good CD out there with quality programming stuff on it? I'd like it
to be DOS stuff (No OS/2 programming if possible) and have lots of pascal (IE
Not JUST C, or JUST BASIC, a mix is good.) If any dealers have programming
cd's, can you give me a run down?
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: KFS Programming -HQ- ...Mail Only... (1:170/359)
From: TERRY BLOUNT Number: 13000
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 11:18p
Subj: cd rom drives $99 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hitachi cd rom drives model 3600 (that's right model 3600) $99 each.
30 day warranty. All domestic orders are shipped c.o.d.
Total for an 8 drive setup assembled in case with p/s and
interface, cables, caddies, ready to plug in and play...
including shipping c.o.d. (A $1,000 value) ALL for only $970
4 drive setup as above.... A $560 value special offer .....$530
Call voice 205-824-2552 or "crash" netmail your order to 3625/441.
--- timEd-A10c
* Origin: Center of the Cosmos 205-824-2611 (1:3625/441)
From: PETER SIM Number: 13001
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/25/94 11:53p
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Joe - could I please have a copy?
Peter Sim
5 Manuka Place
Whangarei 0121
New Zealand
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Opus North * Whangarei NZ. Above the Rest (3:772/270)
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 11:42a
Subj: Controller Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Can I hook up another CD-ROM on my CM-153 Controller ? I already have a Philips
CM121 connected but would like another one.
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: SoftSpeed (2:205/203)
From: STEVE PESANT Number: 13003
To: SAM FIGUEROA Date: 01/26/94 6:43a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
24 Jan 94 06:58, SAM FIGUEROA wrote to AMANDA HARRIS:
BF>>> since I've had my CD Rom. I have: A:\ (3.5" drive)
BF>>> B:\ (5.25" drive)
BF>>> C:\ (345MB hard drive)
BF>>> D:\ (245MB hard drive)
BF>>> E:\ (Ram Drive)
BF>>> F:\ (CD Rom)
BF>>> I want my CD Rom to be drive E and my Ram Drive to be drive F.
SF> According to what he says, I think he is wrong because I had the same
SF> deal! The only way you can fix this is if your CDrom drive uses a .SYS
SF> type driver in the config.sys and something in the autoexec.bat, it
SF> actually start assigning drive letters in the config.sys, so just put
SF> ramdrive before or after the cdrom driver if thats were ya want it, Let
SF> me know if this works, I know it works on mine and a few friends
SF> machines! You shouldn't have that much problem?
I tried to do the same thing, but I have figured why it won't work. Hard Drives
and Floppy Drives are configured in CMOS, and are initialized first upon the
boot of the computer. Because the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT are checked and
loaded after CMOS they don't detect the CD-ROM as a physical device because it
basically isn't hard coded. Unless you can find one of those little nifty
programs that allow you to redirect drives to different letters or even
numbers, then I'm not sure if there is an easy way to do this?
--- GoldED 2.41
* Origin: Westwood One Information Network (1:153/217)
From: CARLOS FUENZALIDA Number: 13004
To: KEVIN PLUMMER Date: 01/24/94 6:46p
Subj: Re: What do I need? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On (21 Jan 94) Kevin Plummer wrote to Carlos Fuenzalida...
KP> CF> I would like to get a CD ROM drive, mostly for the purpose to
KP> listen to
KP> CF> good quality sound while I work with my computer.
KP> Yes, a Sound blaster Pro, Plus a Sony CD-Rom is a Good combo... I can
KP> get the
KP> the complete package deal for: $330.00 plus shipping for the complete
KP> package.
KP> The CD-Rom drive is 350 ms.
KP> Call: (317) 342-2034
Thanks for the offer, Kevin. I'll keep it in mind.
--- PPoint 1.64
* Origin: Steep Point (1:153/916.1)
From: RANDY BROWN Number: 13005
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 6:21p
Subj: Looking Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I'm looking for program that plays audio cd's through DOS...CAn anybody help
me out?
* Origin: Yes, Another BBS (YABBS) Toledo, OH 419-389-6568 (1:234/60)
From: JOE PYE Number: 13006
To: STEPHEN SHOIHET Date: 01/26/94 8:13a
Subj: Kodak images on cd Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Stephen!
25 Jan 94 01:15, Stephen Shoihet wrote to all:
SS> Hello all!
SS> I was thinking of getting my next few rolls of film put on cd as
SS> the store near me has the service on for half price. What
SS> software is necessary to view these images from the cd
SS> (preferably free)? I have a Panasonic 562 cd rom running under
SS> OS/2.
There is a shareware program called galleria that will read you Photo Cd on
your PM desktop.
--- GoldED/2 2.42.G1121
* Origin: Sasquach BBS 1:215/25 (510)462-9502 (1:215/25)
From: BEN MCCLELLAND Number: 13007
To: PAM TREXLER Date: 01/25/94 3:33p
Subj: Downloading Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
How do you download correctly, and is there a section on Macintosh
Games? How come you need a certain program to run alot of these games? How
can I run these games (programs) with out the program that created it.
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Construction Net #6 * Los Alamos NM * 16800 (1:15/20)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 13008
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 3:37p
Subj: PC-SIG 13 !!!!! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Well, after months of delays (it was originally due in October 1993), PC-SIG 13
has FINALLY shipped!
$33, shipping included to U.S.A. addresses IF prepaid!
Brice's Library
5420 N. College Ave., Suite B5
Indianapolis, IN 46220
(317) 726-1980 (Tu Th 11-8 We Fr 11-6 all times Eastern Standard)
* SLMR 2.1a * Modem (v): how most folks deal with too-tall weeds.
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 13009
To: ANDY ROFF Date: 01/26/94 3:39p
Subj: NIGHT OWL 10 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>I have Night Owl 10. Can anyone give me a list of virus infected files. That
>way I could delete them from the database.
SF_2 something and SPORT something.
>Or is the producer offering refunds.
Night Owl is offering to exchange NO10 for NO10.1 (with the offending files
dealt with).
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 13010
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/26/94 3:44p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> I'm within the echo rules to the best of my knowledge.
Likely true, but daily is a BIT excessive for an ad that doesn't CHANGE....
>The fact is, several other dealers run their same adds much more often.
Not IDENTICAL ads. Several other dealers run multi-PART ads that total out to
more than one a day - if you count each PART of the ad as a full ad.
* SLMR 2.1a * Smurfs do it 'till they're blue in the face....
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BERNIE BOTTARI Number: 13011
To: BERNIE BOTTARI Date: 01/27/94 11:30a
Subj: Free CD Catalog Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
--- GoldED 2.40
* Origin: STINGRAY (1:2614/728.3)
From: TERRY BLOUNT Number: 13012
To: MIKE SHANNON Date: 01/27/94 9:18a
Read: NO Private: No
Mike Shannon wrote in a message to All:
MS> * Night Owl 11 + Cream of the Crop 2..(2.3% Dupes).........
Humm... I get 2.06 <grin> There are 101 .zip files in common but I
suppose the dupe checker takes into account the Files.bbs description listings
--- timEd-A10c
* Origin: Center of the Cosmos 205-824-2611 (1:3625/441)
From: JAMES REYLE Number: 13013
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 4:43p
Subj: Vertical roll on screen Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
To all:
I have a phillips cdd-462 cd rom player and a trident 256k super vga
video board. I have an unusual problem with the Grammy Awards cd rom disk.
When I run the cdrom disk, it runs o'k, but I think when it starts running
the motion picture clips, I get this vertical rolling similiar to what
you would see on a tv when you adjust the verticle knob.
This disk is a Compton's New Media disk to be more specific. Someone
told me that it could be a slow transfer rate from my CD Player to the
computer. Someone else told me, it could be my video card. Any ideas?
James Reyle
--- GE386/OS2 1.02+
* Origin: /\/\uddy \/\/aters BBS * Cordova, TN * HST/DS 14.4k (1:123/44)
From: ROB MCGRATH Number: 13014
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 12:11a
Subj: CD-ROM FAQ Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Does anyone know of a CD-ROM FAQ I may be able to get a hold of?
Rob McGrath, London ON Canada. (519) 473-8110
Internet: rob.mcgrath@homebase.com Fido: 1:2401/114 C2C: 01/01/14
* SLMR 2.1a * The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
* Origin: Home Base BBS, St. Thomas, Ontario (1:2401/114)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 13015
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 5:32a
Subj: Cd-rom Drives+ Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
********* Refurbished Hitachi Model 3600 CD-ROM DRIVES $130 *********
Hitachi model 3500 & NEC model 36 are available needing work @50% off
Catalog of 1,200+ CD-Titles and hardware products available-CDLIST.ZIP
Internet: joe.rinehart@p0.f479.n157.z1.fidonet.org
Fido 1:157/479 - RBBS 8:965/13 - Kesher 18:711/176 - WWIV 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc. Voice: (216) 296-9831 - 24 hours
P.O. Box 27 Data/Fax: (216) 296-2244
Kent, Ohio 44240-0001 >>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 13016
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 5:33a
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
For 1,500+ CD-Titles & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip, descript.zip (or) MAJIC word CONFIG gets both
The Blue Parrot CD-ROM SUPPORT RBBS offers non-backboned echo config
for daily cdlist updates, news, game reviews, & more.
All config.sys cd-rom support files are available to all NEW users!
Fido: 1:157/479 - RBBS: 8:965/13 - Kesher: 18:711/176 - WWIV: 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc.|Voice: (216) 296.9831 or 296.4446 24hrs
P.O. Box 27, Kent, Ohio 44240 |BBS/Fax: 216.296.2244 - 23hrs 16.8k ZYX
Internet: joe@config.wariat.org|>>>>>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: RUSS DIVIS Number: 13017
To: ROBERT KING Date: 01/25/94 8:26p
Subj: Nec 3Xi Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
RK> Yes I also like to jump into conversations. The PAS Studio 16 has a
RK> connection on it. I run my NEC off of it, it came with a SCSI connecto
RK> well as an audio cable. It is a nice setup. There was no drivers ship
RK> the NEC I just used what was with the PAS.
You are just the person I have wanting to talk to. Now the problem is
if you want to talk back. <G> Anyway I have the PAS 16 and was
wondering about getting a NEC 3xi for it. I was wondering if there
were any problems with it, I gather not from your post. I was also
wondering if the SCSI adapter was able to handle the 3xi, and if you
ordered your cables from MediaVision and how long it took to get
them. I plan on getting one by March, and this info would be helpful,
since I got my PAS 16 when it first came out, and the docs for
CD-Roms were not clear about this.
■ MegaMail 2.10 #0:Operator! Trace this call and tell me where I am
--- QScan v1.04b
* Origin: The Online Pitstop (1:285/34) 402-292-8924 (1:285/34)
From: PAULO TAO Number: 13018
To: DENIS COLEMAN Date: 01/24/94 9:53p
Subj: CDROMS For Sale Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Gostei que voce esta vendendo cd, mas voce esta muito lange da cidade Rio de
Janeiro, se voce entrega, ai todo bem, eu quero alumas coisa, ligar para
(021)552-9557 paulo silva para confirma ok?
* Origin: CONTACT BBS-RJ-[Line 2]-Tel:55-21-2937884 -= 5 Lines =- (4:802/3)
From: PETER SIM Number: 13019
To: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Date: 01/19/94 10:35a
Subj: Canadian CD Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
From: PAUL ARMISHAW Number: 13020
To: TERRY BLOUNT Date: 01/19/94 4:58p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
From: PETER SIM Number: 13021
To: BOB BAIN Date: 01/17/94 10:40p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
From: STEAN SNYMAN Number: 13022
To: SCOTT HOLMES Date: 01/25/94 8:49p
Subj: Return to zork Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Scott!
18 Jan 94 19:15, Scott Holmes wrote to Stean Snyman:
SH> If I were you I would go back to the store that you got it. It
SH> sounds as if you got ripped off.
Got that right, but then again, I only paid R150 (About $30) for it, which is
VERY low for CD's in South Africa.. Here the FULL Zork costs about R345 (About
$100US!!!) So I think I got what I paid for :)
--- Gotcha v1.01 RT
* Origin: Where Keyboards Cry, The Electro, CT, RSA (5:7102/114)
From: JIM LAMBERT Number: 13023
To: JAMES POLLOCK Date: 01/25/94 10:20a
Subj: Re: Used CD-Roms Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JP>I might be interested in the NO 8 if it's the newer version of it.
>If so, I'd also be interested in the SMS disc.
Sorry, James, but everything sold right away. Thanks anyway.
--- FreeMail 1.09
* Origin: COMP-U-Sirv * Dothan, Alabama * (205)677-0078 * (1:18/10)
From: JERRY ZELLER Number: 13024
To: STEVE GOYER Date: 01/27/94 12:45p
Subj: CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Steve - I'll take the Toolworks Reference. Let me know how much in U.
S. currency. Jerry
--- GEcho 1.01+
* Origin: The Fisherman's Cove 'Keep on Bassin' (410)-337-0486 (1:2617/101)
From: CHRIS CHASE Number: 13025
To: STEPHEN WESTOVER Date: 01/28/94 11:29p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> Hello all...
-> Does anyone know if the Gateway 2000 CD-ROM will work with OS/2? I
-> just read an article that only certain brands of CD-ROMs will work
-> with OS/2. I'm considering the purchase of a Gateway 2000 and want
-> to get OS/2.
I wish I knew I have OS/2 and I can't get a strait answer, So if you
find out Leave me a message. Somebody told me that they have got most
of the bugs out and some tell me they haven't?
Chris Chase:)
■ RM 1.0 ■ Eval Day 4 ■ A wife is proof that a husband can take a joke.
--- FidoPCB v1.4 beta-'f'
* Origin: ■ LinkUSA HQ ■ REAL-TIME BBS ■ 508.537.4007 (1:322/735)
From: BRIAN DODDS Number: 13026
To: FRANCO CAPIZZO Date: 01/25/94 3:08a
Subj: Dracula Unleashed CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
*** Quoting Franco Capizzo to All dated 01-23-94 ***
> I just purchased an NEC 3Xi cd-rom and the only problem I've had is
> with a game called "Dracula Unleashed".
Whoa, Franco is a big spender! You got a modem, too, eh? My roommate is weird,
but he says `hi!'.. Give me a call sometime, man..
--- T.A.G. 2.6f2a Beta
* Origin: The Purple Cowz Hideout ][ (1:101/200)
From: ROY FUNG Number: 13027
To: WALTER ANTHONY Date: 01/27/94 1:09p
Subj: Re: Reveal cdrom Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Walter Anthony to Roy Fung <=-
WA> Config.sys has the below line:
WA> First line in my Autoexec.bat listed below:
WA> The Reveal software set it up I just added the Devicehigh and Loadhigh
WA> commands to put them in upper memory. I use DOS 5.0 and have had no
Interesting, that dos 5.0 is comfortable with MSCDEX high. What version
of MSCDEX are you using, the one that came with the drive?
... Give me a bottle in front of me, not a frontal lobotomy.
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: Software Heaven (813) 653-0029 Tampa, Fl (1:377/41)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 13028
To: TOBY RENE Date: 01/27/94 12:33a
Subj: ORDER Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Tried to return your fax today but got an end of page error. Anyway, the
CD's you didn't receive were due to the fact that we've either stopped
carrying those titles, or they've been discontinued from the publisher.
The 7th Guest and Night Owl 9's had been on backorder, but we just recently
sent those to you. As for your original invoice, I'm sending a copy of it
to you today by Airmail.
Hope this info helps, and please don't hesitate to contact me if you need
anything else.
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * I've told you a million times not to exaggerate.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 13029
To: GEORGE BERZ Date: 01/27/94 12:33a
Subj: PC-SIG 13 IN STOCK Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
GB:>Anyone know when the PC-SIG cd 13 will be out im really happy with the
We have them in stock at $24.90. Let me know if you'd like one and
we can ship same day!
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * Hello, I am Mike and I am a baudaholic.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 13030
To: JASON DADSWELL Date: 01/27/94 12:33a
Subj: iron helix Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JD:>2 (the one with the most rooms) could some please tell me which dna
JD:>specimens are needed.
You need the DNA from the Captain (Parrish), 1st Officer (Ingram) and
EITHER the Chief Engineer (Geist), or Weapons Officer (Benedetti) to gain
full access to the ship's computers. FWIW, Ms. Ingram (1st Officer) has
apparently been sleeping around with some of the crew, because her own
DNA is nowhere to be found in her own crew quarters. <hint> <hint>.
Have fun,
* SLMR 2.1a * Dawn crept across the lawn, searching for her car keys.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 13031
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 12:33a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Starvector Sales Bulletin #1: NEW CD ARRIVALS |
PC-SIG 13 * The latest and greatest from PC-SIG. Disks 1-4203.......$24.90
CREAM OF THE CROP 2 * Super EZ BBS installation. 654mb of '93 files.$25.00
CD POWERBOX 2 * The newest of the new! Current shareware hits. BBS..$25.60
HELL CAB * You're going to have the worst cab ride in history!......$64.30
ALONE IN THE DARK * A virtual reality foray into the macabre!.......$67.20
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * My computer's down. Can someone send it flowers?
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 13032
To: GORDON IRELAND Date: 01/27/94 12:33a
Subj: CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
GI:>Hi Mike, can you get Home Medical Advisor Pro on CDROM.
I don't see that one from any of our distributors, but we do carry the new
Doctor's Book of Home Remedies from Compton's. Price is $21.90 if you're
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * If it's British, it leaks.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 13033
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 12:34a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Title: CREAM OF THE CROP 2 Price: $25 |
* 654mb total * Virus-scanned with the LATEST scanning software
* FILES.BBS support * 5000+ total files * 14mb of source code
* 0% internal duplicates * 2.3% dupes to Night Owl 11
* Only 14.6% dupes to CD Powerbox 2
* SUPER SPECIAL 2-CD PACKAGE: Cream of the Crop 2 + Powerbox 2...$47
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * This tagline will self-destruct in 5-million nanoseconds.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 13034
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 12:34a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Starvector Sales Bulletin #6: HOT NEW CD-ROM! |
| Title: NIGHT OWL 11 Price: $29.90 |
* Night Owl 10.1 + 11...........(All '93 + No Dupes!)..........$49
* Night Owl 9 + 10.1 + 11.......(All '93 + No Dupes!)..........$69
* Night Owl 8 + 9 + 10.1 + 11.........(No Dupes!)..............$85
* Night Owl 11 + Cream of the Crop 2..(2.3% Dupes).............$49
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * Hello, I am Mike and I am a baudaholic.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: JAMES POLLOCK Number: 13035
To: DAVID HILL Date: 01/26/94 12:05p
Subj: Re: HELP Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting David Hill to All <=-
DH> I am a little(?) confused about the differences between OEM,MPC,& Mac
DH> type CD's. I have Mac and I have SoftPC, which will run PC software...
DH> I guess what I wnat to know is what software CD's can I run and which
DH> ones can I not run
DH> Thanks
Because you're running emulation, ANY software which does things in a
nonstandard way may cause trouble. Basically, you'll have to find out
one by one which discs will work--it's possible none of them will, if
softPC can't handle the CD Extensions. Apple's new boards, according
to PC Magazine, WILL be able to use a Mac CD as a PC CD drive--but
they are running DOS on a real Intel processor. My guess is: Graphics
discs=ok, shareware discs=ok (but not necessarily all the software on
them), MPC titles = no way.
As I recall, softPC runs fairly slowly. Probably not fast enough to
run PC "multimedia" titles, especially since they have to tweak the
PC hardware to get it to run fast enough on PC hardware.
Try every title before giving the cash away, or get a money-back
guarantee. Or stick with Mac CD's...
... Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your taglines!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- WM v3.10/92-0662
* Origin: NWCS Online + 18 Nodes + 13 Gig + (503) 620-5910 + (1:105/362.0)
From: ANDRE DI CIOCCIO Number: 13036
To: LAURA MUSSETTER Date: 01/25/94 4:44p
Subj: Re: Hot New CDROM Title! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Laura Mussetter to All <=-
LM> MultiMedia Magic is now available! Complete Multimedia Creation and
LM> Authoring System. Easily incorporate Graphics, Text, Speech, Sound
LM> Effects, Music & User Interaction in simple or complex presentations.
LM> Best of all, your creations can be distributed ROYALTY FREE!
LM> BONUS: MultiMedia Magic on CDROM includes hundreds of ready to use
LM> Background Screens, Wallpapers, Clip Graphics and Sound Effects.
LM> For more info - Reply here or call Laura at Northern Micro Systems
LM> Voice: (406)328-4343 FAX: (406)328-4322 (Montana)
Can you tell me how much it would be to send to Melbourne,
Australia? I am not a dealer, but am interested in the product. How
much would 1 of the above be? Reply here.
Thanks, Andre Di Cioccio.
... MONEY TALKS ... but all mine ever says is GOODBYE!
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.11 [NR]
* Origin: The Software Works - Mail by the Bay..... (3:632/998)
From: BOON TEE Number: 13037
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/24/94 11:12p
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>*********** FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories CATALOG!*************
Pls send one to me at:
Boon Tee
3/26 Avenue Road
Frewville S.A. 5063
* UniQWK v2.1 * The Windows Mail Reader
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Computer Connection - Australia - +618 326 2388 (3:800/838)
From: ANDREW BISHOP Number: 13038
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 8:21a
Subj: Need advice about a Mac Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
My sister has an older mac and is now looking at getting a cheep printer for
it and she has asked me for some help, and since I know practically nothing
about mac's I'm now asking for some help myself. Now for some questions,
forgive me if they seem a little basic, but I don't know that much about
mac's. Can you connect any printer to a mac, or does it have to be a apple
printer eg. could I connect my cannon 10ex to a mac? Does it need a special
driver, where can I get a driver from, how readily available are they for non
apple printers. All that my sister want's to be able to do is print out
assignments (pure text).
Any advice that anyone can give me would be most appreciated.
Andrew Bishop.
... I saw a light at the end of the tunnel - it was a train.
--- Blue Wave/Opus v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: SA Country CLUB [Line 1] | South Australia | 08 2 (3:800/853.0)
From: SIMON CLAUSEN Number: 13039
To: MARK BRACKEN Date: 01/25/94 9:02p
Subj: Unwanted Game CD'S Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
MB> If you have any unwanted games cd's you have solved
MB> or just want to sell.
MB> Leave me maeesage with both the title and the price.
I have Return to Zork for Sale on CD, looking for about $A50 give me a call on
(08) 312217 if interested.
Regards Simon
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Computer Connection - Australia - +618 326 2388 (3:800/838)
From: ROB MCINTYRE Number: 13040
To: DENIS COLEMAN Date: 01/27/94 7:21a
Subj: Help Amiga titles. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
DC> Hi,
DC> I am looking for some amiga cd titles, they are
DC> 'FRED FISH' disk and a cd with the 17bit collection on
DC> it.
DC> Please any help of where i can get these 2 cd's.
You can get the Fred Fish disks from Mr. Fish himself :
Fred Fish
1835 East Belmont Drive
Tempe, AZ 85284
He now has monthly cd-roms, quarterly online roms and a 1000 disk online
cdrom,but if you just want "The Fred Fish Collection On CDROM", you can get it
from :
Hypermedia Concepts Inc.
5200 Washington Ave. Suite 224
Racine. WI 53406
Tel : 414-632-3766
Fax : 414-632-3983
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: *** Electronic Encounters - Ottawa Ontario, Canada *** (1:163/133)
From: FRANKY WONG Number: 13041
To: ROBERT KING Date: 01/26/94 9:45p
Subj: Nec 3Xi Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> Yes I also like to jump into conversations. The PAS Studio 16 has
-> connection on it. I run my NEC off of it, it came with a SCSI connec
-> well as an audio cable. It is a nice setup. There was no drivers sh
-> the NEC I just used what was with the PAS.
Dear Robert,
Hi! How about PASS16 with NEC 3Xe? Does PASS16 features an external
SCSI connection?
--- WM v3.10/92-0447
* Origin: Hafa Adai Exchange Guam USA 671-646-9823 (6:670/6)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 13042
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 1:34p
Subj: Cd-rom Drives+ Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
********* Refurbished Hitachi Model 3600 CD-ROM DRIVES $130 *********
Hitachi model 3500 & NEC model 36 are available needing work @50% off
Catalog of 1,200+ CD-Titles and hardware products available-CDLIST.ZIP
Internet: joe.rinehart@p0.f479.n157.z1.fidonet.org
Fido 1:157/479 - RBBS 8:965/13 - Kesher 18:711/176 - WWIV 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc. Voice: (216) 296-9831 - 24 hours
P.O. Box 27 Data/Fax: (216) 296-2244
Kent, Ohio 44240-0001 >>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: JOE RINEHART Number: 13043
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 1:35p
Subj: !free Cd catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
For 1,500+ CD-Titles & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip, descript.zip (or) MAJIC word CONFIG gets both
The Blue Parrot CD-ROM SUPPORT RBBS offers non-backboned echo config
for daily cdlist updates, news, game reviews, & more.
All config.sys cd-rom support files are available to all NEW users!
Fido: 1:157/479 - RBBS: 8:965/13 - Kesher: 18:711/176 - WWIV: 2@2659
Joe Rinehart / config.sys, Inc.|Voice: (216) 296.9831 or 296.4446 24hrs
P.O. Box 27, Kent, Ohio 44240 |BBS/Fax: 216.296.2244 - 23hrs 16.8k ZYX
Internet: joe@config.wariat.org|>>>>>>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS WELCOME<<<<<
--- MsgToss 2.0c
* Origin: Home of config.sys, Inc.-Discount CD's-Kent, Oh (1:157/479)
From: SCOTT BENNETT Number: 13044
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/27/94 4:06p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> >Does any one have the driver for the Panasonic Matshita CR501 to 562
-> >running it on a Aptec controler 1520
-> You DO have the Adaptec "ASW-410 CD-ROM drivers" or Adaptec "EZ-SCSI
-> or Corel SCSI installed?
-> * SLMR 2.1a * Bad or missing mouse - boot the Cat (Y/n)?
-> --- TMail v1.31.3
-> * Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/1
No, to the above. I have a Sumo's AT Scsi Card, and now a Future Domain
Card. But I don't have the above drivers. We tried Adaptec EZ-SCSI and
and Adaptec picked it up. in fact every card picked it up, it jest
won't do anything else. It will read tracks as far as CDPLAYER from
adaptec, but when we do a DIR on the CD it gives High Sirria or
OSI 9660 Format. and all owr CD's are high sirria and ISO 9660. So now
we are stuck, Don't lnow if I need a SB Pro 16 card or not.
--- GOMail v1.2 [DEMO] 02-16-94
* Origin: G.I. Blues * Jolon Calif * 408-385-0675 * (1:216/301)
From: BAYANI CUSTODIO Number: 13045
To: STEPHEN SHOIHET Date: 01/25/94 7:21p
Subj: Kodak images on cd Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SS>I was thinking of getting my next few rolls of film put on
SS>cd as the store near me has the service on for half price.
SS>What software is necessary to view these images from the cd
SS>(preferably free)? I have a Panasonic 562 cd rom running
SS>under OS/2.
You can try KODAK's ACCESS (available in some CDROM places) or TEMPRA.
See yah later
X DeLuxe2 1.25 #703sa X VAGABOND'S DREAM in a VOID()
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Tech Talk Toll Wpg,MB (204)269-7373 HST/Dual (1:348/105)
From: LEN GLADSTONE Number: 13046
To: JOE HOWES Date: 01/26/94 4:40p
Subj: Re: critical path Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JH> My only complaint is that it was far too easy, but I still go
JH>through and play it quite a bit...it just looks so GOOD!@
Hi Joe,
I agree, the game is very well done. However; I can't seem to do anything to
get through the first screen ( bunch of hooded dudes wipe Kat out ). Could you
please offer up a hint or seventeen! Thanks...
Len Gladstone
* CmpQwk 1.31 #559 * Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser.
--- Squish v1.01
* Origin: Winnipeg PC UG BBS - Winnipeg, Mb. (204) 958-7280 (1:348/204)
From: JOHN ALLISON Number: 13047
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/27/94 11:51a
Subj: Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Thanks for the prompt response -I also received a couple of others
in addition. Anyway I would like Return to Zork OEM @ $27.55 US
plus shipping and handling. COD would be fine, or call 204-889-0343
if Mastercard is acceptable. I am retired so can be reached almost
any time.
* OFFLINE 1.56 * Advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
* Origin: The Programmer's Oasis; Winnipeg, MB (204) 478-3562 (1:348/203)
From: RUSS WUERTZ Number: 13048
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 11:51a
Subj: Pagano E-Haven, PD chief Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Very disorganized! I was arrested in 1981 by the East Haven police.
They said they were looking all over the Country for me. It even went out
over the FBI they said. They were wondering if I was dangerous and I asked
for them to come and pick me up because my car had four flat tires. I left a
forwarding address at the post office.
I didn't pay my rent in East haven and a couple of checks bounced. I got
notice that there was some registered mail at the post office but didn't pick
it up. Thats the warrent for arrest they had... bad checks.
Pagano wanted to make a deal with me on the bail... instead of being
locked up for all kinds of money... he asked for 20 dollars. I went to the
court and the Judge said get a lawyer. I was't issued a public defender and
thought that the matter was cleared up.
Well... the New Haven police followed me around with the police radio and
people at bars wondered. The police call a person who does't clear up these
problems an asshole. The Johnsons of West Haven wanted me to confront this in
1986, and proceeded to put on a little play around me. The police in the area
did the same thing as well as municipal services.
Well now its 1994 and I am in FL. (where the FBI was looking for me in
1981) Just got here in 1991. The police are listen into my home while the
Wheel of Fortune spins puzzle questions as to why I am the Johnsons Asshole.
This has been going on since I moved to West Haven CT. in 1986.
What more should I clear up?
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: Electric Island-Merritt Isl, FL-660meg-DS (1:374/88)
From: CHRIS SNYDER Number: 13049
To: CHIP SLATE Date: 01/27/94 3:46p
Subj: Re: Games for trade..................... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
CS> Sherlock Holmes Cons. Det. Vol.2&3..Both include Box & Instructions
CS> Give me $55 and I'll pay shipping.....Do you have any CDs you'll
CS> Chip Slate
Ok, let me know where to send a money order. Sorry, I don't have
anything to trade just yet. But I do have the following on disks with
box and all docs included:
Front Page Sports Football - $17.90 shipped
Aces of the Pacific - $17.90 shipped
Police Quest 3 - $17.90 shipped
Police Quest I - $12.90 shipped
Comanche Maximum Overkill - $17.90 shipped
Space Quest IV - $17.90 shipped
Alone in the Dark - $22.90 shipped
Codename Iceman - $10.00 shipped
I do have Rebel Assault on cd, but I have a trade pending.
SMRead 3.3 #?
--- FreeMail 1.10 alpha-3
* Origin: The Outer-Limits/Planet Connect System (618)439-9629 (1:2290/70)
From: JOHN CARROLL Number: 13050
To: JIM SHARRER Date: 01/27/94 7:07a
Subj: Bsr cd-roms Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JS--> -> I have 2 BSR CD-ROM players model# 6800MX. Bought them from DAK and
JS--> -> they work fine for bbs files. Trouble is, I can't get them
JS--> -> both to initialize. I use MSCDEX and MSCD001 in my config.sys
JS--> -> and autoexec.bat respectively, and have the interface cards
JS--> -> set identically. Maybe this is my problem.
JS--> -> Anyway, the DAK book that came with them doesn't tell you how to set
JS--> -> the cards or the driver to run two CDs at the same time. I
JS--> -> have 1 running fine, but need to know how to do 2, anyone have an
JS--> -> answer?
JS--> John,
JS--> I'm not familiar with that exact model, but Dak/BSR was
JS--> selling Sony
JS--> drives at one point, and you could run 4 off the same
JS--> controller. If
JS--> this is the case, they should both work by daisy chaining
JS--> them, so long
JS--> as you set the device number on each drive to something
JS--> unique.
JS--> If you need to use 2 controllers, set them differently!
JS--> Then, load 2
JS--> drivers in your config.sys, each reflecting the different
JS--> addresses.
JS--> Then in your autoexec.bat, reference both in the MSCDEX:
JS--> MSCDEX /E /V /D:MSCD0001 /D:MSCD0002 (or whatever you
JS--> referred to them
JS--> as in your
JS--> config.sys file)
JS--> Hope this helps.
Thanks much for the comments, you and others have forwarded help
and low and behold, I have 2 cd's online now. Thanks again! ...John
--- FastEcho V1.30
* Origin: Treasure Coast,Vero Bch.Fl.407-569-0569 RA-PRO 14.4 (1:374/569)
From: PAUL OUTERSON Number: 13051
To: DAVID BASILE Date: 01/27/94 5:43p
Subj: Netware 3.12 and pioneer Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> @SUBJECT:Netware 3.12 and Pioneer DRM600
-> N We are thinking of putting our BBS on a true network (Netware 3.12)
-> but we have run into a small problem. We have 2 of the DRM 600 six
-> packs. They work fine on the Adaptec 1452 but we are wondering if
-> anyone has these drives running with Novell. We called Novell and
-> they said that the Pioneer is not Novell certified. Called Pioneer
-> and got a
-> ....uh...don't know. Any help or suggestions will be greatly
-> appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You can do this. I know of some guys that run BBS' that are doing this. I was
told, however, that the best way to do this is to dedicate a machine to run
your Pioneer drives. That machine should be running Netware Lite 1.1. Log
that machine into your 3.12 server and set it up to publish those CD-ROM drives
as shareable drives. The 3.12 server will see them and allow its users to
access them.
If you were to attach them to your Netware server, Netware treats each platter,
i.e., 6 platters X 650 meg, as a Netware volume. Your memory overhead would
increase dramatically. I heard of one guy trying this and even with 48 meg of
ram, he was having tremendous difficulties with network speed accessing the
To me, the Netware Lite idea is the best way to go. Hope this helps.
--- DB 1.54/001183
* Origin: DataCore - Your Info Connection! 508-832-0935 (1:322/555)
From: HALL STEVENSON Number: 13052
To: GARY KELLISON Date: 01/25/94 9:40p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
GK>Maybe not not as much as you think. Try reducing the /m: switch until you'r
GK>able to load another TSR or driver high. See if you still get good performa
GK>out of the CD-ROM drive. Personally, I use /m:20
Gary, I added the /x switch and it did the trick. Everything's
loaded high now (with dos6.2). I just bought QEMM and it did
even better, not that I'm surprised, though.
GK>HS>I cannot use smartdrive to cache this drive, right?
GK>You can if you use MS-DOS 6.2 and load the MSCDEX driver ahead of SMARTDRV.E
Yes, it caches the cd-rom but is also caches c: and h:. I don't
want them cached since I have a caching controller that does
better w/o a software cache. Do you know how I can cache the d:
drive (cd-rom) only?
Thanks, Hall
■ SLMR 2.1a ■ I'm in shape ... round's a shape isn't it?
--- TMail v1.30.4
* Origin: WLIO TBBS * 419-228-8227 (1:234/16)
From: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, JR. Number: 13053
To: MIKE GILBERTSON Date: 01/27/94 10:16a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
MG> > he got busted for selling
MG> > FAO 1, FAO 2, Busty Babes, and another such COMMON
MG> > "adult" CD-ROM to an
MG> > undercover cop in a "sting" operation.
MG>Y'know, they sell these in the neighborhood Fry's Electronics... Was
MG>the sting cop under 18?
Have you stopped by Fry's recently? I just went in the other day and
they had zip! But the did have more "family" discs though.
--- WM v2.09/93-0349
* Origin: The Night Creature BBS _ 510-481-9774 _ FIDO (1:215/60)
From: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, JR. Number: 13054
To: MARK BRACKEN Date: 01/27/94 10:24a
Subj: Rebel Assault Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
EJ>-> I have capoy of rebel assault. And Have found that The
EJ>-> sound graphice are fantastic. The playability is not to bad.
EJ>-> However the ga to crach on a regualr basis, this makes it most
EJ>-> frusrating. If you ha double speed cd-rom and a 486dx33 and 4mb of
EJ>-> mem. I think you should ago. You should be able to buy it for
EJ>-> approx $89.95. Or If you want y rent my copy for a while.
Hey Mark, you need the ver. 1.4 patch from LucasArts. This will help
solve the crashing problems, as well as some joystick problems.
--- WM v2.09/93-0349
* Origin: The Night Creature BBS _ 510-481-9774 _ FIDO (1:215/60)
From: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, JR. Number: 13055
To: MIKE GERVASI Date: 01/27/94 10:26a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
MG>Then it happened......
MG>BF Tony did NOT get busted for running an "adult" BBS - he got busted
MG>BFfor selling
MG>BFFAO 1, FAO 2, Busty Babes, and another such COMMON "adult" CD-ROM
MG>BFto an undercover cop in a "sting" operation.
MG> AM I missing something? Please don't think me stupid or something,
MG>but why was he busted for selling Adult disks? They aren't illegal
MG>as far as I know. Or am I wrong?
MG> Mike
Mike, sometimes you live in the U.S.S. of A. Didn't some former
presidents do something illegal, and get off?
--- WM v2.09/93-0349
* Origin: The Night Creature BBS _ 510-481-9774 _ FIDO (1:215/60)
From: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, JR. Number: 13056
To: TRACY MOLITOR Date: 01/27/94 10:29a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
TM>I'm looking for an Xrated CD that was on HBO a while back. Anyone
TM>know where I can find it or what it's name is?
I think that it was "Virtural Val", which so far has only come out for
the Mac.
--- WM v2.09/93-0349
* Origin: The Night Creature BBS _ 510-481-9774 _ FIDO (1:215/60)
From: PAUL PICCIONI Number: 13057
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 4:13p
Subj: CD rom GAMES Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Lo Out there, Juts wondering if anyone can recomend any good new or old Games.
Thanx all!
Paul PIccioni
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: ->STARGAZER BBS<- Delta, Can. (604)572-8213 (1:153/976)
From: JAMES HANCOCK Number: 13058
To: RANDY BROWN Date: 01/28/94 3:15p
Subj: Looking Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
<<RANDY left a message in the net to James about LOOKING
RB¬I'm looking for program that plays audio cd's through DOS...CAn
RB┼anybody help me out?
What kind of sound card you got?
--James Hancock
--Mordolphin Landing
--Ontario, Canada
--- QScan v1.06b
* Origin: PrimeTime PCBoard, Muskoka, Ontario *705-689-1757 (1:252/109)
From: ALLEN DIETZ Number: 13059
To: TOM MILLER Date: 01/28/94 6:23a
Subj: Used CD-ROMs For Sale Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
AD| I have ONE copy of each the following lightly *used* CD-ROM discs
AD| for sale. All discs are in excellent condition. Call me at (512)
AD| 444-9822 and leave a message if you're interested. Add $3.00 per
AD| order for shipping in the U.S.
AD| Wildcat Gold, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Shareware).....................$10.00
TM>Allen, what is Wildcat Gold? Does it have Wildcat BBS shareware on it?
Yes, it's a BBS-on-a-disc CD-ROM, with everything in place to
install a Wildcat BBS. The disc is from 1992, so it may not be the
latest shareware version of Wildcat. I ran a Wildcat BBS for
several years, and this was one of the more popular shareware discs
I had online.
Unfortunately for you, someone else called right after the ad went
out and has already spoken for the disc.
* OLX 2.2 *
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Hub/2 (1:382/1201)
From: MICHAEL LARKIN Number: 13060
To: ANDRE REIS SAKAYA Date: 01/28/94 5:09a
Subj: Problemas Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
ARS> Acabei de chegar dos EUA e la' comprei um PROFESSIONAL CD SOUND SET
ARS> da Easy OPTIONS by IBM , eu o testei la' (montei um computador e o
ARS> instalei ) e ele funcionou muito bem.
ARS> O problema e' que ao chegar no Brasil , eu o instalei e a placa de
ARS> som funcionou muito bem , so' que o CD-ROM aceita os CDs e parace
ARS> funcionar bem so' que toda vez que tento rodar algo como pedir um
ARS> DIR , ou mesmo instalar um CD ele vem com a mensagem:
ARS> CDR101 Not ready reading drive D
ARS> Abort , Retry , Fail ?
ARS> Estou desesperado,se alguem tiver alguma ideia me deixe uma
ARS> msg.
ARS> Houvi dizer que minha placa de video ( Trident 1 MB ) pode gerar
ARS> incompatibilidades com o CD-ROM . Nao sei se e' verdade.
If I understand you correctly, the machine does not understand that the
CD drive is there. That when you ask for a directory, you get the
dreaded "not ready...". You are asking if your trident video card is
incompatible with the CD.
I don't think so. If you are running under Windows, try shifting to
640x480x16. If the problem does go away, then it is with the drivers
(maybe they are old.)
It may be that your line with MSCDEX needs to be the first in your
autoexec or follows a line for Smartdrv if you are using that.
Espanol (No escribo portuges)
Dudo que ud. tiene problems con el Trident. Trata de cambiar la
resolucion a 640x480x16, si esta funccionando bajo Windows. Si el
problema desaparece, entonces es la falta de un "video driver". El BBS
microsoft tiene un grupo de ellos que se llama SVGA.EXE que ud. puede
Es possible que la linea en su autoexec.bat que lista MSCDEX no esta la
primera, or que tiene una linea con smartdrv.exe antes de MSCDEX.
Espero que ud puede leer esto y que le ayuda. Parece un mal chiste que
todo esto pasa con una machina con el nombre "FACIL".
* SLMR 2.1a *
--- WM v3.10/93-0024
* Origin: Chemeketa Online BBS (503) 393-5580 1:3406/15 (1:3406/15)
From: MARK LIBESKIND Number: 13061
To: ALL Date: 01/28/94 8:54a
Subj: Cd-rom drive Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I am looking for an older CD-Rom drive that I could use on my bbs.
600ms or over will do fine, but I need the controll card unless it is a
mitsumi (I can obtain a mitsumi controller)
--- DB 1.50/004225
* Origin: The Newtown Express BBS: 2400-16.8K 215-860-9724 5.1gigz (1:273/231)
From: KYLE MACHULIS Number: 13062
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/21/94 10:12p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Brice Fleckenstein wrote
▒▌▄I list the MPC version of that one, though I don't remember if it has
▒▌▄actually been released or is due to be released "very soon" offhand.
I was checking off the CD_LIST put out by Joe Rinehart. I have seen that game
at software ect. though...
■ TLX v3.30 ■ "My arm!", said Captain Hook offhandedly.
--- AR/mail v0.69
* Origin: The Altered Reality - iNsaNiTY (1:3815/101)
From: KYLE MACHULIS Number: 13063
To: DEIDRE JOHNS Date: 01/25/94 4:00p
Subj: Re: games Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Deidre Johns wrote
▐▌▀I just recently logged onto this board and was looking through the
▐▌▀message bases. Came across this one and decided to ask if anyone
▐▌▀knows of any good CD ROM games out there. I have a new CD ROM and
▐▌▀was just wondering. A friend bought 7th Guest and it is good, I
▐▌▀recommend you try it if you can...
7th guest is ok... but after abouit 1 hour, I got bored with it. Get MYST.
If the people at your local computer store won't sell it to you, go straight
to the company and buy it. It is nothing short of amazing... It outdoes
7th by a mile....
■ TLX v3.30 ■ Conscience: the inner voice warning somebody is looking.
--- AR/mail v0.69
* Origin: The Altered Reality - iNsaNiTY (1:3815/101)
From: KYLE MACHULIS Number: 13064
To: DAVID HILL Date: 01/26/94 5:14p
Subj: Re: HELP Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
David Hill wrote
▓▌▄I am a little(?) confused about the differences between OEM,MPC,& Mac
▓▌▄type CD's. I have Mac and I have SoftPC, which will run PC software...
All of these are TOTALLY different acronyms...
OEM means something is ommited, where being the docs, or registration card,
or in some extream cases, the games!! (Just kidding about the game)...
MPC means you must have some kind of Soundcard and A cD-Rom drive to
run it.
Mac means Macintosh only. (wow, that was a hard one...)
■ TLX v3.30 ■ "Tube-powered? Must be a Macintosh."
--- AR/mail v0.69
* Origin: The Altered Reality - iNsaNiTY (1:3815/101)
From: KYLE MACHULIS Number: 13065
To: JOHN ULLMER Date: 01/26/94 5:37p
Subj: Re: Lots 'O Questions! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
John Ullmer wrote
▒▌▒Granted. And I'm glad most CD's that come out are not
▒▌▒limited to use under Windows, or offer DOS/Windows option.
▒▌▒I don't know what age group you are in, but I was working
▒▌▒with PC's when there was no such thing as a hard drive. Quite
▒▌▒a few people my age do not worship at the altar of Microsoft,
▒▌▒or have little statues of Bill Gates on the dashboards of our
▒▌▒So I thank the big powersupply in the sky that most CD's work
▒▌▒under DOS, and ignore the rest.
Why can't you just use winodws and SUFFER LIKE THE REST OF US!! ;-)
■ TLX v3.30 ■ * = Tribble. ~%#{..~$ = Tribbles after using Windows.
--- AR/mail v0.69
* Origin: The Altered Reality - iNsaNiTY (1:3815/101)
From: KEVIN PLUMMER Number: 13066
To: RANDY BROWN Date: 01/28/94 8:55p
Subj: Re: Looking Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
26 Jan 94 18:21:00, All whispered to Randy Brown...
RB> I'm looking for program that plays audio cd's through DOS...CAn anybody hel
RB> me out?
What type of CD-Rom do you have ???
FREQ MUSIC from my BBS...
--- Squish v1.01
* Origin: The Softwares Zone (1:231/570)
From: OTTO SERNATINGER Number: 13067
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/25/94 2:55p
Subj: @1:157/479 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Joe Rinehart to All <=-
JR> For 1,500+ CD-Titles & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
Mr. Rinehart
Please, send to me your CD-ROM catalog, at the following address
Otto Sernatinger
Rua California, 1015
04566-062 - Sao Paulo
Thanks in advance.
... Please Tell Me if you Don't Get This Message
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: BBS do El Carecon * (011)940-1770 * 24H * (4:801/93)
From: ALFREDO PISANI Number: 13068
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/25/94 3:54p
Subj: Re: @1:157/479 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Joe Rinehart to All <=-
JR> For 1,500+ CD-Titles & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
Please, send to me your CD-ROM catalog, at the address:
Alfredo Pisani
R Simpatia, 208
Vila Madalena Säo Paulo Brasil
Cep 05436-020
... RAM DISK is NOT an installation procedure!
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: BBS do El Carecon * (011)940-1770 * 24H * (4:801/93)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 13069
To: COLIN ZIMMER Date: 01/27/94 1:36p
Subj: Re: T7G Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Colin Zimmer to Jim Standing <=-
CZ> What do you do with the cans (the first 3 words)????
CZ> Colin Zimmer
Shy Gypsy Slyly...
... Play chess, NOT Seventh Guest.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 13070
To: STEAN SNYMAN Date: 01/27/94 1:47p
Subj: Re: The 7th Guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Stean Snyman to John Ullmer <=-
SS> I play chess as well (Don't consider me a good opponent,
SS> I'll propably loose anyway :)) Who said anything about
SS> forcing anyway?
SS> Adios
SS> Stean
Hmmmm. Re: "forcing". I think I was on the rag that day.
Also, when I finished 7thG, and went on to _Return to Zork_
and _Countdown_, where the puzzles really fit the game and
the storyline, I got even more P.O.'d at 7th G. montonony.
But, you're right about the microscope.
If you _like_ chess, and get the chance to get _ChessMaster 3000_,
then do it. In addition to a wide range of variables you can
set up for playing conditions, it's got 150 "classic" games from
history, with explanations of the strategies involved in each. The
games play-out on the screen.
IMHO, It's a VERY good game.
... In case of temptation, give in immediately.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: JACKIE FERRIS Number: 13071
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/28/94 12:39p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JR>For 1,500+ CD-Titles & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
JR>CATALOG FREQ: cdlist.zip, descript.zip (or) MAJIC word CONFIG gets both
JR>The Blue Parrot CD-ROM SUPPORT RBBS offers non-backboned echo config
JR>for daily cdlist updates, news, game reviews, & more.
JR>All config.sys cd-rom support files are available to all NEW users!
Please send a catalog to:
Jackie Ferris
3005 Volpe Dr.
Chalmette, La. 70043
■ KingQWK 1.05 ■ 90% of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.
--- FidoPCB v1.1 [FF014]
* Origin: La. Medsig - A Medical BBS since 1983 - Harahan, La (1:396/28)
From: DON MARQUART Number: 13072
To: ERIC HO Date: 01/28/94 8:11a
Subj: Dr. CD-ROM titles Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> Looking for dealers.....
Please sent detailed info & pricing to:
PCS, Inc
98 Wadsworth #127
Lakewood, CO 80226
--- QM v1.30
* Origin: Club Micro PVT (303)973-8554 (1:104/88.0)
From: JAMES KING Number: 13073
To: TERRY BLOUNT Date: 01/27/94 10:45p
Subj: cd rom drives $99 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
TB> Total for an 8 drive setup assembled in case with p/s and
> interface, cables, caddies, ready to plug in and play...
> including shipping c.o.d. (A $1,000 value) ALL for only $970
TB> 4 drive setup as above.... A $560 value special offer .....$530
Do you have any literature on these Setup, with the Specs or
Anything else to help make a Decision <G>. The 8 Unit is a MAJOR
Possibility right Now, and the Four Unit also is a Big Possibility. If
You can get me some info we can Talk <G>. Also What Warranty comes with
the Above and Make me a Deal, on 1 of Each Units.
--- GOMail v1.2 [DEMO] 02-26-94
* Origin: Va Shareware Network BBS - Dale City, Va. - (703) 730-0559
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 13074
To: ALL Date: 01/28/94 1:43a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Starvector Sales Bulletin #5: CD-ROM PACKAGE DEALS |
1. Night Owl 11 2. Pier 2 3. Night Owl 11
Night Owl 10.1 Pier 3 CD Powerbox 2
Night Owl 9 CD Powerbox 2 Cream of the Crop 2
----------- ------------- -------------------
$69 $59 $69
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * I'm leaving my body to science fiction...
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 13075
To: ALL Date: 01/28/94 1:43a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Starvector Sales Bulletin #6: HOT NEW CD-ROM! |
| Title: FIREARMS REFERENCE Price: $19 |
* Features over 600 products from 70 different manufacturers
* 256-color hi-rez images * BBS-Ready in several formats
* Custom-designed Super-VGA interface
* Covers every firearm from black powder rifles, to Class 3 weapons
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * I still miss my ex-wife, but my aim is getting better.
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: MIKE SHANNON Number: 13076
To: ALL Date: 01/28/94 1:43a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
| Title: CD POWERBOX 2 Price: $25.60 |
600+mb of only 1993 files! Features Universal Graphic User Interface!
1. CD Powerbox 2 + CD Powerbox 1.01 (no dupes!)........................$31
2. CD Powerbox 2 + CD Winbox 1.01......................................$42
3. CD Powerbox 2 + OS/2Box.............................................$45
SUPER SPECIAL: ALL FOUR DISCS (Powerbox 1 & 2, OS/2Box, and Winbox)....$55
STARVECTOR SOFTWARE * PO BOX 8160 * YAKIMA WA 98908 * ORDERS: 509-457-2892
FAX: 509-457-2966 * BBS: 509-457-0206 * VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER * S/H: $4.00
* SLMR 2.1a * This tagline contains 100% NutraSweet
--- MMGR +Plus+ v3.00
* Origin: Threshold of Origin 509-453-3283 Home of The Chat DOOR (1:3407/101)
From: CRAIG MYERS Number: 13077
To: ALL Date: 01/28/94 1:57p
Subj: Randy White Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
If anyone EVER has a chance to buy a CD or anything else from Randy White of
San Angelo, Tx, DO NOT do it!! After we reached an agreement on this net, I
sent him my money order, and never received my disc, even after several
mailings reminding him of the fact.
It was only $12, but it pissed me off enough to warn others. And, Mr.
Moderator, maybe you could even keep him off this echo if this is the way he's
gonna conduct business.
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: Wagon Trails *Chat-n-Files* (214)727-2610 (1:124/6505)
From: DAVE REED Number: 13078
To: ISMAIL ARSLANGIRAY Date: 01/27/94 9:36p
Subj: $125 SCSI CD-ROM Players Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Ismail!
Thursday January 27 1994 01:04, Ismail Arslangiray wrote to All:
IA> GroupWare
IA> 4826 Tacoma Mall Blvd
IA> Tacoma, WA 98409
There you are! Haven't seen you around for awhile. How's that CorelDraw
CLipart Disc of yours coming along? Where can I get a copy and how much is it?
--- GoldED/2 2.42.G1219+
* Origin: The CrossRoads BBS * Ephrata, WA * v32b/H16 (1:344/79)
From: DAVE REED Number: 13079
To: RICKY BOOTH Date: 01/27/94 9:38p
Subj: Quality Programmers CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Ricky!
Wednesday January 26 1994 15:04, Ricky Booth wrote to All:
RB> Is there a good CD out there with quality programming stuff on it? I'd
RB> like it to be DOS stuff (No OS/2 programming if possible) and have lots of
RB> pascal (IE Not JUST C, or JUST BASIC, a mix is good.) If any dealers have
RB> programming cd's, can you give me a run down?
I heard a rumor that Damar Enterprises is just about to release CD SourceBox,
or something like that, which is a collection of Assembly, BASIC, C and Pascal
source code. I'm one of the "lucky" ones to get a pre-release demo to "proof"
and I like it. Lots of code, ESPECIALLY for Pascal.
--- GoldED/2 2.42.G1219+
* Origin: The CrossRoads BBS * Ephrata, WA * v32b/H16 (1:344/79)
From: JOSE VISBAL Number: 13080
To: MIKE MORE Date: 01/28/94 10:07a
Subj: Re: STW Encyclopedia Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Mike More to All <=-
MM> Hello All!
MM> Does anyone know if STW has an upgrade for their encyclopedia? I have
MM> Multimedia version 1.5 which came with my CD. I've seen mention of
MM> v2.0 but I haven't heard from STW. Thanks.
when i called stw they told me to call Grolier's since they are
the ones that put together the Ency for STW to sell under their
So the ones to call is Grolier....
and pay about 90.00 bucks or more....
or just order the oem Grolier's MPC Ency Ver 6.0 which is about
$45.00 mail order...
Try Starvector Software # 1-800-767-1284 open 9am-9pm
o buy the way i do not work for them...
Hopes this helps
... Catch the Blue Wave!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- GOMail v1.2 [92-0051]
* Origin: This Old House * D.S. 16.8 * Tacoma Wa (1:138/173)
From: JAY BUSSIERE Number: 13081
To: JONATHAN CHAU Date: 01/28/94 1:11p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Re: Under A Killing Moon
> JL> Has anyone out there seen or played the new ACCESS game "Under a
> JL> Killing Moon"? I just saw the review in Compute!, and was
> JL> wondering if anyone's had a first-eye look at it yet. If so, what
> JL> do you think?
> They showed a quick sneak peek at Comdex. It looks _very_ nice!
> It'll be two CD's when it's finally released.
Totally awesome. I read that it's going to be the closest to VR on
cd-rom up to date when it's realeased. Able to move above, under, and
everywhere in the VR type world.
11th Hour: Part 2 of the 7th Guest-
This game will be in full screen! the catch is only if you have the
full screen video chip installed in your computer. The chip that is added on
is call ?PEG.
The Castle Cafe` 410-821-8930 1.8 gigs on line....
--- VFIDO 6.10.05
* Origin: The Castle Cafe` (1:2617/105)
From: KEN KIRKLEY Number: 13082
To: ALL USERS Date: 01/27/94 12:07p
Subj: Initial Message Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
This message initalizes this conference (FNPACK)!
--- FreeMail 1.10 alpha-3
* Origin: Glory Bound BBS * Inman, SC * 803-592-5208 (1:3652/5)
From: KEN KIRKLEY Number: 13083
To: ALL USERS Date: 01/27/94 1:18p
Subj: Initial Message Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
This message initalizes this conference (FNPACK)!
--- FreeMail 1.10 alpha-3
* Origin: Glory Bound BBS * Inman, SC * 803-592-5208 (1:3652/5)
From: MARK VANN Number: 13084
To: ALL Date: 01/29/94 12:51a
Subj: Wanting to buy a 14.4 modem Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Does anyone out there have a new or used 14.4kb internal or external
modem for sale. If so call Mark Vann in Charlotte 535-2122. Thanks.
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: The Transporter Room: 8 lines 14gig 20 CD's 704/567-9513 (1:379/1)
From: TERRY SMITH Number: 13085
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 1:07p
Subj: X-rated interactive CD? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
What is the X-rated interactive multimedia CD which someone is producing?
(title, distributor?)
Just think... sex in the form of a kiddy game!
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: What's wife safe packaging? <G> (1:141/1275)
From: TERRY SMITH Number: 13086
To: MIKE GERVASI Date: 01/27/94 1:02p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
MG> BF Tony did NOT get busted for running an "adult" BBS -
MG> he got busted for
MG> BFselling
MG> BFFAO 1, FAO 2, Busty Babes, and another such COMMON "adult" CD-ROM to an
MG> BFundercover cop in a "sting" operation.
MG> AM I missing something? Please don't think me stupid or something, but
MG> why was he busted for selling Adult disks? They aren't
MG> illegal as far as I know. Or am I wrong?
Obscenity is considered criminal by the FBI. Their two targets are limited to
children and animals. The first BB release reportedly had Tracy Lords as a
teenager, which was withdrawn from the second pressing. FAO may have some
animals which under our system of justice are considered legal to hunt and
shoot, but not legal to f*ck or photograph.
Indecency is considered legal so long as minors aren't given an excessively
easy level of exposure to it. That's where most CDs fall.
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: What's wife safe packaging? <G> (1:141/1275)
From: RICK NAY Number: 13087
To: GORDON PETERSON Date: 01/29/94 11:40a
Subj: Re: cd-i Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Your right! A friend of mine just bought one after I told him he wouldn't like
it and a Week later he took it back! Said the controller was a piece of junk
and couldn't control anything. It is old technology. It has been around now
for about 3-4 years and just recently has had a 2nd push by phillips to get it
off the ground and it is working. But all I can say is that when I'm in
CompUsa there sure isn't anyone near it. I think in a few years most of these
people who buy it are going to feel like Atari or TI owners..C-ya
* Origin: Ground Zero 813-849-4034 New Port Richey, FL NEC (1:3619/25)
From: DAVID SILVER Number: 13088
To: LAMAR GRIMSLEY Date: 01/28/94 7:29p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting LAMAR GRIMSLEY to David Silver <=-
LG> What business of yours or anyone else's is it what I watch/look at in
LG> the privacy of my own home? Be it an Adult CD, Movie, or Oral
LG> Roberts begging for money before the Lord strikes him down if he
LG> doesn't get it...
None at all - if degrading women or watching children do adult style "things"
is your pleasure in life, so be it - I just find it personally reprehensible.
LG> knowing and telling me what's "best" for me and everyone else. I AM
LG> an adult, was a Police Officer for 20 years, and have seen both sides
LG> of the fence. There are already too many laws and too much
LG> interference in peoples lives already. Now it's coming into the
LG> Computer/BBS world, and too much of anything is too much.
Good for you. I've been in the Army for 20 years and don't look at
saving other's rights to exploit their fellow human beings as a
viable or fair thing for me to protect.
LG> OK, I'll shut up now... Back to the other messages that we all were
LG> reading in the first place...
Amen, brother <g>...
* Origin: DIDDI'S DEN (2:2405/21.0)
From: DAVID SILVER Number: 13089
To: ISMAIL ARSLANGIRAY Date: 01/28/94 7:31p
Subj: Re: $125 SCSI CD-ROM Players Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Ismail Arslangiray to All <=-
IA> Toshiba 3101 Internal SCSI drives $125
Are these multimedia compliant?
* Origin: DIDDI'S DEN (2:2405/21.0)
From: DAVID SILVER Number: 13090
To: TOM BROWN Date: 01/28/94 7:34p
Subj: Re: CD changers Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Tom,
-=> Quoting Tom Brown to All <=-
TB> I'm kind of curious as to how a CD changer would work. Would it look
TB> like multiple volumes to the computer or would it look like one volume
TB> with some sort of disk changing mechanism in software or hardware?
TB> Can anyone enlighten me? I'm thinking about a Pioneer. Are changers
TB> gentle to CDs?
I have a Pioneer 604X up and running here and it looks (to my BBS program,
anyway) like 6 different drives. Windows, however, is a different story.
It seems confused by it - though NDW does a good job of figuring out what
is what. I've had no problems with it being anything but "gentle" to CDs
for the month or so I've had it up.
* Origin: DIDDI'S DEN (2:2405/21.0)
From: DAVID SILVER Number: 13091
To: MIKE SHANNON Date: 01/29/94 11:08a
Subj: Re: NIGHT OWL 11: $29.90 Refer: NONE
Read: NO Private: No
Hi Mike,
-=>Quoting Mike Shannon to All <=-
MS> CD POWERBOX 2 * The newest of the new! Current shareware hits.
I mailed an order to you in the beginning of Jan - did you ever
receive and ship my disks?
* Origin: DIDDI'S DEN (2:2405/21.0)
From: DAVID SILVER Number: 13092
To: DAVE CLARK Date: 01/29/94 11:11a
Subj: Re: Pioneer Multichangers Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Dave Clark to All <=-
DC> In consideration of the line limits on advertisements imposed in this
DC> echo, I will not post my prepared text file regarding Arsenal
DC> Computers's Pioneer Multichanger deal. However, if you are
DC> interested, please see our posted ad in the CD-ROM FOR SALE
Geez Dave, no way you could abbreviate it? Not all of us receive the
FOR SALE echo. Give it a try - I'm sure the words will come...
* Origin: DIDDI'S DEN (2:2405/21.0)
From: DAVID SILVER Number: 13093
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/29/94 11:12a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Brice Fleckenstein to Dennis Hoenich <=-
BF> Get Corel SCSI (or Adaptec's EZ-SCSI, same thing just repackaged) if
BF> you plan to run the CD-ROM drive from your 1542B.
Nope, that's simply not true. As the owner of both of them, I'll
tell you that Adaptec recognizes it's own 2742 - Corel does NOT.
* Origin: DIDDI'S DEN (2:2405/21.0)
From: JIM WILKINSON Number: 13094
To: BERT PATTERSON Date: 01/30/94 12:31a
Subj: Re: Mitsumi problem reading disks Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Bert, If you were able to access the OS/2 Hobbs a few times, and even
copying a file once, then the LU005S has a problem. You can Contact Mit
SUE-ME or your vendor to find out if any others have this problem.
I know of a CD Technician CD, That will clean and set_up test tones, and
VErifies Many audio checks, and Error correction circuity, the Lens could
be dirty, even though it is only 7 months old.. If you want the Catalog
info the CD technician is in let me know..
--- GEcho 1.01+
* Origin: Flamingo BBS, Melbourne,Fl USR 21.6 Terbo (407)253-0782 (1:374/46)
From: BOB BREED Number: 13095
To: CHRISTOPH STEINECKE Date: 01/29/94 4:44p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
CS>> asking them if they distribute the product in the US, and check
CS>> with you after that, o.k. !
BB> Great! I'm sure that lotsa U.S. customers are out there. I
BB>know I'm interested in this.
CS> I posted the address of the US distribution site a few days ago
CS> in this echo. Did it get through to you ?
Yep, got it and have it on file. Going to follow up soon.
Thanks a lot for your help.
... Preschooler of the future: A:\ B:\ C:\ D:\ E:\ F:\ G:\ H:\
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- ProBoard v1.31 [EVALUATION]
* Origin: Alien Biker Kat BBS (619) 277-4140 (1:202/1010)
From: BOB BREED Number: 13096
To: CHRISTOPH STEINECKE Date: 01/29/94 4:44p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BB> If Kodak is really trying to make something to archive your
BB>pictures, you think they would use the gold plated disks. They
CS> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
CS> How can I see, if my CD's are gold plated
CS> ? All the Photo CD's I have, habve a gold
CS> colour, but what's the optical difference
Oh boy, this is what I get for flapping my big mouth without
knowing exactly what Kodak uses. Based on the CD software, which
has a Kodak Logo on it, I ASSUMED, that the actual photo disk was
also aluminum -- not gold sub-strate. Now I'm in the dark, and
will have to rely on some Kodak Photo CD expert.
Does Kodak really use gold-plated disks for their pictures????
... Oh Lord help me...I'm learning to make taglines!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- ProBoard v1.31 [EVALUATION]
* Origin: Alien Biker Kat BBS (619) 277-4140 (1:202/1010)
From: BOB BREED Number: 13097
To: ROGER SMITH Date: 01/29/94 4:44p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BB> pictures, you think they would use the gold plated disks. They
BB> cost more, but if you're thinking of really long term storage,
BB> they seem the way to go.
RS> Kodak Photo-CDs use a gold backing.
Aha, is it truly gold-plating, or just something that looks
like gold??? If it is true gold, then it is reasonable to assume
that the disk will last a VERY long time. (Gold doesn't oxidize,
which I think is one the major reasons standard CD's fail.)
... I left my tart in Aunt Fran's Crisco.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- ProBoard v1.31 [EVALUATION]
* Origin: Alien Biker Kat BBS (619) 277-4140 (1:202/1010)
From: VINCE CHIARO Number: 13098
To: CHIP SLATE Date: 01/27/94 2:23a
Subj: Re: T7G Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
CS> -=> Quoting Jim Standing to All <=-
CS>Well, if you're talking about where you go up the winding stircase
CS>and have to put in disk 2 then YOU'RE VERY CLOSE TO THE END......
CS>Point the cursor at the model house once you figure this finall puzzle
CS>out youve then beaten the game!!!!
CS>If you're not talking about this area.....then explain more about where
CS>you are!!!
CS> C-Ya,Chip Slate
You seem to know a lot about the game. I am stuck on the puzzle of
Stuaff's Face (the painting). Any advise? I am also having trouble with
the microscope....thanks in advance for any help!
■ QMPro 1.51 ■ I'll have one brain on drugs with bacon and toast.
--- GOMail v1.2 [DEMO] 02-19-94
* Origin: CAXIUS BBS - San Leandro, CA [510-895-6961] (1:215/42)
From: VINCE CHIARO Number: 13099
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 2:29a
Subj: laser, gunfight, cd games Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Anyone with the new Sega CD-Rom has probably heard of the game Mad Dog
Mcgraw or something like that. Its made by American LaserGames and is
a complete movie that you shoot the bad guys with a laser type gun. If
you been to a good arcade...they also have these games on bigscreen TVs
and the games are amazing! I recently beat one called Drug Wars at an
arcade. Does anyone know of any of these amazing games or a laser gun
out or coming out for a PC computer?
■ QMPro 1.51 ■ I'll have one brain on drugs with bacon and toast.
--- GOMail v1.2 [DEMO] 02-19-94
* Origin: CAXIUS BBS - San Leandro, CA [510-895-6961] (1:215/42)
From: OKTAVIAN FLORYSIAK Number: 13100
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 6:01p
Subj: SONY CD-ROM Question! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Does anybody here know what brand and type of controller does the sony 31a
cd-rom drive come with???
Thanks In Advance!
... Catch the Blue Wave!
--- GEcho/386 1.01+
* Origin: Phone Henge [203-826-1153 HST16/V32b] New Britain,CT (1:142/212)
From: DREW FISCHER Number: 13101
To: JASON SMITH Date: 01/26/94 12:32p
Read: NO Private: No
I have corel scsi 1.2b and it works, I just don't get good speed. I hear
that 2.0 is better but I don't want to pay $79 upgd ($15 upgd if I had
bought it after sept xx '93). Adaptec is supposed to have a new driver
for it by 4/1/94. Contact me then and I'll let you know what I found
out. p.s. I hear that the drivers for the nec 74 and 84 will work, just
not at top speed. Let me know if you hear any more news.
--- WM v2.06/92-0324
* Origin: The Louisville Hot House (502)969-3806 (1:2320/180)
From: BOB HAMILTON Number: 13102
To: ALL Date: 01/29/94 11:11a
Subj: Pioneer DRM 600A for sale Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi there All! I have one Pioneer DRM 600A for sale. I purchased this unit in
July 1993 and it's in perfect shape. This unit is ideal for a BBS.
You just assign a drive letter to each of the 6 disks and from that point the
unit just looks like 6 individual CD's.
Reason for selling: I am forking out a couple of thousand bucks to buy a new
18 disk CD-ROM player.
I will take offers on this unit until my new CD-ROM drive is shipped. Highest
offer takes the unit.
How to Reach me:
Day Voice (306) 359-3333
Evening Voice (306) 789-9080
Fax (306) 789-6614
BBS 1:140/121 (306) 789-1899
I will place the unit under my personal 30 day money back guarantee (hey, I'm
not a huge company - just another sysop like you).
All cards and cables are included. I can take Visa and MasterCard through my
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: Shadowland Regina, Sk. Canada (306)789-1899 (1:140/119)
From: TIM PEETERS Number: 13103
To: VINCE SORENSEN Date: 01/27/94 9:55p
Subj: NIGHT OWL 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
┌─ Vince!
└──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[See Below]
VS├─> I have Night Owl 11 in stock for $50...
VS├─> + Origin: SUPERBOARD/CD-ROM WHOLESALERS (306)789-8682 (1:140/121)
Thats WHOLESALE? Your price is $20.00 HIGHER than the next highest price I've
--- GoldED 2.42.G1219+ 1517US3
* Origin: APPLEGATE² - Neenah, WI (COM2) (1:139/631)
From: JIM LAMBERT Number: 13104
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 9:06a
Subj: Shareware CD Dates Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Computer Works is going to be focusing in on shareware CD-Roms more so
than in the past. As I gather information on the different BBS Ready
discs, I will pass it on to the readers of this conference. The
following is information concerning file dates on most popular shareware
discs. I will release more info as it becomes available.
File Dates in Percent
Title 1990 1991 1992 1993 Files Megs
Big Sky Rom 27.9 26.0 32.8 5.1 7024 649
Cream of the Crop 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 5719 600 ?
Shareware Extravaganza 15.9 23.3 30.1 0.0 25376 ? 4 CDs
Giga Games 17.7 28.3 17.8 5.2 2007 211
So Much Modem Madness 0.0 14.1 35.1 50.8 7839 599
Night Owl Games 0.7 0.9 16.9 81.4 916 126
Night Owl Graphics 0.0 0.0 31.8 68.1 4562 637
Night Owl 8 4.6 4.6 64.7 25.8 4945 ?
Night Owl 9 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 4962 662
Night Owl 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 5139 632
OS/2 Box 0.0 0.0 21.3 78.7 2029 281
Pier 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 4547 660 ?
CD PowerBox 1.0 4.9 15.7 76.7 0.0 6805 605
CD PowerBox 2.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 98.4 5640 637
So Much Screenware 0.1 0.9 99.0 0.0 1905 ?
So Much Shareware 3 0.2 2.6 53.5 43.7 5598 650 ?
Tech Arsenal 8.6 27.2 33.9 30.3 7255 632 ?
Top Drawer #1 0.0 0.1 0.5 96.5 4146 592 '94+
Software Vault 2 0.0 0.0 0.1 99.9 7969 ?
Software Vault Gold 0.0 0.0 0.1 99.9 6148 579
Software Vault Games 1.0 2.1 5.3 90.5 935 149
Software Vault Windows 0.0 0.0 0.4 99.6 1852 267
Notes: <1> The ? means that the byte sizes in the file list used for
the analysis were not compatible with the analysis program.
In some cases total megs stats were supplied by the producer.
<2> If the total percentages do not add up to 100.0%, then there
are earlier files or incorrect dates on some files. The one
exception is Top Drawer #1, which has 3% 1994 dated files.
<3> Accuracy of the above data is dependent on accuracy of the
file dates provided by the producer. Computer Works is not
liable for any inaccuracies in the data.
<4> All of the above file lists are available for download from
Computer Works.
Computer Works
CD-Rom Sales
(205) 793-4481 Voice
(205) 671-0092 BBS Online Orders, File lists, Catalogs
--- FreeMail 1.09
* Origin: COMP-U-Sirv * Dothan, Alabama * (205)677-0078 * (1:18/10)
From: VIC HLUSHAK Number: 13105
To: COLIN ZIMMER Date: 01/27/94 7:29a
Subj: T7G HINT Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On (17 Jan 94) Colin Zimmer wrote to Vic Hlushak...
CZ> Colin Zimmer
CZ> * Evaluation copy of Silver Xpress. Day # 17
CZ> --- via Silver Xpress V4.00 [NR]
CZ> --- GEcho 1.01+
CZ> * Origin: Technology Transfer - Luseland, Sk. (306) 372-4903
CZ> (1:140/62)
CZ> 163/99
CZ> 247/100
CZ> 102 103
Yep, the door. I have received several replies already about hints but
thanks for replying.
... Vic Hlushak..Fort McMurray..Alberta..Canada
--- PPoint 1.74
* Origin: A Professional Point System (1:3402/22.4)
From: THE LAWMAN Number: 13106
To: MICHAEL DAVILA Date: 01/28/94 4:49p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
MD>->> letter of the CD Rom. According to the MS Dos manual, the Ram Drive
MD>->> suppose to become the drive letter after all physical devices. Why
MD>->> doesn't it treat the CD Rom as a physical device? Have you encounter
MD>->> this and is there a solution?
MD>->> Amanda
MD>->> --- WM v3.10/93-0044
MD>->> * Origin: Rom Connection *Freq CD_SALES.ZIP for Current Catalog (1:
MD> TL> You didn't put your config.sys and autoexec.bat settings here,
MD> TL> but I will assume this and see if it ain't true.
MD> TL> You have Device=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE (and your ram statement and
MD> TL> any other settings ) probably near the top of the loading order
MD> TL> of your config.sys and then lower down on that list you have
MD> TL> your Device=C:\DEV\MTMCDS.SYS statement near the bottom of your
MD> TL> config.sys statement, thats why its loading your ram drive
MD> TL> before your cdrom drive. I'm not really hip yet on ram drives
MD> TL> but assuming you are probably loading some of the drivers in
MD> TL> high memory, you'll have to have the ram drive first even if
MD> TL> you use qemm. If somebody knows different, let her know so I'll
MD> TL> know.
MD> TL> --- WM v3.01/93-0705
MD> TL> * Origin: Emerald City (615) 754-4351 7 gigs, 5 nodes
MD> TL> (1:116/39.0)
MD> MD> I have done the same thing and I think that no matter what, the RAM
MD> drive is going to give it self a drive letter before the cd rom drive.
MD> I've tried every thing to change it and have had no luck. Oh Well.
MD>... Silver Xpress!...... Don't Read Mail Without it!
MD>--- EzyQwk V1.02
MD> * Origin: Tranquility Base * San Antonio, Texas * (1:387/626)
Mike, on the cdrom drive you can give it a switch to tell it which drive
letter to start it with and I believe (don't quote me on this) that on
ram drives you can also assign it a drive letter. Look in your cdrom
book and it should tell you what the switch is to set it for a specific
drive letter. (I set mine and forget it once I'm done, using a 6 disk
mini changer on a scsi card so it automatically sets the drive letters
for me after it finds my scsi hard drive). I still need to learn to use
a ram drive for my allfiles list so the file searches will be faster
than scanning the hard drive for the file index.
* QMPro 1.01 93-0852 * The Police Station BBS 615-865-4030/868-8080 Nashville,
--- WM v3.01/93-0705
* Origin: Emerald City (615) 754-4351 7 gigs, 5 nodes (1:116/39.0)
From: THE LAWMAN Number: 13107
To: TOM BROWN Date: 01/28/94 5:34p
Subj: CD changers Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
TB>I'm kind of curious as to how a CD changer would work. Would it look
TB>like multiple volumes to the computer or would it look like one volume
TB>with some sort of disk changing mechanism in software or hardware? Can
TB>anyone enlighten me? I'm thinking about a Pioneer. Are changers
TB>gentle to CDs?
TB>Be gentle,
TB> X KWQ/2 1.2d X Ever stop to think ... and forget to start again?
TB>--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
TB> * Origin: TeeWunKay (1:140/37)
I've had my a little while now and you can set it up in several ways, I
do have my set up as different "volumes" as you called it or in my case
each disc has its own drive letter starting with e ending in j and then
reassigned by the network (I'm networked with another machine) so it
sees it as o-r then my other hard drive on the second pc is drive s.
I'll probably change it all once I install lantastic 5.0 so I'll assign
the 6 disk minichanger to just drive e and seriously thinking about
going to the new 18 disk minichanger as I just bought several cd's. I
still consider nightowl 8 as the best so far even though I haven't
looked at ver 11 or the new pier 3 which I just picked up today, may
also add cream of the crop II and probably nightowl games and something
called just modem madness? Heard it had a lot of good programs on it
too. Anyways, its very easy to set up and trouble free, and very easy on
the cd. Either that or I'll get my dealers 6 disk minichanger when he
buys the 18 disk version (which is quad speed). The 6 disk we both have
is the older 600 series (DRM-600 Single Speed). But for a bbs, its the
way to go even though I did add a 1 gig drive to hold the bbs programs
and utilities and left 900 meg just for uploads. Only problem you'll
have (and not really a problem using wcpro for wildcat) is deleting
duplicate files off the hard drive when you get a new disk (or renaming
them if you see internally there not the same but have the same file
name which is always possible with users renaming files they download
and send it back for more downloads on boards that impose ratios which I
don't). Guess I'll shut up now, hope that helps. Yes people I'm done
* QMPro 1.01 93-0852 * The Police Station BBS 615-865-4030/868-8080 Nashville,
--- WM v3.01/93-0705
* Origin: Emerald City (615) 754-4351 7 gigs, 5 nodes (1:116/39.0)
From: THE LAWMAN Number: 13108
To: HOWARD RICE Date: 01/28/94 5:49p
Subj: SCSI VS. IDE Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Packet: EMCITY
Date: 01-25-94 (10:00) Number: 10629
Subj: SCSI VS. IDE Conf: (35) CD-ROMDisc
HR>BF| Last point - try finding a multi-disc CD-ROM drive with ANY non-SCSI
HR> |- you won't, they don't EXIST.
HR>Since Panasonic can daisy chain up to 4 drives, I presume it uses a
HR>pripriatory SCSI 40 wire cable setup?
HR>--- FidoPCB v1.4 [f0f92/b]
HR> * Origin: NezulD's DomaiN - 9 Lines 13.5 GIG (1:115/300)
Its not panasonic that can daisy chain, but the scsi card controller
that you can add seven devices whether they be panasonic minichangers,
scsi hard drives, scsi tape drives, etc. and they use 50 pin cables. Can
be all internal, external or combination of the two. Think of it as a
network, first and last device must have a terminator on it. So if you
have only the 6 disk minchanger (which I did at first) and the scsi
controller card (and works along with ide controller cards), then the
scsi controller card will be terminated and so will the minichanger, but
now that I've added the 1 gig drive, I've removed the terminator from
the scsi controller card and left it on the hard drive, if I add another
external 6 disk minichanger, I have to open the first minichanger and
remove the terminator from it, so on and so on as you add devices until
you have 7 total. So if you had the money, you could have a machine with
2 ide drives with ide controller and a scsi controller with 7 six disk
minichangers hooked up to it on just one machine, which is a bit much.
I guess you can tell by now, I'm completely sold on scsi as I never
realized it was so easy to set up.
* QMPro 1.01 93-0852 * The Police Station BBS 615-865-4030/868-8080 Nashville,
--- WM v3.01/93-0705
* Origin: Emerald City (615) 754-4351 7 gigs, 5 nodes (1:116/39.0)
From: DARREN CLOUTIER Number: 13109
To: HENRY PAUL Date: 01/27/94 5:59p
Subj: King's Quest V Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
No, I haven't gotten rid of her! Where is the temple? Probably by the
time you read this I would of found it, but please reply anways :-)
--- GOMail v1.2 [DEMO] 01-31-94
* Origin: Technical Edge BBS, (603) 352-0194, v32/42/bis (1:132/179)
From: BEN BLAIR Number: 13110
To: DENIS COLEMAN Date: 01/26/94 2:08p
Subj: 1994 CD Catalogue now rea Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 01-21-94 DENIS COLEMAN wrote to ALL...
DC> Hi,
DC> Well finally the 1994 CD catalogue is now ready for release, the
DC> cd
DC> database contains over 1100 titles with another 200 yet to be put in
DC> but will
DC> be done by the time everyone asks for a copy to be posted to them on
DC> 720k
DC> floppy disks.
DC> leave your address here for a copy, or call
DC> BH: 03-707-2147 8am - 4pm
DC> AH: 03-707-2241 after 6pm
DC> Fax: 03-796-1433
DC> File Request: CDSALE.ZIP
DC> BBS Fido: 3:633/253
DC> BBS 14K4: 03-796-2180
DC> --- FMail 0.92+
DC> * Origin: (3:633/253)
* OFFLINE 1.54
--- EzyQwk V1.02
* Origin: Data Express Australia BBS +612 880 2646 (3:711/929)
From: TONY SAUNDERS Number: 13111
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 10:18p
Subj: Return to Zork Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I am playing the CDrom version of Return to Zork and I am stuck.
How do you get into the comedy club.My bonding plant is dead and I can't
find any way to make it healthy.Any help appreciated.
See ya.
■ WinQwk 2.0 a#0 ■ Unregistered Evaluation Copy
--- Xenolink 1.0 Z.3, XQwk Mail Door v.95q [REG 10029]
* Origin: Enconn - The Engineering Connection (3:712/613)
From: TONY SAUNDERS Number: 13112
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 10:18p
Subj: Wavetable sound Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have been listening to The 7th Guest Soundtrack(and what a great
soundtrack it is).Anyway,after comparing the 12 tracks from the album that
was written on the Roland Sound Canvas with the sound that you get when an
FM card plays music,I have decided to get some form of Wavetable sound for
my PC.
The problem is working out what I should get.I can get a wavetable board
for my Sound Galaxy NX Pro 16 or maybe add a Gravis Ultrasound and have
both cards in my PC.The Roland Sound Canvas is pretty expensive but I
would love to have one :)
Can you have two sound cards inside without causing major conflicts?
Any suggestions?
See ya
■ WinQwk 2.0 a#0 ■ Unregistered Evaluation Copy
--- Xenolink 1.0 Z.3, XQwk Mail Door v.95q [REG 10029]
* Origin: Enconn - The Engineering Connection (3:712/613)
From: TONY SAUNDERS Number: 13113
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 10:18p
Subj: CD repair Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have just had my first experience in repairing CDRoms.A friend
accidently put a big mark on my RTZ cd and when played it threw a tantrum
during the game.
I used some toothpaste and a cotton bud to rub the mark away and then some
tape head cleaning liquid to clean off the toothpaste and once clean it
worked fine,much to my relief :)
See ya
■ WinQwk 2.0 a#0 ■ Unregistered Evaluation Copy
--- Xenolink 1.0 Z.3, XQwk Mail Door v.95q [REG 10029]
* Origin: Enconn - The Engineering Connection (3:712/613)
From: STEPHEN CORCORAN Number: 13114
To: ALL Date: 01/24/94 3:34p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have been played the Star Wars game Rebel Assault for hours.
I absolutely love it. But I'm finding it difficult.
I have determined the following codes.
If anyone else has been able to find some more codes I would be most
grateful to know them. I would also know if anyone has been able to
destroy the Death Star at the end of the game.
-------CHEERS......Steve :^>
--- TMail v1.31.5
* Origin: MultiLine 40+Lines 30 CDRoms & Internet +619 370-3333 (3:690/254)
From: STEPHEN CORCORAN Number: 13115
To: TONY STOTT Date: 01/24/94 3:50p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Tony
I have bought the game REBEL ASSAULT and I absolutely love it.
In one of your messages you stated that you know a code that
repairs the damage to your ship with the press of a button.
Could you please give me the code.
-----Thanks---- Steve .... :^>
--- TMail v1.31.5
* Origin: MultiLine 40+Lines 30 CDRoms & Internet +619 370-3333 (3:690/254)
From: DAVID ADKINS Number: 13116
To: TOM MILLER Date: 01/26/94 11:03a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> My 8 bit Future Domain controller (a Cd-rom only controller) has a DB
-> something very similar) on the outside for attaching external Cd-rom
-> to it.
-> I was warned by Toshiba, that I would need the cable that FD makes in
-> connect anything. I presume this is a DB-25 like end that goes into
-> standard 50 pin ribbon cable? Is this true? What is a price on such
Don't know price, but FD has not standard pin configuration in its
connectors so standard cable will not work it has to be one of theirs. I
know I tried it, but I just took an internal connection to outside
PC and it works fine. I would appreciate knowing what you find out
about the cable.
--- WM v2.09/91-0520
* Origin: Bible Lighthouse BBS! Melbourne, (03)7260110 (3:632/453)
From: DOUG CARPENTER Number: 13117
To: ONNO VRIJBURG Date: 01/28/94 9:04p
Subj: Pre-order nightowl 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> Please give more details about ordering, ie. how can I order using
-> M/C, what will the shipping be to South Africa??
-> Sorry I don't have Netmail, so please leave message in this echo as I
-> am sure that other people would also be interested....
You can leave me a message on my BBS or fax and order to us or send one
to us over the Internet to Douglas.Carpenter@junction.cld9.com or
compuserve at 71754,3514.
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff105/b]
* Origin: PC-Montana BBS, Home of BigSky ROMs, 406-284-6403 (1:3400/26)
From: DOUG CARPENTER Number: 13118
To: POE LIM Date: 01/28/94 9:06p
Subj: Re: Pioneer 6-disc CD-ROM Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> Does this have one 18 disc loader, or three 6 disc loader (in essence
-> 3 604X in one chassis)? Are the change times similar to the 604X?
It uses 3 - 6 CD magazines. I imaine the index times are about the
same. The unit will be available in the US the end of February.
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff105/b]
* Origin: PC-Montana BBS, Home of BigSky ROMs, 406-284-6403 (1:3400/26)
From: DOUG CARPENTER Number: 13119
To: ALL Date: 01/28/94 9:08p
Subj: Best New $19 SHAREWARE CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
That's right a great SHAREWARE ROM
for ONLY $19.00
Big Sky Rom's newest release, TopDrawer, will ship 2/3/94.
For you who have pre ordered, you'll be the first to get one.
Yeah, I know. What kind of ROM am I getting for 19 bucks?
Possibly the best ROM you have to date!
This ROM is published by SysOps for the SysOp. Tiredof
compiling list and heaven knows what else to get a ROM
This is the answer you have been waiting for, affordable
files at this introductory price, to show what TopDrawer
is and can do.
Files.bbs in every DIR, so simple it can be run on a test
drive of QMODEM (tm). Plus SPITFIRE (tm) files SFFILES.BBS.
And you 4DOS (tm) users will find descript.ion files.
If you're a PC-BOARD(tm) SysOp, you'll find a comprehensive
SETMEUP.exe that will install the ROM for you! (...You do
have to have it in the CD-ROM player!) grin........
All archives are compressed using pkzip (PKWARE (tm) 204G
using maximum compression.
All archives and their members have been scanned with the
latest virus scanners.
All files have file_id.diz's in them, GOOD ONE's, at that;
we added over 1,859 full descriptions when none were available
or the author thought that high ASCII looked better.
And on TOP of all that, we have made a great effort to remove
commercial files and other copyright infringements.
Now, what this means is that we set this ROM up for the BBS,
not the end user!!!!
We have, because of current legal cases and judgments within the
publishing community, removed VOC, WAVE, and MIDI sound files. The
real programs are still there; we just deleted the lawyer syndrome.
All of the GIF's are our own, no copyright infringements to worry
about. You are licensed as the ROM owner to distribute them to your
There is also a feature authors DIR. That's the authors we felt
exhibited professional demeanor in program ability and distribution
ease. Plus, we have the text files that are the latest rage -- that
is, we have STEVE ROBERTS stuff, NOT Megabytes of FAQ's or other
drivel. We have taken great pains to think of the user and the SysOp.
You will find your users cruisingthrough this easy file system and
praising you for the setup (that is, if you have great users like we
Both the SuperMart BBS and PC-MONTANA BBS have handicapped users,
and thought went into the files and their placement to enhance the
interface for these special individuals.
Ok, now to the brass tacks: Files -- there are 4,174;that's 624 MB +
uncompressed. Dirs - no, not 50 or 60, just 45 ; and this ROM will
interface with our first release, BIG SKY 01, so you don't have to do
a major setup all over again!
You've probably heard other SysOps saying that they're removing such &
such ROM offline because of one problem or another. We listen to these
SysOps; you are our bread and butter (low cost spread in this ROM's price).
Now, where can I get this ROM? Well, read the list and you can order
this baby on-line or by fax (24 hours) or by voice (9-8 EST Mon-Sat).
*** PCJ COMPUTING *** Data - 1-615-478-2890 We stock 700+ titles
All major credit Fax - 1-615-479-1047 Lowest prices around
cards accepted Voice - 1-615-339-0235 Download BIGSKY2.ZIP
with no surcharge Orders- 1-800-547-7817 for the files list.
Internet- Douglas.Carpenter@Junction.Cld9.Com
Compuserve- 71754.3514@Compuserve.Com
PC-MONTANA BBS Data - 1-406-284-3120 THE MOTHER BOARD for
(Product Support) BIG SKY ROMs !
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff105/b]
* Origin: PC-Montana BBS, Home of BigSky ROMs, 406-284-6403 (1:3400/26)
From: DOUG CARPENTER Number: 13120
To: ALL Date: 01/28/94 9:09p
Subj: Pre-Order Nightowl 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
nite ***** PRE-ORDER NIGHTOWL 11 *****
PCJ Computing is now accepting orders for the new
Nightowl 11 CDROM disc. 4,378 Files - 650 Meg.
OUR PRICE - $28.95
We should be shipping during the week of 1/24/94.
Orders - 615-339-0235 FAX 615-479-1047
We also have most of the latest shareware CDs.
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff105/b]
* Origin: PC-Montana BBS, Home of BigSky ROMs, 406-284-6403 (1:3400/26)
From: JOHN BARTA Number: 13121
To: DONALD WEN Date: 01/28/94 2:37p
Subj: Wanted beatles cd Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
DW>new, there are PhotoCD single-session, multi-session
My drive is single session Photo-CD compatible. It's the older
version bundled by Creative Labs, which means it's a
Panasonic/Matsushita 56x.
DW>standards. BTW, what is AHDM?
That's AHDN, and it's referred to in the subject line - the Beatles
movie "A Hard Day's Night."
I'm going to be calling the AHDN publisher about my inability to run
the CD-ROM.
X DeLuxe2 1.26b #47 X SysOp, Wenatchee Area BBS, 509-663-2888, DST 14.4
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Hartmann's 1-509-884-(7803)/{0639} HST DS {1:344/2} & (1:344/60)
From: TRANE FRANCKS Number: 13122
To: STEFFEN GRAETHER Date: 01/28/94 1:49a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Steffen Graether to Lothar Dickhoff <=-
-=> About WARNING VIRUS ON NIGHT OWL DISK 10, on 25 Jan 94 07:48 <=-
SG> Lothar says that the following programs are infected with viri on
SG> Night Owl disk 10: sport21c.zip sf2_up.zip
That is correct. The former has Butterfly, with the latter
carrying Memory Lapse.
SG> Also, the data in future1.exe becomes infected eventually.
Hmmm - Since he quoted *me* in his message, I'd like to know
where he got that from. I only mentioned that FUTURE1.EXE has
been *rumoured* to be infected. It is, TTBOMK, still unconfirmed
one way or the other. I took the file offline as I do not want to
take any unnecessary chances with my users.
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 OS/2 [NR]
* Origin: The Watering Hole BBS Tokyo +81-3-3657-9255 (6:730/18)
From: THOMAS GOETTGENS Number: 13123
To: STEFFEN GRAETHER Date: 01/27/94 11:03p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On (25 Jan 94) Steffen Graether wrote to Lothar Dickhoff...
SG> Thanks Lothar but this is an international echo and German isn't the
SG> language of choice :)
SG> Lothar says that the following programs are infected with viri on
SG> Night Owl disk 10: sport21c.zip
SG> sf2_up.zip
SG> Also, the data in future1.exe becomes infected eventually.
SG> Bis Bald, Steffen
Hi! I'm not Lothar, but I saw his original posting.
I think he wanted to cross-post his virus warning into the German CD-ROM echo
cdrom.ger after he read about the infection but unfortunately got into the
wrong echo. Lothar, post it again in cdrom.ger as your original message did
never reach this echo....
Bye, Thomas, DG1KTG.
... Go ahead, jump. 100,000 lemmings can't be wrong!
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: It's not over 'till WE say it's over... (2:2452/128.2)
From: DANNY MCCLATCHEY Number: 13124
To: DOUG FERRELL Date: 01/23/94 10:13a
Subj: Night Owl 11.0 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Gidday Doug
18-Jan-94, Doug Ferrell wrote to All
Subject: Night Owl 11.0
DF> Will ship Friday:
DF> Night Ow. 11.0 Shareware
No thanks! - This time I think I'll at least wait for Night Owl 11.1 ;-)
(Having jumped at *every* first release of NO in the last cuppla years)
-= /\/\ç =-
--- Terminate 1.41+
* Origin: Ignorance is bliss, no wonder I'm so depressed - (3:620/266.1)
From: KEITH RITCHIE Number: 13125
To: 8997 Date: 01/27/94 2:06p
Subj: Cd rom's data capacity Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
NOTE: This message was originally addressed to ALL
and was forwarded to you by PAT MCCULLOCH
I just purchased a Reveal multimedia upgrade kit that included a double speed
CD rom made by Matsushita. My qusetion is the specs say that it has a data
capacity of 540MB...won't this make CD's like 7th guest or large shareware
CD's with greater than 600MB worthless. After a half hour on hold with
Reveal's technical assistance they stated that it would run all CD's and that
the 540MB was a "minimum #". Before I braek the seal on the packages would
someone give me some input as to whether this is true or am I being fed a
line. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Keith
--- GEcho 1.01+
* Origin: Rosedale Data Line Rosedale, MD *USA* H16 410.866.4554 (1:2617/201)
From: KEITH RITCHIE Number: 13126
To: 9000 Date: 01/27/94 2:06p
Subj: Cd rom's data capacity Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
NOTE: This message was originally addressed to ALL
and was forwarded to you by PAT MCCULLOCH
I just purchased a Reveal multimedia upgrade kit that included a double speed
CD rom made by Matsushita. My qusetion is the specs say that it has a data
capacity of 540MB...won't this make CD's like 7th guest or large shareware
CD's with greater than 600MB worthless. After a half hour on hold with
Reveal's technical assistance they stated that it would run all CD's and that
the 540MB was a "minimum #". Before I braek the seal on the packages would
someone give me some input as to whether this is true or am I being fed a
line. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Keith
--- GEcho 1.01+
* Origin: Rosedale Data Line Rosedale, MD *USA* H16 410.866.4554 (1:2617/201)
From: ED WELCH Number: 13127
To: 9000 Date: 01/27/94 2:08p
Subj: PANASONIC 562B Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
NOTE: This message was originally addressed to CLIVE CARMOCK
and was forwarded to you by PAT MCCULLOCH
i've got a sb pro and i'm thinking of getting the panasonic double speed
cd-rom drive
should i get it?
i've got a 486dx 33, 4megs ram, 130hd, 64k cache, svga 1meg
is this good enough hardware?
are there any better drives than the panasonic double speed which are
compatible with My SB PRO?
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Deep Cove BBS - White Rock, B.C., Canada (604)536-5885 (1:153/915)
From: LAURIE BATT Number: 13128
To: 9000 Date: 01/27/94 2:09p
Subj: PANASONIC 562B Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
NOTE: This message was originally addressed to ED WELCH
and was forwarded to you by PAT MCCULLOCH
G'day Ed Welch, In a message on <Dec 26>, you said :
EW> i've got a sb pro and i'm thinking of getting the panasonic
EW> double speed cd-rom drive
EW> should i get it?
Your decision !
EW> i've got a 486dx 33, 4megs ram, 130hd, 64k cache, svga 1meg
EW> is this good enough hardware?
more than adequate
EW> are there any better drives than the panasonic double speed
EW> which are compatible with My SB PRO?
EW> thanks
NO ! that is your only choice, that is if you WANT your SBPro to CONTROL the
CDROM. You can of course use any other CDROM in your machine if you have a
seperate controller installed for that drive, prob not a good thing in your
case, more better to get the Panasonic drive and plug it into your SBPro.
--- Msgedsq 2.2e
* Origin: The PNG Connection, Cairns Tropical Nth Qld, OZ (3:640/532)
From: BORIS OSADCIW Number: 13129
To: LAURIE BATT Date: 01/29/94 1:55a
Subj: Re: NIGHT OWL 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 23 Jan 94 03:54pm, Laurie Batt wrote to Boris Osadciw:
>> G'day Boris Osadciw, In a message on <Jan 19>, you said :
BO>> N E W N I G H T O W L 11. R E L E A S E
BO>> Windows, OS/2, Games, Fonts, Ham Radio, Lan, Business and
BO>> more ! Call Now And Get Your Copy ! - PRICE - $30.00
BO>> Best Of The Best - Night Owl 11. + Cream Of The Crop II -
BO>> $50.00
>> Boris do you have a Mailing address ???
>> I may be interested in getting some of these, what would
>> approx mail charges be to Australia.
>> I have sent you netmail in the past but got no reply . I
>> assume you didnt/cant recieve netmail. please (if you can)
>> netmail me at 3:640/532.
Laurie, a netmail responce is on it's way to you !! Hopefully you will
receive it soon.
Thank You...
Boris Osadciw
... Silver Xpress!...... The Far East pirate's choice!
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: Buggie Works Via Satellite (216)225-6130 (1:157/46)
From: BORIS OSADCIW Number: 13130
To: TIM PEETERS Date: 01/29/94 1:55a
Subj: Re: NIGHT OWL 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 25 Jan 94 09:50pm, Tim Peeters wrote to Boris Osadciw:
>> ┌─ Boris!
>> └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
>> [See Below]
>> Monday January 24 1994 02:15, Boris Osadciw wrote to All:
BO├─>> ORDERS ONLY! US/CAN 800-243-0517 TEC/QUES 216-225-3263 FAX
BO├─>> 216-225-6759
>> How about some info on a satellite Disk and PC Connect?
>> SeeYa,
>> Tim
On it's way to you Tim !! Need any further help, drop us a note or call
us direct, you'll be glad you did. It's the greatest thing since CDROMS!!
Boris Osadciw
... Every Silver lining has a clone around it.
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: Buggie Works Via Satellite (216)225-6130 (1:157/46)
From: BORIS OSADCIW Number: 13131
To: ALL Date: 01/29/94 1:55a
Subj: NIGHT OWL 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
N E W N I G H T O W L 11. R E L E A S E
* Over 640 Meg's * No Dupes * No Dupes To Previous Versions
* All Zipped Files * New Viewer * 60% Files Released last 90 days
"Night Owl 11. " offer's over 4,500 all new files and supports for areas
such as Windows, OS/2, Games, Fonts, Ham Radio, Lan, Business and more !
Call Now And Get Your Copy ! - PRICE - $30.00
Best Of The Best - Night Owl 11. + Cream Of The Crop II - $50.00
ORDERS ONLY! US/CAN 800-243-0517 TEC/QUES 216-225-3263 FAX 216-225-6759
Boris Osadciw
... Silver Xpress!...... Now 100% QWK Compatible! More bang for your bucks!
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: Buggie Works Via Satellite (216)225-6130 (1:157/46)
From: BORIS OSADCIW Number: 13132
To: ALL Date: 01/29/94 1:55a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
))))))))))))))))))) M O N S T E R M E D I A 93 NO 3 ((((((((((((((((((((((
650 Megs All Programs Cover Sep - Dec 1993 No Dupes
New File Viewer - Several Files.BBS Formats + Conversion Programs - Manual
4,700+ Files - Covering everything from ACAD to Word Proccessors and more !
Price - $30.00
ORDERS ONLY 800-243-0517 TECH/QUES 216-225-3263 FAX 216-225-6759
Boris Osadciw
... Oh never mind!
--- FMail 0.96Γ
* Origin: Buggie Works Via Satellite (216)225-6130 (1:157/46)
From: GORDON MALONE Number: 13133
To: ALL Date: 01/28/94 10:40p
Subj: Conference is live! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Greetings from Rosedale, Maryland, USA!
Rosedale Data Line is happy to announce that this conference is now carried
If you have a friend or colleague living in the Baltimore Metro area,
please let them know your conference is now available for use in their
local calling area.
Best Wishes,
Gordon Malone
* TXT2MSG 2.42u (unregistered)
--- PCB15.1/Gecho 1.02+
* Origin: Rosedale Data Line Rosedale, MD *USA* H16 410.866.4554 (1:2617/201)
From: GORDON MALONE Number: 13134
To: ALL Date: 01/28/94 10:52p
Subj: Conference is live! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Greetings from Rosedale, Maryland, USA!
Rosedale Data Line is happy to announce that this conference is now carried
If you have a friend or colleague living in the Baltimore Metro area,
please let them know your conference is now available for use in their
local calling area.
Best Wishes,
Gordon Malone
* TXT2MSG 2.42u (unregistered)
--- PCB15.1/Gecho 1.02+
* Origin: Rosedale Data Line Rosedale, MD *USA* H16 410.866.4554 (1:2617/201)
From: EDDIE GOODMAN Number: 13135
To: EDDIE GOODMAN Date: 01/28/94 8:18p
Subj: Ziplab - Upload Failure Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 01-28-1994 at 20:18:23 you uploaded:
This file failed ZipLab Plus upload testing.
The reason for failure was:
The file is not an archive, or is of an unaccepted format.
This file extension format is not accepted on this system. Please
refrain from uploading files of this type in the future. A safe bet
would be to archive all files with PKZIP (.ZIP format) before
uploading to this, and most other BBS systems.
--- QScan v1.06b
* Origin: Southern Pride 6 gig/47,000 files PcBoard (919) 772-4143
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 13136
To: GARY HUFF Date: 01/26/94 4:00p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>BF> Matsushita drive interface is NOT IDE - and your saying it IS could l BF>
>some BF> ignorant person to FRY their hardware by trying to hook a
>BF> drive to an IDE interface.
>Only if they were complete idiots
There are a LOT of folks out there that would look at YOUR statement, believe
what it SAID, and try to do exactly such a hookup. There are ALREADY folks that
try to do that.
I'll ignore the personal insults.
>I never said to hook a Panasonic drive into an IDE interface.
You claimed that the Panasonic drive was an IDE interface. You specifically
IMPLIED that a Panasonic could be hooked to an IDE interface by that statement.
>Next, go back and re-read my message (or, should I say, READ my message.
I DID read your message. You apparently didn't bother to think about the
>What I said was that it was an IDE-type of interface
You SAID that it "was an IDE interface" drive. The Panasonic is not IDE nor
does it particularly closely RESEMBLE IDE, other than 40-line connection.
>NOT say ANYWHERE to go plug your drive into an IDE card. That idiotic
>suggestion came from you, and only from you.
I did NOT say anything like that - I have ALWAYS specified that Panasonic
drives ARE NOT IDE, and will NOT work with an IDE controller. It is YOUR
statements that support such an idea.
>You really do like to twist things around to try to make yourself look like
>know what you're talking about, don't you? Too bad you really don't.
You should take those blinders off - you keep trying to paint me with your own
colors, when they do NOT fit at all.
BTW - don't bother replying. You refuse to learn from the facts, so I'm adding
you to my twit filter.
* SLMR 2.1a * Neil Armstrong TRIPPED!
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 13137
To: JOHN KELLY Date: 01/26/94 5:30p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> A while back in this echo there was mention of a JFK CD-ROM, dealing with the
>Warren Commision and containing the Zapruda film. Does anyone know the title
>this ??
"JFK: A Visual Investigation".
Might also be on the "JFK Assasination Encyclopedia".
* SLMR 2.1a * "Tremble and despair, for I am Power!" - Milamber
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 13138
To: BENNET KELLY Date: 01/27/94 3:49p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> I would like some information on the availability or the planned
>availability of tripple speed and quadruple speed CD Roms from companies other
>than NEC
Pioneer DRM-604X (QUAD speed) was out over a year ago - and was the FIRST
"faster than double speed" drive available from anyone.
DRM-1804X is due out any day now, DRM-104X (?) is due in a month or so.
* SLMR 2.1a * I brake ON Smurfs!
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 13139
To: DAVID FROST Date: 01/27/94 5:08p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> Ross Focke Sorry to butt in guys, but I've heard of the
>Journeyman Project but never seen it running: I take it that it's a
>Windows-only product?
Started out on the Mac, ported to the PC as a MPC title. I forget offhand if
it requires Windows, but I THINK it does.
* SLMR 2.1a * I used to live in Sandy Eggo, and all I got was a T-Shirt
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 13140
To: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Date: 01/27/94 5:10p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> LB> Try Cream of the Crop II . I dont have a copy but from what I have
> LB> read it would be a good choice.
>I was thinking about it, but I still don't know how many dupes I'd get between
>my NO10 and COC2. Ideas anyone?
Likely 10% or a little less - I suspect there will be a higher dupe level
between COC2 and Night Owl 11.
* SLMR 2.1a * Marriages, thunder, and lightning are ALL made in Heaven
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 13141
To: MIKE MORE Date: 01/27/94 5:11p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>Does anyone know if STW has an upgrade for their encyclopedia?
Grolier's version 6 in the OEM pack is the "upgrade" to the STW encyclopedia.
* SLMR 2.1a * It's hard to find the ESC key on a KGB keyboard....
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 13142
To: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, JR. Date: 01/27/94 5:37p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>Has anybody have or seen this new PCMCIA SCSI card from Adaptec?
Nope. I think I'll wait for the Allways equivilent, though - IF I ever get a
PCMCIA machine.
>This is the same company that makes the MiniSCSI that works on your parallel
Not exactly - Trantor made the T130, but Adaptec recently bought out Trantor.
* SLMR 2.1a * Adam's Rib - the ORIGINAL Bone of Contention....
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 13143
To: MATT DELCO Date: 01/27/94 5:40p
Subj: PANASONIC 562/563 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>SB>I tried three differt cards Sumo's AT Scsi, Futu Domain, and APTEC 1520.
>Are these are SCSI cards? Panasonic's (at least all the one's I've seen) are
Panasonic/Matsushita also makes SCSI versions of most or all of their CD-ROM
>They use the port on a sound card. I believe the port on the cards
>is a perprietory-SCSI port, but lately some people have said the port is an
The PAS16 uses an SCSI port. By report, a couple of other VERY recent sound
cards also support SCSI. There is NO SUCH THING as an "IDE CD-ROM drive" or
"IDE CD-ROM port".
The common non-SCSI drives and ports are PROPRIATARY, in several different
versions (Mitsumi, Sony, Panasonic/Matsushita, Hitachi, among possible others).
>The panasonic CD-ROM probably requires a PERPRIETORY scsi port on a sound
If it's propriatary, it is not AND CAN NOT be SCSI.
* SLMR 2.1a * A wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 13144
To: JOEL RANKIN Date: 01/27/94 5:44p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> WY> Yes, it is available on CD and it cost $29 for Dos version
> WY> and $59 for MPC version. There is $3 for shipping
>Where can I find Battlechess for $29.00?
If you're in the U.S.A., I can sell you the Battle Chess Deluxe version on CD-
ROM for $24, shipping included IF prepaid. This is in the OEM type packaging.
(317) 726-1980 voice (11 - 8 Tu Th 11 - 6 We Fr all times Eastern Standard)
* SLMR 2.1a * Cats, like butterflies, need no excuse.
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Number: 13145
To: DON GESER Date: 01/27/94 5:47p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> I think the Bibles and Religion CD from Chestnut is for you.
> Thanks Steve, any idea where I might find it?
see my price list over in CDROM_SALE or CFORSALE echoes - I post it once a
week, generally every Friday.
Price just dropped to $11.
BTW - I can't find ANY mention of "BBS ready" in any of the docs I have on or
about this disc.
* SLMR 2.1a * MacIntosh: only non-removable training wheeled Computer!
--- TMail v1.31.3
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ Indianapolis [317] 726-1387 (1:231/190)
From: PETER SIM Number: 13146
To: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Date: 01/19/94 10:35a
Subj: Canadian Cd Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
--- QScan v1.05b
* Origin: Terminal Velocity ■ (503)390-6538 ■ FIDOnet HUB (1:3406/20)
From: PETER SIM Number: 13147
To: BOB BAIN Date: 01/17/94 10:40p
Subj: Grollier's Windows/dos Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
--- QScan v1.05b
* Origin: Terminal Velocity ■ (503)390-6538 ■ FIDOnet HUB (1:3406/20)
From: GENE EHRICH Number: 13148
To: STEVE GOYER Date: 01/22/94 8:34p
Subj: Cd for sale Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SG>Anybody want to buy the Toolworks Reference Library CD? I contains info
SG>Comes with manual and registration card. It came with my CDROM drive,
SG>thats why I'm selling it. First 10$CDN (plus shipping) takes it...
How about $10 american including shipping.
* QMPro 1.51 * Registered Symantec Q&A Consultant
--- QM v1.26/b
* Origin: Pics OnLine! Systems Fido/Usenet 609/753-2540 (1:266/22)
From: JIM CLEMENTS Number: 13149
To: TOM BROWN Date: 01/29/94 7:49a
Subj: CD changers Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
TB>Greetings All:
TB>I'm kind of curious as to how a CD changer would work. Would it look
TB>like multiple volumes to the computer or would it look like one volume
TB>with some sort of disk changing mechanism in software or hardware? Can
TB>anyone enlighten me? I'm thinking about a Pioneer. Are changers
TB>gentle to CDs?
You know, Tom, I have a Pioneer 604X changer and I don't know the
answer to your first question -- had the software done by someone
else because I'm a klutz in that sort of stuff. I'm sure you will
get an informed answer.
On the second, "gentle" question -- it really depends on your
handling of the discs more than the changer's. The Pioneer
uses a cartridge system and you have to put the "naked" discs
into and out of the cartidge. I've not found that to be a problem
at all, not quite as convenient as my other caddyless drive, but
not a problem.
There is one point. A very senior Pioneer rep I spoke to said
to be sure to use cartidges especially made for cdrom as
opposed to the slightly cheaper and more readily available ones
made for audio cds. The difference is small felt-like pads to
cushion the discs when they are replaced in the cartridge by the
machine -- presumably still spinning at quadra-speed. He said
the pads help prevent wear.
I use the felt-pad types for frequently used discs, standard
audio cartridges for others. Hope that helps. Cheers!
I use
* DeLuxe* 1.12 #4703 *
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
* Origin: CRS Online, Toronto, Ontario (1:229/15)
From: JIM CLEMENTS Number: 13150
To: ROB MCGRATH Date: 01/29/94 7:51a
Subj: CD-ROM FAQ Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
RM>Does anyone know of a CD-ROM FAQ I may be able to get a hold of?
There is a good one available on InterNet, also available on CompuServe
I think. Cheers!
* DeLuxe* 1.12 #4703 *
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
* Origin: CRS Online, Toronto, Ontario (1:229/15)
From: SAM FIGUEROA Number: 13151
To: ALL Date: 01/29/94 2:29p
Subj: CD's for Sale or TRADE Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I have the following for trade or sale:
Secret of Monkey Island
So Much Stareware
Wizards 6-Pak
Nautilus CD
Duns Reference Plus
Will consider all trade or make me an offer on
the cd's??
Sam Figueroa
* SLMR 2.1a * Sam's Software (615) 728-7383
--- GOMail v1.2 [92-0081]
* Origin: Net 3622 Echomail Corrdinator (1:3622/1000)
From: SAM FIGUEROA Number: 13152
To: LAWRENCE LIU Date: 01/29/94 1:44a
Subj: Best cd-roms for bbs Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
LL> I'm in the process of procuring a Pioneer DRM602X 6-disc
LL> CD-ROM changer. I already have the Busty Babes V2 disc.
LL> Please give me some ideas for the remaining five. I'm
LL> primarily interested in updated, recently published
LL> adult-oriented files. My rating preferrence is for XXX, but
LL> X and XX are fine, too.
LL> Can anyone offer me a package deal of 4-5 CD-ROMs?
LL> Internet e-mail: ll@pcgfx.com
LL> FidoNet node address: 1:125/217
LL> * 1st 1.11 #296s *
LL>--- Squish v1.01
LL> * Origin: The PC GFX Exchange * San Francisco, CA * (1:125/217)
I'll trade ya FAO 1 for you BB v2 cd? I may be able to trade So Much
Stareware but its pending on a deal. AS far as package deals I got the
FAO1,2,3 deal and it was great!
Sam Figueroa
Let me know what ya think
* SLMR 2.1a * Polaroids: What Polar Bears Get From Sitting On Icecaps
--- GOMail v1.2 [92-0081]
* Origin: Net 3622 Echomail Corrdinator (1:3622/1000)
From: MIKE GERVASI Number: 13153
To: JAMES REYLE Date: 01/28/94 12:02p
Subj: Vertical roll on screen Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Then it happened......JRTo all:
JRI have a phillips cdd-462 cd rom player and a trident 256k super vga
JRvideo board. I have an unusual problem with the Grammy Awards cd rom
JRWhen I run the cdrom disk, it runs o'k, but I think when it starts
JRthe motion picture clips, I get this vertical rolling similiar to what
JRyou would see on a tv when you adjust the verticle knob.
JR This disk is a Compton's New Media disk to be more specific. Someone
JR told me that it could be a slow transfer rate from my CD Player to the
JR computer. Someone else told me, it could be my video card. Any ideas?
What year Grammy disk is it that you have? I have one dated 1992 and
there are no motion clips on it, just sound and photos.
* Wave Rider 1.0 [NR] *
--- Blue Wave/Maximus
* Origin: -={ Christian Deliverance BBS, Devonshire BERMUDA }=- (1:3658/1)
From: MIKE GERVASI Number: 13154
To: DONALD WEN Date: 01/28/94 12:03p
Subj: Wanted beatles cd Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Then it happened...... BTW, what
A Hard Day's Might:)
* Wave Rider 1.0 [NR] *
--- Blue Wave/Maximus
* Origin: -={ Christian Deliverance BBS, Devonshire BERMUDA }=- (1:3658/1)
From: CHIP SLATE Number: 13155
To: ANDRE REIS SAKAYA Date: 01/27/94 10:27p
Subj: Re: Problemas Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Tu habla engles? Todos personas no comprende espanol..........Yo hablo engles,
muy muy piquito....... Adios.....Chip Slate
... Warning: Computers can be hazardous to your wealth!
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PURE ENERGY * 910-786-5549 * Mount Airy, NC * 16.8 HST
From: CHIP SLATE Number: 13156
To: CHRIS SNYDER Date: 01/29/94 7:52a
Subj: Games for trade..................... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Chris Snyder to Chip Slate <=-
CS> Front Page Sports Football - $17.90 shipped
I'll take this in trade plus $37.00.Anyway the Address is :Chip Slate
ONLY if it is the NEW Front Page Sports Football PRO!!) HWY 103,P.o. Box 96
If it's not the one just send the Money Order...... C/O:The Claudville
Need your address as well..... C-Ya,Chip Slate
BTW,would you be interested in The Spirit of Excalibur CD ?
... Syntax? Why not? They tax everything else.
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PURE ENERGY * 910-786-5549 * Mount Airy, NC * 16.8 HST
From: WONG THOMAS Number: 13157
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/29/94 12:42p
Subj: Cd-rom Drives+ Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JR> ********* Refurbished Hitachi Model 3600 CD-ROM DRIVES $130 *********
JR> Hitachi model 3500 & NEC model 36 are available needing work @50% off
JR> Catalog of 1,200+ CD-Titles and hardware products available-CDLIST.ZIP
JR> Internet: joe.rinehart@p0.f479.n157.z1.fidonet.org
Can you provided more specs regarding the Hitachi 3600 CD_ROM Drives???
The access rate/transfer rate etc.... I presumed these are used and are these
MPC-1/2 compatible??
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: The Boolean Board MAXimum Overdrive! (403)293-5129 (1:134/12)
From: SCOTT RALEY Number: 13158
To: DENIS COLEMAN Date: 01/28/94 7:45a
Subj: Night Owl 11 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> 999 Planes of Hell BBS CD's Payment :COD,CHEQUE,
> BH: 03-707-2147 8am - 4pm AH: 03-707-2241 after
> 6pm
> Fax: 03-796-1433
> Night Owl 11 has just been ordered, i will have 20
> copies arriving by the 14-2-94, ready for shipping. If
> anyone wants a copy they sell for $48 and postal costs
> $4.
> --- FMail 0.92+
> * Origin: (3:633/253)
$48 for Night Owl 11!!??
Starvector software sells them for $29.90!
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: (1:2612/104)
From: SCOTT RALEY Number: 13159
To: ERIC HO Date: 01/28/94 7:49a
Subj: Dr. CD-ROM titles Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> Looking for dealers.....
> * Dr. Windows II - 500+ MB of
> Windows shareware
> * Dr. Games for Windows - 180+ ready to
> play games 4 Windows
> * Dr. Games for DOS - 60+ ready to play
> games 4 DOS
> * Dr. Shareware II - 640+ MB of latest
> shareware
> * Dr. Fonts for Windows - 2000+ True Type
> fonts 4 Windows
> * Dr. Cliparts - 3000+ Clipart
> files w/TIFF, PCX & GIF
> * Dr. OS/2 Gold - OS/2 shareware.
> Dated in Jan. 1994
> * Dr. Music Lab - Hundreds of
> sample music + utilities
> * Dr. Communication - Utilities for
> LAN, BBS, protocols
> * Dr. Graphics - Images,
> Converters, Utilities
> * Dr. Reference - Programmer's
> guide for A to Z
> Above titles are shareware
> -------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------
> * Sound Factory I - Professional MID, WAV
> files
> Playable from regular
> CD player
> Special sound effects
> Best choice for
> bundling with Sound Card
> * Sound Factory II - Version 2
> * AVI Library - Professional video
> clip for "Video for Win"
> Abvove titles are commercial software
> -------------------------
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Call 408-748-9988 for more detail (Best resource
> for CD titles)
> ---
> * Origin: Bank of GIFs, Dr. Image BBS 408-453-6250
> 14.4K (1:143/88)
I am interested in becoming a dealer for the above cds.
Send me some info please.
Scott Raley
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: (1:2612/104)
From: LAWRENCE MINTZ Number: 13160
To: MIKE GERVASI Date: 01/27/94 11:59p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> Then it happened......
> BF Tony did NOT get busted for running an "adult" BBS
> - he got busted for
> BFselling
> BFFAO 1, FAO 2, Busty Babes, and another such COMMON
> "adult" CD-ROM to an
> BFundercover cop in a "sting" operation.
> AM I missing something? Please don't think me stupid
> or something, but
> why was he busted for selling Adult disks? They aren't
> illegal as far as I
> know. Or am I wrong?
You have to remember that in the US, pornography is subject to *community
standards* which are different from one part of the country to another.
Therefore, what may be legal in California may be considered obscene in Kansas.
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: Mintz BBS, Silver Spring, MD (1:109/427.1)
From: JEFF NEWMAN Number: 13161
To: JASON TAYLOR Date: 01/29/94 11:30a
Subj: Re: new bbs Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JT> Remember online only between 10pm and 7am, 7 days a week.
JT> CLUB X. Where The Lights Dim, And The Arousment Begins.
JT> BBS (03) 462 3204
Melbourne Aust is how many hours ahead ( or behind ) USA Eastern Standard
Time? i.e. if it is 10pm your time Friday night
what time is it in New York or any other EST in the USA?
Obligitory CD question what CDs do you have loaded?
--- EZPoint V2.2
* Origin: Jeff's EZPoint (1:396/17.17)
From: CHARLES W. EVANS Number: 13162
To: CHIP SLATE Date: 01/28/94 6:05p
Subj: Re: The 7Th Guest. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
What type of system are you running the 7th on? My real question is that
I have had 7th since Sept and still cannot get it up and running on a
386DX with a co-processor Vid Board, 8meg ram, on ISA bus. Only the
T7GDEMO works. The T7G program simply defaults to a blank (two lines of
dim characters). The NEC vid board is no longer supported, but have
tried the C&T VESA451 drv and the UVESA from Virgin BBS. Any
suggestions? (Media Vision Studio/16 board). Thanks.
--- QScan v1.04b
* Origin: PSL Online Houston, TX (713)442-6704 1:106/6256 (1:106/6256)
From: NODE JUNCTION Number: 13163
To: ALL Date: 01/29/94 11:07a
Subj: New $19 Cdrom Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
That's right a great SHAREWARE ROM
for ONLY $19.00
Big Sky Rom's newest release, TopDrawer, will ship 2/3/94.
For you who have pre ordered, you'll be the first to get one.
Yeah, I know. What kind of ROM am I getting for 19 bucks?
Possibly the best ROM you have to date!
This ROM is published by SysOps for the SysOp. Tired of
compiling list and heaven knows what else to get a ROM
This is the answer you have been waiting for, affordable
files at this introductory price, to show what TopDrawer
is and can do.
Files.bbs in every DIR, so simple it can be run on a test
drive of QMODEM (tm). Plus SPITFIRE (tm) files SFFILES.BBS.
And you 4DOS (tm) users will find descript.ion files.
If you're a PC-BOARD(tm) SysOp, you'll find a comprehensive
SETMEUP.exe that will install the ROM for you! (...You do
have to have it in the CD-ROM player!) grin........
All archives are compressed using pkzip (PKWARE (tm) 204G
using maximum compression.
All archives and their members have been scanned with the
latest virus scanners.
All files have file_id.diz's in them, GOOD ONE's, at that;
we added over 1,859 full descriptions when none were available
or the author thought that high ASCII looked better.
And on TOP of all that, we have made a great effort to remove
commercial files and other copyright infringements.
Now, what this means is that we set this ROM up for the BBS,
not the end user!!!!
We have, because of current legal cases and judgments within the
publishing community, removed VOC, WAVE, and MIDI sound files. The
real programs are still there; we just deleted the lawyer syndrome.
All of the GIF's are our own, no copyright infringements to worry
about. You are licensed as the ROM owner to distribute them to your
There is also a feature authors DIR. That's the authors we felt
exhibited professional demeanor in program ability and distribution
ease. Plus, we have the text files that are the latest rage -- that
is, we have STEVE ROBERTS stuff, NOT Megabytes of FAQ's or other
drivel. We have taken great pains to think of the user and the SysOp.
You will find your users cruising through this easy file system and
praising you for the setup (that is, if you have great users like we
Both the SuperMart BBS and PC-MONTANA BBS have handicapped users,
and thought went into the files and their placement to enhance the
interface for these special individuals.
Ok, now to the brass tacks: Files -- there are 4,174;that's 624 MB +
uncompressed. Dirs -- no, not 50 or 60, just 45 ; and this ROM will
interface with our first release, BIG SKY 01, so you don't have to do
a major setup all over again!
You've probably heard other SysOps saying that they're removing such &
such ROM offline because of one problem or another. We listen to these
SysOps; you are our bread and butter (low cost spread in this ROM's price).
Now, where can I get this ROM? Well, read the list and you can order
this baby on-line or by fax (24 hours) or by voice (9-8 EST Mon-Sat).
*** PCJ COMPUTING *** Data - 1-615-478-2890 We stock 700+ titles
All major credit Fax - 1-615-479-1047 Lowest prices around
cards accepted Voice - 1-615-339-0235 Download BIGSKY2.ZIP
with no surcharge Orders- 1-800-547-7817 for the files list.
Internet- Douglas.Carpenter@Junction.Cld9.Com
Compuserve- 71754.3514@Compuserve.Com
PC-MONTANA BBS Data - 1-406-284-3120 THE MOTHER BOARD for
(Product Support) BIG SKY ROMs !
--- QScan v1.06b
* Origin: Cloud9 BBS*InterNet Gate (1:106/99)
From: GUIDO PIRAINO Number: 13164
To: BOB HAMILTON Date: 01/29/94 2:27a
Subj: NIGHT OWL 11 Refer: NONE
Read: NO Private: No
BH> > I have Night Owl 11 in stock for $50...
Hi, i have no previuos experience or knowledge of the Night Owl Cd's,
despite hearing the name plenty of times. I have been using The Mega Series
Shareware Cd's. What does Night Owl 11 offer??
--- FMail 0.92
* Origin: THE MILLENNIUM BBS, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario (11:100/104)
From: ROBERT KING Number: 13165
To: ALL Date: 01/29/94 4:57a
Subj: Transfer rates. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
How are people measuring their transfer rates from the CD drive. I loaded an
MS CD and it told me that I did not meet the MPC standard. I am running a
486DX2 with 8Megs of ram, NEC triple spin with PAS Studio sound card.
I think that the PAS may not be able to keep up with the NEC. But would like
to try to see what the transfer rate is.
The CD I tried was Encart (sp?) the encylopedia. (check the time it is
late! 8-[] ).
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Pandora's Box * Eugene OR * (503)343-4520 * HST/DS * (1:152/6)
From: HARRISON GOODKIN Number: 13166
To: DIRK SIBBING Date: 01/29/94 12:00a
Subj: Encarte/Cinemania Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
DS>I've heard that the CD- Roms MS Encarta / MS Cinemania are sold in the USA
DS>for 89$ / 59 $ in several Shops.
DS>Does anyone know the Adress of such a shop and the exact prize ??
I bought cinemania at the price club for $49 around xmas. I
havn't seen it anywhere else for that price. They don't always have the
stuff you want however. I just lucked out.
X QMPro 1.52 X I wonder what this key does... NO CARRIER
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: NYN BBS - Home of Land Of Devastation! (1:300/9)
From: DOUG CARPENTER Number: 13167
To: AERO DREAM Date: 01/29/94 7:54p
Subj: BSR cd-rom drivers Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
BSR is sold by DAK. You should be able to get an 800# for them from
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: MAXspeed/ISDN BBS * 3775 cps..and accelerating!! (1:362/119)
From: STEPHEN WESTOVER Number: 13168
To: CHRIS CHASE Date: 01/28/94 7:59p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=Quoting a message sent by Chris Chase to Stephen Westover about
CC=>I wish I knew I have OS/2 and I can't get a strait answer, So if you
=>find out Leave me a message. Somebody told me that they have got most
=>of the bugs out and some tell me they haven't?
Are you also considering a Gateway? Someone told me to call the
IBM Tech Support and ask about 'pre-sales info' Their number is
1-800-992-4777. I haven't called yet.
Stephen Westover - Shippensburg, PA
* OLX 2.2 * A little greed can get you lots of stuff
--- QM v1.31
* Origin: The Idiot Box RBBS-PC =+> 1-800-295-2943 (1:207/703.0)
From: DON KULHA Number: 13169
To: MAC CD OWNERS Date: 01/26/94 6:33p
Subj: Mac Service Info CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Surplus Apple Service Info CD's (Service Source CDROM) Jan 93 edition
*** Close-Out Special! *** $13 Including Shipping *** 60 CD's Left ***
Contains 75mb of information on servicing Apple products including
compact, modular and notebook CPU's, printers, monitors and network
products. Extensive exploded views of assemblies, including service,
diassembly and adjustment procedures in hypercard format for quick
and easy reference. Covers Mac line (to 2/93) and many discontinued
models. If you're into Macs and have a CDROM it's a great resource.
Price: $18 (Now $13) inc. shipping & handling in the U.S. (1st class)
Mail Orders: Sonoma Online, POB 7518, Santa Rosa CA 95407 (707)545-7533
Local Sales: Visit our office at 3928 Sebastopol Rd., Santa Rosa CA
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Sonoma Online (1:125/7)
From: LAWRENCE MINTZ Number: 13170
To: CHRIS CHASE Date: 01/29/94 9:50a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>-> Hello all...
>-> Does anyone know if the Gateway 2000 CD-ROM will work with OS/2? I
>-> just read an article that only certain brands of CD-ROMs will work
>-> with OS/2. I'm considering the purchase of a Gateway 2000 and want
>-> to get OS/2.
> I wish I knew I have OS/2 and I can't get a strait
> answer, So if you
> find out Leave me a message. Somebody told me that
> they have got most
> of the bugs out and some tell me they haven't?
OS/2 v2.1 works with Gateway 2000 computers, as I have it running on my Gateway
2000 486DX33. I know that the Mitsumi CD-ROM drive that is one of the two
drives that Gateway currently ships with CD-ROM equiped systems will work, but
you need to locate the OS/2 driver. The driver was not shipped with the
initial OS/2 v2.1 release (I can't speak for the OS/2 for Windows edition.)
The same *is probably* true for the Philips drive, which is the other drive
that Gateway currently ships. Both drives are supported in the Corrective
Service Pack Beta that I am currently running, but since I don't have either
drive, I can't test them for you. I have Gateway's original CD-ROM drive, made
by Sony.
--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: Mintz BBS, Silver Spring, MD (1:109/427.1)
From: MAX GREEN Number: 13171
To: HALL STEVENSON Date: 01/29/94 9:33p
Subj: Cache CD Rom drive Only! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
HS> Yes, it caches the cd-rom but is also caches c: and h:.
HS> I don't want them cached since I have a caching controller
HS> that does better w/o a software cache. Do you know how I
HS> can cache the d: drive (cd-rom) only?
Type smartdrv/? BTW, this will work for most all DOS commands.
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Tek-One CDs & Graphics. New Orleans LA. (1:396/17)
From: STEVEN WETTBERG Number: 13172
To: ALL Date: 01/29/94 6:35p
Subj: CD-ROM Spec's Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
I am currently looking at buting a SCSI Cd-Rom drive and have had little
experience with them so I have a few questions.
1. Obviously more cache is better, but how much of a difference would say
64k cache be opposed to 256k.
2. Is a 250ms drive noticablly slower than a 200ms drive, where I would
be kicking myself for buying a 250ms drive.
3. Has anyone had any experience with Texel drives..they have a model with
fairly decent specs I may be interested in.
Also any advice you would have would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance...Steve Wettberg
* Origin: Jar Link BBS (1:387/509)
From: JOHN ULLMER Number: 13173
To: BILL MORRIS Date: 01/29/94 1:03p
Subj: Re: CDROM components Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting Bill Morris to Whomever Can Help Me..... <=-
BM> I am interested in upgrading to a CDRom system, but am such
BM> a rank amateur I can't talk intelligently about such a
BM> system. What separate parts will I need to get a CDROM
BM> system? If the question is to broad, can someone get me
BM> on the right track? Many thanx Bill
Hello Bill. My first recommendation is to read this
conference for a few days, and become aware of the fact
that there is little consensus about ANYTHING having to
do w/ multi-media and CD drives.
You'll need a CD-Drive (reader). Maybe SCSI, maybe not.
You'll need a SCSI board if you go w/ a SCSI CD-Drive,
plus cables, and drivers. Usually come as a single package.
You'll need a sound card and speakers.
You'll need LOTS of patience.
My advice is General. To be specific would consume too
much space.
... Multi-media means multi-headaches.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Thunderbird (1:387/603)
From: CHARLES W. EVANS Number: 13174
To: MARCEL POISOT Date: 01/29/94 6:21p
Subj: Where? Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Marcel, it's 6:25p Sat and I gotta go put plants inside the darkroom.
Will try again Sun 5:30p (gotta go by 6p).
--- QScan v1.04b
* Origin: PSL Online Houston, TX (713)442-6704 1:106/6256 (1:106/6256)
From: STEPHEN HARRINGTON Number: 13175
To: JOHN BARTA Date: 01/28/94 4:47a
Subj: AHDN Problems Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-= John Barta blargled to Donald Wen about Wanted beatles cd: =-
JB>No music, beyond the opening bar when the AHDN opening screen first
JB>comes up, and a black frame with no movie. It does do an initial
JB>read from the CD-ROM when it first books, beyond that nothing but
JB>text and stills. Have yet to call the manufacturer of AHDN.
John, I recently also got AHDN and had a similar problem, I found that I
already had an older version of Quicktime for Windows (put there by Corel
Draw 4.0 for its Quick Tour feature I concluded) installed in my
\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and AHDN was trying to use this rather than the
later 1.1 version it installs. Do a DIR QT*.* on your SYSTEM directory and
see if you get any files. Compare the dates with the ones the AHDN
installs, and if they are later, just copy them all into your SYSTEM
directory and see how you go. Of course you it goes without saying you'd do
a backup before attempting any of this! Worked OK for me though :-)
Stephen Harrington
* Wave Rider 1.10 # 122 *
... Reality is for people who can't handle Science Fiction...
--- Blue Wave/RA
* Origin: The Eagles - 7 Lines and 4 Gig of Files (3:712/704)
From: STEPHEN HARRINGTON Number: 13176
To: MARC CIRCOSTA Date: 01/28/94 4:47a
Subj: New SBCD.SYS Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-= Marc Circosta blargled to All about New SBCD.SYS settings: =-
MC> I've been happily using my Panasonic 562-B drive in DOS for quite some
MC>now, with my SB16 driving the beast, using SBCD.SYS. Lately I found an
MC>of this driver, and so copied over the old one and rebooted, but <shock
MC>horror> it doesn't work.
I had a similar problem Marc. As of v4.12 of the driver, Creative Labs
does not support the CR-562b, only there own CR-563 variant. I think the
driver is coded to look for the ident string from the drive and reject the
"foreign" ones. A VERY regrettable move on Creative Labs part, especially
as they are punishing people who at least liked them enough to purchase
their sound cards, even if not their CD drives. Anyway, you need to go
back to version 4.11 or earlier of the driver, or use the genuine Panasonic
CDMKE.SYS with the /sbp:220 parameter (assuming your SB card is installed
at the default port address). I don't know what the latest version of
CDMKE.SYS is, I've failed so far to find a later version than the one I
have dated 4/93.
Stephen Harrington
* Wave Rider 1.10 # 122 *
... Reality is for people who can't handle Science Fiction...
--- Blue Wave/RA
* Origin: The Eagles - 7 Lines and 4 Gig of Files (3:712/704)
From: WARREN STARK Number: 13177
To: G CRONE Date: 01/24/94 1:23a
Subj: No Audio play Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 01-14-94 G CRONE wrote to ALL...
GC> Can anyone figure out why my CD-ROM will not play audio CD's.
GC> The disc spins and the programs say music is being played, but no
GC> sound.
The problem is probably a smallish 4 wire cable going from the back of the
Rom drive to the sound card. It shoul be included when bought, so take it
back to whoever you bought it from and ask the m about the problem. If
this comes to no avail, they are fairly easy to make.
The encyclopeadias etc.. work because they don't actually play raw audio data
from the disk (as would normal cd digital audio), but they play just like
Wav files or Voc files.
Hope I could be of help
(from Australia)
* OFFLINE 1.56 * This is day 45734587394857987798 of your 31 day evaluation
--- EzyQwk V1.02
* Origin: Black Magic - The Power is Yours - +61-7-804-0617 (3:640/254)
From: WARREN STARK Number: 13178
To: NATHAN MCCARTHY Date: 01/24/94 1:32a
Subj: cd-rom by dreative Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
NM> Ok here is my problem. I have a creative cd-rom
NM> double-spin with 6 megs of ram and I just got the game
NM> Cyber race but when I type the exe it says it can't run
NM> from protected mode. If anyone has any ideas please
NM> please respond/.
The problem is that your computer is in V86 mode (virtual 8086) a.k.a.
protected mode. To run the game you must disable memory managers such as
Emm386 (most common), Qemm, 386Max etc... These all put the computer in
V86 mode for some unknown reason (to me anyway - please let me out of my
cage one of these days :-) ). This should let you run the game.
Hope to of been of help
* OFFLINE 1.56 * I wonder if God has played DOOM yet?!? ;-)
--- EzyQwk V1.02
* Origin: Black Magic - The Power is Yours - +61-7-804-0617 (3:640/254)
From: JACK MILLER Number: 13179
To: CHIP SLATE Date: 01/25/94 2:20p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Thanks Chip for your recommendation on the multimedia kit. I'm a Yank
presently living in Australia, so I'm at the mercy of what the local suppliers
have available. I'll keep my eye out for that one. I take it from your
closing text that you are from North Carolina. This E-Mail thing is great.
Talking over the wires like it was over the fence to a neighbor. Regards and
Jack Miller
--- TMail v1.31.5
* Origin: adam.com.au 50 lines all V32bis (08) 370 5775 (3:800/805)
From: TONY STOTT Number: 13180
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/28/94 8:02a
Subj: !Free Cd Catalog! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 01-23-94, Joe Rinehart elucidated to All:
JR>For 1,500+ CD-Titles & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
Joe, why don't you and other vendors do us all a favour and include,
in double spaced capital letters, the following:-
D O N O T R E P L Y I N T H I S E C H O ! !
So that we don't have to be flooded with messages from people
telling the world the address where they keep their expensive
computer & cdrom gear.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness
■ WinQwk 2.0 B4 #220 ■ Good planets are hard to find - take care of ours!
--- FMail 0.94
* Origin: Coastal Communications Multiline BBS (02)977-6820 (3:714/906)
From: TONY STOTT Number: 13181
To: HAYDEN BRADSHAW Date: 01/28/94 8:02a
Subj: Re: Canadian Cd Catalogue Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On 01-24-94, Hayden Bradshaw elucidated to Bill Devries:
HB>*** Please send a catalog to:
HB>Thanks for asking. Our latest version HRBCD11.ZIP will be shipped
HB>to you shortly.
Puleease! You aren't going to use this international echo to personally
thank everyone who asks you to send them a catalog (or catalogue,
whatever) are you?
Don't you think this might annoy folks a teensy bit?
■ WinQwk 2.0 B4 #220 ■ Unrecoverable sytem error at 417A:32CF. Incompetent
--- FMail 0.94
* Origin: Coastal Communications Multiline BBS (02)977-6820 (3:714/906)
From: JOEL DUMAS Number: 13182
To: JAMES SUMMERS Date: 01/28/94 2:32a
Subj: Re: Smartdrv and CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-=> Quoting James Summers to All <=-
JS> Hello-
JS> I have but one question. Can DOS Smartdrv Cache a CD-rOm?
JS> James Summers
JS> -!- FMail 0.96Γ
JS> ! Origin: London - now game/adventure! - 407.895.1335 (1:363/69)
Only the one that comes with DOS version 6.2.
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.11 [NR]
* Origin: The Perth Omen. Western Australia's First BBS (3:690/660)
From: GORDON COWAN Number: 13183
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 10:38p
Subj: Toolworks reference libra Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
@SUBJECT:Toolworks Reference Library N Has
anybody got a fix for this problem? I have a 486 svga with a 1 meg cirrus
card. Software Toolworks Reference Library on CD ROM crashes the video when
loaded! I have discovered that not loading the mouse driver fixes the problem
- but who wants to use both hands anyway? A variety of rodent drivers and dos
versions have been tried to get around this stupid hassle, to no avail. The
problem has been replicated on a 386dx also running a cirrus svga card!
--- DB 1.54/003730
* Origin: Rick's Board | 61-3-5983480 | (3:632/514)
From: ALBERT CHONG Number: 13184
To: ALL Date: 01/26/94 1:57a
Subj: St:Tos Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
i have read that there is a CDROM game called "judgement Rites" by Inteplay,
which is set in the ST:TOS era.
Can some one please tell me what is this game about? And when was it released
(or more to the point has it been released in Australia yet)?
Thanks in advance.
X KWQ/2 1.2d NR X "human .... I find that remark insulting" - Spock, Star Trek
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Melbourne PC User Group +61-3-699-6788 (3:632/309)
From: PATRICK FITZGERALD Number: 13185
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 3:04p
Subj: My First Time Now Works. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi All
I just thought I'd tell you that I've managed to get this CD working OK
now. The problem appears to relate with the MOUSE driver that was supplied
with my MS Compatible mouse. I found that without the mouse loaded the
Video now loads fine, using the directional keys on my keyboard & the enter
keys instead, to select which video to watch on the first start
up screen, although you cannot click on the VCR like controls while
actually watching a video segment... It think it's quite strange that
it's the mouse driver supplied that caused all the trouble, particularly
when all my other software, including MS DOS & Windows 3.1 works fine
with that driver but doesn't work with this CD.
Anyway I've managed to get an updated MS Mouse Driver version 8.20
& all is now fine, the Mouse now works on the VCR Screen controls as well
as the startup screen. For those interested I found these on the Night
Owl CD disc Version 8 under the DOS Section (MSMOUSE.ZIP I think !)
As for the disc content I guess it is interesting to see how
far this video technology has gone so far. When will we see "The Simpsons"
on CD....
Thanks to all those who gave me some hints,
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Melbourne PC User Group +61-3-699-6788 (3:632/309)
From: PATRICK FITZGERALD Number: 13186
To: TONY STOTT Date: 01/27/94 3:32p
Subj: My First Time Doesn't Wor Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
It was my MOUSE DRIVER that was screwed for the first time, not me ! <g>
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Melbourne PC User Group +61-3-699-6788 (3:632/309)
From: PATRICK FITZGERALD Number: 13187
To: JOEL DUMAS Date: 01/27/94 3:35p
Subj: Re: My First Time DOESN'T WORK ! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Thanks for the tip Joel, but it appears all I needed was an updated
MS Mouse driver. Strange really considering I've been running all my
other MS DOS & Windows applications without any problems until I purchased
this CD. I also found that it worked without any mouse, although you
couldn't control the Video VCR-like controls on the bottom of the
Video segments. Anyway I'm now using a true Bill Gates MS Driver version 8.20
instead of my compatible driver that came with my mouse.
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Melbourne PC User Group +61-3-699-6788 (3:632/309)
From: PATRICK FITZGERALD Number: 13188
To: JIM SHARRER Date: 01/27/94 3:44p
Subj: My first time doesn't wor Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Thanks for your comments...
I've managed to get the CD working OK now.
It appears that the CD didn't like my MOUSE driver. When I didn't load
the driver in my AUTOEXEC file the startup screen loaded fine & I used
the directional arrow keys & the enter key to select a video segment,
although the VCR-like controls (PAUSE,etc) on the actual video screen
don't work, but who cares.
I've managed to get an updated Bill Gates true
MS Mouse Driver Version 8.20 & the mouse appears to work fine now with
the CD. Strange really, considering that the original mouse driver that
came with my mouse was fully MS Compatible (I've had no trouble running
MS-DOS & Windows 3.1 applications before buying this CD !). The problem
can't have been memory as the MS Driver I'm now using chews up slightly
more memory than the original.
Yes, I read the TROUBLE.TXT file but the
Video on my Cirrus card appears fine, although my card is using an ISA
bus & not a LOCAL video bus I believe you are using. Ditto about the
Sound though, my Sound quality waxes & wanes during the Video from
Excellent to really distorted. Maybe this is due to processing power
the Video is using... The more complex the Video frames the more
likely the Sound degrades. I might try changing some of the settings
on my SB 16 ASP card. If I notice any improvements I'll get back to you...
PS: I've found that the quality of the Sound & Picture is overall much
better with my CD-ROM on single speed & not Double-speed.
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: Melbourne PC User Group +61-3-699-6788 (3:632/309)
From: DAVID ADKINS Number: 13189
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 5:14a
Subj: Mitsumi Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Does anyone have drivers to run Mitsumi CDROM under Windows NT 3.1
please or know if one exists.
Any help appreciated
--- WM v2.09/91-0520
* Origin: Bible Lighthouse BBS! Melbourne, (03)7260110 (3:632/453)
From: MARK BRACKEN Number: 13190
To: DAVE WONG Date: 01/29/94 4:40a
Subj: New CD's Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
When you get your new cd's leave me a message.
* Origin: The Eagles - 7 Lines and 4 Gig of Files (3:712/704)
From: MARK BRACKEN Number: 13191
To: BOON TEE Date: 01/29/94 4:49a
Subj: Unwanted Game CD'S Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Boon Tee,
Thanks for the reply. Is the sherlock cd you have, the games or
the Book's? If it is the game I will buy your cd's But I need to know how to
get you the money. I hope I can trust you to send the cd's. Can you send them
via post priority paid. Leave your postal address and I will send the money
order or I can bank the money into your account. Leave me a messageress on how
you want it done. If you can give me a phone number so I can ring you during
9.00am - 5.30pm I will call you.
* Origin: The Eagles - 7 Lines and 4 Gig of Files (3:712/704)
From: MARK BRACKEN Number: 13192
To: SIMON CLAUSEN Date: 01/29/94 4:52a
Subj: Unwanted Game CD'S Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Simon,
Thnks for the message. If you will take yoe will take 40.00 and
post the cd for me. I will pay up front, and call you during the day at a
specified time.
* Origin: The Eagles - 7 Lines and 4 Gig of Files (3:712/704)
From: MARTIN KAY Number: 13193
To: QMAIL Date: 01/24/94 10:25p
Subj: Drop Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Adelaide PC Users Group BBS (3:800/883)
From: MARTIN KAY Number: 13194
To: QMAIL Date: 01/26/94 12:00a
Subj: Drop Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Adelaide PC Users Group BBS (3:800/883)
From: FRANK BUCKLE Number: 13195
To: SIMON CLAUSEN Date: 01/27/94 5:34p
Subj: CR-562-B & SBPRO2 DRV'S (HELP) Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Thanks Simon. I still have not got the CD-ROM drive going, and I don't have a
copy of CDMKE43.SYS. If you could upload it for me it would be much
Regards, Frank Buckle.
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Computer Connection - Australia - +618 326 2388 (3:800/809)
From: BOON TEE Number: 13196
To: DENIS COLEMAN Date: 01/26/94 6:09p
Subj: 1994 CD Catalogue now re Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
>Well finally the 1994 CD catalogue is now ready for
>release, the cd database contains over 1100 titles with
>another 200 yet to be put in but will be done by the time
>everyone asks for a copy to be posted to them on 720k
>floppy disks.
>leave your address here for a copy, or call
One for me please. Boon Tee
3/26 Avenue Road
Frewville 5063
* UniQWK v2.1 * The Windows Mail Reader
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Computer Connection - Australia - +618 326 2388 (3:800/838)
From: GLENN BRADY Number: 13197
To: CHRIS PASCOE Date: 01/27/94 1:27a
Subj: Modems Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
As I recall, Chris Pascoe was heard to pronounce to GLENN BRADY
regarding Modems. I think it was on 01-24-94 09:04.
GB>I didn't see your original post, but Telecom will be launching a
GB>called "Homefax" later this year. It is basically distinctive ring and
CP> By AXE only did you mean "AXE only" or "AXE and System 12"... As I'm
CP> particularly interested in something like this it would be nice if it
CP> could be put on my S12 line... (I do have Call waiting available)
Good question. Hang fire while I dig out my trusty BS file......
You can make a cup of coffee while you wait if you like. :-)
O.K. found it. This is from photocopied info sheet from Telecom.
The bits in brackets are my own addition.
Homefax operates by utilising different ring cadences for
each number ... (using) ... facilities currently being
implemented, by software upgrades in AXE and System 12
exchanges. ^^^^^^^^^
The capability to decode the ring cadences ... can be
incorporated in either the fax machine (or faxmodem), or
be provided by a ring discriminating switch in the customers'
A 'Homefax' package is likely to consist of:
(blah, blah, blah...)
* Digital access via an AXE or System 12 exchange.
* Access to FaxStream Enhanced services, e.g. Mailbox,
Never Busy Fax. (Whatever that is.)
* Any other AXE or System 12 features ... desired.
There's a phone number to call for more info. (03) 634-6922.
There are no dates on the photocopy, but it is supposed to become available
this year some time.
Hooroo for now
?Glenn B.?
* WaveRdr 1.10 # 49 * There are _no_ absolute statements.
--- Maximus 2.00
* Origin: 4-DOS BBS Geelong (3:635/513)
To: KEVIN MARKOWITZ Date: 01/28/94 1:27a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Kevin, I tried Nautilus for 4 months and think it is really a good
format for all kinds of multimedia stuff. I cannot seem to find their
address however, get to a Best Buy, Electek, or any store that sells
software and CDs. You should be able to find a Nautilus CD that will
give you a idea what the format is all about, plus when you register the
CD with Nautilus they send you 2 additional months to try out. Good
Luck, Michael.
KM>Hi All,
KM>Does anyone know of a CD-ROM magazine that is available, called
KM>"Nautilus" <sp?>. It comes out monthly, and is like any normal
KM>magazine you would buy at CNA, only it's on CD-ROM.
KM>If anyone has any info please NetMail with the info.
KM> Thanks...
KM> ]<evin.
KM>--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
KM> * Origin: Layout de Marillac, Roodepoort, RSA, +27-11-768-2435
--- FLAME v1.0
* Origin: 20/20 TBBS * Chicago * 312-769-2020 @9600+ 769-1227 @2400
From: MICHAEL HAMMER Number: 13199
To: CHRISTOPH STEINECKE Date: 01/29/94 7:41p
Read: [N/A] Private: No
* In a message originally to Bob Breed, Christoph Steinecke said:
cs>How can I see, if my CD's are gold plated ?
cs>All the Photo CD's I have, habve
cs>a gold colour, but what's the optical difference ?
If you look in the November 1993 Issue of CD-ROM Professional there is a
detailed article on Photo-CD. Kodak Photo CD disk use Gold as the reflecting
layer. this in combination with an organic dye (which is what is burned off by
the recording laser) is layed on the polycarbonate substrate. The gold is
required to give sufficient reflection (ration better than 70%) for proper
* Origin: The Midrange System (1:115/439)
From: MARTIN CLEAVER Number: 13200
To: DIRK SIBBING Date: 01/29/94 10:34a
Subj: Encarte/Cinemania Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi Dirk,
In a message of <Tue 25 Jan 94 21:24> to All (), you wrote:
DS> I've heard that the CD- Roms MS Encarta / MS Cinemania are sold in the USA
DS> for 89$ / 59 $ in several Shops.
DS> Does anyone know the Adress of such a shop and the exact prize ??
They are now also being sold in Europe for similar prices. That was a special
deal in the States, I think up till 31/12/93. The same (or similar) deal was
introduces in Holland on 1 January. If you buy locally, you can also claim the
tax back and avoid the likes of CCI...
Bye, Martin.
--- The-Box Point 0.15+ PC
* Origin: Artnet Sysop Point (2:280/204.1)
From: ANTHONY GRILLO Number: 13201
To: GORDON PETERSON Date: 01/30/94 1:25a
Subj: Re: looking for a CD ROM Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
GP> drive bu
JM>>decied to wait and shop aroud. I plan to spend no more than $650. Any
GP> advi
JM>>would be appreciated.
GP> I'm getting caddyless/motorized drawer internal double-speed
GP> Panasonic drives with controller card (supports up to 4
GP> drives), cables and driver software for $206 here in Paris...
GP> why pay so much more?
I sell them, $245 plus shipping. And they play music CD's while
running other programs. OEM drive made by Panasonic 562B.
--- Via Silver Xpress V3.02
* Origin: Silver Xpress Mail System (1:272/94)
From: ANTHONY GRILLO Number: 13202
To: KYLE MACHULIS Date: 01/30/94 1:32a
Subj: Re: HELP Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
KM> ╒═══════════════════════════════╕
KM> ▓▌▄I am a little(?) confused about the differences between
KM> OEM,MPC,& Mac ▓▌▄type CD's. I have Mac and I have SoftPC,
KM> which will run PC software... ▓▌▄
KM> ╘═══════════════════════════════╛
KM> All of these are TOTALLY different acronyms...
KM> OEM means something is ommited, where being the docs, or
KM> registration card,
No it dosen't... OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer, the
idea is that you buy OEM equipment as a distributor or dealer and you
supply the Documentation and installation instructions. Like buying a
car. The tires are OEM, Goodyear, etc.... The Panasonic 562B Drive is
made by Panasonic for the OEM market, thats why they are such a good
--- Via Silver Xpress V3.02
* Origin: Silver Xpress Mail System (1:272/94)
From: STEVE GOYER Number: 13203
To: ALL Date: 01/27/94 10:00p
Subj: Windows CD Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Could somebody recommend a good CD with fairly new Windows programs on
it, thanks.
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: The Exchange OS/2 BBS Prince George V32bis (1:359/200)
From: BRUCE WEBSTER Number: 13204
To: JOE RINEHART Date: 01/31/94 12:30a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
RL>JR>*********** FREE HUGE CD-ROM DISC & accessories CATALOG!*************
RL>JR>For the largest selection & lowest prices, get our NEW catalog...
RL>JR>If you'd like a printed copy, send your mailing information to us.
Great! Please send a copy to:
Bruce Webster
7436 Lynwood Way
Highland, CA 92346
# SLMR 2.1a # Work harder... Millions on Welfare are depending on you!
* LAKOTA v1.1
--- FreeMail 1.10 alpha-3
* Origin: GameMaster BBS * 909-889-3219 * Supra 14.4 * (1:207/229)
From: BRUCE WEBSTER Number: 13205
To: DEREK STUTSMAN Date: 01/31/94 12:30a
Subj: Re: The 7th Guest Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
DS>JU> My PROBLEM is repetitive puzzles that have no relation to
DS>JU> the plot or story line. The difficulty level of the puzzles
DS>JU> is NOT the point. They have all been VERY easy.
DS>Story line?? WHAT story line? I played the whole game to completion
DS>without getting an adequate grasp of what the story was about! Sure, I
DS>picked up the general idea, but I feel it was far underdeveloped.
My sentiments EXACTLY. And as for the difficulty levels of the
puzzles, I disagree. Some were a bear. Like the Bishops and the
Microscope. REAL hard, for me at least... And almost everyone
I've talked to. Take care.
# SLMR 2.1a # "Choice is irrelevant."- Loqutus of Pepsi.
* LAKOTA v1.1
--- FreeMail 1.10 alpha-3
* Origin: GameMaster BBS * 909-889-3219 * Supra 14.4 * (1:207/229)
From: ANDRE VILLENEUVE Number: 13206
To: ALL Date: 01/29/94 10:40p
Subj: Problem Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hi !
I have a little problem with my CD-ROM. Sometimes when a user try to get on my
sections on the CD-ROM, he received a message that the sections doesn't exist.
When I tried to read my CD through Xtreegold it says "Error reading drive D"
and through Dos I get this message "CDR101 Unknown error".
Sometimes it can be o.k. for a hole day and some other times it appends once or
twice a day.
Can someone help me.
André Villeneuve
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: L'Interzone BBS, Gatineau,Que. (819)243-2133 (1:243/52)
From: JOHN SHEW Number: 13207
To: ALL Date: 01/31/94 12:37a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Does anyone have file lists for the Night Owl series with single-line
--- FLAME v1.0
* Origin: 20/20 TBBS * Chicago * 312-769-2020 @9600+ 769-1227 @2400
From: MICHAEL HAMMER Number: 13208
To: KYLE MACHULIS Date: 01/31/94 12:37a
Subj: Re: HELP Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
* In a message originally to David Hill, Kyle Machulis said:
km> All of these are TOTALLY different acronyms...
km> OEM means something is ommited, where being the docs, or
km>registration card,
km> or in some extream cases, the games!! (Just kidding about
km>the game)...
km> MPC means you must have some kind of Soundcard and A cD-Rom
km>drive to
km> run it.
km> Mac means Macintosh only. (wow, that was a hard one...)
Kyle, I know you were trying to help Dave, but your information is a little bit
OEM is an acronym for Original Equipment Manufacturer. This means that the
company selling the product under its brand name is not the manufacturer. In
some cases the product is exactly the same, in others there are differences.
MPC1 and MPC2 are standards set by the Multimedia PC Marketing Council.
MPC1 requires a 386processor, a single speed CD-ROM drive, and an 8-bit sound
MPC2 requires a 486 CPU, a double speed CD-ROM Drive, a 16 bit sound card and
includes Video for Windows Softare compliancy.
MAC is not an acronym...it is an abbreviation for Macintosh.
* Origin: The Midrange System (1:115/439)
From: DAVID ROBERTS Number: 13209
To: THE LAWMAN Date: 01/31/94 12:43a
Subj: SCSI VS. IDE Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
On Jan 28 17:49 94, The Lawman of 1:116/39 wrote:
TL> and so on as you add devices until you have 7 total. So if
TL> you had the money, you could have a machine with 2 ide
TL> drives with ide controller and a scsi controller with 7 six
TL> disk minichangers hooked up to it on just one machine, which
Do you know anything about the SCSI/IDE controller cards that allow both types
of drive interface to co-exist on the same system? How much trouble is it to
have 2 controller cards on 1 system. It seems like that would cause conflicts.
--- Msgedsq/2 2.2e
* Origin: Sapphire Jelly BBS * (919)383-4939 * Durham, NC (1:3641/235)
From: HERMAN WIGGINS Number: 13210
To: ALL Date: 01/30/94 9:46p
Subj: Computer Club International Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello All!
I ordered a Cd-rom from these guys and let me tell you folks they had
the best support of all I have ever seen, very friendly guys and
thousand of titles to choose from..their prices were unbelievable, real
competative on their products, they were kind enough with my order to
send me a catalog on disk something worth having..they worked hard to
make sure my C.O.D. order were shipped to me in time..You just gotta
give these guys a try...their advertisement is sure to be in this echo..
* WCE 1.5/2094 * Artificial Intelligence: The other guy's opinion.
--- WM v3.10/92-0403
* Origin: International Computers (813)823-4364 (1:3603/300)
From: RICK NAY Number: 13211
To: OKTAVIAN FLORYSIAK Date: 01/30/94 11:53a
Subj: Re: SONY CD-ROM Question! Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Sony makes a controller. There are also several sounds boards that have the
sony interface on them like the sound blaster mcd, Cardinal digital sound pro
and I think the orchid soundwave, and the sound galaxy I think does too.
* Origin: Ground Zero 813-849-4034 New Port Richey, FL NEC (1:3619/25)
To: BRICE FLECKENSTEIN Date: 01/29/94 10:53a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
In scriptura diei <Jan 20 17:39>, Brice Fleckenstein ipse (1:231/190) dixit:
>>fido used to a be an amateur network, not an advertising jam.
BF> Your information is badly outdated - commercial ads have been welcome in
BF> several echoes for YEARS now (at least 8, as HDSALE permitted them back
BF> when I first JOINED FidoNet).
Here too, yet in reserved and explictly tagged echos circulated among
consenting people. What I cannot agree is the intermixing of commercial
advertising and debating as it happens here.
I speak for myself: advertising is less beneficial outside the country it comes
from, whereas debating has a broader scope and a greater driving force.
Wouldn't you become quickly annoyed if we posted tons of uncompetitive
advertising from Paris to Lyon, from Milan to Rome, from Basel to Zurich, from
Praha to Sofia?
I would welcome a splitting into an informative CDROM and a commercial
CDROM_FOR_SALE area. Of course we also could create a CDROM.Z2 but this would
also mortify the world-wide scope fidonet conferences achieve.
--- msgedsq 2.1
* Origin: Laboratory Medicine Online = TeleSIBioC (2:331/307.1)
From: LUCA SPADA Number: 13213
To: ROB MCINTYRE Date: 01/30/94 11:42a
Subj: Re: Help Amiga titles. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
In a message of 27 Jan 94 , Rob Mcintyre writes to Denis Coleman:
RM> He now has monthly cd-roms, quarterly online roms and a 1000 disk online
RM> cdrom,but if you just want "The Fred Fish Collection On CDROM", you can
RM> get it from :
Do you know which is the latest version of the Fred Fish Collection ?
Sky Luke (skyluke@skylink.aare.net.ch)
* Origin: Sky Link - 8gb/81000 files - 6 lines - SAN WHQ (2:331/106)
From: LON SEIDMAN Number: 13214
To: PAUL PICCIONI Date: 01/29/94 7:27p
Subj: CD rom GAMES Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
PP> Lo Out there, Juts wondering if anyone can recomend any
PP> good new or old Games.
If you are into action/arcade games, I'd recommend Rebel Assault. It's a
fantastic game with great graphics, sound and acting.
--- Maximus 2.00
* Origin: The Matrix BBS (1:141/111)
From: JOE SITKO Number: 13215
To: HALL STEVENSON Date: 01/29/94 9:31a
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hall Stevenson wrote
HS> My problem now is that smartdrive wants to cache c: and h: also.
HS> I have a caching controller and adding any software cache
HS> decreases the performance (in my testing). The syntax I use is:
HS> loadhigh smartdrv d:+ c:- h:- 256
HS> Anything wrong with that? Any suggestions?
What type of testing did you perform and what were the before
and after results? Why wouldn't you want to also cache your C
drive? What's the significance of the "256" in your statement?
If its supposed to be an element size (/E), the only allowable
numbers are 1024, 2048, 4096, or, the default 8192.
HS>JS> The problem was that I had to re-pin the JS> cable that attached
HS>to the sound card, by reversing the positions of JS> the 4 wires.
HS>I suggest you check the JS> wiring diagrams of the CD
HS>rom sound output terminals and the sound JS> input terminals of the
HS>sound card.
HS> Do you, or anyone else, happen to know the pin setup for the
HS> SBPro's line-in connection?
I don't have the book handy, right now, but I DO remember the
wiring had to be completely reversed. For example:
From 1-2-3-4 To 4-3-2-1, in other words, I had to
completely reverse the 4 wires in the connector.
Hope this helps..........
Joe Sitko on Saturday, 01/29/94 09:30:46
... My mail reader can beat up your mail reader.
■ TLX 3.32ß ■
--- WM v3.10/93-0158
* Origin: The Glass Menagerie II (610) 376-1819 V32.Bis (1:2607/401.0)
From: GLEN DEAN Number: 13216
To: JERRY CUPPLES Date: 01/17/94 8:01p
Subj: Re: Caddy Shortage In Da Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
JC>I have a new Apple CD300 which uses the Sony caddies. All the dealers in
JC>big D seem to be out of the caddies, and the price is pretty near the
JC>of the darn CD's. Any suggestions on where to get a box of the things
JC>Thanks, Jerry
Try looking in Computer Shopper Magazine. You can get them mail order
reasonable. You'll just have to wait a few days for delivery.
* PowerEdit 1.0 It's not me, my computer is illeterate.
--- PowerEcho v2.2
* Origin: Eight Penny- (313) 434-7177 Ypsilanti, MI (1:2200/511)
From: DAN BOOTH Number: 13217
To: MICHAEL FIORINI Date: 01/19/94 7:56a
Subj: Re: Philips Cdom Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> I've got an old philips cd-rom drive . But the controller
> and the
> drivers for this cd-rom were missing when I got it :(
Hey! I too am the "proud" owner of an ancient Philips CD Rom. Mine is a
CM153. It's real slow but works well and is built like a tank. I think they
are still taken care of by the Laser Magnetics company 4425 ArrowsWest
drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80907. PH 1-800-777-5674.
If that doesnt work try SCSC Advance Storage at 512-338-4745.
Let me warn you first that neither of these companies was very helpful, also
the cost of just the card and drivers may end up being about as much as the
purchace of a new Rom Drive.
Good Hunting!!!
--- Opus-CBCS 1.73a
* Origin: Snowshoe Consulting BBS (1:2200/101.0)
From: SCOTT HENDERSON Number: 13218
To: CHIP SLATE Date: 01/21/94 7:21p
Subj: Re: Games for trade.................................................... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
We will repeat what Chip Slate said to All,
for those of you who missed it last time.
CS> The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes-3.5"-Box & instructions
CS> Sherlock Holmes Cons. Det. Vol.2&3..Both include Box &
I am interested in these, what are you looking for, games, or what? How much
would you want in cash?
You can call me if you like.
Scott Henderson
* Origin: The Full Tower, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (313) 996-2828 (1:2200/305)
From: SCOTT HENDERSON Number: 13219
To: GIULIANO MACIOCCI JR Date: 01/23/94 3:54p
Subj: Re: OS2/2.1 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
We will repeat what Giuliano Maciocci Jr said to All,
for those of you who missed it last time.
GMJ> Hi All!
GMJ> I may soon buy a copy of OS2/2.1 on CD-ROM, but I have a
GMJ> question to ask:
GMJ> My hard drive is compressed with Stacker 3.1 (Excellent!) and I
GMJ> was wondering if I'd be able to install OS2/2.1 on it without
GMJ> having to reformat everything. I have a 386/DX-40 with 4MB RAM
I don't believe Stacker has a version for os/2 which would be required in order
to use it with os/2. However, the way stacker works, you could leave a small
stacvol file and then access it when you reboot in dos mode, but I do not
currently know of a way to use it in os/2 since Stacker must be run in the
config.sys, which isn't quite the same in os/2.
* Origin: The Full Tower, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (313) 996-2828 (1:2200/305)
From: DANA REPOUILLE Number: 13220
To: STEPHEN WESTOVER Date: 01/29/94 9:46a
Subj: Gateway Cd And Os/2 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
-> Does anyone know if the Gateway 2000 CD-ROM will work with
-> OS/2?
-> I just read an article that only certain brands of CD-ROMs will
-> work with OS/2. I'm considering the purchase of a Gateway 2000
-> and want to get OS/2.
Problem: Gateway is pre-installing Windows for Workgroups on all
systems, and you can't run Workgroups with OS/2. You can run all of
your Windows applications fine under OS/2, though.
--- QScan v1.04b
* Origin: The Online Pitstop (1:285/34) 402-292-8924 (1:285/34)
From: STEVEN LANG Number: 13221
To: ALL Date: 01/30/94 3:59p
Subj: Creative Labs cd / OS2 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Does anyone know if there is a driver for the creative labs double spin
internal CD player for OS/2 ?
* Origin: Pit Bull Bizarre! San Marcos, TX * (512)392-1377 (1:382/51)
From: DEREK STUTSMAN Number: 13222
To: STEVE PRATT Date: 01/28/94 9:23p
Subj: "popping" Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
> I am getting really frustrated. I have a Panasonic 562x CD-RO
>SB16 card hooked together. Everything works great except I get this a
>popping sound when running some games (like Rebel Assault, 7th Guest,
JB>ect.). I
>have a 386DX40 w/8 meg RAM.
You have the _exact_ (and I mean EXACT) system I do!! I also own both
games you describe, and yes, the sound is horrible on both.
T7G gave me really annoying pops (like during the final "Come Baaaaaack!"
vocal.) The voices were also buried and were _very_ difficult to hear. I
tried setting my SB16 mixer first, then starting the game. Same problem,
low voices. So I exited the game and checked the mixer again; lo and
behold, T7G changed my sound settings!!! As far as I know, there is no
easy way around this, other than turning your speakers way up. (Yuck.)
As for Rebel Assault, that sound is the worst I have ever heard in a game.
I got so much hiss it drove me crazy (and with native SB16 support too!)
Everything else works fine, and I would blame those two software items
before your hardware. PS-Strike Commander CD sounds great! You may like
Derek Stutsman
* Wave Rider 1.10 # 153 *
... Well here's the problem JERKY!
--- Blue Wave/Maximus
* Origin: Code 3 BBS *Lewisville,TX* 214-221-7139/436-8753 (1:124/6106)
From: PAUL MERKIN Number: 13223
To: SAMUEL SPINSTEIN Date: 01/23/94 11:54a
Subj: Re: Panasonic 562 Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
SS> One more question, has anyone played The Journeyman Project by Quadra
SS> Interactive?
I got it and returned it... it was pathetic.
Paul Merkin
--- CNet XFIDO 2.63
* Origin: Powerstation BBS* Grand Prairie,Tx. 214-606-0327 (1:124/6302)
From: REED HUGHES Number: 13224
To: RUSS DIVIS Date: 01/30/94 3:48p
Subj: Nec 3Xi Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
If you get the info back on this please write a note about it because im °─in
the same situation as you with a pas-16 and want a 3i
Reed Hughes
* Origin: X-Ray Central -*- Lowell, AR -*- (501) 751-2713 -*- (1:391/1240)
From: MARK HAYDEN Number: 13225
To: RANDY BROWN Date: 01/28/94 11:39p
Subj: Re: Looking Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Randy; You should have gotten a driver with your CD to do this, or their are a
number of programs available on the BBS's. I personally use the one included
in my Comm program "Terminate". It lets me play music during U/L's and D/L's
so I do not fall asleep
Hope this helps. If I find a program in my library, I will U/L here.
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Beta-13)
* Origin: SilverSTar * (604)980-7257 * (604)980-0411 * FAST (1:153/4076)
From: BRIAN SCHOENBECK Number: 13226
To: ALL Date: 01/29/94 10:03p
Subj: Good BBS CD's Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Just curious: what are the best CD-ROM drives and CD's for a BBS to use as a
file source?
/*Brian S.*/
--- FreeMail 1.10 alpha-3
* Origin: The Dead Zone! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! (1:105/1015)
From: CHRIS SNYDER Number: 13227
To: CHIP SLATE Date: 01/30/94 3:31p
Subj: Games for trade..................... Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
CS> Front Page Sports Football - $17.90 shipped
CS> I'll take this in trade plus $37.00.Anyway the Address is :Chip
CS> Slate ONLY if it is the NEW Front Page Sports Football PRO!!) HWY
CS> 103,P.o. Box 96
CS> If it's not the one just send the Money Order...... C/O:The
In trade for what? I make a lot of offers that never get answered, so I
don't keep them all. So I haven't a clue what I wanted to buy from you.
SMRead 3.3 #?
--- FreeMail 1.10 alpha-3
* Origin: The Outer-Limits/Planet Connect System (618)439-9629 (1:2290/70)
From: TIM HELTON Number: 13228
To: DOUG CARPENTER Date: 02/01/94 9:55a
Subj: Best New $19 SHAREWARE CD Refer: 13119
Read: NO Private: No
-> That's right a great SHAREWARE ROM
-> for ONLY $19.00
Doug, 10 line max on ads... You know that.
From: DENIS SHANAHAN Number: 13229
To: BILL LUNDBERG Date: 01/29/94 4:32p
Subj: Cd Compatibility Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
Hello Bill...
BL>Does anyone know if the Radioshack CDR-1000 is the same as a Mitsuimi Lu0005
BL>I just got a Soundblaster 16 Multi CD and wonder if I can use the interface
BL>the SB card for my CD ROM.
Yes the Tandy CDR1000 is an early Mitsumi... if you have one of those,
make sure that you get the later drivers and also, I believe there are
two wires that you have to swap (in the audio cable) in order for it to
work, but you should have very little trouble as far as getting the
sound right... as for full motion video, I am afraid that those CD
drives are not fast enough for that.... but for everything else, they
should do the trick....
Hope this helps...
* OLX 2.1 TD * Press "+" to see another tagline.
--- TriDog 6.0
* Origin: The *ORION* System (512)-244-6297 (1:382/203)
From: TIM KLAN Number: 13230
To: RICKY BOOTH Date: 01/27/94 6:44p
Subj: '94 CD's. Refer: NONE
Read: [N/A] Private: No
RB>What new CD's are coming out in '94? I hear that Night Owl 11 is out, anythi
>else planned from anyone else in the way of BBS type CD's? (NO, PIER, CoC)
So Much Shareware 4. I guess it'll have the hand-picked files for
quality again, and will install itself to your bbs automatically, no
matter what software you're using.. None of the So Much disks have
ever had virus problems, my bbs's users love em!
Night Owls 11 is out and its great if you *MUST HAVE* all those nice
filler GIF, JPEG, etc files. I really doubt many of the GIFS on any new
disks are actually new files. the date on those gets changed really
--- FreeMail 1.09
* Origin: